加拿大醫生無視禁言令並告訴公眾 Moderna COVID 注射劑如何在其社區中殺死和永久殘疾的土著人 健康影響新聞編輯Brian Shilhavy 的評論 查爾斯·霍夫 (Charles Hoffe) 在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的鄉村小鎮萊頓 (Lytton) 擔任醫生已有 28 年。該鎮由許多土著群體和“原住民”組成。 當 Hoffe 博士接受了 900 劑 Moderna 實驗性 COVID-19 注射劑後,他通過 Lytton Medical Clinic 將這些劑量給藥給需要它們的人。 他選擇不給自己注射。 Hoffe 博士報告說,在土著原住民社區中註射 900 人的結果是 2 人出現過敏性休克,1 人死亡,其他幾人似乎患有永久性殘疾。他講述了他的一個病人現在是多麼痛苦,以至於她寧願死也不願生。 相比之下,過去一年,社區中沒有人因 COVID-19 病毒而死亡或永久殘疾。 Hoffe 博士通過電子郵件向他所在社區負責推出 Moderna 疫苗的醫務人員報告了這些不良反應,其中包括他所在地區的藥劑師、護士和醫生,他說總共約有 18 人。 他的電子郵件表達了對他所看到的副作用的嚴重關切,他問他們是否應該暫停注射一段時間。 他報告說,在 48 小時內,他收到了內政衛生局上級的嚴厲斥責,指責他造成“疫苗猶豫”,他們將向 BC 內科和外科醫生學院報告他。 他們通過對他發出禁言令來禁止他對 Moderna 的鏡頭髮表任何負面評論。 霍夫博士解釋說,這是一種恐嚇方法,被用來對付那些太害怕說話的其他醫生,因為內科醫生和外科醫生學院有權關閉醫生的職業生涯,或對他們處以重罰。 由於接下來的一周他繼續看到更多的傷害,他對他的禁言令非常生氣。他被告知,如果他對注射有任何疑慮,他必須聯繫負責 Moderna 推廣的醫療衛生官員。 他這樣做了,但是當他沒有收到回复時,他決定直接給不列顛哥倫比亞省衛生官員 Bonnie Henry 博士寫一封公開信,直接無視他公開的禁言令。 這是這封信的副本。 Charles D. Hoffe 博士,理學士,MB,BCh,LMCC Lytton Medical Clinic Lytton BC V0K 1Z0 2021 年 4 月 5 日 邦妮·亨利博士, 不列顛哥倫比亞省衛生官員 衛生部 1515 Blanchard街 維多利亞,BC,V8W 3C9 親愛的亨利博士, 我在不列顛哥倫比亞省萊頓社區的一些患者現在已經接種了第一劑 Moderna 疫苗。這始於 2021 年 1 月中旬我們社區的原住民成員。現已註射了 900 劑。 我對這種新療法產生的嚴重副作用的高發生率感到非常震驚。 從到目前為止接種疫苗的人數相對較少,我們有: 許多過敏反應,有兩例過敏反應。 一種(假定的)疫苗導致猝死,(一名 72 歲的 COPD 患者。該患者在接種疫苗後抱怨呼吸更短,並在接種疫苗後的第 24 天突然和意外死亡。他曾無心血管病史)。 三名患有持續性和致殘性神經功能缺損的人,並伴有相關的慢性疼痛,在第一次接種疫苗後持續超過 10 週。這些神經缺陷包括:持續性和致殘性頭暈、全身或局部神經肌肉無力,伴有或不伴有感覺喪失。這些患者的慢性疼痛要么是全身性的,要么是區域性的,有或沒有頭痛。 簡而言之,在我們不列顛哥倫比亞省萊頓的小社區中,我們有一個人死亡,三個人在第一劑 Moderna 疫苗後看起來好像將永久殘疾。受影響者的年齡介於 38 至 82 歲之間。 所以我有幾個問題和意見: 這些是否被認為是基因修飾治療的正常和可接受的長期副作用?從來自世界各地的醫學報告來看,我們在 Lytton 的經歷並不罕見。 您是否知道可能已經啟動了哪些疾病過程以產生這些持續的神經系統症狀? 對於我應該如何治療這些人的疫苗引起的神經衰弱、頭暈、感覺喪失和慢性疼痛綜合徵,您有什麼建議,還是應該將他們全部轉診給神經科醫生?我預計隨著疫苗的推出,還會有更多人跟進。這只是第一階段,也是第一劑。 與這種疫苗對我們社區的有害影響形成鮮明對比的是,我們不必為任何 Covid-19 患者提供任何醫療服務。因此,根據我們有限的經驗,這種疫苗顯然比 Covid-19 更危險。 我意識到每一種藥物療法都有一個風險收益比,嚴重的疾病需要認真的藥物治療。 但我們現在知道 Covid-19 的恢復率與季節性流感相似,在每個年齡段都如此。 此外,眾所周知,第二次注射後的副作用明顯比第一次嚴重。所以最糟糕的還在後頭。 必須強調的是,這些人不是生病的人,正在接受某種毀滅性疾病的治療。這些以前是健康的人,他們接受了一種實驗性療法,長期副作用未知,以保護他們免受與流感具有相同死亡率的疾病。可悲的是,他們的生活現在已經毀了。 如果所調查的治療顯示出顯著危害,則停止臨床試驗通常被認為是醫學倫理學的基本原則。 所以我的最後一個問題是: 鑑於這些改變生命的副作用的嚴重性,在第一針後繼續推出這種疫苗是否符合醫學倫理? 在不列顛哥倫比亞省的 Lytton,我們有 225 分之一的發生率來自這種實驗性基因修飾療法的嚴重改變生活的副作用。 我還注意到,負責疫苗推出的人幾乎完全沒有報告這些疫苗引起的副作用。我知道這通常是疫苗的一個問題,疫苗接種後的延遲副作用有時被標記為“巧合”,因為因果關係通常很難證明。但是,鑑於這是一種實驗性治療,沒有長期安全性數據,我認為這個問題或許也應該解決。 此外,我注意到,省級疫苗傷害報告表顯然是為傳統疫苗設計的,甚至沒有任何地方報告我們從這種新的 mRNA 療法中看到的性質和嚴重程度的疫苗傷害。 現在很明顯,來自世界各地的醫學證據表明,針對 Covid-19 的各種基因修飾療法的副作用特徵被其製造商大大低估了,他們渴望證明其安全性。 感謝您關注這一極其緊迫的公共衛生問題。 此致, 查爾斯·霍夫博士 IH(室內健康)公開回應了他的來信,並將其發表在Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal 上,因為他們試圖進行“損害控制”並攻擊 Hoffe 博士。 IH says COVID-19 vaccines safe despite claims of Lytton physician Doctor makes unsubstantiated claims about serious side effects of Moderna vaccine by BARBARA RODEN Interior Health (IH) is reassuring Lytton and area residents about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, after a physician in that community shared a letter in which he claimed that the death of a Lytton resident was linked to the Moderna vaccine. In a letter to Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry dated April 5, Dr. Charles Hoffe claimed that there had been “numerous” allergic reactions — including two cases of anaphylaxis — among people in Lytton and area who had received the Moderna vaccine. He also claimed that three people were exhibiting “ongoing and disabling” neurological deficits. Hoffe also claimed that the death of a 72-year-old patient with COPD, 24 days after the man was vaccinated, was “presumed” to be vaccine-induced. The physician did not produce any evidence to prove that any of the events resulted from the vaccine. “It has been a challenge for us to investigate this thoroughly and take reports seriously,” says Dr. Carol Fenton, Medical Health Officer with IH. In a written statement issued on April 14, Fenton says that “There have been no deaths or lasting adverse reactions connected to the Moderna/Pfizer vaccines, or any COVID-19 vaccine, in Lytton, Interior Health, or B.C. at this time.” The statement adds that IH knows unequivocally that the vaccines are safer than COVID-19 itself, and that the vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe and effective through all levels of clinical trials. “There is a detailed process to review all adverse effects following immunizations, and all serious events are recorded and reported to the provincial and national level to monitor for safety signals that may be missed at the local level. With the information we have from the vaccine roll-out so far, the COVID-19 vaccines are very safe.” Fenton tells the Journal that while there will always be some variations between medical practitioners, when it comes to the safety of vaccines it is important to look at consensus-based reports from those who are trained in the field. “These people are the experts of the experts,” she says. “I can answer most vaccine questions, but I don’t consider myself to be an expert in vaccines. The decisions and analyses are defined by people with the skills and expertise to parse through the information we have.” The immunization clinics being run by IH have trained vaccinators on site to monitor for and respond to allergic and anaphylactic reactions, which are rare, but can occur with any vaccine or medication. “The safety of people in Lytton, Nlaka’pamux, and Northern St’at’imc Nations and all communities is the top priority, and our recommendation is that all individuals should get immunized when they are eligible,” says the statement. (Full article here.) So basically the same as what we are seeing around the rest of the world when honest doctors come forward and report the truth. The health authorities lie. No science, no statistics, just an appeal to authority. “We know what we are talking about, but this doctor does not.” A local and independent talk show host in Canada, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, tracked down and interviewed Dr. Hoffe. The original show is an hour long and on her Facebook Page, as well as her Bitchute Channel. We have extracted the 30 minute interview with Dr. Hoffe, and it is on our Rumble channel, and will also be on our Bitchute channel. Dr. Hoffe has served the members of his community for 28 years, and he had a wonderful reputation among his patients, with glowing online reviews. It is being reported now on some social media sites that his patients are being told he is no longer available to meet with them. 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