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在新加坡劇院裡突然心臟病發作。 新加坡的醫生和助手在病人的手臂上拍了拍,她在02分鐘後康復。 該視頻為心臟病患者提供緊急情況建議。 注意以及如何處理通常突然發生的心臟病發作! 許多人如此無奈,死在去醫院的路上! 請記住:



3.您需要知道心臟病被血液循環所阻塞。 通過拍打和拍打手臂,可以提高溫度,避免結塊,使血液循環順暢,然後立即去醫院就診。


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    4 年前


It was a typical night at the movie theater in Singapore, until suddenly, a man in the audience suffered a heart attack. Panic set in as the audience watched the man struggle for his life. Doctors and assistants rushed to the scene, desperately trying to save him. And then, a miracle happened. The two medical professionals quickly sprang into action, slapping the man's inner elbow. Within just two minutes, the man had recovered. This amazing technique is captured in this video and serves as a critical lesson in emergency situations. Heart attacks can strike suddenly and leave people feeling helpless. Many people die on their way to the hospital, but you can help save a life. By slapping the inner elbow of the left hand, you can stimulate the three acupressure points around the heart and lungs. This helps to accelerate blood circulation, make a person feel warm, and stop sweating. This simple technique can increase body temperature, prevent the accumulation of blood clots, and facilitate blood circulation. It's important to remember to take the person to the hospital immediately after applying this method. But it's not just for emergencies. By touching the inside of the left elbow every day, you can prevent heart disease and reduce the incidence of heart attacks. Small efforts can make a big difference. Share this vital information with all your friends and family. Remember, small actions can save lives.
murmur1 年前 加的
It was a typical night at the movie theatre in Singapore, until suddenly, a man in the audience suffered a heart attack. Panic set in as the audience watched the man struggle for his life. Doctors and assistants rushed to the scene, desperately trying to save him. And then, a miracle happened. The two medical professionals quickly sprang into action, slapping the man's inner elbow. Within just two minutes, the man had recovered. This amazing technique is captured in this video and serves as a critical lesson in emergency situations. Heart attacks can strike suddenly and leave people feeling helpless. Many people die on their way to the hospital, but you can help save a life. By slapping the inner elbow of the left hand, you can stimulate the three acupressure points around the heart and lungs. This helps to accelerate blood circulation, make a person feel warm, and stop sweating. This simple technique can increase body temperature, prevent the accumulation of blood clots, and facilitate blood circulation. It's important to remember to take the person to the hospital immediately after applying this method. But it's not just for emergencies. By touching the inside of the left elbow every day, you can prevent heart disease and reduce the incidence of heart attacks. Small efforts can make a big difference. Share this vital information with all your friends and family. Remember, small actions can save lives.
murmur1 年前 加的
It was a typical night at the movie theatre in Singapore, until suddenly, a man in the audience suffered a heart attack. Panic set in as the audience watched the man struggle for his life. Doctors and assistants rushed to the scene, desperately trying to save him. And then, a miracle happened. The two medical professionals quickly sprang into action, slapping the man's inner elbow. Within just two minutes, the man had recovered. This amazing technique is captured in this video and serves as a critical lesson in emergency situations. Heart attacks can strike suddenly and leave people feeling helpless. Many people die on their way to the hospital, but you can help save a life. By slapping the inner elbow of the left hand, you can stimulate the three acupressure points around the heart and lungs. This helps to accelerate blood circulation, make a person feel warm, and stop sweating. This simple technique can increase body temperature, prevent the accumulation of blood clots, and facilitate blood circulation. It's important to remember to take the person to the hospital immediately after applying this method. But it's not just for emergencies. By touching the inside of the left elbow every day, you can prevent heart disease and reduce the incidence of heart attacks. Small efforts can make a big difference. Share this vital information with all your friends and family. Remember, small actions can save lives.
murmur1 年前 加的