‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ (獨家)BREAKING DEFENSE 《考慮烏克蘭和台灣 海軍成立新的採辦小組 專注於危機應對》 根據 Breaking Defense 獲得的一份備忘錄 賈斯汀·卡茨 2023 年 5 月 19 日上午 10:41 海軍代理採辦主管弗雷德里克·斯特凡尼(中)於 2023 年 5 月創建了海上加速反應能力小組,並將其最初的重點放在烏克蘭和台灣。 (美國海軍大眾傳播專家 3 級 Brett Walker 攝) 華盛頓——根據 Breaking Defense 獲得的一份備忘錄,海軍正在建立一個新的採辦小組,其任務是應對世界各地持續不斷的危機,其最初的重點是烏克蘭戰爭和未來可能發生的台灣衝突。 根據弗雷德里克·斯特凡尼 (Frederick Stefany) 5 月 3 日簽署的備忘錄,海上加速反應能力小組“將協調和準備 [海軍部] 對緊急 [國防部] 安全合作任務、應急行動支持和其他確定的優先事項的反應” 服務的代理採購主管。 “[I]t 將一直有效,直到不再需要命令為止。” “MARCC 最初將專注於烏克蘭、台灣和應急支持,並將具有固有的靈活性以適應新的衝突或國防部的緊急要求和任務,”備忘錄繼續說道。 正如備忘錄所述,該小組的任務主要是促進各種海軍能力的快速選擇和轉移,以幫助美國實體、盟國或五角大樓在危機時期負責支持的任何其他團體。 換句話說,新的海軍部隊正在正式承擔五角大樓不得不在飛行中組織的任務,因為它不斷地用不同的武器和車輛武裝烏克蘭,以抵禦俄羅斯入侵者。 “為關鍵任務領域的潛在援助確定可操作的能力套件,以獲得關鍵的美國、盟國或夥伴國家的支持,”新單元任務的備忘錄指出。 “盡可能啟用並鼓勵使用快速採購和訂約授權,並促進消除執行或交付的任何障礙。” 軍種成立負責加快採辦任務的小組並不罕見——每項軍種都有一個或多個辦公室在做這件事。 海軍在 2016 年成立了“海上加速能力辦公室”,而陸軍、海軍陸戰隊和空軍此前都設立了單獨的“快速能力”辦公室。 但是,這個新單元的獨特之處在於它專注於為危機中的盟友和合作夥伴提供應急行動和能力,烏克蘭和台灣被明確指定為最初的重點區域。 新小組將由一名執行董事領導,並由負責政策的海軍副部長和採購主管的主要軍事副助理組成的董事會監督。 該委員會還將有來自海軍作戰部長辦公室和海軍陸戰隊的代表。 誰說水和電不能混用? 對於今天的海軍來說,他們的雷達、武器和推進系統都依賴於它 有一個巨大的用於車輛和製造工廠的電力驅動的商業基礎設施,這代表著海軍可以利用的數十億美元的投資。 來自 BREAKING DEFENSE 備忘錄指出,MARCC“將被賦予最大可能的權力,以最大限度地提高響應能力”。 該備忘錄還暗示該小組有責任監督和核算其提供的任何援助。 “影響多個 DON 組件的安全合作相關任務的冠軍頒發和問責制,”它說。 路透社率先報導稱,問責制的呼籲尤為重要,因為該小組成立的消息是: 在五角大樓對其對烏克蘭的援助,估值減少 30 億美元的消息曝光後產生的。 海軍沒有立即回應對此報告發表評論的請求。 =========================================== With Ukraine, Taiwan in mind, Navy creates new acquisition cell focused on crisis response (EXCLUSIVE) The Maritime Accelerated Response Capability Cell will remain active indefinitely, according to a memo obtained by Breaking Defense. By JUSTIN KATZ on May 19, 2023 at 10:41 AM Frederick Stefany, center, the Navy’s acting acquisition executive, created the Maritime Accelerated Response Capability Cell in May 2023, and set its initial focus on Ukraine and Taiwan. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brett Walker) WASHINGTON — The Navy is establishing a new acquisition cell tasked with responding to ongoing crises around the world, with its initial focus set on the war in Ukraine and a potential future conflict over Taiwan, according to a memo obtained by Breaking Defense. The Maritime Accelerated Response Capability Cell “will coordinate and prepare [Department of the Navy] responses to urgent [Defense Department] security cooperation tasks, contingency operations support, and other identified priorities,” according to the May 3 memo signed by Frederick Stefany, the service’s acting acquisition executive. “[I]t will remain in effect until ordered no longer needed.” “The MARCC will initially focus on Ukraine, Taiwan, and contingency support, and will have inherent flexibility to adapt to new conflicts or urgent DOD requirements and tasks,” the memo continues. The group’s mission, as the memo describes, will essentially be to facilitate the rapid selection and transfer of various Navy capabilities to help US entities, allied nations or any other group that the Pentagon is tasked with supporting during a time of crisis. In other words, the new Navy cell is formally taking up the mission that the Pentagon has had to organize on the fly as it continually arms Ukraine with different weapons and vehicles to defend itself against Russian invaders. “Identify actionable suites of capabilities for potential assistance in key mission areas for critical U.S., allied, or partner nation support,” the memo states of the new cell’s mission. “Enable and encourage use of rapid acquisition and contracting authorities to the maximum extent possible and facilitate removal of any barriers to execution or delivery.” It’s not unusual for the services to create groups tasked with speeding up acquisition — every service has one or more offices doing just that. The Navy in 2016 stood up a “Maritime Accelerated Capabilities Office,” while the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force have all previously created separate “rapid capabilities” offices. But what makes this new cell unique is its focus on providing capabilities for contingency operations and to allies and partners in crisis, with Ukraine and Taiwan being explicitly named as the initial focus areas. The new cell will be led by an executive director and overseen by a board of directors comprised of the deputy undersecretary of the Navy for policy as well as the principal military deputy assistant to the acquisition executive. The board will also have representatives from the chief of naval operations’ office and the Marine Corps. Who says water and electricity don’t mix? For today’s navies, their radars, weapons, and propulsion depends on it There’s a huge commercial infrastructure for electric drive for vehicles and manufacturing plants, which represents billions of dollars in investment that navies can leverage. From BREAKING DEFENSE The MARCC “will be empowered to the greatest extent possible to maximize responsiveness,” the memo states. The memo also alludes to the cell’s responsibility for overseeing and accounting for any aid it provides. “Champion issuance and accountability for security cooperation-related tasking that affect multiple DON components,” it states. The call for accountability is particularly relevant as news of the cell’s establishment follows the revelation that the Pentagon’s valuation of its aid to Ukraine was off by $3 billion, Reuters first reported. The Navy did not immediately respond to a request for comment for this report. 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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