These 7 bad habits seriously damage the brain. The last one with the greatest harm. Once damage is caused, it will be difficult to recover. First, eating too much sweet food. Reduction of new neurons in the brain will become dull and memory decline. Second, improper sitting posture. The curvature of the spine can compress the nerves, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain. Third, long term lack of sleep. The upper limit of development that directly affects intelligence. Fourth, I like to sleep with my head covered. Can cause hypoxia in the brain. Unable to gather energy. Fifth, long term skipping breakfast. Directly affecting the development of the body. Sixth, not fond of sports. No exercise for the cerebellum. Will become increasingly inflexible. Seventh, regularly criticize children. The brain is in a state of tension and depression, seriously affecting children's intellectual development. 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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