哦2咱們進入這個。哦2咱們有武器,哦,看那,這是聲音開啟, and there's a mobile app but it all exhausts look at that hey Optimus Prime greetings transform what did you see that little thing Optimus Prime greetings move forward Optimus Prime greetings turn left that was aggressive attack I was attacked by Optimus Prime check this out press connect Optimus Prime greetings connection complete let's try out some martial arts this guy's a fully do it no no are you even serious guy he's still he's standing on one leg app exercises it says funny push-ups let's see how funny it is and look he stands still I'm not even touching anything he's still moving like he's breathing so once it's in remote control mode you can't do voice activation you can't make him walk there's some more buttons but for this we've got to get the weapons on is your gun sir guys how cool is this hey Optimus Prime greetings roll out 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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