
1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
The vaccine against the new coronavirus was created before the disease appeared ; three persons who recently arrived from China in Sarajevo Canton are under medical supervision and have brought the COVID-19 in Sarajevo.



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  • A message sent by WhatsApp states that the Ministry of Defense of China has announced that it has 'successfully' developed a vaccine against the new coronavirus, which causes Covid-19 disease. Portugal would receive the first doses in a few days.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Exactly, exactly. And the story behind the Intelligence League is a very simple one. After COVID ended up spreading around the United States and producing a gigantic domestic disaster, obviously, our intelligence services wanted to prove that they were not responsible for what happened, that they had provided the information to the top American leadership, which was just ignored. In other words, they wanted to get away from being blamed for the disaster. Therefore, four separate intelligence sources confirmed to ABC News that the secret report had been provided to the White House and our top leadership in November describing a potentially cataclysmic disease outbreak taking place in the city of Wuhan, China. The problem with it, the problem they ran into is then when somebody checked the timeline, they realized in November, there was no cataclysmic disease outbreak in Wuhan. At that point, according to all the available knowledge and retrospective evidence, probably a dozen or maybe 20 people were starting to feel a little bit sick in a city of 11 million. There was no way for any outside observer to possibly be aware of the disease outbreak at that point. In fact, the Chinese government itself only became aware of the outbreak at the end of December, six or seven weeks later. So naturally, the Pentagon immediately denied the existence of that report, said, you know, we don't care, four intelligence sources said that they produced the report, it never existed. However, a week later, Israeli television confirmed the existence of a report saying that report had been sent to Israel, it had been sent to all of our NATO allies in November, and it had been produced in the second week of November. Again, the second week of November was long before anybody in the world could have possibly been aware of the disease outbreak in Wuhan, except for the people responsible. It's fairly close to a smoking gun. It looks that way to me too. It's interesting, was it Esper they asked about this and he said, he said, I don't recall. Exactly. I mean, at that point, you know, again, it was an embarrassment that the report had been provided to these people and ignored until people realized that the dates proved that it was for knowledge of the outbreak in Wuhan. So in other words, it's one thing to have an embarrassment of the fact that the government ignored a report like that. It's another thing when the report proves who was responsible for the disease outbreak. And I mean, America, over the decades, America has spent $100 billion developing its bio warfare technology. America brought the Trump administration brought in Robert Cadillac, America's leading bio warfare expert in 2017. And in 2018, there was suddenly a mysterious viral epidemic that devastated China's poultry industry. In 2019, China's pig herds were annihilated. And then in late 2019, suddenly, the COVID epidemic brought up, which really raises all sorts of incredibly dark suspicions of what really happened. Do you think Trump's telling the truth that he wasn't in the loop? I definitely I don't doubt that the report might have been sent to Trump's desk. But I get the sense that Trump doesn't actually read a lot. And you have all these stories of, for example, Trump's senior officials hiding his own executive orders. He forgets about them. He would forget about them. And we were talking about administration that really was operating in a very strange way with the top figures in the administration running circles around the president ignoring the president. And I fully believe that Trump had absolutely no idea when COVID leaked back to the United States that it was an American bio warfare, bio warfare weapon that was coming to us. And that's the reason they ignored it. That's the reason his response was so lackadaisical. The perpetrators who actually were in the loop have somehow raised the alarm in such a way that the US could protect itself. Well, they did to some extent. I mean, for example, Robert Cadillac, again, our top bio warfare expert, from January to August 2019, Cadillac and his department ran something called the Crimson Contagion Exercise, in which federal and state officials in the United States planned out how they would ensure that if a mysterious virus, viral epidemic, mysterious respiratory virus suddenly appeared in China, that they would prevent it from devastating America and leaking back into China. Eight months they did it, and the virus of exactly that type suddenly appeared in China a couple of months after the end of that exercise. Now, as it turned out, the training obviously was insufficient. That's the understatement. It shows that the people involved in launching the attack against China.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 轉分享: 這是中研院生醫所所長郭沛恩院士 (他也是UCSF 教授)寫給前副總統陳健仁及時中部長,関於目前COVID-19 的一些建議,希望政府能夠接納。 Dear VP Chen, Hope that things are going well. I just completed my 9th quarantine after my 9th trip to Taipei during the pandemic and see that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is now firmly established in Taiwan. While the CECC is moving quickly to address the widening spread of COVID-Omicron and is heading in the right direction, I find that the current policy is unsustainable and the messaging can be much improved. Since I was told that the CECC would welcome my suggestions, I have decided to do so. Please forward this message to the CECC for their consideration. 1. It is now very clear that COVID-Omicron is a very different disease than COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA. Current vaccines are developed from COVID-ALPHA and cannot prevent INFECTION by COVID-Omicron even though they lower significantly the risk of SEVERE DISEASE and DEATH for those who are fully vaccinated and received booster shots recently. In addition, COVID-Omicron is highly contagious and has a very short incubation time; but it causes a milder disease, including shortened disease course and contagious period. 2. Because of the above, contact tracing does not work and avoiding infection is futile except one is in strict isolation or wears a PROPERLY FITTED N95 mask around others (see a very nice article about this in the NYT attached). This means that COVID testing in asymptomatic people is a waste of resources and is justified only in a limited set of situations (such as someone who works closely with vulnerable populations - e.g., nursing home and hospital workers - who has been in close contact with a positive case and needs to test negative to return to work). 3. Although the rate of hospitalization and death due to COVID-Omicron is low, when large populations are infected, the number of severe cases and severe disease is still significant (0.4% of 23 million people hospitalized = 92,000 in the hospital; 0.04% of 23 million people can die = 9,200 deaths) so the key is to keep the vulnerable people from developing severe disease. Medications used for COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA variants such as antibody treatments and Remdesivir, etc., do not work for COVID-Omicron but the oral antivirals from Pfizer and Merck work amazingly well for preventing death (>85% reduction) and hospitalization. Paxlovid has done better in clinical trials to prevent hospitalization but it has many drug-drug interactions so many elderly people cannot use it. Molnupiravir has the theoretical risk of mutagenesis in pregnant women but for the elderly who are past reproductive age, it is a very safe and effective drug to use. I encourage the CECC to contact their counterparts in Japan, Singapore, Israel and the UK to get their experience in using these two oral anti-virals in the recent COVID-Omicron surge. [Full Disclosure: Dr. Dean Li, President of Merck Research Laboratories, is my brother-in-law so I am not pushing the Merck pill for obvious conflict of interest reasons.] Based on the above, my suggestions on messaging are: 1. Tell the country that COVID-Omicron is an entirely different disease than the previous COVID variants so the whole country IS NOT IMMUNE to getting the infection. However, through the sacrifice and cooperation of everyone in Taiwan, the country succeeded in preventing disease and death during the previous waves of infection that caused a lot of problems around the world. This is shared success that the CECC and everyone in Taiwan should take credit, be proud of, and very relieved by. 2. Despite the fact that no one is protected from infection, but because COVID-Omicron is mild, public health policy needs to be adjusted to focus on treating the vulnerable rather than preventing infection of all. 3. Acknowledge that some segments of society have been severely affected by COVID policies so the recovery of these sectors is taken in consideration in updating the public health policy. 4. Acknowledge that some COVID policies were confusing to the public in the past so the new policies will be more consistent and logical. For example, the policy of requiring masking outdoors while people eating at restaurants indoors are not required to mask makes no sense. My suggestions for the new policy are geared towards lowering hospitalization and death rates while avoiding unnecessary disruptions in people's lives: 1. Push vaccination for vulnerable groups (the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions that make them more prone to severe disease). Send vaccination nurses to the nursing homes and neighborhoods with elderly people to get everyone fully vaccinated (including booster shots). Getting the 30% of those 65-75 and 44% of elderly >75 who have not been fully vaccinated and boosted should be a high priority 2. Use the "test positive and treat" strategy for those in vulnerable groups. As I mentioned before, Paxlovid for all but Molnupiravir for those who cannot take Paxlovid. Treat them before their symptoms get worse because it is cheaper to give them the medicine than risk their need for hospitalization. 3. No more putting those with mild disease in special facilities or hospitals so that there are plenty of capacity for those who need hospitalization. 4. Recommend (not mandate with threat of punishment) those who have close contact with COVID-Omicron patients to mask around others for 5 days (no need to do so with household members because they are already given it to them) if they are asymptomatic. 5. No testing of asymptomatic people unless their job requires it (nursing home, hospital, etc.). 6. No more closing schools, factories, or offices because of positive COVID-Omicron cases. 7. No more mandatory masking except for those described in #4 above. People here are so used to masking that many will still do so with the threat of punishment. 8. No more mandatory quarantine, even for those who test positive. Highly recommend those who test positive to wear a mask when around people and not eat with others but not make it a punishable offense. [Treat them like people who have a bad flu, not like criminals.] 9. No more testing or quarantine requirements for visitors from abroad. As the local infection rate is now higher than that many other countries, there is no reason to require new arrivals to do anything different when they are asymptomatic. It's confusing to many that I can go anywhere in the world without quarantine but have to do quarantine plus multiple tests when arriving in Taiwan (and a handful of Asian countries). The benefit of the policies listed above is that the resources of the country are directed toward saving lives rather than collecting lots of infection data. It will reclaim the international travel hub status of Taoyuan International Airport (and not let Singapore and Seoul dominate the air travel sector) and revive the tourism, convention, airline, hotel businesses. It will simplify everyone's life and reduce anxiety. It may be counter intuitive but if you look at the data from the US university campuses and European countries, it is better to get as many young people infected as quickly as possible to shorten the surge while building up herd immunity for COVID-Omicron without a lot of severe cases. The old policy for flattening the curve is to prevent overwhelming the hospitals but with oral antivirals and milder disease, there is no need to flatten the curve. It is better to get the whole surge completed in 2 months like in most countries that pursue a more open policy. I am convinced that when the messaging is clear and based on current understanding of the situation, the people will embrace it and praise the CECC's leadership. Best, Pui -- Pui-Yan Kwok, MD, PhD Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Academia Sinica
    11 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 爆炸性研究:新冠疫苗的已接種者攜帶着高於正常251倍的病毒載量威脅到未接種者 #冠狀病毒 #疫苗 牛津大學 (University of Oxford) 臨床研究小組最近進行了一項研究,發現武漢冠狀病毒 (Covid-19) 疫苗的「已接種者」的鼻孔攜帶病毒載量是「未接種者」的251倍。 • https://www.ox.ac.uk/ • https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaccinated-healthcare-workers-threat-unvaccinated-patients-co-workers/ 這篇將在著名的醫學期刊《刺針》(The Lancet) 上發表的預印本論文具有開創性意義,因為它證實了疫苗已接種者的威脅,當他們冒險出門走到公共場所時,這些人正在「散發」病毒,他們對其他人的身體進行傳播。 即使打了針的人沒有出現症狀,研究人員發現,他們攜帶極高的病毒載量,將其轉化為彼得A.麥卡洛醫學博士 (Dr. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., Ph.D.) 稱之為「前驅型超級傳播者」(“presymptomatic superspreaders”)。 麥卡洛在兒童健康防禦 (CHD) 通訊《捍衛者》(the Defender) 的一篇文章中寫道:「這種現象可能是全球大量接種疫苗人群在接種疫苗後出現病例驚人激增的根源。 這篇論文的作者周等人 (Chau et al) 證明,在越南胡志明市一家醫院被封鎖的嚴格控制環境下,疫苗普遍失效及傳播病毒。」 印證:新冠疫苗正在傳播「Delta」變種 科學家仔細觀察了醫院的醫護人員,他們注射了福奇流感 (Fauci Flu) 疫苗,並在醫院裏臥床了兩週。 幾個月後,所有這些人都被確定獲得、攜帶並將可怕的「Delta」變種傳染給其他人,包括他們的已接種疫苗的同事。 換句話説,所謂的疫苗對預防感染或傳播毫無作用,甚至對福奇認為本應受到保護的其他接種者也沒有作用。 這些已接種疫苗的醫護人員也可能將這種Delta病毒傳染給他們的病人,導致了最近這種疾病新「病例」的激增,世界各國政府及他們的主流媒體都將其歸咎於未接種疫苗的人。 麥卡洛説:「這與法林霍爾特 (Farinholt) 及其同事在美國的觀察結果一致,也與美國疾控中心主任承認新冠疫苗未能阻止沙士病毒2型 (SARS-CoV-2) 的傳播的意見一致。 2月11日,世界衛生組織 (WHO) 指出,牛津/阿斯利康疫苗 (AZD1222) 對出現症狀的新冠病毒感染的有效性為63.09%。周在論文的結論支持了領先醫學專家的警告,即三種眾所周知的新冠疫苗的部分非滅菌的免疫力 (non-sterilizing immunity),與2020年疫苗接種前時代的樣本相比,可以攜帶251倍的沙士病毒2型病毒載量。」 如果你錯過了,我們還報道了「有漏洞」疫苗的現象,揭示了新冠病毒的注射很可能是最新「一波」疾病的主要原因。 如果不是因為整個社會都有已接種疫苗的人,我們可能根本就不會有Delta病毒或任何其他變種病毒。這場「大流行」早就結束了,一切都將恢復常態,只要「曲速行動」(“Operation Warp Speed”) 從未出現。 https://humansarefree.com/2020/07/trumps-warp-speed-funding-hiv-vaccines-for-bill-gates-and-dr-fauci.html 麥卡洛説:「因此,我們有了解釋為什麼Delta疫情如此可怕的謎題的關鍵部分——已全面接種疫苗的人作為新冠肺炎患者進行參與,並充當強大的傷寒瑪麗式 (Typhoid Mary-style) 感染的超級傳播者。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon 已接種疫苗的人正在他們的社區中爆發密集的病毒傳播,推動新的新冠病例激增。接種疫苗的醫護人員幾乎肯定會把病毒傳染給他們的同事及病人,造成可怕的間接傷害。」 雖然潘多拉的盒子 (Pandora’s box) 已經打開了,但如果疫苗接種運動,包括所有旨在給每個人注射致命毒藥的「強制令」立即停止,我們也許能夠解決這個問題。 作者:伊桑·哈夫 資料來源:https://humansarefree.com/2021/08/vaccinated-covid-251-times-viral-load-threatening-danger-unvaccinated.html 翻譯:Dick Wong ——————————————————————————————— Explosive Study: People Vaccinated For Covid Carry 251 Times The Normal Viral Load, Threatening The Unvaccinated #Coronavirus #Vaccines The University of Oxford‘s Clinical Research Group conducted a study recently which found that people who get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) carry in their nostrils 251 times the viral load of the Chinese Virus compared to “unvaccinated” people. • https://www.ox.ac.uk/ • https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaccinated-healthcare-workers-threat-unvaccinated-patients-co-workers/ The preprint paper, which is set to be published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, is groundbreaking in that it confirms the threat of vaccinated people who are “shedding” the virus and who even knows what else on others when they venture out in public. Even if the jabbed are not showing symptoms, researchers found that they carry with them extremely high viral loads that transform them into what Dr. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., Ph.D., calls “presymptomatic superspreaders.” “This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally,” McCullough wrote in a piece for The Defender, a newsletter of Children’s Health Defense (CHD). “The paper’s authors, Chau et al, demonstrated widespread vaccine failure and transmission under tightly controlled circumstances in a hospital lockdown in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.” Confirmed: Covid Vaccines Are Spreading The “Delta” Variant Scientists took a closer look at healthcare workers at the hospital who were injected for the Fauci Flu and had to remain confined there for two weeks. Several months later, all of these individuals were determined to have acquired, carried and transmitted the dreaded “delta” variant to others, including their vaccinated colleagues. In other words, the so-called vaccines did absolutely nothing to prevent either infection or spread, even to other vaccinated people who, according to Fauci, should have been protected. These same vaccinated healthcare workers also presumably transmitted the delta variant to their patients, contributing to the latest surge in new “cases” of the disease that governments around the world and their mainstream media lapdogs are blaming on the unvaccinated. “This is consistent with the observations in the U.S. from Farinholt and colleagues, and congruent with comments by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conceding COVID-19 vaccines have failed to stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2,” McCullough says. “On Feb. 11, the World Health Organization indicated the AZD1222 vaccine efficacy of 63.09% against the development of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The conclusions of the Chau paper support the warnings by leading medical experts that the partial, non-sterilizing immunity from the three notoriously ‘leaky’ COVID-19 vaccines allow carriage of 251 times the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 as compared to samples from the pre-vaccination era in 2020.” In case you missed it, we also covered the phenomenon of “leaky” vaccines, revealing how Chinese Virus injections are more than likely the primary contributor to the latest “wave” of disease. Were it not for the presence of vaccinated people throughout society, we probably would not even have delta or any other variant at all. The “pandemic” would have long been over by now and everything would have been back to normal, if only “Operation Warp Speed” had never been brought into existence. https://humansarefree.com/2020/07/trumps-warp-speed-funding-hiv-vaccines-for-bill-gates-and-dr-fauci.html “Thus, we have a key piece to the puzzle explaining why the Delta outbreak is so formidable – fully vaccinated are participating as COVID-19 patients and acting as powerful Typhoid Mary-style super-spreaders of the infection,” McCullough says. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Mallon “Vaccinated individuals are blasting out concentrated viral explosions into their communities and fueling new COVID surges. Vaccinated healthcare workers are almost certainly infecting their coworkers and patients, causing horrendous collateral damage.” Though the Pandora’s box has already been opened, we might be able to get a handle on this thing if the vaccination campaign is immediately stopped, including all “mandates” that aim to inject everyone with these deadly poisons. by Ethan Huff Source: https://humansarefree.com/2021/08/vaccinated-covid-251-times-viral-load-threatening-danger-unvaccinated.html
    9 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • OMG! 😱 Information from the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) doctor team: Within this year you have to keep your distance, do not meet or eat together with people who have contracted covid-19. Must have an understanding of self-protection, do not be careless. (I) Body surgery shows: 1. Covid-19 as a combination of SARS + AIDS. Many doctors assume, patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the nucleic acid test returned positive, this is not a recurrence, but has not fully recovered. This has to do with the characteristics of Covid-19. 2. The immune system is almost completely damaged. SARS only attacks the lungs, does not attack the body's immunity. AIDS attacks the body's immunity. While the damage to the organs of Covid-19 patients is like SARS + AIDS. 3. Acute lung organ damage is the leading cause of death for SARS sufferers. While death due to Covid-19 caused by "failure of many organs". (II) The chairman of the major illness department of the Zhong Nan Hospital of Wuhan University, Prof. Peng Zhi Yong, after performing a body surgery, led the team to discuss the following: 1. Patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the results of blood tests show that the lymphocyte index does not return to normal levels, the patient's immune system does not fully recover. 2. The nucleic acid examination of patients who have recently been discharged from the hospital, is negative, but the immune system is very bad, does not return intact. After leaving the hospital, it will easily return to be positive. 3. This condition is similar to hepatitis B patients, who in the long run will store the virus in their body. 4. Now there is a need to investigate the patient's body that stores the Covid-19 virus whether it can transmit it to other people. (III) Doctors who are in the vanguard of healing, state: 1. Previously there was concentration in first aid for Covid-19 patients. As more and more patients "get well" and leave the hospital, it is necessary to shift focus to the problem of regulating patients who are discharged from the hospital. Prof. Peng Zhi Yong said:" We will explore them next year, the changes that occur in patients who have been discharged from the hospital, the virus that is still stored in his body can be contagious, whether it affects the people around him." 2. In this case, the war against Covid-19 is far from final. ★ So it is recommended: for at least the next year, go out to the house to wear a mask, try to avoid gathering or staying in public places. 国立台湾大学医院(NTUH)医生团队提供的信息: 在今年之内,您必须保持距离,不要与感染covid-19的人见面或一起吃饭。 必须对自我保护有所了解,不要粗心。 (一)身体手术显示: 1. Covid-19,是SARS + AIDS的组合。 许多医生认为,已经出院的患者,核酸检测返回阳性,这不是复发,而是尚未完全康复。 这与Covid-19的特性有关。 2.免疫系统几乎完全受损。 SARS仅攻击肺部,不攻击人体的免疫力。 艾滋病会攻击人体的免疫力。 而对Covid-19患者器官的损害就像是SARS + AIDS。 3.急性肺脏器官损害是SARS患者死亡的主要原因。 而由于Covid-19造成的死亡是由“许多器官衰竭”引起的。 (二)武汉大学中南医院大病科主任彭志勇教授进行了身体手术后,带领小组讨论以下内容: 1.已出院的患者,血液检查结果显示淋巴细胞指数未恢复正常水平,患者的免疫系统未完全恢复。 2.最近刚出院的患者的核酸检查为阴性,但免疫系统非常差,不能完整恢复。 出院后,很容易恢复为阳性。 3.这种情况类似于乙型肝炎患者,从长远来看,他们会将病毒存储在体内。 4.现在需要调查存储Covid-19病毒的患者身体是否可以将其传播给其他人。
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • I liked this message..makes sense to me As time passes in a pandemic there’s a greater chance of survival for those getting infected 3 months later like June 2020 than those who got infected 3 months earlier say February 2020. The reason for this is that Doctors and scientists know more about Covid-19 now than 3 months ago and hence are able to treat patients better. I will list *5 important things* that we know now that we didn’t know in February 2020 for your understanding. 1. COVID-19 was initially thought to cause deaths due to *pneumonia- a lung infection*- and so Ventilators were thought to be the best way to treat sick patients who couldn’t breathe. *Now we are realising that the virus 🦠 causes blood clots in the blood vessels of the lungs* and other parts of the body and this causes the reduced oxygenation . Now we know that just providing oxygen by ventilators will not help but we have to prevent and dissolve the micro clots in the lungs. This is why we are using drugs like *Asprin and Heparin ( blood thinners that prevents clotting) as protocol in treatment regimens in June 2020. * 2. Previously patients used to drop dead on the road or even before reaching a hospital due to reduced oxygen in their blood- OXYGEN SATURATION. This was because of *HAPPY HYPOXIA*- where even though the oxygen saturation was gradually reducing the COVID-19 patients did not have symptoms until it became critically less, like sometimes even 70%. **Normally we become breathless if oxygen saturation reduces below 90%. **This breathlessness is not triggered in Covid patients and so we we’re getting the sick patients very late to the hospitals in February 2020. Now since knowing about happy hypoxia we are monitoring oxygen saturation of all covid patients *with a simple home use pulse oxymeter and getting them to hospital if their oxygen saturation drops to 93% or less*. This gives more time for doctors to correct the oxygen deficiency in the blood and a better survival chance in June 2020. 3. We did not have drugs to fight the corona virus 🦠 in February 2020. We were only treating the complications caused by it... hypoxia. Hence most patients became severely infected. ```**Now we have 2 important medicines FAVIPIRAVIR & REMDESIVIR**``` Which are ANTIVIRALS that can kill the corona virus 🦠. By using these two medicines we can prevent patients from becoming severely infected and therefore cure them BEFORE THEY GO TO HYPOXIA. This knowledge we have in JUNE 2020... not in February 2020. 4. Many Covid-19 patients die not just because of the virus 🦠 but also due the patients own immune system responding In an exaggerated manner called *CYTOKINE STORM*. This stormy strong 💪 immune response not only kills the virus 🦠 but also kills the patients. In February 2020 we didn’t know how to prevent it from happening. Now in June 2020, we know that *easily available medicines called Steroids,* that doctors around the world have been using for almost 80 years *can be used to prevent the cytokine storm in some patients*. 5. Now we also know that people with hypoxia became better just by making them lie down on their belly- known as prone position. Apart from this a few days ago Israeli scientists have discovered that a chemical known as Alpha Defensin produced by the patients White blood cells can cause the micro clots in blood vessels of the lungs and this could possibly be prevented by a drug called Colchicine used over many decades in the treatment of Gout. So now we know for sure that patients have a better chance at surviving the COVID-19 infection now in June 2020 than in February 2020 for sure. India has not peaked in March or April because of the lockdown. This strategy has postponed the Covid-19 pandemic in INDIA by 3 crucial months that has enabled us to save thousands of lives. Going forward there’s nothing to panic about Covid-19 if we remember that a person who gets infected later has a better chance at survival than one who got infected early. Let’s all follow simple precautions like -6 feet distancing from others -Wear proper masks -Work from home whenever possible -Order delivery and take away of food groceries and vegetables - Stay at home during lockdown - Hand 🤚 wash & hygiene With this we can beat the virus 🦠. If someone tells you every one is going to get infected, tell them that you are willing to wait to be the last person... who knows by then we might even have a VACCINE.
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • We are here today in painful recognition that our government does not have the capacity to heal the divisions in this nation or the willingness to use sincere diplomacy to avoid violent conflict and is, in fact, unwilling to end conflict peacefully. Its greatest talent is to craft misinformation and disinformation to subvert the media and misuse it as an instrument to incite fear and hatred among our people, exciting partisan divisions at home through crass politics, and stirring ancient hatreds abroad through lies, deceit. In blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, this government has deliberately circumvented Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the authority of Congress to make war. It has violated international criminal law by conspiring to commit acts of sabotage and violence on the high seas. It has used illegal and unconstitutional means to destroy the energy resources needed to protect millions of people in Europe during the winter and then to profit from its illegal actions by selling energy to Europe at a four to six times markup. It has done so blatantly, cynically, simultaneously, taking credit for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline and then denying any role in it. I speak directly to those responsible, thanks to a courageous journalist, Seymour Hersh. We know what each of you did at the Nord Stream pipeline, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State, Mr. National Security Advisor, and Madam Undersecretary of State. And we will not rest until you are held accountable by Congress, by the International Criminal Court, and by the American people at the next election for your reprehensible conduct, which has debased our Constitution, undermined the rule of law, in our name, committed an act of war which threatened the peace of the world and the stability of our own nation. No amount of balloon militarism will distract us from your profoundly lawless, reckless conduct and have lost trust in your ability to defend America, to affirm that we are a nation of laws, not of men or women, to hold those in high office to the highest of standards of national and international law. If we fail to do this, we have only ourselves to blame, while our government descends into depravity and tries to frogmarch us directly into nuclear war. Under the pretense of the pursuit of national security, our government's aggressive nature has alienated nations of the world and caused them to withdraw from commerce. It has ceded our national sovereignty in matters of peace to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which prefers military escalation to peace and is content, together with this administration, to use the good, courageous people of Ukraine as pawns in a vicious and deadly geopolitical chess game, which began well before the illegal Russian invasion. And it is now planning to do for the people of Taiwan what it has done for the people of Ukraine, portraying China the aggressor while surrounding China with about 200 military bases. At home, our government has supported devastating gain of function research, which loosed the pandemic across our land. It has perverted social media to suppress legitimate debate over COVID policy to the detriment of the health, welfare, and the will of Americans. And it has enabled the federal government law enforcement to be weaponized against political opponents and has injected itself into social media organizations to impose political and ideological censorship in attacking the patriotism of those Americans who dare ask questions. Such a government is neither deserving of the trust of the American people nor worthy of our tacit consent to make decisions in our own interests. We must change this government before it destroys our nation. We must change the way we are governed, insisting upon a government dedicated to peace. As a congressman, I warned America about going to war after 9-11. I led the effort against the Iraq war, together with Ron Paul, and saw the lies that took the lives of our people.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • *Important Message for all* The hot water you drink is good for your throat. But this corona virus is hidden behind the paranasal sinus of your nose for 3 to 4 days. The hot water we drink does not reach there. After 4 to 5 days this virus that was hidden behind the paranasal sinus reaches your lungs. Then you have trouble breathing. That's why it is very important to take steam, which reaches the back of your paranasal sinus. You have to kill this virus in the nose with steam. At 50°C, this virus becomes disabled i.e. paralyzed. At 60°C this virus becomes so weak that any human immunity system can fight against it. At 70°C this virus dies completely. This is what steam does. The entire public health department knows this. But everyone wants to take advantage of this pandemic. So they don't share this information openly. One who stays at home should take steam once a day. If you go to the market to buy vegetables, take it twice a day. Anyone who meets some people or goes to office should take steam 3 times a day. Forward this to all your loved ones. 🙏 *Steam week* According to doctors, Covid -19 can be killed by inhaling steam from the nose and mouth, eliminating the Coronavirus. If all the people started a steam drive campaign for a week, the pandemic will soon end. So here is a suggestion: * Start the process for a week morning and evening, for just 5 minutes each time, to inhale steam. If all adopt this practice for a week the deadly Covid-19 will be erased. This practice has no side effects either. So please send this message to all your relatives, friends and neighbours, so that we all can kill this corona virus together and live and walk freely in this beautiful world. *Thank you* You are welcome to send this to your known groups / friends. 🙏🏼
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 特好消息! 新冠疫情再見了!(永遠不再見了)  美國即將有「治療新冠病毒的口服液」。 患有新冠狀病毒者在家口服該藥5天,體內徹底清除了新冠狀病毒,患者徹底康復。  該葯譯名為「莫那皮納偉」(Monapinavir),由德國「瑞吉貝爾」(Rigibel) 和美國「默克」(Merck) 兩大藥廠聯合研製,已經在人體成功完成第一期和第二期臨床試驗,效果100%; 目前第三期臨床試驗接近收尾,效果非常好。 如果順利的話,在4~5個月內就可以面市。 該藥患者在家裡可以自己口服,5天痊癒,使用非常方便。 以後治新冠病毒就像現在治療普通感冒一樣。 新冠狀病毒就不可怕了。  該藥起初是針對流感病毒研製的。 它是化合物,原理是阻止病毒ia酶,也就是阻止病毒本身複製,從而根本上很快消滅病毒。 現在抗新冠病毒疫苗的原理是針對新冠病毒的凸緣,從而阻止新冠狀病毒和人體細胞結合。 這兩者的原理是不同的。   去年3~4月荷蘭和挪威養貂場發生貂患新冠狀病毒,導致貂百萬計的大規模死亡。 養貂場用"莫那皮納偉"喂貂,結果發現24小時後患病的貂內沒有新冠狀病毒了,養貂場很快終止了新冠狀病毒的傳播。 然後二大藥廠就在人體上進行第一期臨床試驗,成功後進行第二期,第三期臨床試驗,迄今為止即將正式上市了。  總之,這是科學界,特別是醫藥界的偉大成就。 也許它會繼安定,阿司匹林和青黴素,阿平為四大經典藥物。   Great News!!! Covid-19 Bye Bye  The United States will soon have an"oral solution for the treatment of the new coronavirus( Covid-19)."  People suffering from the new coronavirus took the drug at home for 5days, the new coronavirus was completely cleared from the body and the patientfully recovered.  The drug is translated as"Monapinavir" and is jointly developed by the two majorpharmaceutical companies "Rigibel" in Germanyand "Merck" in the United States. It has successfully completed thefirst and second phase clinical trials in humans with 100% effect; Currently, the third phase of clinicaltrials is nearing the end and the effect is very good.  If it goes well, it will be available in themarket within 4 to 5 months.  The patientcan take this medicine by himself at home and heal in 5 days, which is veryconvenient to use.  Treating the newcoronavirus in the future is like treating the common cold now.  The coronavirus is not terrible anymore. The drug was originallydeveloped against influenza viruses.  Itis a compound, the principle is to prevent the virus via the enzyme, that is, toprevent the virus itself from replicating, so as to eliminate the virusquickly.  The principle of the currentanti-coronavirus vaccine is to target the flange of the new coronavirus,thereby preventing the combination of the new coronavirus and human cells.  The principles of the two are different.  From March to April last year,a new coronavirus occurred in mink farms in the Netherlandsand Norway,resulting in the massive deaths of millions of minks.  The mink farm fed the mink with"Monapinavir" and found that there was no new coronavirus in the sickmink 24 hours later. The mink farm quickly stopped the spread of the newcoronavirus.  Then the two major pharmaceuticalcompanies will carry out the first phase of clinical trials on humans. Aftersuccess, they will conduct the second and third phases of clinical trials. Sofar, they will be officially launched.  In short, this is a greatachievement for the scientific community, especially the medicalcommunity. Maybe it will follow Valium,aspirin, and penicillin as the four classic drugs.
    38 人回報3 則回應3 年前
  • Below is medical advice from Albert’s doctor friend regarding Wuhan pneumonia. Please read through as this disease is spreading quickly in Asia. Dr. Yuen Kwok Yung, a highly respected doctor during the previous SARS period gave the following advice in a speech yesterday. 1. He suggests Hong Kong people should try to avoid going to China during this period of time. 2. If going on a flight, make sure you wear a mask. 3. Always have antiseptic cleanser or towel readily available. 4. The virus “Coronavirus” is similar type of virus like the previous SARS or MERS. This time it is OC43. There is still no known method of tackling this virus. 5. If you have to go to the market, make sure you wear a mask. Be very vigilant. 6. Health Authority announced that this virus is very serious. However, as the virus is found to be able to enter your body if your throat or throat mucous is dry, the one precaution they suggest which can be taken is to ensure your throat or throat mucous is always in a moist condition. In fact, they suggest not to allow your throat to become dry, as in 10 minutes of being dry, the virus will find ways to enter into your body. So do not refrain from drinking water, always have a bottle handy. For adults, they suggest drinking 50-80cc of warm water; for children 30-50cc. Just drink if you feel your throat is dry. Do not hesitate. However drinking more than the amount recommended is not necessary, as it will just want to pass through your system. The idea is to “Keep your Throat Constantly Moist” 7. Before end of March, try not to enter crowded places, MTR or public Transport, and wear a mask if necessary. 8. Avoid eating too much deep fried food and take plenty of Vitamen C. 9. Control Centre advice on symptoms of this virus: - fast and high fever, hard to lower, but if successful, the fever will return very soon. - next stage is coughing, in long duration, people affected are mainly children. - Adults has mainly throat symptoms, together with headaches and physical discomforts. - the virus is “highly” contagious. - elderly and young children are most susceptible, so take super precaution. I am afraid this is best I know how in translating for my dear friends and family’s benefits. Good health to everyone.
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前