
1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
A few hours ago, China officially announced the success of the CUBAN serum that Dr. Hala, CUBA's Minister of Health, presented to the Chinese Ministry of Health to treat the Corona virus , which turned out to be 100% effective in more than 7 cases that have been cured



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  • Israel DOES NOT use China vaccines at all, but Israel uses only Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, and that is why Israel has record number of daily cases now, and the number of daily cases in Israel is now higher than before vaccination started, and the vast majority of Israel people have already been vaccinated . The reason for the failure to stop virus spread in Israel and also in Singapore, is because Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, are NOT EFFECTIVE against the delta variant, and the effectiveness will keep dropping every month. Both Israel and Singapore made the same mistake, of naively and trusting in full, the USA fake news media claim, that wildly overstate the effectiveness of vaccines like Moderna+Pfizzer vaccines, and the same USA fake news media FALSELY CLAIM that China vaccines are not effective, but in the real world, China vaccines turn out to be the most effective, especially against the Delta variant . Click the graph below, and see for yourself, the exploding and record number of daily virus cases in Israel, which uses the moderna and pfizzer vaccines at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in China which uses only China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal since 17 months ago at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in Bahrain which uses mainly China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/bahrain/ Now click the graph below, and see for yourself that daily virus cases in Chile which uses mainly China vaccines, has already stabilized and life is back to normal at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/chile/
    1 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • I liked this message..makes sense to me As time passes in a pandemic there’s a greater chance of survival for those getting infected 3 months later like June 2020 than those who got infected 3 months earlier say February 2020. The reason for this is that Doctors and scientists know more about Covid-19 now than 3 months ago and hence are able to treat patients better. I will list *5 important things* that we know now that we didn’t know in February 2020 for your understanding. 1. COVID-19 was initially thought to cause deaths due to *pneumonia- a lung infection*- and so Ventilators were thought to be the best way to treat sick patients who couldn’t breathe. *Now we are realising that the virus 🦠 causes blood clots in the blood vessels of the lungs* and other parts of the body and this causes the reduced oxygenation . Now we know that just providing oxygen by ventilators will not help but we have to prevent and dissolve the micro clots in the lungs. This is why we are using drugs like *Asprin and Heparin ( blood thinners that prevents clotting) as protocol in treatment regimens in June 2020. * 2. Previously patients used to drop dead on the road or even before reaching a hospital due to reduced oxygen in their blood- OXYGEN SATURATION. This was because of *HAPPY HYPOXIA*- where even though the oxygen saturation was gradually reducing the COVID-19 patients did not have symptoms until it became critically less, like sometimes even 70%. **Normally we become breathless if oxygen saturation reduces below 90%. **This breathlessness is not triggered in Covid patients and so we we’re getting the sick patients very late to the hospitals in February 2020. Now since knowing about happy hypoxia we are monitoring oxygen saturation of all covid patients *with a simple home use pulse oxymeter and getting them to hospital if their oxygen saturation drops to 93% or less*. This gives more time for doctors to correct the oxygen deficiency in the blood and a better survival chance in June 2020. 3. We did not have drugs to fight the corona virus 🦠 in February 2020. We were only treating the complications caused by it... hypoxia. Hence most patients became severely infected. ```**Now we have 2 important medicines FAVIPIRAVIR & REMDESIVIR**``` Which are ANTIVIRALS that can kill the corona virus 🦠. By using these two medicines we can prevent patients from becoming severely infected and therefore cure them BEFORE THEY GO TO HYPOXIA. This knowledge we have in JUNE 2020... not in February 2020. 4. Many Covid-19 patients die not just because of the virus 🦠 but also due the patients own immune system responding In an exaggerated manner called *CYTOKINE STORM*. This stormy strong 💪 immune response not only kills the virus 🦠 but also kills the patients. In February 2020 we didn’t know how to prevent it from happening. Now in June 2020, we know that *easily available medicines called Steroids,* that doctors around the world have been using for almost 80 years *can be used to prevent the cytokine storm in some patients*. 5. Now we also know that people with hypoxia became better just by making them lie down on their belly- known as prone position. Apart from this a few days ago Israeli scientists have discovered that a chemical known as Alpha Defensin produced by the patients White blood cells can cause the micro clots in blood vessels of the lungs and this could possibly be prevented by a drug called Colchicine used over many decades in the treatment of Gout. So now we know for sure that patients have a better chance at surviving the COVID-19 infection now in June 2020 than in February 2020 for sure. India has not peaked in March or April because of the lockdown. This strategy has postponed the Covid-19 pandemic in INDIA by 3 crucial months that has enabled us to save thousands of lives. Going forward there’s nothing to panic about Covid-19 if we remember that a person who gets infected later has a better chance at survival than one who got infected early. Let’s all follow simple precautions like -6 feet distancing from others -Wear proper masks -Work from home whenever possible -Order delivery and take away of food groceries and vegetables - Stay at home during lockdown - Hand 🤚 wash & hygiene With this we can beat the virus 🦠. If someone tells you every one is going to get infected, tell them that you are willing to wait to be the last person... who knows by then we might even have a VACCINE.
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • This was copied and pasted: I got this from a friend—good advice—- My sister’s husband sits on various boards. This is what he just sent me: I came across this from Stanford hospital board. This is their feedback for now on Corona virus: The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it's too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air. Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That's very dangerous. 1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold 2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose. 3 This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun. 4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne. 5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap. 6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it. 7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice. 8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on. 9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice. 10. Can't emphasis enough - drink plenty of water! THE SYMPTOMS 1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days 2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further. 3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. 4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 新加坡已成为世界上第一个对 Covid-19 尸体进行尸检(验尸)的国家。经过彻底调查,发现 Covid-19 并不作为病毒存在,而是一种暴露于辐射并通过血液凝固导致人类死亡的细菌。 已发现 Covid-19 疾病会导致血液凝固,这会导致人类血液凝固并导致静脉血液凝固,从而使人呼吸困难,因为大脑、心脏和肺无法获得氧气,导致人们死亡迅速地。 为了找出呼吸能量不足的原因,新加坡的医生没有听从世卫组织的规程,而是对 COVID-19 进行了尸检。医生打开胳膊、腿等身体部位仔细检查后,发现血管扩张并充满血块,阻碍了血液流动,也减少了氧气的流动。在体内,它会导致患者死亡。得知这项研究后,新加坡卫生部立即更改了 Covid-19 的治疗方案,并为其阳性患者服用了阿司匹林。我开始服用 100 毫克和 Imromac。结果,患者开始康复,他们的健康状况开始改善。新加坡卫生部一天内疏散了 14,000 多名患者并将他们送回家。 经过一段时间的科学发现,新加坡的医生解释了治疗方法,说这种疾病是全球性的伎俩,“它只不过是血管内的凝固(血块)和治疗方法。 抗生素片 抗炎和 服用抗凝剂(阿司匹林)。 这表明可以治疗该疾病。 据其他新加坡科学家称,从来不需要呼吸机和重症监护室 (ICU)。这种效果的协议已经在新加坡公布 中国已经知道这一点,但从未发布过报告。 与您的家人、邻居、熟人、朋友和同事分享这些信息,让他们摆脱对 Covid-19 的恐惧,并意识到这不是病毒,而是只暴露于辐射的细菌。只有免疫力非常低的人才应该小心。这种辐射还会引起炎症和缺氧。受害者应服用 Asprin-100mg 和 Apronik 或 Paracetamol 650mg。 资料来源:新加坡卫生部 ()🚨 Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) for a Covid-19 corpse. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather a bacterium that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by coagulation in the blood. Covid-19 disease has been found to cause blood clotting, which causes blood clotting in humans and causes blood clotting in the veins, which makes it difficult for a person to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly. To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory energy, doctors in Singapore did not listen to the WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened arms, legs, and other parts of the body and carefully examined them, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen. In the body it causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, the Singapore Ministry of Health immediately changed the treatment protocol for Covid-19 and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100 mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. The Singapore Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home. After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the treatment method by saying that the disease is a global trick, “It is nothing but a coagulation inside blood vessels (blood clots) and a method of treatment. Antibiotic tablets Anti-inflammatory and Take an anticoagulant (aspirin). This indicates that it is possible to treat the disease. According to other Singapore scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed. Protocols for this effect have already been published in Singapore China already knows this, but it has never released its report. Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can get rid of the fear of Covid-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacterium that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg. Source: Singapore Ministry of Health () 🚨
    4 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 轉分享: 這是中研院生醫所所長郭沛恩院士 (他也是UCSF 教授)寫給前副總統陳健仁及時中部長,関於目前COVID-19 的一些建議,希望政府能夠接納。 Dear VP Chen, Hope that things are going well. I just completed my 9th quarantine after my 9th trip to Taipei during the pandemic and see that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is now firmly established in Taiwan. While the CECC is moving quickly to address the widening spread of COVID-Omicron and is heading in the right direction, I find that the current policy is unsustainable and the messaging can be much improved. Since I was told that the CECC would welcome my suggestions, I have decided to do so. Please forward this message to the CECC for their consideration. 1. It is now very clear that COVID-Omicron is a very different disease than COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA. Current vaccines are developed from COVID-ALPHA and cannot prevent INFECTION by COVID-Omicron even though they lower significantly the risk of SEVERE DISEASE and DEATH for those who are fully vaccinated and received booster shots recently. In addition, COVID-Omicron is highly contagious and has a very short incubation time; but it causes a milder disease, including shortened disease course and contagious period. 2. Because of the above, contact tracing does not work and avoiding infection is futile except one is in strict isolation or wears a PROPERLY FITTED N95 mask around others (see a very nice article about this in the NYT attached). This means that COVID testing in asymptomatic people is a waste of resources and is justified only in a limited set of situations (such as someone who works closely with vulnerable populations - e.g., nursing home and hospital workers - who has been in close contact with a positive case and needs to test negative to return to work). 3. Although the rate of hospitalization and death due to COVID-Omicron is low, when large populations are infected, the number of severe cases and severe disease is still significant (0.4% of 23 million people hospitalized = 92,000 in the hospital; 0.04% of 23 million people can die = 9,200 deaths) so the key is to keep the vulnerable people from developing severe disease. Medications used for COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA variants such as antibody treatments and Remdesivir, etc., do not work for COVID-Omicron but the oral antivirals from Pfizer and Merck work amazingly well for preventing death (>85% reduction) and hospitalization. Paxlovid has done better in clinical trials to prevent hospitalization but it has many drug-drug interactions so many elderly people cannot use it. Molnupiravir has the theoretical risk of mutagenesis in pregnant women but for the elderly who are past reproductive age, it is a very safe and effective drug to use. I encourage the CECC to contact their counterparts in Japan, Singapore, Israel and the UK to get their experience in using these two oral anti-virals in the recent COVID-Omicron surge. [Full Disclosure: Dr. Dean Li, President of Merck Research Laboratories, is my brother-in-law so I am not pushing the Merck pill for obvious conflict of interest reasons.] Based on the above, my suggestions on messaging are: 1. Tell the country that COVID-Omicron is an entirely different disease than the previous COVID variants so the whole country IS NOT IMMUNE to getting the infection. However, through the sacrifice and cooperation of everyone in Taiwan, the country succeeded in preventing disease and death during the previous waves of infection that caused a lot of problems around the world. This is shared success that the CECC and everyone in Taiwan should take credit, be proud of, and very relieved by. 2. Despite the fact that no one is protected from infection, but because COVID-Omicron is mild, public health policy needs to be adjusted to focus on treating the vulnerable rather than preventing infection of all. 3. Acknowledge that some segments of society have been severely affected by COVID policies so the recovery of these sectors is taken in consideration in updating the public health policy. 4. Acknowledge that some COVID policies were confusing to the public in the past so the new policies will be more consistent and logical. For example, the policy of requiring masking outdoors while people eating at restaurants indoors are not required to mask makes no sense. My suggestions for the new policy are geared towards lowering hospitalization and death rates while avoiding unnecessary disruptions in people's lives: 1. Push vaccination for vulnerable groups (the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions that make them more prone to severe disease). Send vaccination nurses to the nursing homes and neighborhoods with elderly people to get everyone fully vaccinated (including booster shots). Getting the 30% of those 65-75 and 44% of elderly >75 who have not been fully vaccinated and boosted should be a high priority 2. Use the "test positive and treat" strategy for those in vulnerable groups. As I mentioned before, Paxlovid for all but Molnupiravir for those who cannot take Paxlovid. Treat them before their symptoms get worse because it is cheaper to give them the medicine than risk their need for hospitalization. 3. No more putting those with mild disease in special facilities or hospitals so that there are plenty of capacity for those who need hospitalization. 4. Recommend (not mandate with threat of punishment) those who have close contact with COVID-Omicron patients to mask around others for 5 days (no need to do so with household members because they are already given it to them) if they are asymptomatic. 5. No testing of asymptomatic people unless their job requires it (nursing home, hospital, etc.). 6. No more closing schools, factories, or offices because of positive COVID-Omicron cases. 7. No more mandatory masking except for those described in #4 above. People here are so used to masking that many will still do so with the threat of punishment. 8. No more mandatory quarantine, even for those who test positive. Highly recommend those who test positive to wear a mask when around people and not eat with others but not make it a punishable offense. [Treat them like people who have a bad flu, not like criminals.] 9. No more testing or quarantine requirements for visitors from abroad. As the local infection rate is now higher than that many other countries, there is no reason to require new arrivals to do anything different when they are asymptomatic. It's confusing to many that I can go anywhere in the world without quarantine but have to do quarantine plus multiple tests when arriving in Taiwan (and a handful of Asian countries). The benefit of the policies listed above is that the resources of the country are directed toward saving lives rather than collecting lots of infection data. It will reclaim the international travel hub status of Taoyuan International Airport (and not let Singapore and Seoul dominate the air travel sector) and revive the tourism, convention, airline, hotel businesses. It will simplify everyone's life and reduce anxiety. It may be counter intuitive but if you look at the data from the US university campuses and European countries, it is better to get as many young people infected as quickly as possible to shorten the surge while building up herd immunity for COVID-Omicron without a lot of severe cases. The old policy for flattening the curve is to prevent overwhelming the hospitals but with oral antivirals and milder disease, there is no need to flatten the curve. It is better to get the whole surge completed in 2 months like in most countries that pursue a more open policy. I am convinced that when the messaging is clear and based on current understanding of the situation, the people will embrace it and praise the CECC's leadership. Best, Pui -- Pui-Yan Kwok, MD, PhD Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Academia Sinica
    11 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 突發新冠肺炎突發新聞! Breaking Covid news! 3/9/2021 來自Line Italy has allegedly discovered covid is not a virus, but a bacterium. 據稱,意大利發現新冠病毒不是病毒,而是一種細菌。 It clots the blood and reduces the oxygen saturation from dispersing throughout the body. 它會使血液凝結,降低血氧飽和度,使其無法擴散到全身。 They went against the WHO’s that no bodies be autopsied. When Italian Ministry of Health ordered many autopsies, they found the blood was clotted in all of the patients veins. 他們違背了世衛組織的規定,不允許屍體解剖。當意大利衛生部下令進行屍檢時,他們發現所有病人的靜脈里都凝結血塊。 They immediately started using aspirin 100mg and a coagulant medication. And have had immense success. 他們立即開始給患者服用100mg的阿司匹林和凝血劑藥物。並取得了巨大的成功。 14,000 people were released from the hospital as healthy and covid free. Italy is demanding Bill Gates and the WHO be held accountable for crimes against humanity for misleading, misdirecting, and withholding life saving information from the world, which cost the lives of thousands. 1.4萬人健康出院,無新冠病毒感染。意大利要求比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)和世界衛生組織(WHO)對誤導、錯誤指導、向世人隱瞞救生信息的反人類罪行負責,這些罪行已經奪去了數千人的生命。 Ventilators and ICU units were not necessary. A mandated vaccine is not necessary. 根本不需要呼吸機和重症監護室。強制疫苗根本沒有必要! Covid-19 is a bacterium, easily treated with aspirin and coagulant. Covid-19是一種細菌,用阿司匹林和凝血劑治療是很容易的。 Spread the world! Make this global. Hopefully our president will learn about this and do something about it! Before we lose all of our constitutional freedoms. 向全世界傳播這個信息吧!在我們失去憲法賦予的所有自由之前,希望我們的總統能瞭解這一點,並採取行動!   Another article regarding it: 另一篇關於它的文章: Carlie J Gardipee 2020 卡莉·J·加德皮2020年 Coronavirus / Health 冠狀病毒/健康 Discovery: Autopsies Prove that COVID-19 is a Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (Pulmonary Thrombosis) 發現:屍檢證明COVID-19是一種彌散性血管內凝血(肺血栓形成) Posted by Chinonyerem Emmanuella 由Chinonyerem Emmanuella發表   It is now clear that the whole world has been attacking the so-called Coronavirus Pandemic wrongly due to a serious pathophysiological diagnosis error. 現在很清楚,由於嚴重的病理和生理診斷錯誤,整個世界都在錯誤地攻擊所謂的冠狀病毒大流行。 According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units were never needed. 根據意大利病理學家提供的寶貴信息說,根本不需要呼吸機和重症監護病房。 Autopsies performed by the Italian pathologists has shown that is not pneumonia but itis Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (Thrombosis) which ought to be fought with antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. 從意大利病理學家所進行的屍檢報告顯示,這並非肺炎,而是彌散性血管內凝血(血栓形成),應該用抗生素、抗病毒藥物、抗炎藥和抗凝劑來對抗。 If this is true for all cases, that means the whole world is about to resolve this novel pandemic earlier than expected. 如果所有病例都是如此,那就意味著全世界將比預期更早地解決這一新型流行病。 However, protocols are currently being changed in Italy who have been adversely affected by this pandemic. 不管怎樣,目前意大利正在修改議定書,因為意大利遭受了這次大流行的嚴重影響。 The impressive case of a Mexican family in the US who claimed they were cured with a home remedy was was documented: three 500mg asprins dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey, taken hot. 還有一個令人印象深刻的案例是,在美國,有一個墨西哥家庭聲稱,他們被一種家庭療法治癒了,配方如下: 三個500毫克的阿司匹林,溶解在蜂蜜煮過的檸檬汁中,趁熱服用。 The next day they woke up as if nothing had happened to them! 第二天醒來,他們就像什麼也沒發生過一樣! Well, the scientific information that follows proved they are right! 下面的科學信息證明他們是對的! Also Read: Corona virus: Safety Health Measures Beyond the Surgical Mask and Hand Sanitizers 請閱讀:冠狀病毒:外科口罩和洗手液以外的安全衛生措施 「THE END OF COVID-19 IS NEAR」- CANIN AFRICA DIRECTOR DECLARES, BACKED WHO CHIEFS 非洲世衛組織負責任凱南宣稱:「Covid-19的末日即將來臨!」 This information was released by a medical researcher from Italy: 意大利的一名醫學研究人員公佈了這一信息: 「Thanks to 50 autopsies performed on patients who died of COVID-19, Italian pathologists have discovered that IT IS NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not only kill pneumocytes of this type, but uses an inflammatory storm to created an endothelial vascular thrombosis.」 「通過對50名死於COVID-19的患者進行屍檢,意大利病理學家發現,嚴格來說,這不是肺炎,因為這種病毒不僅殺死這種類型的肺細胞,還利用炎性風暴造成內皮血管血栓形成。」 In disseminated intravascular coagulation, the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but there is also a hear attack, stroke and many other thromboembolic diseases. 在彌散性血管內凝血中,肺是受影響最大的,因為它是最嚴重的炎症,但也有心臟病發作,中風和許多其他血栓栓塞性疾病。 In fact, the protocols left antiviral therapies useless and focused on anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting therapies. These therapies should be done inmmediately, evern at home, in which the treatment of patients responds very well. 事實上,這些方案使抗病毒療法無效,而是專注於抗炎和抗凝血治療。這些治療應該立即進行。即使是在家裡,病人的治療反應也是非常好。 If the Chinese had denounced it, they would have invested in home therapy, not intensive care! So, the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. 如果中國人譴責它,他們就會投資家庭治療,而不是重症監護!所以,對付它的方法是使用抗生素,消炎藥和抗凝血劑。 An Italian pathologist reports that the hospital in Bergamo did a total of 50 autopsies and one in Milan, 20, that is, the Italian series is the highest in the world, the Chinese did only 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. 據意大利病理學家報道,貝加莫醫院共做了50例屍檢,米蘭醫院做了1例,20例,也就是說,意大利的序列是世界上最高的,而中國只做了3例,這似乎完全證實了這一信息。 In a nutshell, the disease is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by the virus; therefore, it is not pneumonia, but pulmonary thrombosis, a major diagnostic error. 簡而言之,該病是由病毒引發的彌散性血管內凝血所決定的;因此,它不是肺炎,而是肺血栓形成,是一個重大的診斷性錯誤。 Some world leaders doubled the number of resuscitation places in the ICU, with unnecessary exorbitant costs. 一些世界領導人把重症監護病房的復蘇位置增加了一倍,但卻付出了不必要的高昂成本。 According to the Italian pathologist, treatment in ICUs is useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. 「If we ventilate a lung where blood does not circulated, it is useless, in fact, 9 patients out of 10 will die because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory.」 根據意大利病理學家,在重症監護病房治療是無用的,如果血栓栓塞不能首先解決。「如果我們對一個血液不循環的肺進行通氣,這是沒有用的,事實上,10個病人中有9個會死,因為問題是心血管疾病,而不是呼吸疾病。」 「I it is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia, that determines mortality.」 「決定死亡率的是靜脈微血栓形成,而不是肺炎。」 According to the literature, inflammation induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. 根據文獻顯示,通過一個複雜但眾所周知的病理生理機制,炎症誘發血栓形成。 Unfortunately, what the scientific literature said, especially Chinese, until mid-March was that anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used. 不幸的是,直到三月中旬,科學文獻,尤其是中國的文獻,都說不應該使用消炎藥。 Now, the therapy being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, as in influenza, and the number of phspitalized patients has been reduced. 現在,意大利使用的療法是抗炎和抗生素,就像治療流感一樣,住院病人的數量已經減少。 He also discovered that many deaths, even in their 40s, had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not treated properly. 他還發現,許多死亡的人,即使是40多歲的人,都有10至15天的發燒史,而這些發燒史沒有得到適當的治療。 The inflammation does a great deal of tissue damage and creates ground for thrombus formation. However, the main problem is not the virus, but the immune hyperreaction that destroys the cell where the virus is installed. 炎症會造成大量的組織損傷,並為血栓的形成創造基礎。然而,主要的問題不是病毒本身,而是免疫系統的過度反應,它破壞了植入了病毒的細胞。 In fact, patients with rheumatoid arithritis have never needed to be admitted to the ICU because they are on corticosteroid therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. 其實類風濕性關節炎患者根本就不需要進ICU,因為他們正在接受皮質類固醇治療,這是一種很好的抗炎藥物。 With this important discovery, it is possible to return to normal life and open closed deals due to the quarantine, though not immediately, but with time. 有了這個重要的發現,由於隔離,人們有可能恢復正常生活,打開已完成的交易,雖然不是馬上,但需要時間。 Kindly share to that the health authorities of each country can make their respective analysis of this information, prevent further deaths and redirect investments appropriately; the vaccine may come later. 請告知各國衛生當局可分別對這一信息進行分析,防止進一步死亡,並適當調整投資方向。疫苗可能會在稍後問世。 I Completely agree it is inflammation and DIC Which is why I treat with Tylenol-anti inflammatory Hydroxychloraquine-anti inflammatory Zithromax- antibiotic Medrol dosepak- steroid they tried to discourage use of ibuprofen or asprin initially - better anti inflammatory than Tylenol... 我完全同意是炎症和DIC,這就是為什麼我用泰諾-抗炎羥基氯喹-抗炎希舒美-抗生素甲drol dosepak-類固醇,治療的原因,他們最初試圖阻止使用布洛芬或阿司匹林-比泰諾更好的抗炎… FORWARDED as received 收到後轉發  
    3 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 台大同學分享的:三月十三日2020 這是我瑞士詩友江麗珍寄給我。她的家公是北京著名中醫,丈夫是西醫,兒子及媳婦為聯合國衞生組織權威。她寄給我的偏方希望對大家有用。 雁薇姐,您好! 最近新冠狀肺炎病毒漫及世界各地,請多加小心,保重! 附上一個方子,供您參考使用。這是老方子,對預防、治療感冒發燒有一定作用,據說疫情鬧得很厲害時,不少北京人都使用這個方子,結果他們都平安無事。 红糖,生姜,大葱白,大蒜(多放),熬水喝,疫情解除之前,每天喝,感染病毒的概率几乎为零! 大家一起分享转发! 这是一个南阳中医的亲身经历,根据录音整理如下: 现在,大家一提起武汉心情就很沉重,但是,我的亲身经历会给您很大的安慰。 我是腊月二十二从武汉回到南阳的,到家第二天,就有了发烧的症状,我就用了西药和抗病毒的药,效果不太明显,只能控制,不能痊愈。到第八天晚上,突然加重,发烧厉害,伴有咳嗽,痰中带有铁色血丝。我知道这回严重了,情急之下,我想起了我的老师曾经说过的一个方子。便找来八头大蒜,将其拍碎,放入7纸杯水,在锅里煮。水开两分钟后,我喝了连渣带水的两纸杯。然后就入睡了。第二天早上醒来,不发烧了,咳嗽也减轻了,吐的痰也变成了正常的白色。现在,我一天喝两次大蒜水,全家都喝,我已经恢复了正常。和以前一样。我只喝了一次就好了,简直很神奇。现在,我家的左邻右舍都喝大蒜水。我把这个方子推荐给了武汉的朋友,他们又推荐给了新疆的朋友,普遍反映效果非常好。 补充: 为什么我的药茶要与葱姜蒜一起煮,就是这个道理,相得益彰,急重症切大蒜片、含服,比速效救心丸还见效,我们老百姓有老百姓自救的方法。中医药本身是服务于老百姓的,小小秤砣压千斤,区区草药治大病。天佑中华有中医,共克时艰战疫情! 欢迎转发分享! @所有人 🙏🙏🍎🍏 March 13th 2020 This was sent to me by my Swiss poet friend Jiang Lizhen. Her father-in-law is a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Beijing, her husband is a western medicine doctor, and her son and daughter-in-law are authoritative of the United Nations Health Organization. The recipe she sent me hopes to be useful to everyone. Hello Sister Yan Wei! New coronary pneumonia virus has spread all over the world recently, please be careful and take care! Attach a recipe for your reference. This is an old formula, which has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of colds and fevers. It is said that when the epidemic is very serious, many people in Beijing use this formula, but they are all safe. Brown sugar, ginger, green onions, garlic (add more), boil water to drink, drink every day before the epidemic is resolved, the probability of infection with the virus is almost zero! Everyone share reshares! This is a personal experience of Nanyang Chinese medicine, according to the recording is as follows: Now, everyone is very heavy at the mention of Wuhan, but my personal experience will give you a lot of comfort. I returned to Nanyang from Wuhan on the 22nd of the second month of the lunar month. The next day when I got home, I had fever. I used western medicine and antiviral medicine. The effect was not obvious. I could only control and couldn't heal. On the evening of the eighth day, she suddenly became worse with a severe fever, accompanied by a cough, and iron-colored bloodshot sputum. I knew it was serious this time, and in a hurry, I remembered a recipe my teacher once said. Then they took eight garlics, patted them into pieces, put them in 7 paper cups of water, and boiled them. Two minutes after the water was boiling, I drank two paper cups with slag and water. Then he fell asleep. I woke up the next morning, no fever, my cough was relieved, and my spitting turned white. Now, I drink garlic water twice a day and the whole family drinks it. I have returned to normal. same as before. I only drank it once, it was amazing. Right now, my neighbors drink garlic water. I recommended this recipe to a friend in Wuhan, and they recommended it to a friend in Xinjiang, and the general response was very good. supplement: Why is my herbal tea cooked with onion, ginger, and garlic? This is the reason. They complement each other, cut garlic slices in severe cases, and take them. It is more effective than the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill. Our people have a way to save themselves. Traditional Chinese medicine itself serves ordinary people. Little scales weigh a lot, and herbal medicines treat serious illnesses. God bless Chinese medicine with Chinese medicine, overcome the epidemic of hard times! Welcome to reshare! @ Everyone 🙏🙏🍎🍏
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 新加坡已成为世界上第一个对 Covid-19 尸体进行尸检(验尸)的国家。经过彻底调查,发现 Covid-19 并不作为病毒存在,而是一种暴露于辐射并凝固血液导致人类死亡的细菌。 已经发现,Covid-19病会导致血液凝固,这会导致人体血液凝结并导致静脉血凝结,使人呼吸困难,因为大脑、心脏和肺部无法获得氧气,导致人们 快死。 为了找出呼吸能量不足的原因,新加坡的医生没有按照世卫组织的程序,而是对 COVID-19 进行了尸检。医生仔细检查后打开手、腿等身体部位,发现血管扩张,充满血块,阻碍了血流,减少了氧气的流动。在体内,它会导致患者死亡。得知这项研究后,新加坡卫生部立即更改了 Covid-19 治疗计划,并为其阳性患者服用了阿司匹林。我开始服用 100 毫克和 Imromac。结果,患者开始康复,他们的健康状况开始好转。新加坡卫生部一天内疏散了14,000多名患者并将他们送回家。 经过一段时间的科学发现,新加坡医生解释了治疗方法,称这种疾病是全球性的伎俩,“无非是血块(blood clots)和治疗方法。 抗生素片 抗炎和 服用抗凝剂(阿司匹林)。 这表明该疾病是可以治疗的。 据其他新加坡科学家称,永远不需要呼吸机和重症监护室 (ICU)。此效果的协议已在新加坡宣布 与您的家人、邻居、熟人、朋友和同事分享这些信息,让他们摆脱对 Covid-19 的恐惧,并意识到它不是病毒,而是只会暴露于辐射的细菌。只有免疫力非常低的人才应该小心。这种辐射还会引起炎症和缺氧。受害者应服用 Asprin-100mg 和 Apronik 或 Paracetamol 650mg。 资料来源:新加坡卫生部🚨 Singapore has become the first country in the world to conduct an autopsy (post-mortem) on Covid-19 corpses. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but a bacterium that is exposed to radiation and coagulates blood to cause human death. It has been found that Covid-19 disease can cause blood clotting, which can cause human blood to clot and cause venous blood to clot, making it difficult for people to breathe because the brain, heart and lungs cannot get oxygen, causing people to die. In order to find out the reason for the lack of breathing energy, doctors in Singapore did not follow the WHO procedures, but performed an autopsy for COVID-19. After a careful examination, the doctor opened the hands, legs and other body parts and found that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, obstructing the blood flow and reducing the flow of oxygen. In the body, it can cause the death of the patient. Upon learning of this study, the Singapore Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment plan and took aspirin for its positive patients. I started taking 100 mg and Imromac. As a result, the patients began to recover and their health began to improve. The Ministry of Health of Singapore evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home. After a period of scientific discovery, Singaporean doctors explained the treatment method, calling the disease a global trick, "it is nothing more than blood clots and treatment methods." Antibiotic tablets Anti-inflammatory and Take anticoagulant (aspirin). This shows that the disease is treatable. According to other Singaporean scientists, a ventilator and an intensive care unit (ICU) will never be needed. The agreement for this effect has been announced in Singapore Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and colleagues to get them out of fear of Covid-19 and realize that it is not a virus, but bacteria that are only exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation can also cause inflammation and hypoxia. The victim should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg. Source: Ministry of Health, Singapore🚨 Singapura menjadi negara pertama di dunia yang melakukan otopsi (post-mortem) pada jenazah Covid-19. Setelah penyelidikan menyeluruh, ditemukan bahwa Covid-19 tidak ada sebagai virus, tetapi bakteri yang melakukan otopsi (post-mortem) pada jenazah Covid-19. Telah ditemukan penyakit Covid-19 dapat menyebabkan pembekuan darah, yang dapat menyebabkan darah manusia menggumpal dan menyebabkan darah vena menggumpal, sehingga menyulitkan orang untuk bernafas karena otak, jant me, menehdan balokpat. Untuk mengetahui penyebab kekurangan energi pernapasan, dokter di Singapura tidak mengikuti prosedur WHO tetapi melakukan otopsi untuk COVID-19. Setelah pemeriksaan yang cermat, dokter membuka tangan, kaki danh membuka tangan, kaki danah membuka tangan, kaki danah membuka tangan, darah men, darah, membuka, tangan, darah, men, darah, membuka, tangan, darah, men, dah, membuka, la dan mengurangi aliran oksigen. Di dalam tubuh, dapat menyebabkan kematian pasien. Mengetahui penelitian ini, Kementerian Kesehatan Singapura langsung mengubah rencana pengobatan Covid-19 dan mengonsumsi aspirin untuk pasien pasien posit posit ment laimendan si aspirin untuk pasien si aspirin untuk pasien 100 mg lai mendan kannya. mulai membaik. Kementerian Kesehatan Singapura mengevakuasi lebih dari 14.000 pasien dalam satu hari dan memulangkan mereka. Setelah periode penemuan ilmiah, dokter Singapura menjelaskan metode pengobatan, menyebut penyakit ini sebagai trik global, "tidak lebih dari pembekuan darah dan metode pengobatan." Tablet antibiotik Anti inflamasi dan Minum antikoagulan (aspirin). Ini menunjukkan bahwa penyakit ini dapat diobati. Menurut ilmuwan Singapura lainnya, ventilator dan unit perawatan intensif (ICU) tidak akan pernah dibutuhkan. Perjanjian untuk efek ini telah diumumkan di Singapura Bagikan informasi ini kepada keluarga, tetangga, kenalan, teman, dan kolega Anda agar mereka terhindar dari ketakutan akan Covid-19 dan menyadari bahwa bukan virus, melainkan bakteri yang hanya terpaparan radiasi. Hanangya orang reatiber ha-yang hanya terpapar radih. Radiasi ini juga
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 值得細看 Worth reading. 這是留美醫學教授黃建中先生發到同學群的微信。講的很好。 This is a message from Professor Wong Kin-Chung, a medical professor in USA, to his students in a chat group. Very well said. (Translator Alice’s note: the original message was in Chinese, I am translating this for the benefit of my non-Chinese reading family and friends residing overseas. With apolgies to Professor Wong, I have made some editorial changes while not affecting the meaning of the original message.) 現在.... 有很多的疑似或確診但病情輕微的病人住不進醫院。這個可以理解,因為任何城市都不可能在平時建設這麼多的傳染病醫院和傳染病床,還要有這麼多的傳染科醫護人員待命。 Now ......there are lots of suspected and confirmed cases (of coronavirus) where the patients cannot be admitted into hospital. This is understandable. It is simply not possible for any city in normal times to build and maintain so many infectious disease hospitals and hospital beds, and to have so many qualified infectious disease control medical staff to be on stand by. 其實去醫院也沒有針對性的特殊治療,主要還是支持療法。住不進醫院急也沒用。按照我下面說的,應該可以先延緩病情發展,等待進院。 In reality, even if you go into hospital, they do not have any special treatment that target (the coronavirus), they only offer supportive therapy. It won’t help to get frustrated if you can’t get into hospital. Do as I say below. It would help delay the progress of your condition, while waiting for admission. 我是醫生多年,又是營養師多年,我的方法是有科學依據的,可以把我的這個微信發到有需要的群里,以便如果有人遇到這樣的情況時可以參考自救。 I have been a doctor as well as a nutritionist for decades. My method is scientifically based. Please feel free to circulate my message to your other chat groups, my advice may help people who find themselves in the situations I describe. 這不是鼓吹靠自己來治療,而是用這些生活中的方法給自己贏得時間等待 .... 整體條件改善時住進醫院治療。 我寫的這些方法都是有依據的。 I am not recommending self healing, only to use everyday actions to buy time.... to improve one’s general health condition while waiting for hospital admission. 1. 患者家人全部進出門用鹽水漱口,要涼水,不要用熱水,涼水可以讓口咽部黏膜下血管收縮,減少病毒進入血液的機會。鹽水可以固定病毒表面的S-蛋白,使其不易附著到黏膜上。冠狀病毒只有先與黏膜上的特定蛋白 結合,才能進入到我們人體細胞,再大量複製。要經常漱口 ,用含酒精的漱口液更好。 1. Patients’ family members, on entering and leaving home, should rinse their mouths with salted water, using cold water, not hot. Cold water will contract blood vessels in one’s mouth and throat, thereby reducing chances of viruses entering one’s blood stream. Salted water can stabilise the s-protein on the virus’ surface, making it less easy to attach to the mucous membranes. To enter human bodies, the coronavirus first has to bind itself to certain specific proteins in the membrane and then self multiply massively. So rinse your mouth frequently, it will be even better if you use mouth rinse that contains alcohol. 2. 如果已經確診,但住不進醫院,只能在家自我隔離(單房間),時刻帶上口罩。家人也時刻帶口罩,只要沒有直接的飛沫傳播,就很難傳染。用75%酒精噴灑家裡,盡可能不留死角。傢具用酒精搽拭。這個病毒對酒精不耐受,用酒精可以滅活。家裡的衣服能用開水燙的就用開水燙,這個病毒能耐受的溫度是60度以下,高溫可以滅活。不能開水燙的衣服鞋子噴灑酒精消毒。 2. If you have been tested positive but cannot be hospitalised, your only option is to self-isolate at home (in a room by yourself), wearing a mask all the time. Family members must also wear masks at all times. So long as there is no transmission via droplets, transmission of the virus is unlikely. Clean your house using 75% alcohol, clean every corner and even the furniture. Alcohol kills this virus. As does high heat, so use hot water of over 60 degrees to wash your clothes. This virus cannot survive heat above 60 degrees. For shoes or clothes that can’t be washed in hot water above 60 degrees, clean them with disinfectant. 3. 如果有症狀但不重,首先注意多喝水,每次喝水量不要大,幾口就行,頻繁的喝,保持水份平衡。大蒜生薑洋蔥都有抗病毒作用,生吃或煮水喝。尤其生薑可以煮濃姜湯,喝了加快血液循環,如果能出汗更好。可以喝一些白酒,加快血液。循環。血液循環對自身免疫功能非常重要。這個病即使住院,也是要靠自身免疫力來控制的。 4. Those tested positive but not too unwell, drink lots of water. It doesn’t have to be lots of water each time, a few sips are sufficient. Drink frequently, keep the body hydrated. Garlic, ginger and onions also have properties that help one’s fight against this virus, eat raw or make into drinks to consume. Ginger is best. Make drinks by boiling fresh ginger in water, it will help one’s blood circulation which in turn boosts the immune system. Good immune system is of overriding importance whether or not one gets hospitalised. 4. 熱雞湯是美國傳統上抗感冒的,醫生也提倡,可以多喝。到藥房去買維生素C,大劑量服,每天4000毫克,維生素C既可以影響病毒複製,又可以穩定血管璧,減少肺部炎性滲出。紅酒里含紅酒多酚,有一定的類似激素作用,可以喝。因為中國國家衛健委的治療指南也是用短期的激素,紅酒多酚消炎是很有效的(紅葡萄酒,不是白葡萄酒)。 4. Hot chicken soup is a common American remedy for colds and flus, which even doctors recommend. Drink more. Go to the pharmacy to buy high dosage Vitamin C, 4000mg daily. Vitamin C affects virus’ self duplication, and can also stabilise the blood vessels’ outer surface, helping to reduce seepage of infection from the lungs. Drink red wine (not white). Red wine contains polyphenol which acts like hormones to protect tissues against inflammation. This is in line with the treatment recommendations issued by the health authorities in China. 5. 好的蘑菇如花菇含有豐富的多糖類物質,可以刺激免疫系統,日本對花菇的研究很多,要多吃。烹飪之前,在水里多泡泡,去除蘑菇可能吸附的農藥殘留。如果家裡有靈芝等,那就更好,沒有就多吃花菇(不是平菇)。人參西洋參都可以煮水喝,對提高免疫機能有好處。可以和雞湯一起煮。 5. Eat more mushrooms. Good mushrooms, like shiitake, contain properties that stimulate the immunity system. The Japanese have done much research in mushrooms. Must soak well before cooking, in order to get rid of any remnants of agricultural insecticides. If you have Lingzhi, that’s even better. Eat good shiitake mushrooms (not the cheap produce). Ginseng and american ginseng are also good for boosting the immune system. Cook with chicken to make soup. 6. 西藥里的阿斯匹林可以服用小劑量(5-20毫克),既有消炎的作用,也有降低血液粘稠度的作用。資料顯示病毒感染者有的血漿二聚體增高,意味著血液粘度升高,血流流速減慢,這種情況不利於免疫細胞的運動,而有利於病毒複製。中藥里的黃芪黨參西洋參含類黃酮,可以保護各器官的細胞,避免出現器官嚴重損傷。實在沒有這些煮黃豆吃也有作用。 6. Small amount of aspirin (5-20 mg) also helps. Other than being anti inflammatory, it reduces the viscosity of the blood. Available information suggests that confirmed patients’ blood contains elevated Plasma D-dimer Count, suggesting a higher viscosity and reduced circulation rate. Such is not conducive to healthy regenerative activities of one’s immunity system, but rather favours the virus’ replication. In Chinese medicine, astragalus, codonopsis and American ginseng contain flavonoids, protecting cells from severe damage. Without these, eating soy beans would help. 7. 能進食是關鍵,胃口不好可以煮水喝,一切能開胃的方法都可以,只要能吃就問題不大。注意尿量。每天至少要上廁所幾次,排正常尿量。 7. The key is to keep eating (= nourishment). If you have no appetite for solids, liquidise your food. Just eat anything that you fancy. So long as you eat, the problem is manageable. Monitor your urination (translator’s note: = body hydration). You have to pee numerous times a day, in normal quantity. 謝謝!可轉發!照顧好自己和家人 Thank you! Can circulate! Take good care of yourselves and your families
    10 人回報5 則回應5 年前
  • (newspaper)[5/2 17:45] 宋斐洛: “有關Covid19的最新消息。   看來這種疾病正在全世界範圍內受到攻擊。   由於意大利人進行的屍檢……已證明它不是肺炎……但它是:彌散性血管內凝血(血栓形成)。   因此,抗藥性的方法是使用抗生素,抗病毒藥,抗炎藥和抗凝劑。   自中午以來,這裡的協議正在更改!   根據意大利病理學家提供的寶貴信息,不再需要呼吸機和重症監護室。   如果在所有情況下都是如此,我們將比預期的早解決此問題。   有關Coranovirus的重要和新功能:   在全球範圍內,由於嚴重的病理生理診斷錯誤,COVID-19被錯誤地攻擊。   記錄在案的一個令人印象深刻的案例是,一個墨西哥家庭在美國聲稱自己已經通過家庭療法治癒了:   將三份500毫克阿司匹林溶於蜂蜜煮沸的檸檬汁中,趁熱服用。   第二天他們醒來,好像他們什麼都沒發生!   好吧,下面的科學信息證明它們是正確的!   該信息由來自意大利的醫學研究員發布:   得益於對死於COVID-19的患者進行的50次屍檢,意大利病理學家嚴格地說,它不是肺炎,因為該病毒不僅會殺死這種類型的肺細胞,而且會利用炎症性風暴造成內皮血管血栓形成 。   如同彌散性血管內凝血一樣,肺部受到的影響最大,因為它最發炎,但也有心髒病,中風和許多其他血栓栓塞性疾病。   實際上,該方案使抗病毒治療無效,而集中在抗炎和抗凝血治療上。   這些療法應立即進行,即使在家中也應如此,對患者的治療效果很好。   後者表現較差。   在復蘇時,它們幾乎沒有用。   如果中國人譴責它,他們將投資家庭療法,而不是重症監護!   彌散性血管內凝血(血栓形成):   因此,與之抗爭的方法是使用抗生素,抗炎藥和抗凝劑。   一位意大利病理學家報告說,貝加莫醫院共進行了50例屍檢,米蘭進行了20例屍檢,也就是說,意大利系列是世界上最高的,中國人只有3例,這似乎完全證實了這一信息。   簡而言之,這種疾病是由病毒觸發的彌散性血管內凝血所決定的。 因此,它不是肺炎而是肺血栓形成,這是主要的診斷錯誤。   我們將重症監護病房中的複蘇場所數量增加了一倍,而不必要的費用過高。   回想起來,我們必須重新考慮一個月前討論過的被稱為間質性肺炎的胸部X線檢查; 實際上,這可能與彌散性血管內凝血完全一致。   如果不能首先解決血栓栓塞,在ICU中的治療是無用的。 如果我們使血液不流通的肺通氣,那是沒有用的,實際上,十(10)名患者中有九(9)名患者死亡。   因為問題是心血管問題,而不是呼吸問題。   決定死亡率的是靜脈微血栓形成而不是肺炎。   為什麼形成血栓❓   因為根據文獻,炎症通過複雜但眾所周知的病理生理機制誘發血栓形成。   不幸的是,直到3月中旬為止,科學文獻(尤其是中文文獻)都說不應使用抗炎藥。   現在,像流感一樣,在意大利使用的療法是使用抗炎藥和抗生素,並且住院病人的數量已經減少。   許多死亡,即使在40多歲時,都有10至15天的發燒史,沒有得到適當的治療。   炎症造成了大量的組織損傷,並形成了血栓形成的根源,因為主要問題不是病毒,而是破壞安裝病毒的細胞的免疫反應過度。 實際上,類風濕關節炎患者無需接受ICU,因為他們正在接受皮質類固醇激素療法,這是一種很好的消炎藥。   這是意大利住院人數減少並成為家庭可治療疾病的主要原因。 通過在家中對她進行良好的治療,不僅可以避免住院,而且可以避免血栓形成的風險。   這不容易理解,因為微栓塞的跡象消失了!   有了這一重要發現,就可以立即隔離,恢復正常生活並進行隔離交易,但現在是發布此數據的時候了,以便每個國家的衛生當局分別對這些信息和數據進行分析。 防止進一步的死亡。 無用!   疫苗可能以後再來。   現在我們可以等待。   截至今天,在意大利,協議正在發生變化。   根據來自意大利病理學家的寶貴信息,不需要呼吸機和重症監護室。   因此,我們需要重新考慮投資以正確應對這種疾病。 Nãohá(通過自動設備翻譯)。   緊急發布! ” 轉發如收到 [5/2 17:46] 宋斐洛: "Latest news about Covid19. It seems that the disease is being attacked worldwide. Thanks to autopsies performed by the Italians ... it has been shown that it is not pneumonia ... but it is: disseminated intravascular coagulation (thrombosis). Therefore, the way to fight it is with antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. The protocols are being changed here since noon! According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units were never needed. If this is true for all cases, we are about to resolve it earlier than expected. Important and new about Coranovirus: Around the world, COVID-19 is being attacked wrongly due to a serious pathophysiological diagnosis error. The impressive case of a Mexican family in the United States who claimed they were cured with a home remedy was documented: three 500 mg aspirins dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey, taken hot. The next day they woke up as if nothing had happened to them! Well, the scientific information that follows proves they are right! This information was released by a medical researcher from Italy: Thanks to 50 autopsies performed on patients who died of COVID-19, Italian pathologists have discovered that IT IS NOT PNEUMONIA, strictly speaking, because the virus does not only kill pneumocytes of this type, but uses an inflammatory storm to create an endothelial vascular thrombosis. As in disseminated intravascular coagulation, the lung is the most affected because it is the most inflamed, but there is also a heart attack, stroke and many other thromboembolic diseases. In fact, the protocols left antiviral therapies useless and focused on anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting therapies. These therapies should be done immediately, even at home, in which the treatment of patients responds very well. The later performed less effective. In resuscitation, they are almost useless. If the Chinese had denounced it, they would have invested in home therapy, not intensive care! DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION (THROMBOSIS): So, the way to fight it is with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants. An Italian pathologist reports that the hospital in Bergamo did a total of 50 autopsies and one in Milan, 20, that is, the Italian series is the highest in the world, the Chinese did only 3, which seems to fully confirm the information. Previously, in a nutshell, the disease is determined by a disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by the virus; therefore, it is not pneumonia but pulmonary thrombosis, a major diagnostic error. We doubled the number of resuscitation places in the ICU, with unnecessary exorbitant costs. In retrospect, we have to rethink those chest X-rays that were discussed a month ago and were given as interstitial pneumonia; in fact, it may be entirely consistent with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Treatment in ICUs is useless if thromboembolism is not resolved first. If we ventilate a lung where blood does not circulate, it is useless, in fact, nine (9) patients out of ten (10) die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory. It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia, that determines mortality. Why thrombi are formed❓ Because inflammation, according to the literature, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. Unfortunately what the scientific literature said, especially Chinese, until mid-March was that anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used. Now, the therapy being used in Italy is with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, as in influenza, and the number of hospitalized patients has been reduced. Many deaths, even in their 40s, had a history of fever for 10 to 15 days, which were not treated properly. The inflammation did a great deal of tissue damage and created ground for thrombus formation, because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune hyperreaction that destroys the cell where the virus is installed. In fact, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have never needed to be admitted to the ICU because they are on corticosteroid therapy, which is a great anti-inflammatory. This is the main reason why hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and becoming a treatable disease at home. By treating her well at home, not only is hospitalization avoided, but also the risk of thrombosis. It was not easy to understand, because the signs of microembolism disappeared! With this important discovery, it is possible to return to normal life and open closed deals due to the quarantine, not immediately, but it is time to publish this data, so that the health authorities of each country make their respective analysis of this information and prevent further deaths. useless! The vaccine may come later. Now we can wait. In Italy, as of today, protocols are changing. According to valuable information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units are not necessary. Therefore, we need to rethink investments to properly deal with this disease. Não há (Translation by automatic device). LET'S PUBLISH URGENTLY! " Forwarded as received
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前