
1 人回報2 年前

儘管這場演說名垂青史,當今學者對其真正措詞意見不一。當時據實謄錄的新聞報導,以及林肯本人的數份手抄副本之間的措詞、標點、與結構皆互有歧異。在眾多版本中,「布利斯本」(Bliss Copy)已成標準本。這是唯一一份林肯署名的版本,也是所知經其撰寫的最終版本:(以下為此本之中英對照)

“ Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
[文] 先人立國已逾八十有七載。生於自由,而勠力平等眾生。

[白] 八十七年前,我們的父輩們在這塊陸地上建起了一個新的國家,它孕育於自由,並奉行人人生而平等的主張。

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

[文] 此國之信奉自由平等者,恰逢內爭,誠危急存亡之秋也。而今會垓奠勇夫。諸烈捐軀捨生取義,奠之以抔土,義不容辭也。

[白] 如今,我們正在進行一場偉大的內戰,考驗著那個國家,或任何有此信仰和主張的國家,能否長久地存續下去。 我們在這場戰爭的偉大戰場上相遇,為了使那一國家得以存續,我們將在這片戰場上找到我們最後的安息之地,——那些為此而死去的人已經這麼做了,——這對我們而言是恰當的,也是適宜的。

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

[文] 然縱而論之,則一抔之土難以為奠,無論祀祭。沙場鏖兵,存勇亡烈,昭昭人聖,血祭於斯,無所尊大,亦無所菲薄。今日所言,猶見忘矣;先烈義舉,可傳萬世。我尚存者,當擔大任;承其遺志,繼其偉業。國之自由重生,天之佑哉!而民有、民治、民享之政必永續於世。

[白] 然而,從更廣泛的意義上說,我們無法在此祭奠,我們無法在此奉獻,我們無法使這片土地得以神聖化;那些活著的人,和死去的人,曾在此拼搏過的,已經使它神聖化,而這一意義是我們乏弱的力量遠遠不能有所增減的。 世界不會注意到,也不會長久地記住我們在這兒說過什麼,但它絕不會忘記那些人曾在這兒做過什麼。 雖然大業尚未完竟,但那些為此奮鬥過的烈士們已使這一事業進入了最後的成熟階段,無疑,我們這活著的人當繼續致力於這一事業。 我們應當投身於那留在我們面前的偉大任務——從那些為此投入了全部熱忱的逝者那裡,我們將獲得更多的熱忱;我們將不會,絕不會使那些為此獻出生命的人白白獻出生命;我們將使這個國家,在上帝的庇佑下,從自由里獲得新生;而那一為民所有、為民所治、為民所享的政府,也絕不會從這片土地上消亡。




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  • 聯合國總部 東 42 街 405 號, 紐約, NY, 10017, 美國。 微信ID:unitednationdp 行號:unitationovadp Whatsapp:+1 (587) 414-7292 26/07/2021 注意:鄭欣欣小姐 聯合國組織假期部向您致以最重要的一天,我們希望通知您,我們已收到您的電子郵件,我們已決定回复您,並告知您必須滿足的條件,以便我們能夠 授予崔金博士的休假信,服務編號為 (UNSN / YM / 4537),目前與聯合國也門組織簽訂合同。 眾所周知,他是韓國公民,是聯合國組織的特殊資產。 為此,有些事情必須緊急處理,以便他在台灣盡快與您在一起。 1. 在他離開也門期間,必須支付他的健康/人壽保險費。 一旦完成,他的休假信將被立即批准並釋放,因為我們必須為他的生命投保,以防他離開這裡(也門)時出現任何問題。 (a) 90 個工作日假期 6,856 歐元 (b) 60 個工作日假期 4,856 歐元 (c) 30 個工作日假期 2,856 歐元 2. 請填寫所附表格並在付款後儘快寄回給我們,以便我們立即處理休假信。 請這樣做,以便我們盡快完成他的假期,讓他與您在一起。 收到您的回復後,我們將在他休假之前向您提供他的健康/人壽保險的付款明細。 親切的問候。 此致 負責假期的官員 聯合國假期辦公室。 UN Headquarters 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY,10017, USA. WeChat ID: unitednationdp Line ID: unitednatiovadp Whatsapp: ‪+1 (587) 414‑7292‬ 26/07/2021 ATTENTION: Miss Zheng Xinxin Top of the day to you from the United Nations Organizations Vacation Department and we wish to inform you that we have received your email, and we have decided to reply to you and also inform you of the conditions that have to be met so that we can grant the vacation letter of Dr. Choi Kim with service number, (UNSN / YM / 4537), who is presently under a contract with United Nations Organization in Yemen. As you know, He is a citizen of Korea and a special asset of the United Nations Organization. For that reason, there are certain things that have to be done urgently so that he can be with you as soon as possible in Taiwan. 1. There has to be a payment for his health/life insurance fee while he is away from Yemen. And as soon as this is done, his vacation letter will be granted and released immediately because we have to insure his life in case anything goes wrong while he is away from here (Yemen). (a) 6,856 Euro for 90 working days vacation (b) 4,856 Euro for 60 working days vacation (c) 2,856 Euro for 30 working days vacation 2. Kindly fill the attached form and send it back to us as soon as possible after the payment has been made so we can process the vacation letter immediately. Kindly do this so that we can finalize his vacation for him to be with you as soon as possible. Upon your reply, we shall provide you with payment details for his health/life insurance before his vacation can be granted. Kind Regard. Yours sincerely OFFICER IN CHARGE OF VACATION UNITED NATIONS VACATION OFFICE.
    2 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 分享這篇文章很受用💪👏😉💐💒 比爾蓋茲分享對疫情的反思,非常中肯。 ----摘自網路文章 中文版: 英國《太陽報》 刊登了比爾蓋茨的公開信,這封信得到極大關注,得到很多人轉發,人們稱讚比爾蓋茨是真正的智者,並有人第一時間就把他的公開信翻譯成中文。編者讀了這封信和譯文,感到蓋茨的話語直至心靈,非常受教育。希望大家都能讀一讀他的信,看看新冠病毒給我們上了一堂什麼樣的課、又教會了我們什麼。下面是比爾蓋茨的信。 ********************** 我堅信發生的每一件事後面都有一個精神層面的目的,無論我們認為是好還是壞。 當我沉思時,我想與大家分享我的心得,新冠病毒究竟對我們做了些什麼。 1) 病毒提醒我們,人都是平等的,無論我們的文化、宗教、職業、經濟狀況,或是一個人有多麼出名。在病毒眼中我們都是平等的,也許我們也應該平等對待他人。如果你不相信我的話,那就去問湯姆•漢克斯。 2) 病毒提醒我們,我們的命運都是聯在一起的,影響一個人的事情同時也會影響另一個人。病毒也提醒我們,我們建立的虛假國境線毫無價值,因為病毒並不需要護照。病毒還提醒我們,雖然我們暫時受到壓迫,世界上還有人一生都受到壓迫。 3) 病毒提醒我們,健康多麼珍貴。而我們卻忽視健康,吃垃圾食品,喝被各種化學品污染的水,如果我們不照顧自己,我們當然就會生病。 4) 病毒提醒我們,生命苦短,什麼是我們應該做的最重要的事情,特別是那些已經生病的老年人。人生在世的目的不是買一卷卷的廁紙。 5) 病毒提醒我們,我們的社會已經變得物質至上,當我們遇到困難時,我們才想起我們的基本需求是食物、飲水和藥品,而不是並沒有什麼價值的奢侈品。 6) 病毒提醒我們,家庭是何等重要,但我們卻忽視了這一點。病毒強迫我們回到我們的房子裡,所以我們可以把房子建成家庭,並建立牢固的家庭紐帶。 7) 病毒提醒我們,我們真正的工作並不是我們打的那份工,我們固然需要打工,然而上帝創造我們的目的並不是讓我們打工。我們真正的工作是互相照顧、互相保護、互助互利。 8) 病毒提醒我們,我們不能妄自尊大。病毒還提醒我們,無論你覺得自己多偉大,也無論別人覺得你多麼偉大,一個小小的病毒就能讓整個世界停擺。 9) 病毒提醒我們,自由掌握在我們自己手中。我們可以選擇合作互助、分享、付出、互相支持,或者我們也可以選擇自私、囤積和自顧自。只有在困難的時候才能看出一個人的真面目。 10) 病毒提醒我們,我們既可以耐心,也可以恐慌。我們既可以理解這種情況在歷史上已經發生過多次,但最後都過去了,我們也可以恐慌,以為世界末日到了,結果傷害了我們自己。 11) 病毒提醒我們,疫情既是結束也是開始。我們現在可以反省和理解,從錯誤裡吸取教訓。疫情也可以是一個輪回的開始,而且還會繼續下去,直至我們吸取教訓為止。 12) 病毒提醒我們,我們的地球病了。病毒還提醒我們,我們必須看到森林消失的速度,也必須看到一卷卷廁紙從貨架上消失的速度。我們都病了,因為我們的家庭病了。 13) 病毒提醒我們,困難總會過去,然後就容易了。生活是週期性的,現在只是週期裡的一個階段。我們不必恐慌,疫情一定會過去。 14) 許多人認為新冠病毒的疫情是一場災難,但我覺得這是一次“偉大的糾錯”。 👍👍Read this very enlightening *Bill Gate's* views on the Covid19: What is the Corona/ Covid-19 Virus Really Teaching us? I’m a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad. As I meditate upon this, I want to share with you what I feel the Corona/ Covid-19 virus is really doing to us: - It is reminding us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should to. If you don’t believe me, just ask Tom Hanks. - It is reminding us that we are all connected and something that affects one person has an effect on another. It is reminding us that the false borders that we have put up have little value as this virus does not need a passport. It is reminding us, by oppressing us for a short time, of those in this world whose whole life is spent in oppression. - It is reminding us of how precious our health is and how we have moved to neglect it through eating nutrient poor manufactured food and drinking water that is contaminated with chemicals upon chemicals. If we don’t look after our health, we will, of course, get sick. - It is reminding us of the shortness of life and of what is most important for us to do, which is to help each other, especially those who are old or sick. Our purpose is not to buy toilet roll. - It is reminding us of how materialistic our society has become and how, when in times of difficulty, we remember that it’s the essentials that we need (food, water, medicine) as opposed to the luxuries that we sometimes unnecessarily give value to. - It is reminding us of how important our family and home life is and how much we have neglected this. It is forcing us back into our houses so we can rebuild them into our home and to strengthen our family unit. - It is reminding us that our true work is not our job, that is what we do, not what we were created to do. Our true work is to look after each other, to protect each other and to be of benefit to one another. - It is reminding us to keep our egos in check. It is reminding us that no matter how great we think we are or how great others think we are, a virus can bring our world to a standstill. - It is reminding us that the power of freewill is in our hands. We can choose to cooperate and help each other, to share, to give, to help and to support each other or we can choose to be selfish, to hoard, to look after only our self. Indeed, it is difficulties that bring out our true colors. - It is reminding us that we can be patient, or we can panic. We can either understand that this type of situation has happened many times before in history and will pass, or we can panic and see it as the end of the world and, consequently, cause ourselves more harm than good. - It is reminding us that this can either be an end or a new beginning. This can be a time of reflection and understanding, where we learn from our mistakes, or it can be the start of a cycle which will continue until we finally learn the lesson we are meant to. - It is reminding us that this Earth is sick. It is reminding us that we need to look at the rate of deforestation just as urgently as we look at the speed at which toilet rolls are disappearing off of shelves. We are sick because our home is sick. - It is reminding us that after every difficulty, there is always ease. Life is cyclical, and this is just a phase in this great cycle. We do not need to panic; this too shall pass. Whereas many see the Corona/ Covid-19 virus as a great disaster, I prefer to see it as a great corrector. It is sent to remind us of the important lessons that we seem to have forgotten and it is up to us if we will learn them or not. Bill Gates.
    3 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • CNN 對台積電董事長劉德音的專訪翻譯逐字稿 On GPS: Can China afford to attack Taiwan? Fareed Zakaria, GPS In a rare interview with Mark Liu, chairman of Taiwan's TSMC — Asia's most valuable company — Fareed asks about the ongoing tension between the self-governing island and Beijing. Source: CNN Fareed Zakaria: 如果中國攻打台灣,那會如何影響台灣,以及台灣的經濟? What would happen to Taiwan, and to the Taiwanese economy, if China were to invade? 劉德音: 噢,當然,戰場上沒有贏家;所有人都是輸家。台灣人已在台灣建立起自己的民主系統,然後他們想過自己的生活。雖然半導體產業對台灣整體經濟來說十分重要,但如果真的發生戰爭的話,那或許半導體業不是最需要我們擔心的事。我們真正需要擔心的是這場戰爭將會摧毀以具有穩定秩序的世界經貿活動(the destruction of the world rule-based order);整個地理政治將會有劇烈的變化。 Oh, of course, the war brings no winners. Everybody is losers. And people in Taiwan has earned their democratic system in Taiwan, and they want to choose their way of life. And we think that indeed the chip supply is a critical business and economy in Taiwan, but had it -- had it been a War in Taiwan, probably the chip is not the most important thing we should worry about because this invasion, if it comes after, is the destruction of the world rule-based order. There is no -- the geopolitical landscape would totally change. Fareed Zakaria: 你會擔心台灣目前在中國半導體供應鏈上所扮演的核心角色嗎? 這會對台灣造成甚麼危險嗎? 還是說其實有戰略上的嚇阻效果? 畢竟有時大家會說台積電是台灣的護國神山。不過即便如此,我們還是知道中國一直都強調「我們對台灣有絕對的主權,而且這是我們不可退讓的中國資產」。 Do you worry that Taiwan is now so integral to the Chinese supply chain at the high end?.. Does that create a danger for Taiwan? Or is it a deterrent? People sometimes talk about the TSMC shield, but you could equally see Beijing saying we need to have total control of this. This is the most valuable asset and it's outside our borders. 劉德音: 嗯,沒有國家能夠用武力控制台積電的,因為如果中國解放軍真的入侵台積電,台積電就完全不能運作了,因為這是一個十分複雜的龐大組織。台積電從原料、化學物質、設備零件、工程軟體與檢測等各面向都隨時都需要跟外面的世界,歐洲、日本、美國相互溝通合作。是在世界上的所有人的努力才能讓這間公司,台積電,能夠正常運作。所以假如你用武力侵占了台積電,那台積電就不可能正常運作了,也就沒有所謂的台積電了。至於我們與中國的生意,目前中國大概占了我們 10% 的生意吧,但我們只會跟一般企業與消費者做生意,我們不會將晶片賣給軍事組織。我們覺得說,消費市場是很重要的,而且是生生不息的。如果消費者有需求,那我想,跟他們做生意並不是甚麼壞事。 Ok. Nobody can control TSMC by force. If you take a military force or invasion, you will render TSMC factory not operable because this is such a sophisticated manufacturing facility. It depends on the real-time connection with the outside world, with Europe, with Japan, with the US, from materials, to chemicals, to spare parts, to engineering software, diagnosis. It's everybody's effort to make this factory operable. So if you take it over by force, you can no longer make it operable. In terms of the China business, its today composed about 10% of our business. We only work with consumer. We don't work with militaries entity. We think that is, the consumer pool, is important, and it is vibrant. And if they need us, it's not a bad thing. Fareed Zakaria: 解釋一下,為什麼這(台積電跟中國做生意)不是壞事? Expand on that. Why is it not a bad thing? 劉德音: 噢,這是因為我們停止運作後將會為中國帶來巨大的經濟損失,因為他們最先進的半導體晶片突然就這樣消失了,所以他們在做這種"武力犯台"之前,我想必定會三思而後行的。 你看烏克蘭戰爭,我想我們都得從中好好反省與汲取些經驗。人們認為烏克蘭跟台灣非常像,但我得說台灣跟烏克蘭非常不一樣。想想烏俄戰爭對各國帶來的種種負面影響,對任何國家來說都不是好事。從西方世界、俄羅斯與烏克蘭的角度來看,都是輸家,沒有人從中獲得好處。我真的認為大家都應該要好好反省這場戰爭究竟為我們人類帶來了甚麼,想想我們應該要如何避免戰爭,想想我們該如何確保全球經濟的穩定,如何讓全球經濟能持續生生不息,而且也讓我們以公平的方式相互競爭,這是我的想法。 Oh, because our interruption will create great economic turmoil in either side in China because suddenly their most advanced components supply disappeared. And -- and it is an interruption, I must say. So people will think twice on this. I think the Ukraine war, I think we should draw lessons from it. People think Ukraine will make connected with the Taiwan Strait. They are very different. But in case you think about imperil, Ukraine war is not good for any of the sides. From the Western world, from Russia, from Ukraine, it's lose, lose, lose scenarios. All three sides ought to draw lessons. I think they do. And we should use that lessons to look at the lens on Taiwan. How can we avoid a war? How can we ensure no -- the world economy -- the engine of the world economy continue humming and let's have a fair competition. That's what I think. Fareed Zakaria: 就你看來,你會怎麼解釋台灣的經濟奇蹟? 在過去五十年裡,台灣經濟成功達到每年有 5% 的經濟成長。世上很少能夠有著像台灣經濟成長幅度這樣的國家,你怎麼看呢? From your perspective, what explains the Taiwan miracle? This is now a place that has grown at 5% a year for five decades. There are very few places in the world that have managed that. What explains the Taiwan miracle? 劉德音: 從外人的角度來看,會覺得這是一個奇蹟。但對認真工作的台灣人來說,這只是奮鬥的過程。老實說我覺得,相較於其他國家,尤其是在亞洲,我覺得台灣其中一個特點在於它那和平的社會。從 1949 年到現在,台灣一直都是相當和平的。這是個和平的地方。而在這期間,台灣從威權主義社會轉型成民主國家,變成一個民主社會。而如果你從整個世界的角度來看這點,如此這般和平的社會轉型是相當神奇的事情,我們是非常幸運的。而如果真要說奇蹟,我想台灣的確還有一點是相當與眾不同的,那就是我們的教育制度。 在我還小的時候,只有 10% 的人上大學。如今有 80% 的年輕人擁有大學文憑。我們政府設立了非常多間大學,所以對於所有年輕人來說,如果你想讀大學,那一定可以讀,只要你願意花時間,所以這建立了一個相對高品質的社會環境,以面對未來可能的種種挑戰,這是我覺得非常非常特別的一點。 Looking from outside, it appears to be a miracle. For the people working hard on the island, it is just a history of fighting. I think, to be honest, compared with other nations, particularly in Asia, I think one of the key components in Taiwan is a peaceful society. It maintained peace since 1949 till today, 70 years. It's a peaceful island. And during that period of time, Taiwan has transformed from authoritarian state into a democratic state, became a democratic society. This is marvelous because if you look at the nations around the world, having such a smooth transition, peaceful transition, we are fortunate, to be honest. But if you talk about the miracles, I also think there's one thing that is very distinctly different, is the education system. When I was young, only 10% of the young people entered college or universities. Today, 80% of the young people have college or university degrees. The government set up many colleges, universities. And every kid, if you want to go to university, you can go, and just so long as you spend time. So that has created a relatively good quality of population in Taiwan, posing for any change ahead. That's why I think that's very, very special. Fareed Zakaria: 為什麼其他人都很難做出你做的晶片呢? 我現在在想的是你們的七奈米,美國有非常多擁有輝煌歷史的偉大公司,像是 Intel。而中國則是撒了數十億的資金去開設晶圓廠,但都沒有人能做出你們的晶片。 Why is it so difficult for anyone to make the chips that you make? And I'm thinking now about the 7 nanometer. The Americans have these great companies that have huge history, like Intel. The Chinese pour tens of billions of dollars into new companies. But no one can make the chips you make. 劉德音: 嗯,可以啊,只是晚幾年而已,就...哈哈哈哈... Well, they can, just a few years later. It's ... hahaha ... Fareed Zakaria: 但這就是重點啊... But that's all the difference in this business. 劉德音: 沒錯,這是唯一的關鍵。我想我們是把半導體技術本身看做是一門科學,但也是一門生意。這不是組裝零件那樣而已。當然,這一切都得歸功於我們與其他夥伴的合作。我們的工程師甚至因為 COVID 而戴上 AR (擴充虛擬實境) 跟遠在荷蘭以及加州的工程師合作,我們就是這麼密切的合作,共同推進最先進的半導體技術。我只能說這麼多了,沒辦法跟你透漏與解釋所有細節。 You're right. That's all the difference. I think we treat the semiconductor technology itself as a business, as a science. It's not assembly workers. And, of course, I credit this to be working with our partners. Even the COVID time, our engineer used the AR, augmented reality, lenses to work with engineer in Netherland, work with engineer in California. And that's how close we work together. And together, we push the frontier of the semiconductor technologies. I cannot tell you everything why. Fareed Zakaria: 哦當然你不可能跟我說可口可樂的配方的...哈哈...。好,最後一個問題,在技術與經濟層面上,你會怎麼看待未來? 你的願景是甚麼? You're not going to tell me the secret formula of coca cola. Finally, tell me what you think will look like in the future, technologically, economically. What are your hopes? 劉德音: 我希望我們不會因為很接近中國而被歧視(discriminated)。不論我們跟中國的關係是甚麼,台灣就是台灣。你得把台灣視為一個整體,視為一個充滿活力與衝勁的社會。我們希望能為世界帶來創新,並持續不斷地推進未來,而不會因為我們跟中國有些紛爭而害怕我們。這實在是不值得。 I hope that we don't get discriminated because we are close to China. No matter your relationship with China, Taiwan is Taiwan. You have to look at Taiwan as, by itself, a vibrant society. We want to unleash the innovation for the world, into the future, continuously, and not to be scared because we have some dispute with our neighbors. And that is not worth it. Fareed Zakaria: 這你這樣好像是在跟世界說 ── 如果我理解錯誤請糾正我 ── 不要害怕中國說的那些話。因為中國永遠不可能接手台灣。台灣經濟是建立於全球合作,建立於信任與公開透明之上。如果他們侵入台灣,他們會發現實際上他們甚麼也沒拿到。 But it seems to me you're saying to the world -- correct me if I'm wrong -- you're saying to the world, don't be scared by what China is saying because the Chinese will never be able to take. The Taiwanese economy is built on this global collaboration, -- on trust, on openness, on -- they'll find they've taken over nothing, if they come in. 劉德音: 正確,沒錯,我的確是這麼想的,所以我們大家只會為彼此帶來災難,每一方都是如此。雖然我們得做最壞打壞,但還是盡量往最好的方向看齊。 Correct, yes, I do believe so. So the world can only create problem on three sides, all three sides. And that is -- we need to prepare the worst, but we should hope for the best. Fareed Zakaria: 你剛有提到烏克蘭戰爭是 lose-lose-lose,所以你希望可以 win-win-win。 So you said about the Ukraine war, it's lose-lose-lose. Your hope is for a win-win-win. 劉德音: 對,如果真的開戰了,那就會變成這樣。如果一切和平,那麼就只跟我們三方的競爭策略有關,我想在商場上沒有人會想要發生戰爭,所以我們又為什麼要再跳進這個陷阱(戰爭)裡呢? Yes, if you have a war, then it will be that. If this is peaceful, well, it's upon the competition strategies on all three sides. And I think that nobody in the business world want to see a war happen. And why do we jump again into another trap? Fareed Zakaria: 感謝你寶貴的時間。 Thank you for taking so much time 劉德音: 很高興能參與訪談。 We enjoy talking to you. (zero game 2)(sun over mountain)(praying)
    7 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 高雄市長就職演說 讓春天從高雄登陸 讓海峽用每一陣潮水 讓潮水用每一陣浪花 向長長的堤岸呼喊 太陽回來了,從南回歸線 春天回來了,從南中國海 讓春天從高雄登陸 這轟動南部的消息 讓木棉花的火把 用越野賽跑的速度 一路向北方傳達 讓春天從高雄出發 各位鄉親,各位貴賓,還有各位現場好朋友,大家早安,大家好。 今天是歷史的一刻,國瑜要感謝所有的高雄鄉親,用選票選擇了改變,此刻國瑜的內心充滿無限的感激。在此也要感謝歷屆的高雄市長、政治菁英、所有士農工商、全體市民,以往對於高雄市的真情付出,讓國瑜得以站在巨人的肩膀上,帶領高雄市準備衝向新的時代。 剛剛,國瑜念的是余光中先生的詩《讓春天從高雄出發》。事實上,高雄市長今年的選舉不僅僅是「轟動南部的消息」、「一路向北方傳達」,這場選舉甚至已經轟動全世界,無遠弗界的進入全球華人的視野。 余光中是福建泉州永春人,民國17年出生在南京,57歲他移居到高雄市任教於中山大學文學院外國語文學系,國瑜在民國46年生出於台北縣,60歲到高雄市定居,不管先來後到,不管來自何方,只要居住在高雄市,不管用什麼樣的方式愛高雄,我們全部都是高雄人,高雄市民用這次選舉告訴全世界,高雄市真的是一個充滿愛與包容的偉大城市。 在選舉期間,國瑜主張,高雄市必須「政治歸零,經濟百分之百」,打造一個欣欣向榮、活潑、陽光的城市,經濟發展只有通路,沒有圍牆。在這場選舉過程,很多市民樂在其中,大家可以很明顯看到,高雄市已經是一個充滿理想、熱情、歡樂的城市。 高雄市也是一個移民城市,用愛包容各地的移民,高雄市更是一個海洋城市,國瑜希望高雄走向世界,讓世界走進高雄。因此,中英文雙語教育將是新市府施政的重中之重。新加坡國父李光耀曾說,雙語教育是他一生的挑戰,新加坡做到了,雙語成了新加坡年輕人邁向國際化的一種能力,國瑜相信,高雄市也可以做得到,我們要讓高雄市的下一代裝上翅膀,在國際移動沒有任何障礙。 可以預見,國瑜喊出「打造高雄,全台首富」的夢想,未來一定會有很多困難需要一一克服。例如選舉期間走訪高雄蛋白區偏鄉,國瑜發覺,城鄉差距真是超乎想像,偏鄉的教育、醫療、基層建設嚴重落後,同樣一個城市,市民卻有截然不同的待遇,看到農漁民的處境,給了國瑜極大的震撼與感觸。為了弭平城鄉差距,市政府未來的施政一定會城鄉兼顧,一視同仁。 「天地可破,熱情不破」,這次的選舉,當外界全部不看好韓國瑜的時候,我心中的熱情並沒有因此熄滅,人類因為夢想而偉大,未來高雄市也會因為築夢踏實而偉大。 國瑜來自基層,本來是一個賣菜郎,國瑜保證,未來永遠不會和基層脫節,國瑜要告訴所有鄉親,高雄市屬於所有市民,不屬於任何政黨,也不屬於任何派系,選前大家可以有政黨之分,選後不應該再有藍綠的成見,為了高雄市的長遠發展,國瑜要拜託大家,所有人攜手合作,共創美好的未來。 國瑜相信,未來高雄市不僅將成為南台灣經濟發展的領頭羊,在大幅邁開國際化的步伐以後,還會成為台灣經濟發展的火車頭,這也是國瑜對於所有高雄市民的承諾。 Good Morning distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. What an amazing journey, back to one year ago, no one would believe this will happen, and now WE DID IT! This victory belongs to the great and brave Kaohsiung citizens. Without your trust and support I can never come this far, and we together make this mission impossible POSSIBLE! Kaohsiung, the sleeping giant, has waken up! Kaohsiung is an excellent city with beautiful landscape and intelligent people. Facing ocean as a great harbor city, we have mountain, we have river like the Love river we are nearby now. We have airport, metro, light rail and all modern infrastructures. Basically, Kaohsiung has everything you’re looking for. The city is full of opportunities. Kaohsiung city government will spare no effort to create a friendly environment for the visitors and investors from all over the world. There will be no walls and barriers, only roads and bridges, friendship and love. Let’s work together and let the city shine. As my slogan during election: Sell goods, welcome people, Prosperous Kaohsiung! May God bless Kaohsiung and God bless each and every one of you. 最後,國瑜要再次感謝高雄鄉親,給予我跟新的市府團隊一個服務市民的機會,國瑜保證一定全力以赴,絕對不會讓大家失望。感謝大家,Thank you very much !
    1 人回報1 則回應6 年前
  • 【中英雙語展示 ‧ 許國榮 Alex Hui 翻譯】 Ugandan President’s address to his nation. One of the best Covid-19 speeches till now, from anyone anywhere in this world. 以下是烏干達總統對他國民的致詞。 迄今為止,從來自世界各地對於有關Covid-19的演詞來說,被公認最佳演詞之一。 Uganda President KAGUTA MUSEVENI warns against people misbehaving during this COVID-19 period, "God has a lot of work, He has the whole world to look after. He cannot just be here in Uganda looking after idiots". 烏干達總統卡古塔·穆塞韋尼(KAGUTA MUSEVENI)告誡人們不要在COVID-19時期表現不佳,「上帝有很多工作需要做,整個世界都需要祂去照顧。他不能只是在烏干達這裡照顧你們這一班白痴。」 "In a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. You stay indoors by choice. In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist. 在戰爭情況下,沒有人要求任何人呆在室內。你會選擇留在室內。實際上,如果你有地下室,只要戰火持續下去,你都會一直呆在那裡。 During a war, you don't insist on your freedom. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival. 在戰爭中,您不會堅持自己的自由。 您願意放棄它以換取生存。 During a war, you don't complain of hunger. You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again. 在戰爭中,您不會抱怨飢餓。你會忍受飢餓,並祈求天父你能夠生存,有機會再次吃飯。 During a war, you don't argue about opening your business. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that's if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire). 在戰爭中,你不會為商店營業而爭論。你會趕快及時關閉門戶,你會為自己的活命而禱告;並且祈求這場戰爭早日過去,以便你可以重拾若果僥倖尚存的家園。 During a war, you are thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living. 在戰爭中,你會感恩上帝可以存活在有生命的地上,親眼看到新的一天。 During a war, you don't worry about your children not going to school. You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot. 在戰爭中,你不會擔心孩子不上學。 你會禱告祈求政府不要強迫他們當兵,而這些士兵要在現已變成軍用倉庫的學校場地接受軍訓。 The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones. 世界目前正處於戰爭狀態:一場沒有槍支和子彈的戰爭;沒有人類士兵的戰爭;一場毫無國界的戰爭;沒有停火協議的戰爭;沒有作戰室的戰爭;沒有神聖地帶的戰爭。 The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate - it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship. This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army. 這場戰爭中的軍隊毫不留情:它沒有任何人性。它是不分青紅皂白,它不會尊重兒童、婦女、或崇拜場所。 這支軍隊對戰利品毫不感興趣。毫無意願去改變政權,毫不關心地底下的豐富礦產資源。 它甚至對宗教,種族或意識形態霸權都不感興趣。 它的野心與種族優勢無關。它是一支看不見的,腳步輕盈,殘酷無情的軍隊。 Its only agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt. Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, it is a law unto itself. It is Coronavirus. Also known as COVID-19 (because it announced its destructive presence and intention in the year of our Lord 2019). 它唯一的議程是去收穫死亡。 只有在把整個世界變成橫屍遍野的大屠場之後,它才會滿足。 它實現其目標的能力是毋庸置疑的。 這支軍隊並沒有陸戰、兩棲、或空戰設備,但它的基地卻幾乎遍布世界每一角落。 它的移動並不受任何戰爭公約或協議的約束。 簡而言之,這是一支橫行無忌的軍隊。 它是冠狀病毒。 也被稱為COVID-19(因為它是在主後2019年宣布了破壞性存在和意圖)。 Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing. It only thrives when you confront it. It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible. 不過,值得慶幸的好訊息是:這支軍隊都有弱點,它可以被擊敗。 只需要我們的集體行動,紀律和寬容。 COVID-19無法倖免於社交和軀體上的隔離。 它只有在你刻意面對它時才能蓬勃發展;牠喜歡被迎面對抗。 但面對集體性的社交和身軀上的距離,它投降了。它在保持良好個人衛生之前先鞠躬退役。 當你通過盡可能地掌握自己的命運,清潔雙手時,它更是無奈。 This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children. After all, the Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. Let's obey and follow the instructions of the authorities. Let's flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let's exercise patience. Let's be our brothers' keeper. In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing." 現今並不是哭泣之時,像被寵壞的孩童那樣,哭泣暫時肚飢的時候。 畢竟,聖經告訴我們,「人活著不是單靠食物」《馬太福音4:4》。 讓我們服從並遵循當局的指示。 讓我們展平COVID-19的曲線。 讓我們保持耐心。 讓我們成為兄弟互相的守護。 我們恢復自由、進取和社會交往,指日可待。 In the midst of EMERGENCY, we practice urgency of service and the urgency of love for others. God bless us all. 在緊急狀態中,好讓我們操練迫切性的互相服務,和迫切性的互相關懷。但願慈愛的天父上帝憐憫祝福各位。 The best and most intelligent public speech ever made during Covid-19. 以上是「新冠病毒」疫情中,被公認為曾經發表過的明智公開演講。
    95 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • *王毅 外長* :我國要做好準備面對 *未來 三年* 的 *十大殘酷現實* !  王毅:2020年對中美關係來講是艱難的一年,這種艱難可能還會持續幾年時間,甚至會更長,因為 *到現在還沒有解藥* 。而在接下來的三年裡我們也需要去面對的十大殘酷現實!   第一大殘酷現實: *中美關係是所有關係中的關鍵和核心* ,有一萬個理由可以證明搞好中美關係的重要性, *中國沒有成本優勢與美國對抗*。   不是說中國怕美國,而是不值得玩對抗﹔在對待美國霸權問題上, *中國必須要運用智慧* 。防止失聯朋友圈更精彩你可以討厭美國、不喜歡美國、恨美國, *但不要影響去重視美國*。不是因為覺得美國好才與他搞好關係,僅僅是因為 *美國是“老大”* ,是 *遊戲規則的制定者* ,是 *中國最大的消費市場* ,這是 *一個殘酷的現實和事實* ,你不服不行。   第二大殘酷現實: *現在的中國可以影響世界,但不能左右世界* 。目前能夠左右世界的只有美國,這個現實我們必須要接受。要知道:影響世界的國家有許多,況且這種影響也是有階段性的,你在影響別人的同時,別人 *也在影響你。世界萬物都是彼此影響的,所以 *不要有優越感* 。優越感會造成 *盲目自信* ,自信過頭就是 *自負*,自負過頭就會 *自命不凡*,最後只能是 *自作多情* 和 *自認倒霉* 了。 第三大殘酷現實: *“中國模式”僅僅適用於中國* 。   中國的高速發展是不能被複製制的。因為中國的歷史別國是沒有的,我們所受到的曲折、痛苦和折磨在人類歷史上是少有的,中國現在的發展模式是結合了中國國情而形成的一種模式。所以,不要動不動就想推銷“中國模式”,別人 *不會接受*,也會 *水土不服* 。   第四大殘酷現實: *不要輕言戰爭* 。   如果40年前中國說不怕戰爭,那是一種底氣,因為我們窮,光腳的不怕穿鞋的。但,如果你現在還說“不怕戰爭”,那是一種虛張聲勢。因為你已經“相當”富裕,你的北上廣深大城市已經與世界上任何大城市可以媲美。“羅馬城不是一日建成的”,但 *“毀掉羅馬城瞬間就可以實現”* 。   美國人是世界上最怕戰爭的,因為他有最繁華的城市群,所以美國要發展世上最強大的軍隊,目的就是要 *“拒戰爭於萬里之外”* ,絕不讓戰爭在本土發生。中國現在還沒有這個能力,中國若與強大的敵人戰爭,必然是 *本土戰爭*,我們壯大軍隊不是渴望戰爭,而是要 *防止把戰爭引入家門*/。   第五大殘酷現實: *中國永遠都是一個發展中的國家* 。   我們的朋友圈永遠在第三世界。要牢記:西方那些發達國家是不會帶我們玩的,在他們的眼中 *永遠有“優越感”* 。 *西方永遠瞧不起我們的價值觀*,永遠認為中國“落後”。在西方人眼裡,永遠都存在 *“東西方差異”* 。千萬不要認為可以融入西方世界,天真地認為可以與 *西方平起平坐* ,中國與歐美僅僅是 *生意關係* ,是 *做不了真朋友的* 。   第六大殘酷現實 *不要主動去向世界承諾什麼,更不要用錢去買地位,充當世界領袖* 。   真正的領袖都不是主動申請的,而是 *受命於危難* ,都是 *被人強推上位的* 。所以,領袖不好當,吃力不討好。如果你成了世界領袖,那麼必須要放棄許多,全世界都要跟你玩“貿易順差”,你卻又不敢有脾氣。如果這領袖好當, *美國就不會混的現在這麼慘了* (在川普眼裡,美國混的最慘,是世界級的大傻瓜)。   第七大殘酷現實: *中國已經回不去了* ,不可能因為“摸著石子過河”陷入了深水區就妄想退回去。   時光不會倒流,不可能因為害怕風險而停止這場遊戲。從開始打開國門的那一天起,我們注定沒有回頭路可走, *國門必須是越開越大,陷阱必然是越走越多* 。 *不能輕言放棄*,更 *不能 “好了傷疤忘了疼”*。   第八大殘酷現實: *不能為了追求“多快好省”而“超速上癮”* ,不要動不動就犯“大躍進”的毛病, *不要炫耀所謂“彎道超車”* 。   不是因為你技術好,僅僅是一種僥倖。遵守規則從來就不是墨守陳規,講究信用也不是呆傻愚鈍。所有投機取巧的鑽空子結果都會是互相傷害, *出來混總要還的,越強大的人越把規則當生命看待* 。   第九大殘酷現實: *你今天超越了別人,明天別人就會超越你* 。超越強者不是為了證明你的強大,而是要讓民眾享受到做強者的好處。 事實證明:*真正聰明的人願意永遠是一個追隨者*,而 *不願意成為一個超越者* 。也許你覺得韜光養晦無法顯出英雄本色,但低調做人恰恰是深藏不露高手的基本素質。 第十大殘酷現實: *所有用錢買來的朋友都靠不住* 。 “誰是我們的敵人?誰是我們的朋友?這是革命的首要問題”,真正的朋友恰恰是經常公開爭吵的、互相懟罵的。在你渴望用錢去收買別人的時候,一不小心就被別人利用了。真正強大的國家不是因為錢多而吸引別人,而是你的 *價值信仰* 和 *執政理念* *深深讓人折服*。   現實往往都是 *殘酷* 的,甚至是 *殘忍* 的。但是,許多時候並不是因為殘酷而使人不敢正視現實,僅僅是因為 *缺乏自信而曲解了現實* 。   —— *王毅* 王毅把天下興亡說得非常透徹,句句擲地有聲! 轉自 ”人民的曙光” *Wang Yi Foreign Minister*: my country should be ready to face the *ten cruel realities* of the next *three years*! Wang Yi: 2020 will be a difficult year for China-US relations, and this difficulty may continue for several years, or even longer, because *there is no antidote*. And in the next three years, we also need to face the ten cruel realities! The first cruel reality: *Sino-US relations are the key and core of all relations*, there are 10,000 reasons to prove the importance of doing well in Sino-US relations, *China has no cost advantage against the US*. It is not that China is afraid of the United States, but it is not worth playing against; *China must use wisdom* in dealing with the issue of American hegemony. You can hate the United States, dislike the United States, hate the United States, but *don't affect the importance of the United States*. It's not because he thinks the United States is good that he has a good relationship with him, but only because *the United States is the "boss"*, the maker of the *rules of the game*, and the largest consumer market in China. *This is a cruel reality and fact* , *You can't not accept it.* The second cruel reality: *Now China can influence the world, but it cannot control the world*. At present, only the United States can control the world. We must accept this reality. You must know that there are many countries that influence the world, and this influence is also phased. While you are influencing others, others are also influencing you. Everything in the world affects each other, so *don't feel superior*. Superiority will lead to *blind self-confidence*, too much self-confidence is *conceited*, too much self-confidence will be *pretentious*, and in the end it can only be *self-consciousness* and *self-confessed bad luck*. Third cruel reality: *The "China model" only applies to China*. China's rapid development cannot be replicated. Because China has no other country in its history, and the twists, pains and tortures we have suffered are rare in human history. China's current development model is a model formed by combining China's national conditions. So, don't try to sell the "Chinese model" at every turn. Others *will not accept* and *will not acclimatize*. The fourth cruel reality: *Don't talk about war lightly*. If China said 40 years ago that it is not afraid of war, it would have been a kind of confidence, because we are poor, and those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing their feet. But if you still say "not afraid of war" now, that's a bluff. Because you are already "pretty" wealthy, your big cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are comparable to any big city in the world. "The city of Rome was not built in a day", but *"destroyed the city of Rome in an instant"*. Americans are the one most afraid of war in the world, because they have the most prosperous urban agglomeration, so the purpose of the United States to develop the most powerful army in the world is to *"held back war from thousands of miles away"*, and never let war occur in the homeland. China does not have this capability yet. If China fights a powerful enemy, it must be a *local war*. We are not longing for war to grow our army, but to *prevent war from being introduced into our homes*. The fifth cruel reality: *China will always be a developing country*. Our circle of friends is always in the third world. Remember: those developed countries in the West will not take us to play, and in their eyes *always have a "sense of superiority"*. *The West will always look down on our values* and always consider *China to be "backward"*. In the eyes of Westerners, there will always be *"East-West differences"*. Don't think that you can *integrate into the Western world*, and *naively think that you can*. The sixth cruel reality *Don't take the initiative to promise anything to the world, let alone use money to buy status and act as a world leader*. The real leaders are not actively applying to be one, but *accept the mission under dangerous and difficult condition*, and *they are all being pushed to the position by force*. Therefore, it is not easy to be a leader, and it is *thankless* . If you become a world leader, you have to *give up a lot* . The whole world wants to play a "trade surplus" with you, but you don't dare to have a temper. If this leader is good, *the United States will not be so miserable now* (In Trump's eyes, the United States is the worst, and it is a world-class fool). The seventh cruel reality: *China has no way to go back*, it is impossible to go back because of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" and falling into the deep water area. Time will not go back, it is impossible to stop this game because of fear of risk. From the day we started to open the country's door, we are destined to have no turning back. *The country's door must be opened wider and wider, and come across more traps as you move among . *Can't give up lightly*, and *can't "get rid of the scar and forget the pain"*. The eighth cruel reality: *You can't be "addicted to speeding" in pursuit of "more speed and better savings"*, don't make the "Great Leap Forward" at every turn, *don't show off the so-called "curve overtaking"*. It's not because of your skill, it's just a fluke. Obeying the rules is never sticking to the old rules, and paying attention to credit is not stupid. All opportunistic exploits will result in mutual harm, and the more powerful people will treat the rules as life. The ninth cruel reality: *You surpass others today, others will surpass you tomorrow*. Overtaking the strong ones is not to prove your strength, but to let the people enjoy the benefits of being a strong ones. It turns out: *Really smart people are willing to always be a follower*, and *will not be a transcender/surpasser*. Maybe you think that keeping a low profile cannot show the true character of a hero, but being a low-key person is precisely the basic quality of a *master who is hidden* . Tenth cruel reality: *all friends bought with money are unreliable*. "Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is the primary question of the revolution." *The real friends are those who often quarrel openly and scold each other*. When you are eager to bribe others with money, you are accidentally used by others. A truly powerful country is not attracted to others because of more money, but because of your *value beliefs* and *governing ideas* *deeply convincing*. Reality is often *cruel*, even *brutal . However, many times it is not because of cruelty that people dare not face reality, but because of *lack of self-confidence and distorted reality*. —— *Wang Yi* Wang Yi explained the rise and fall of the world very clearly, and every sentence is powerful! From "The Dawn of the People"。
    6 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 歷史哥澄清唬 https://www.facebook.com/525231778007287/posts/914879449042516/ 【澄清唬爆米花教室:被大內宣淹沒的美國總統署名投書】 先說這篇沒有圖,因為太重要不能亂放圖 在歷史上,從沒有美國總統親自投書到中華民國的報紙。但是在109年10月22日,美國準總統拜登以「More Prosperous Future For Our Families」(定稿中文標題:為我們家庭更繁榮的未來),以華人為主體,台灣人為核心訴求,投書聯合報系的世界日報,強調他願意與中國合作而非對抗,鄙棄川普的仇中獵巫,願意與華人聯手,但更重視台灣人的健保經驗,不願台灣人為美國火中取栗而是共同繁榮。 但在一片大奇特的大內宣中,美國準總統的投書竟然在台灣地區被忽視。且不說拜登明明在聲譽卓著的 IBD/TIPP民調持續領先,比起川普根本鼓吹台灣人火中取栗(你對抗,我賺軍火,去跟大陸人死嗑來增加我談判勒索本錢)。 拜登不只親自署名投書,還誠懇說明他對台灣/兩岸的四大重點,根本是史上最誠懇與重要的待遇。既然親綠親川普主流媒體不報,那福編來報。 ★ 一、拜登堅持稱台灣是 leading democracy (領導性的民主政體),表示其無意支持台獨立場(不稱國家) 二、拜登大篇幅強調川普仇中、卸責不科學的推卸問題給中國,造成亞裔的困擾與災難,而這不是美國總統應為。(打了那些整天喊支那賤畜以為自己就會成為高等美國人的台灣地區背祖中國人的臉) 三、拜登大談健保對一般百姓重要性,表示他珍視台灣的健保經驗,也是未來與台灣的合作重心。 四、與其獵巫與仇中,他更重視與中國的合作,希望聯盟對世界更有幫助(雖然舉例醫療與氣候,但也只是舉例) 表示願意以兩大強權的合作,謀取更多世界利益。 其他我 不多說,請看原文與譯文。 #拜登給中華民國台灣與聯合報系的面子真的太大了 #聯合報系真正展現實力 #美國總統投書首中華民國系報紙 #大內宣只在意把我們當馬前卒的喇叭川普 為我們家庭更繁榮的未來/前副總統喬瑟夫.拜登 時局多艱,我們國家處在十字路口,正面臨疾病大流行、經濟大衰退,和一場將決定我們未來很長一段時間的選舉。 今年 我們看到美國最好的一面 今年,我們看到美國最好的一面引領我們向前:英勇的醫師、護士、日常雜貨商、餐館業主、必要行業工作者 — 而其中,包括許許多多的亞裔美國人。 今年 我們也看到美國最糟情況 但我們也看到最糟的情況:亞裔美國人誤因新冠病毒遭仇視的行為比比皆是,某種程度上,是因為川普總統發布的仇恨言論所致。亞裔美國人被責備、被唾罵、被攻擊;家園、商家和汽車被侮辱性標記破壞;年幼的孩童被刺傷,還有一名89歲的奶奶,在不斷升級的仇恨文化中遭人火焚。 這不該是我們原本的樣子。 亞裔美國人 使我們國家變強大 近兩個世紀以來,亞裔美國人使我們的國家變得強大 — 從掘金礦工,到加速我們崛起的鐵路和工廠工人,再到推動我們向前邁進的科學家、建築師、藝術家和企業家們。多年來,他們的勇氣、犧牲和成功,為美國夢注入動力,也讓美國穩為自由的燈塔與世界的希望。 川普卻不懂 傷了移民國價值觀 川普總統不懂這些。他帶頭攻擊我們作為移民之國的價值觀,甚至在我們的邊境,拆散成千上萬的孩童與父母。即便在這場大流行到來之前,我們的仇恨犯罪就已達到16年以來的新高。而如今,為了轉移自己抗疫失敗、未能保護我們國家的過失,無論是否因此導致上千反亞裔的種族歧視事件,他仍堅持把新冠病毒稱作「中國病毒」。 作為總統 我捍衛每人的美國夢 措辭很重要,總統措辭更為重要。作為總統,我將捍衛每個人的美國夢,讓每一勤奮努力的家庭,享有通向繁榮和美好未來的公平機會。我將反對任何形式的種族歧視,指示司法部優先處理仇恨犯罪,以彌合仇恨與分裂的傷口,而非煽風點火。 川普失敗 他讓我們的經濟崩盤 唐納德·川普早在今年1月就已知道新冠病毒的致命性,卻未採取任何行動。現在,超過22萬美國人因此失去生命,約3000萬人失去工作、工時和薪水,五分之一的小商家關門。川普失敗的領導力讓我們的經濟崩盤 — 他總統當得愈久,得以完全回歸正軌的時間也愈久。 我會控制疫情 讓我們重回生機 八個月過去了,川普仍然沒有(抗疫)計畫。而我有。 首先要擔起責任,努力控制疫情,讓我們重回生機。我將執行早在3月就擬定的計畫,擊敗新冠病毒。我將聽取科學家、專家的意見;保護我們的家庭;讓新冠檢測、治療, #以及最終的疫苗免費,並對所有人開放。 我會重建經濟 實質救助小商家 我將馬上開始重建更好的經濟,為數百萬遭受重創的小商家提供實質救助。他們是我們社區的生命線 — 但川普腐敗的復甦作法棄他們於不顧,只把紓困資金匯集到大公司手中。75%的亞裔小企業主,未能獲得任何首輪紓困金。這是錯誤的,我已要求確保員工在50人以下的小企業獲得紓困金,我也將增加他們獲得優惠和資金的長遠渠道,減輕阻礙移民業主的語言障礙。 我不會對年收40萬元以下者加稅 質言之,我的經濟復甦計畫將回報以工作,而不只是財富,將創造未來數百萬優薪工作。(信評機構)穆迪的獨立經濟學者發現,比起川普總統的作法,我的計畫會創造多出700萬的工作,以及超過1兆元的經濟增長。我也不會對任何年收入40萬元以下者加稅 —別懷疑。相反地,我還將確保超級富豪和大公司最終支付本應承擔的份額。 讓父母能付學費 讓醫保更平價 我一路走來,都在為工薪和中產家庭而戰;他們之中有許多勤勉奮鬥的移民,來到美國是為更好的生活。我將幫助父母有能力支付子女的優質教育、提高教師薪酬,並讓絕大多數家庭免費就讀公立學院。我將讓照顧年邁父母變得更容易,讓醫療保險更平價。川普現在要通過法院,廢除「可負擔健保法」,在一場致命大流行之中,剝奪數千萬人的醫療保險,這毫無道理。 與盟友並肩 深化與台灣的關係 同時,新冠病毒證明美國不能自外於世界。從重建我們最親近夥伴的關係開始,我們必須與其他國家攜手合作,應對影響我們所有人的國際挑戰。我們是一個太平洋強國,將與盟友並肩,增進我們在亞太地區共享的繁榮、安全與價值。這其中就包括深化與台灣這個居領先地位的民主政體、主要經濟體,以及科技重鎮的關係。台灣也是開放社會可以有效控制新冠病毒的閃亮典範。 更新領導力 符合美利益與中合作 我們應對中國的方式,會聚焦增強美國競爭力,再興國內優勢,並更新我們在海外的聯盟與領導力。我們將在符合美國利益的領域與中國合作,包括公共衛生和氣候變遷。 讓家庭團聚 修復破碎的移民系統 美國向來不只靠強大的國力,而是用身為榜樣的實力領導世界。要切實重現此景,我們也必須修復破碎的移民系統,讓家庭團聚,確保美國繼續吸引全球最出色與最聰明的人。 我將會傾聽 重塑我們熱愛的國魂 我競選是為讓美國更好的重建,重建美國作為一個充滿機會,團結和有全新開始的國家;一個由數代移民讓其強大的地方;一個所有人都能發聲、每張選票都有價值的地方。我將引領這些議題,更重要的是,我會傾聽。所以,請確保你今天將選票投出。 讓我們一起,重塑我們熱愛的國魂。 (世界日報華盛頓記者羅曉媛/譯) More Prosperous Future For Our Families by Former Vice President Joseph Biden for World Journal These are tough times. Our country is at a crossroads, facing a pandemic, a recession, and an election that will decide our futures for a very long time. This year, we've seen the best of America carry us forward: heroic doctors, nurses, grocers, restaurant owners, essential workers–including so many Asian Americans. But we've also seen the worst: acts of hate against Asian Americans wrongly blamed for COVID-19, spurred on, in part, by hateful rhetoric from President Trump. They've been screamed at, spit on, and assaulted. Homes, businesses, and cars vandalized with slurs. Small children stabbed. An 89-year-old grandmother set on fire amid this rising culture of hate. This is not who we are. For nearly two centuries, Asian Americans have made our country strong–from the gold miners and railroad and factory workers who helped to power our rise; to the scientists, architects, artists, and entrepreneurs who are helping to drive us forward now. For years, their courage, sacrifices, and success have powered the American Dream and helped America stand as a beacon of freedom and hope to the world. President Trump doesn't get that. He has led an assault on our values as a nation of immigrants, even tearing thousands of children from their parents' arms at our border. Hate crimes against people are at a 16-year-high, even before this pandemic. And now, to deflect blame for his failure to protect our nation from this crisis, he insists on calling COVID-19 the "China virus," no matter how many thousands of reported racist incidents against Asian Americans it encourages. Words matter – and a president's words matter even more. As President, I'll defend the American Dream for everyone, so every hardworking family has the same fair shot at prosperity and a better future. I'll stand against racism in every form, directing the Justice Department to prioritize hate crimes, and working to heal the wounds of hatred and division, not fan the flames. Donald Trump knew how deadly COVID-19 was back in January and did nothing to stop it. Now, more than 220,000 Americans are dead. Some 30 million have lost jobs, hours, wages. One in five small businesses have shut down. Trump's failed leadership has tanked our economy – and the longer he's president, the longer it'll take to get it fully up and running again. We're eight months in, but Trump still has no plan. I do. It starts with taking responsibility and doing the hard work to control this pandemic and get our lives back. I'll implement the plan I've laid out since March to beat COVID-19. I'll listen to scientists and experts; protect our families; and make testing, treatment, and any eventual vaccine free and available to everyone. I'll get right to work building our economy back better – getting real relief out to millions of hard-hit small businesses. They're the lifeblood of our communities – but Trump's corrupt recovery passed them by, funneling funds to big corporations instead. Some 75% of Asian-owned small businesses weren't expected to get any first-round stimulus funds at all. It's wrong. I've called for ensuring small businesses with less than 50 employees get new relief funds. And I'll boost their long-term access to credit and capital, and work to ease the language barriers that can hold back immigrant entrepreneurs. Through it all, my economic recovery plan will reward work, not just wealth, creating millions of good paying jobs of the future. Independent economists at Moody's found that my plan creates 7 million more jobs – and $1 trillion more in economic growth – than President Trump's would. And I won't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year – period. Instead, I'll make sure the super wealthy and big corporations finally pay their fair share. I've fought my whole career for working and middle class families – so many of them hard-working immigrants who came to America in search of a better life. I'll help parents afford a quality education for their kids, boosting teacher pay and making public college free for most families. I'll make it easier to care for aging parents, and make health care more affordable. Trump is in court right now trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, stripping tens of millions of people of health coverage in the middle of a deadly pandemic. It makes no sense. Meanwhile, COVID-19 is proof that the United States can't isolate itself from the world. We have to work with other nations to meet global challenges that impact us all, starting by rebuilding our relationships with our closest partners. We're a Pacific power, and we'll stand with friends and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security, and values in the Asia-Pacific region. That includes deepening our ties with Taiwan, a leading democracy, major economy, technology powerhouse – and a shining example of how an open society can effectively contain COVID-19. And our approach to China will focus on boosting American competitiveness, revitalizing our strengths at home, and renewing our alliances and leadership abroad. We'll work to collaborate with China when it's in our interest, including on public health and climate change. America has always led the world not only with the example of our power, but the power of our example. To truly do that again, we also have to fix our broken immigration system, keeping families together and ensuring the United States continues to draw the world's best and brightest. I'm running to build America back better, as a country of opportunity, unity, and new beginnings. A place made strong by generations of immigrants. A place where everyone has a voice and every vote counts. I'll lead on these issues, and more importantly, I'll listen. So please make sure you get your vote in today. Together we'll restore the soul of this nation we love. #福編編譯? (編譯個鬼,是世界日報了不起! 大內宣與遍地綠媒鬼遮眼)
    9 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • (newspaper)[5/2 17:45] 宋斐洛: “有關Covid19的最新消息。   看來這種疾病正在全世界範圍內受到攻擊。   由於意大利人進行的屍檢……已證明它不是肺炎……但它是:彌散性血管內凝血(血栓形成)。   因此,抗藥性的方法是使用抗生素,抗病毒藥,抗炎藥和抗凝劑。   自中午以來,這裡的協議正在更改!   根據意大利病理學家提供的寶貴信息,不再需要呼吸機和重症監護室。   如果在所有情況下都是如此,我們將比預期的早解決此問題。   有關Coranovirus的重要和新功能:   在全球範圍內,由於嚴重的病理生理診斷錯誤,COVID-19被錯誤地攻擊。   記錄在案的一個令人印象深刻的案例是,一個墨西哥家庭在美國聲稱自己已經通過家庭療法治癒了:   將三份500毫克阿司匹林溶於蜂蜜煮沸的檸檬汁中,趁熱服用。   第二天他們醒來,好像他們什麼都沒發生!   好吧,下面的科學信息證明它們是正確的!   該信息由來自意大利的醫學研究員發布:   得益於對死於COVID-19的患者進行的50次屍檢,意大利病理學家嚴格地說,它不是肺炎,因為該病毒不僅會殺死這種類型的肺細胞,而且會利用炎症性風暴造成內皮血管血栓形成 。   如同彌散性血管內凝血一樣,肺部受到的影響最大,因為它最發炎,但也有心髒病,中風和許多其他血栓栓塞性疾病。   實際上,該方案使抗病毒治療無效,而集中在抗炎和抗凝血治療上。   這些療法應立即進行,即使在家中也應如此,對患者的治療效果很好。   後者表現較差。   在復蘇時,它們幾乎沒有用。   如果中國人譴責它,他們將投資家庭療法,而不是重症監護!   彌散性血管內凝血(血栓形成):   因此,與之抗爭的方法是使用抗生素,抗炎藥和抗凝劑。   一位意大利病理學家報告說,貝加莫醫院共進行了50例屍檢,米蘭進行了20例屍檢,也就是說,意大利系列是世界上最高的,中國人只有3例,這似乎完全證實了這一信息。   簡而言之,這種疾病是由病毒觸發的彌散性血管內凝血所決定的。 因此,它不是肺炎而是肺血栓形成,這是主要的診斷錯誤。   我們將重症監護病房中的複蘇場所數量增加了一倍,而不必要的費用過高。   回想起來,我們必須重新考慮一個月前討論過的被稱為間質性肺炎的胸部X線檢查; 實際上,這可能與彌散性血管內凝血完全一致。   如果不能首先解決血栓栓塞,在ICU中的治療是無用的。 如果我們使血液不流通的肺通氣,那是沒有用的,實際上,十(10)名患者中有九(9)名患者死亡。   因為問題是心血管問題,而不是呼吸問題。   決定死亡率的是靜脈微血栓形成而不是肺炎。   為什麼形成血栓❓   因為根據文獻,炎症通過複雜但眾所周知的病理生理機制誘發血栓形成。   不幸的是,直到3月中旬為止,科學文獻(尤其是中文文獻)都說不應使用抗炎藥。   現在,像流感一樣,在意大利使用的療法是使用抗炎藥和抗生素,並且住院病人的數量已經減少。   許多死亡,即使在40多歲時,都有10至15天的發燒史,沒有得到適當的治療。   炎症造成了大量的組織損傷,並形成了血栓形成的根源,因為主要問題不是病毒,而是破壞安裝病毒的細胞的免疫反應過度。 實際上,類風濕關節炎患者無需接受ICU,因為他們正在接受皮質類固醇激素療法,這是一種很好的消炎藥。   這是意大利住院人數減少並成為家庭可治療疾病的主要原因。 通過在家中對她進行良好的治療,不僅可以避免住院,而且可以避免血栓形成的風險。   這不容易理解,因為微栓塞的跡象消失了!   有了這一重要發現,就可以立即隔離,恢復正常生活並進行隔離交易,但現在是發布此數據的時候了,以便每個國家的衛生當局分別對這些信息和數據進行分析。 防止進一步的死亡。 無用!   疫苗可能以後再來。   現在我們可以等待。   截至今天,在意大利,協議正在發生變化。   根據來自意大利病理學家的寶貴信息,不需要呼吸機和重症監護室。   因此,我們需要重新考慮投資以正確應對這種疾病。 Nãohá(通過自動設備翻譯)。   緊急發布! ” 轉發如收到 [5/2 17:46] 宋斐洛: "Latest news about Covid19. It seems that the disease is being attacked worldwide. Thanks to autopsies performed by the Italians ... it has been shown that it is not pneumonia ... but it is: disseminated intravascular coagulation (thrombosis). Therefore, the way to fight it is with antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. The protocols are being changed here since noon! According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units were never needed. If this is true for all cases, we are about to resolve it earlier than expected. Important and new about Coranovirus: Around the world, COVID-19 is being attacked wrongly due to a serious pathophysiological diagnosis error. The impressive case of a Mexican family in the United States who claimed they were cured with a home remedy was documented: three 500 mg aspirins dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey, taken hot. The next day they woke up as if nothing had happened to them! Well, the scientific information that follows proves they are right! This information was released by a medical researcher from Italy: Thanks to 50 autopsies performed on patients who died of COVID-19, Italian pathologists have discovered that IT IS NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not only kill pneumocytes of this type, but uses an inflammatory storm to create an endothelial vascular thrombosis. As in disseminated intravascular coagulation, the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but there is also a heart attack, stroke and many other thromboembolic diseases. In fact, the protocols left antiviral therapies useless and focused on anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting therapies. These therapies should be done immediately, even at home, in which the treatment of patients responds very well. The later performed less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had denounced it, they would have invested in home therapy, not intensive care! DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION (THROMBOSIS): So, the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. An Italian pathologist reports that the hospital in Bergamo did a total of 50 autopsies and one in Milan, 20, that is, the Italian series is the highest in the world, the Chinese did only 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. Previously, in a nutshell, the disease is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by the virus; therefore, it is not pneumonia but pulmonary thrombosis, a major diagnostic error. We doubled the number of resuscitation places in the ICU, with unnecessary exorbitant costs. In retrospect, we have to rethink those chest X-rays that were discussed a month ago and were given as interstitial pneumonia; in fact, it may be entirely consistent with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Treatment in ICUs is useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. If we ventilate a lung where blood does not circulate, it is useless, in fact, nine (9) patients out of ten (10) die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory. It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia, that determines mortality. Why thrombi are formed❓ Because inflammation, according to the literature, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. Unfortunately what the scientific literature said, especially Chinese, until mid-March was that anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used. Now, the therapy being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, as in influenza, and the number of hospitalized patients has been reduced. Many deaths, even in their 40s, had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not treated properly. The inflammation did a great deal of tissue damage and created ground for thrombus formation, because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune hyperreaction that destroys the cell where the virus is installed. In fact, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have never needed to be admitted to the ICU because they are on corticosteroid therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. This is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and becoming a treatable disease at home. By treating her well at home, not only is hospitalization avoided, but also the risk of thrombosis. It was not easy to understand, because the signs of microembolism disappeared! With this important discovery, it is possible to return to normal life and open closed deals due to the quarantine, not immediately, but it is time to publish this data, so that the health authorities of each country make their respective analysis of this information and prevent further deaths. useless! The vaccine may come later. Now we can wait. In Italy, as of today, protocols are changing. According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units are not necessary. Therefore, we need to rethink investments to properly deal with this disease. Não há (Translation by automatic device). LET'S PUBLISH URGENTLY! " Forwarded as received
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 杭特拜登與中國華信集團CEFC合資的Sinohawk的執行長,Tony Bobulinski,今天(10/20)發表聲明,證明Joe Biden與Hunter Biden在中國的事業,#有關聯。 Tony Bobulinski過去曾在海軍服役,家族成員也有不少軍人。根據聲明,可能是作為軍人的榮譽感讓他決定踢爆拜登家族的醜事。(當然也可能是趁機自保的不自殺聲明) 以下是Tony Bobulinski的聲明全文及翻譯: My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine. 我的名字是Tony Bobulinski,大家反覆討論的事實是真的,且準確的(杭特拜登在信中提及,部分的股份將保留給Big guy,也就是Joe Biden),這些事實並不是國內或國外的假訊息。任何與前述事實相牴觸的暗示或明示,都是錯誤且冒犯的。我就是NY Post在7天前所公佈的信件的收件人,而信件副本是由杭特拜登及Rob walker所持有。 該封E-mail是真的。 This afternoon I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and the Senate Committee on Finance requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals. I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future. 今天中午,我收到參議院國土安全及政府事務委員會,以及,參議員經濟委員會的請求。要求我交出,所有我與拜登家族在事業上有關的文件,以及,其它與多個不同的外國企業或個人的任何資料。我有非常多相關的紀錄,且我將整理這些資料,儘快地交給參議院的兩個委員會。 I am the grandson of a 37 year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20+ year career Naval Officer and the brother of a 28 year career Naval Flight Officer. I myself served our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT Bobulinski. I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I take great pride in the time my family and I served this country. I am also not a political person. What few campaign contributions I have made in my life were to Democrats. 我的祖父是37年的軍隊情報部軍官,我的父親是20年以上的海軍軍官,我的兄弟是28年的海軍飛行官。我自己在海軍服役了4年,並以中尉的身份離開。我曾被施以非常高層級的安全檢查,且是海軍核子動力訓練課程的指導員。我對於我及我的家庭,對這個國家的貢獻,感到驕傲。同時,我並不是一個政治人,我人生中少數參加且貢獻的幾場競選,都是民主黨。 If the media and big tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now. 如果媒體及那些科技大公司(臉書跟推特表示:),在過去幾週做好他們的工作,我根本不會被牽扯進來。基於我對這個偉大國家長期的服務與貢獻,我不能忍受我的名字,與俄羅斯假資訊戰,或媒體上其它暗示這一切都是謊言或造假的報導,連結在一起。 After leaving the military I became an institutional investor investing extensively around the world and on every continent. I have traveled to over 50 countries. I believe, hands down, we live in the greatest country in the world. 離開軍隊以後,我成為機構投資者,廣泛地在全世界每個洲進行投資。我旅行過50幾個國家。我相信,我們住在這世界上最偉大的國家。 What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. 我所說的每一句話都是事實,我知道是如此,因為我就生活在其中。我是Sinohawk Holding的執行長,Sinohawk是華信集團CEFC的總裁葉簡明與拜登家族合作的企業。我是由James Gillar以及杭特拜登找來當執行長的。由NY Post所揭露,在2017年5月13日所寄出的信件中,所指稱的"The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden。 "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden 信中所提的另一個JB,指的是Joe Biden的兄弟,Jim Biden。 Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line. 杭特拜登稱他的父親"the Big Guy大人物",或是“my Chairman董事長”,且常常針對我們所討論的潛在交易,請教Joe Biden要做或不做,或是建議。當我見到前副總統Joe Biden告訴大眾,「他從未與兒子杭特討論他的事業」。我要就我的第一手觀察告訴大家,那不是真的。因為那不只是杭特拜登的事業,他們總是說他們要將拜登家族的名字以及遺產,放在這裡。 I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps to prevent that from happening. 我瞭解中國並不在乎健康財務的投資報酬率,中國只是將Sinohawk視為政治影響力的投資。當我認知到杭特拜登只是將Sinohawk當作他個人的小金庫,方便杭特拜登從中國提款,且越快越好,我採取了一些手段阻止這件事。 The Johnson Report connected some dots in a way that shocked me — it made me realize the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t do that to their partners. 當我讀到參議員強生(Ron Johnson)針對拜登家族在烏克蘭貪污的調查報告,連結了幾個證據,我感到驚訝!我認知到拜登在我背後偷偷拿錢,且中國付了幾百萬美金給拜登。即使拜登家族告訴我,他們並沒有這樣做,且也不會這樣對合作夥伴。 I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant — and so I am not put in a position to have to answer those questions for them. 我希望要求拜登家族對美國大眾開誠佈公,且將事實攤在陽光底下。這樣我才可以回到與這件事無關的位置上,如此我才不會被迫被放在一個要幫拜登家族回答,本來應該是他們要回答問題的位置(指的是參議院委員會的調查)。 I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China. 我並沒有特定的政治傾向,我只是在拜登家族私下的運籌帷幄的幕後,看到一些會讓我憂慮的事。拜登家族非常積極地,用拜登家的名義去跟外國企業要錢,甚至,其中有部分的錢是來自於共產黨控制的中國。 God Bless America!!!! 天祐美國!!! 聲明出處: https://nypost.com/2020/10/22/hunter-biz-partner-confirms-e-mail-details-joe-bidens-push-to-make-millions-from-china/
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • A Covid Update 新冠病毒最新資料 We have the latest on the Delta variant. 我們有最新Delta變型病毒有關的資訊。 By David Leonhardt Published June 14, 2021Updated June 15, 2021 It’s time for one of this newsletter’s occasional updates on the state of the pandemic. The brief version: The situation continues to look reassuring for anybody who is vaccinated — but has become more worrisome for anybody who is not, largely because of the Delta variant. 新聞簡報在這個時間點,要提供有關最新流行病的訊息:由於Delta變型病毒的緣故,目前的情境,對接種過疫苗者可以安心,但是對尚未施打疫苗者就要格外小心應對了。 Here are three more detailed points: 有三個重要的細節: 1. Cases are no longer falling 確診數不再下降 The news about Covid-19 has been mostly positive in the U.S. over recent months. The vaccines continue to work well against every variant, and the number of Americans who have gotten a shot continues to rise. 最近幾個月,美國面對新冠病毒流行病疫情的消息,是非常正面的。各種疫苗持續對抗每一種變型病毒,是有效的,同時美國施打疫苗的人數不斷上升。 But the U.S. still faces two problems. First, the pace of vaccinations has slowed, and a substantial share of Americans — close to one third — remains hesitant about getting a shot. These unvaccinated Americans will remain vulnerable to Covid outbreaks and to serious symptoms, or even death. 但美國仍要面對兩個問題,第一,接種疫苗的速度已減緩,美國人重要的施打人數的比例-將近1/3的美國人,對疫苗接種的遲疑猶豫,這些未接種的美國人,對新冠病毒的再度爆發,是最易受到攻擊和產生嚴重的症狀,甚至死亡。 Second, the Delta variant — which appears to be both more contagious and more severe than earlier versions of the virus — is spreading rapidly within the U.S., after having first been identified in India. It now accounts for about 10 percent of cases, according to Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former F.D.A. commissioner. 第二,Delta變型病毒,較先前的病毒更易傳染和嚴重,在印度首次被認定後,在美國很快的傳播,目前有10%的確診數,依據美國前食藥局局長Dr. Scott Gottlieb表示。 Together, these two forces help explain why new cases have stopped falling: 上述兩種原因可以解釋為什麼新的確診數沒有停止下降:如圖 Many experts are concerned that cases will eventually start to rise as Delta becomes the dominant form of the virus. “We are vulnerable,” Dr. Kavita Patel of the Brookings Institution told Yahoo News. On Twitter yesterday, Dr. Robert Wachter of the University of California, San Francisco, wrote: “I’ll now bet we’ll see significant (incl. many hospitalizations/deaths) surges this fall in low-vaccine populations due to combo of seasonality, Delta’s nastiness, & ‘back to normal’ behavior.” 很多專家開始擔心,確診數將開始上升,當Delta成為主要的病毒形式漫延,我們會很容易受到攻擊,Brookings Institution的Dr. Kavita Patel告訴Yahoo新聞社,另外加州舊金山大學Dr. Robert Wachter昨天(6/15)在推特寫到:我敢打賭,今年秋天我們會看到在疫苗施打率低的地區,會有很多住院和死亡的案例飆升,由於季節的變化、Delta變型病毒的危險性和恢復正常生活習慣等因素所造成。 2. But the vaccines work 各種疫苗是有效的 In addition to being more contagious, Delta also appears to be more severe. As my colleague Keith Bradsher reports about southeastern China, where the variant has been spreading: “Patients are becoming sicker and their conditions are worsening much more quickly.” (China has more detailed data than many other countries, because it conducts rapid, widespread testing.) Delta除了傳染力強之外,它更為嚴峻,作者的同事Keith Bradsher報導了這類病毒在中國東南部的地方擴散:患者感覺不適而且很快的惡化。(中國比其它國家有更細節的資料,因為中國有實施快速普篩檢測) But there is still one very big piece of encouraging news: The vaccines continue to work extremely well against the variants, based on the evidence so far. The best performing vaccines vastly reduce the number of Covid cases of any kind and virtually eliminate death. 但在此還是有一些令人興奮的重要消息:依目前的證據顯示:各種疫苗持續對不同的變體病毒,有很好的防護能力。疫苗最佳的功能在於能大量減少各種的確診數和最終排除死亡。 “The Delta variant is by far the most contagious variant of this virus we have seen in the entire pandemic,” Dr. Ashish Jha said yesterday. “The good news is the data suggests that, if you’ve been fully vaccinated, you remain protected, that the vaccines hold up.” 目前的Delta變型病毒是整個流行病中,最會傳播感染的病毒,Ashish Jha醫生昨天(6/15)表示,好的消息資料顯示:假如你接種過完全的疫苗,你就會受到充份的保護。 The clearest place to see this pattern is Britain, where the Delta variant has spread widely and where the vaccination rate is high. In Britain, there is “still no sign of increase in deaths, well after the strain has become dominant,” as Dr. Eric Topol of the Scripps Research Translational Institute noted. 最顯而易見的地方,就是英國的案例,Delta變型病毒在英國廣泛的傳播,由於它的疫苗施打率高,當這新的病毒株在英國橫行時,並無發現死亡上升的跡象, the Scripps Research Translational Institute的Dr. Eric Topol特別提到。 3. The lesson is clear 這課題非常清楚 Nothing is more important than vaccination. 萬事莫如施打疫苗急 Persuading more Americans to get vaccinated will save some of their lives. And a more rapid global vaccination program can save millions of lives around the world. Delta already appears to be at least partly responsible for rising case counts in several African countries, Russia and elsewhere. 說服更多的美國人接種疫苗,可以拯救更多的生命,加速全球接種疫苗計畫,能拯救全世界數以百萬人以上的生命。Delta在一些非洲國家、俄羅斯和其它地區,已造成了許多確診的事實。 “If you’re fully vaxxed, I wouldn’t be too worried, especially if you’re in a highly vaxxed region,” Wachter wrote. “If you’re not vaccinated: I’d be afraid. Maybe even very afraid.” 假如你完全的接種過疫苗,作者就不會太憂慮,特別是在疫苗施打率高的地區,Wachter寫到,假如你尚未施打疫苗,作者就會很擔憂,甚至會更害怕。 More on the virus: Novavax announced today that a clinical trial of its vaccine in the U.S. and Mexico found an efficacy rate of about 90 percent. Novavax疫苗今天宣佈在美國和墨西哥所作的臨床實驗,證明有效保護力達90%。
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