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21 Reasons Why I'm Not Getting Vaccinated!

1. Vaccine makers immune from liability. 疫苗的製造方免於其責。

2. Pfizer paid out billions for bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results. 輝瑞支付了數十億元賄賂醫生和抑制不良試驗結果。

3. Moderna has never brought a vaccine to market. 莫得納不曾在市場上推出過疫苗。

4. Every previous Coronavirus vaccine has failed. 之前的每一種冠狀病毒疫苗都失敗。

5. Every previous mRNA vaccine has failed. 之前的每一個mRNA疫苗都失敗。

6. Anecdotal friends and family adverse reactions. 朋友與家人不良反應的軼事證據。

7. Zero long term safety testing. 長期安全測試為零。

8. Censorship of scientific debate. 對科學辯論的審查制度。

9. Censorship of Dr. Fauci funding gain-of-function. 對福奇醫生資助功能增強實驗的審查制度。

10. Censorship of Ivermectin, HCQ, Vitamin D, D3, Zinc, etc. 對伊維菌素、羥氯喹、維生素D、D3、鋅元素及其它的審查制度。

11. Censorship of Adverse Reactions and Deaths. 對不良反應及死亡的審查制度。

12. Ignoring natural immunity. 對天然免疫力的忽視。

13. 99.95% chance of survival if below 50 years old. 50歲以下的存活率為99.95%。

14. Bloated COVID-19 death numbers. 過度渲染的新冠疾病死亡數字。

15. The virus continues to mutate. 病毒持續的變種。

16. Vaccinated still catch the virus. 已接種疫苗的人依然感染病毒。

17. FDA, CDC, WHO are captured institutions. 美國食藥品局、美國疾控中心及世衛組織都是被俘獲(金錢利益)的機構。

18. Virus and vaccine efficacy measured by faulty PCR test. 通過錯誤的PCR測試來檢測病毒和疫苗的有效性。

19. Never solved lipid nanoparticle delivery problem. 從未解決過脂質納米顆粒的輸送問題。

20. Japanese Pfizer data shows LNP accumulating in organs. 日本輝瑞公司的數據顯示LNP在器官中積累。

21. Got it and developed your immunity. “接種疫苗,增強你的免疫力!” 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

My Body, My Choice. Apa susah, mati tanam!

