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the immune system alteration. These are suppressing those important T-cells. The body is being
altered and certain things are being turned off. Now the body can't fight other infections
and it can fight certain ones well and other ones it can't. It's altering. You have pattern
receptors on your cells, toll-like receptors. Number 7 and 8 are responsible for recognizing
other viruses. These are turned off. Now all these other people, why are people that are
getting 2, 3, 4 shots all of a sudden getting sick all the time with diseases that never
cause them a problem? Why are children getting colds and colds and colds? Because this mRNA
and lipid nanoparticle is turning off and the spike protein is turning off the body. Same
thing with toll-like receptor 3 and 4. Those are responsible for keeping certain kinds
of cancers in check. This is a problem. This study is very important because with a lipid
nanoparticle and mRNA in a mouse study, the genes that were turned on and off in that
immune system pattern were passed on to the next generation. Every litter of pups, four
litters in a row that this mom had, had these gene alterations imprinted after her immune
system was altered by these shots. Remember that.


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    1. 沒有科學證據顯示mRNA疫苗會破壞類鐸受體、先天免疫系統或使人更容易感染病毒。

    影片指稱「mRNA 疫苗亦會破壞第3、7、8類鐸受體(TLR)」,陽明大學微生物免疫研究所前教授張南驥表示,TLR3只會辨識外來的雙股RNA,極不可能受疫苗影響;TLR7、8則會因結合疫苗中的單股



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