@here Happy Friday team Taiwan 🎉 Mobility team 很榮幸邀請大家參與明天的 #UberTaxiDay aka #SmileForTaxiDay ! 🚕 3/25 (六) 當日首次搭乘優步小黃,只要輸入優惠序號【FREETAXI500】即可享有一趟免費!($500元內) - 歡迎共襄盛舉並把優惠分享給身邊的親朋好友! 🙌 -- Happy Friday team Taiwan 🎉 The Mobility team is proud to present you the #UberTaxiDay aka #SmileForTaxiDay tomorrow! 🚕 On Mar 25 (Sat), everyone can enjoy a free UberTaxi trip by using the promo code【FREETAXI500】- Sincerely inviting you and your friends to share the joy! 🙌 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20230324/2465866.htm 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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