這是在迦薩前線一位 以色列士兵Zev所發出的代禱信 From Zev Dear Prayer Team - PLEASE PRAY! Prayer requests sent from Zev, currently serving in the military reserves near the Gaza border. ******** Thank you for your prayers! They are so needed. 謝謝你們的祈禱! 我們非常需要! I’m sitting here on the roof of a house, with a rifle in my lap overlooking Gaza as rockets fly overhead every 4 minutes. It makes it very easy to think of things to pray for! 此刻,我正坐在 一個屋頂上,膝上放著步槍,注視著加薩;此時,我的頭上,每4分鐘就有一支火箭飛過。這讓我想到要為哪些事情禱告 Please pray for the victims and their families. Many of the deaths were horrific. I cant even imagine what they are feeling. 請為被犧牲者及其家庭禱告! 許多死者死狀悽慘,我無法想像他們的感覺。 Please pray for those who are currently in captivity. May God help them. 請為那些被俘虜的人禱告!求神幫助他們! Please pray for those that are wounded, and fighting for their lives in the hospitals, there are so many. 請為那些受傷者禱告!他們許多在醫院中正在做生死搏鬥!為數眾多 Please pray for our leaders and decision makers - for wisdom 請為我們的領袖和 決策者有智慧禱告! Please pray for our soldiers. - For alertness - For wisdom - For maturity - For strength And also for love - the atrocities that they are seeing and going through really take a mental toll - and it makes it easy to start feeling hatred. 請為我們的士兵禱告: 讓他們有警覺! 讓他們有智慧! 讓他們有成熟! 讓他們有力量! 讓他們有愛!他們所親身經歷的暴行在身心靈上的傷害,很容易讓他們滋生恨。 Please pray for our believing soldiers. We aren’t many as it is and two have already lost their lives in the last 4 days. 請為我們彌賽亞信徒的士兵們禱告,他們為數不多,但在這四天來,已喪失了二條生命。 There is a lot of talk about God and death now amongst the soldiers. I have already spoken to 5 different soldiers about my faith in Jesus during our guard shifts. Please pray that we would give a good witness. 在士兵當中,多有談論神以及死亡。在換班期間,我已經與五位不同的士兵談過有關我對耶穌的信仰。請為我們有良好見證禱告! Please pray for the parents of soldiers, for the wives and husbands of soldiers and for the children of soldiers. 請為這些士兵的父母 禱告!為他們的妻子, 丈夫及孩子禱告! In the coming days there will be more military engagement as the Army plans to mobilize. Although we hope there will be no casualties, it is unlikely. 在未來幾天,將有更多的軍事行動,因為軍方計劃更多的動員,雖然我們希望沒有傷亡, 但是不可能! Many soldiers have been drafted but they don’t have adequate equipment. 許多士兵被徵召入伍,但是他們的裝備不足。 There are also talks of medical equipment shortages for near future in the field as the IDF contemplates its next move. 未來以色列國防軍採取行動時,顯然戰地醫療設施有所缺乏。 For Megavoice and our team. It’s hard to keep a regular work routine with everything that is going on but we continue. 請為Mega voice及我們的團隊禱告!現在不易維持往常的運作,但是我們仍持續進行中。 Some of the MegaVoice team have husbands and children that have been drafted and are in harm’s way. 有些Mega voice團員的丈夫和孩子被徵召入伍,有些處境危險。 The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies. For Hamas. That’s hard to do At this point. 聖經告訴我們要為 我們的敵人禱告。 為哈馬斯禱告, 在此刻當然不容易。 But we pray for the poor innocent people of the Gaza Strip who have been dragged into this war. 但是我們要為加薩地區可憐的無辜人民禱告!他們無辜地被捲入 此次戰爭! Please pray that the situation will not escalate in the North of Israel. 請為現在的戰情勿升高到以色列的北方禱告! We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the salvation of the Jewish and Arab people 我們要為耶路撒冷的平安禱告!也為猶太人和阿拉伯人的得救禱告! Please pray! 🙏🏼 讓我們一起禱告! 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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