
10 人回報2 則回應4 年前

I had COVID-19 and here is my story. I made this post public out of several requests from my friends who asked me to share. I hope it gives you some good information and peace of mind!

First how easily you can get it. I believe I caught it when attending a small house party at which no one was coughing, sneezing or otherwise displaying any symptoms of illness. It appears that 40% of the attendees of this party ended up sick. The media tells you to wash your hands and avoid anyone with symptoms. I did. There is no way to avoid catching this except avoiding all other humans. 40% of folks were all sick within 3 days of attending the party all with the same/similar symptoms including fever.
首先對於新冠病毒,它比你想像的更容易被感染. 我確信我是在參加一個小型家庭聚會時被感染的。當時參加的客人沒有人咳嗽、打噴嚏,或者顯現出任何生病的症狀。結果呢?約40%參加聚會的人都被感染了!媒體上所說的要勤洗手避免跟有症狀的人接觸,我都照做了. 我覺得沒有任何方式可以避免被感染,除非你完全避免跟人群接觸。40% 被感染者都是在參加聚會後三天之內就發病,他們都有著相同的症狀,包含發燒.

Second, the symptoms appear to be different depending on your constitution and/or age. Most of my friends who got it were in their late 40s to early 50s. I’m in my mid 30s. For us it was headache, fever (for first 3 days consistently and then on and off after 3 days), severe body aches and joint pain, and severe fatigue. I had a fever that spiked the first night to 103 degrees and eventually came down to 100 and then low grade 99.5. Some folks had diarrhea.

I felt nauseous one day. Once the fever is gone some were left with nasal congestion, sore throat. Only a very few of us had a mild itchy cough. Very few had chest tightness or other respiratory symptoms. Total duration of illness was 10-16 days.

The main issue is that without reporting a cough or trouble breathing many of us were refused testing. I got tested through the Seattle Flu Study. This is a RESEARCH study here in Seattle and they have been testing volunteers for strains of the flu to study transmission within the community. A few weeks ago, they started to test a random subset of samples for COVID-19 infection. They sent my sample to the King County Public Health Department for confirmation; however, I was told that all of the samples that have tested positive in the research study have been confirmed by Public Health.

As of Monday March 9th, it has been 13 days since my symptoms started and more than 72 hours since my fever subsided. The King County Public Health Department is recommending you stay isolated for 7 days after the start of symptoms or 72 hours after your fever subsides. I have surpassed both deadlines so I am no longer isolating myself however I am avoiding strenuous activity and large crowds and I obviously will not come near you if I see you in public. I was not hospitalized. Not every country is hospitalizing everyone with a COVID-19 infection and in my case, and in many other cases, I didn’t even go to the doctor because I was recovering on my own and felt it was just a nasty flu strain different from the ones I have been protected from with this season’s flu vaccine.

I also truly believe the lack of testing is leading to folks believing that they just have a cold or something else going out into public and spreading it. And worse folks with no symptoms are also spreading it as in the case of a person attending a party or social gathering who has no symptoms.

I know some folks are thinking that this can’t/won’t impact them. I hope it doesn’t but I believe that the overall lack of early and pervasive testing damaged the public’s ability to avoid the illness here in Seattle. All I know is that Seattle has been severely impacted and although I’m better now I would not wish this very uncomfortable illness on anyone.
我知道很多人認為這款病毒不會傳染給他們。我真心希望真的是如此,但是我仍舊相信整體上缺乏早期的發現與預防性檢測,將會嚴重影響到西雅圖地區公眾對新冠肺炎的抵抗能力。 目前已知的情況是西雅圖地區已經有嚴重的疫情,雖然我已經痊癒,但是我真的不希望這樣的病情發生在其他更多人身上。

One thing that I believe may have saved me from getting worse respiratory symptoms is the fact that I consistently took Sudafed, used Afrin nasal spray (3 sprays in each nostril, 3 days at a time and then 3 days off), and used a Neti pot (with purified water). This could have kept my sinuses clear and prevented the symptoms from spreading to my lungs. This is not medical advice: I’m simply sharing what I did and correlating it with the fact that I had no respiratory symptoms. The two could be entirely unrelated based on the viral strain and viral load that I received.

我想我做了一件正確的選擇,讓我呼吸系統感染的症狀不致於變得更嚴重,就是我按時服用 Sudafed (一種藥方販售,不需處方的感冒退燒藥),Afrin 鼻腔噴劑 以及使用清鼻腔咽喉分泌物的Neti Pot 。這些措施保持我的鼻腔咽喉乾淨,從而防堵病毒向下蔓延到我的肺部。我不是在這裡提供醫療建議,只是單純的分享我個人的經驗,因為我並沒有肺部的感染。也許我所做的跟肺部感染並無相關性。而是跟我所感染的病毒特性與病毒感染量有關。

I hope this information helps someone avoid getting sick and/or push to get tested sooner rather than later so you know to isolate before it gets worse or to get medical care if you have respiratory distress. Hand washing doesn’t guarantee you won’t get sick, especially when folks without symptoms are contagious and could be standing right next to you in any given social situation. You more likely than not will not die, but do you want to risk spreading it to a loved one over 60 or someone with an immunity issue? Stay healthy folks!




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  • Hi everyone- I know you all work in nhs so likely to know this already but just in case you don’t this alert is from my pal who is a pharmacist locally in Yorkshire . See below Message from my pal who is a pharmacist locally see below: We have just been sent a medical alert that no one is to use anti inflammatories (eg ibuprofen , Voltarol, naproxen and there are others) for pain or high temperature. Use paracetamol instead. There seems to be a link between severe cases of covid19 affecting people with no underlying illnesses and taking anti inflammatories. Initial reports started coming from French Drs on Friday. This has been confirmed by infectious diseases consultants here - there are 4 people in ICU in Cork who have no underlying illnesses - all were taking anti inflammatories and there are concerns this has caused a more severe illness. We have been asked to spread the message. French tv and radio apparently broadcast the same warning today. One of the factors was that most Italian patients took ibuprofen at home. They combine the virus and ibuprofen in the laboratory and came to the conclusion that the administration of ibuprofen accelerates the multiplication of the virus and that it is related to a more serious course of the disease. They recommend avoiding ibuprofen and other NSAIDS for fever, I guess similar to the association of aspirin in chicken pox leading to Reye's syndrome.
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Below is medical advice from Albert’s doctor friend regarding Wuhan pneumonia. Please read through as this disease is spreading quickly in Asia. Dr. Yuen Kwok Yung, a highly respected doctor during the previous SARS period gave the following advice in a speech yesterday. 1. He suggests Hong Kong people should try to avoid going to China during this period of time. 2. If going on a flight, make sure you wear a mask. 3. Always have antiseptic cleanser or towel readily available. 4. The virus “Coronavirus” is similar type of virus like the previous SARS or MERS. This time it is OC43. There is still no known method of tackling this virus. 5. If you have to go to the market, make sure you wear a mask. Be very vigilant. 6. Health Authority announced that this virus is very serious. However, as the virus is found to be able to enter your body if your throat or throat mucous is dry, the one precaution they suggest which can be taken is to ensure your throat or throat mucous is always in a moist condition. In fact, they suggest not to allow your throat to become dry, as in 10 minutes of being dry, the virus will find ways to enter into your body. So do not refrain from drinking water, always have a bottle handy. For adults, they suggest drinking 50-80cc of warm water; for children 30-50cc. Just drink if you feel your throat is dry. Do not hesitate. However drinking more than the amount recommended is not necessary, as it will just want to pass through your system. The idea is to “Keep your Throat Constantly Moist” 7. Before end of March, try not to enter crowded places, MTR or public Transport, and wear a mask if necessary. 8. Avoid eating too much deep fried food and take plenty of Vitamen C. 9. Control Centre advice on symptoms of this virus: - fast and high fever, hard to lower, but if successful, the fever will return very soon. - next stage is coughing, in long duration, people affected are mainly children. - Adults has mainly throat symptoms, together with headaches and physical discomforts. - the virus is “highly” contagious. - elderly and young children are most susceptible, so take super precaution. I am afraid this is best I know how in translating for my dear friends and family’s benefits. Good health to everyone.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • Exactly, exactly. And the story behind the Intelligence League is a very simple one. After COVID ended up spreading around the United States and producing a gigantic domestic disaster, obviously, our intelligence services wanted to prove that they were not responsible for what happened, that they had provided the information to the top American leadership, which was just ignored. In other words, they wanted to get away from being blamed for the disaster. Therefore, four separate intelligence sources confirmed to ABC News that the secret report had been provided to the White House and our top leadership in November describing a potentially cataclysmic disease outbreak taking place in the city of Wuhan, China. The problem with it, the problem they ran into is then when somebody checked the timeline, they realized in November, there was no cataclysmic disease outbreak in Wuhan. At that point, according to all the available knowledge and retrospective evidence, probably a dozen or maybe 20 people were starting to feel a little bit sick in a city of 11 million. There was no way for any outside observer to possibly be aware of the disease outbreak at that point. In fact, the Chinese government itself only became aware of the outbreak at the end of December, six or seven weeks later. So naturally, the Pentagon immediately denied the existence of that report, said, you know, we don't care, four intelligence sources said that they produced the report, it never existed. However, a week later, Israeli television confirmed the existence of a report saying that report had been sent to Israel, it had been sent to all of our NATO allies in November, and it had been produced in the second week of November. Again, the second week of November was long before anybody in the world could have possibly been aware of the disease outbreak in Wuhan, except for the people responsible. It's fairly close to a smoking gun. It looks that way to me too. It's interesting, was it Esper they asked about this and he said, he said, I don't recall. Exactly. I mean, at that point, you know, again, it was an embarrassment that the report had been provided to these people and ignored until people realized that the dates proved that it was for knowledge of the outbreak in Wuhan. So in other words, it's one thing to have an embarrassment of the fact that the government ignored a report like that. It's another thing when the report proves who was responsible for the disease outbreak. And I mean, America, over the decades, America has spent $100 billion developing its bio warfare technology. America brought the Trump administration brought in Robert Cadillac, America's leading bio warfare expert in 2017. And in 2018, there was suddenly a mysterious viral epidemic that devastated China's poultry industry. In 2019, China's pig herds were annihilated. And then in late 2019, suddenly, the COVID epidemic brought up, which really raises all sorts of incredibly dark suspicions of what really happened. Do you think Trump's telling the truth that he wasn't in the loop? I definitely I don't doubt that the report might have been sent to Trump's desk. But I get the sense that Trump doesn't actually read a lot. And you have all these stories of, for example, Trump's senior officials hiding his own executive orders. He forgets about them. He would forget about them. And we were talking about administration that really was operating in a very strange way with the top figures in the administration running circles around the president ignoring the president. And I fully believe that Trump had absolutely no idea when COVID leaked back to the United States that it was an American bio warfare, bio warfare weapon that was coming to us. And that's the reason they ignored it. That's the reason his response was so lackadaisical. The perpetrators who actually were in the loop have somehow raised the alarm in such a way that the US could protect itself. Well, they did to some extent. I mean, for example, Robert Cadillac, again, our top bio warfare expert, from January to August 2019, Cadillac and his department ran something called the Crimson Contagion Exercise, in which federal and state officials in the United States planned out how they would ensure that if a mysterious virus, viral epidemic, mysterious respiratory virus suddenly appeared in China, that they would prevent it from devastating America and leaking back into China. Eight months they did it, and the virus of exactly that type suddenly appeared in China a couple of months after the end of that exercise. Now, as it turned out, the training obviously was insufficient. That's the understatement. It shows that the people involved in launching the attack against China.
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Hi guys, so just a quick update from me. For those of you who don't know me, my name's John, I'm a funeral director based in Milton Keynes. I run a funeral home called Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, and this time it is the 6th of December 2021. So what we're seeing is a large number, an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and these are all as a direct result of thrombosis, embolisms in the lungs, the legs, various places that's causing these deaths. These are well documented by the local coroners, these are well documented, you know, across the country. And now I've seen more this year than I have in the previous 14, to give you an idea. I've written to the Chief Coroner of England, he isn't concerned. I've had no response for weeks and weeks, and then I've had an email from his secretary saying he's not interested. So we're seeing those deaths. The other type of death that I'm seeing, which is more distressing for me personally, is people who are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up. So they've had the jabs maybe six, eight months ago, and it's been eaten away at their immune system, and now they're struggling to fight off things like the common cold. So we're in winter, and as you'll be aware, there are colds and flus about at this time of the year. These people can't fight it off, and the government are very quick to label it Omnichron, a new variant. You know, and they are sick, but they're sick with basic things like the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated, and if you think about it logically, much like, for example, a cancer patient. So when you get a cancer patient and they're on chemotherapy, it decimates their immune system, and one of the things that they have to be extremely careful of is because they've got no immune system, a basic common cold or a flu can kill them. And this is what we're seeing now in these jab recipients across up and down the country. They're becoming extremely ill, really, really ill. For example, I've got a couple of friends, I've known them for a long time, very intelligent guy, logical thinker, him and his wife are both in jabs. He's had one, he's had both. He's bitterly desperate now, he's desperate to get the booster because he feels so terribly ill, he thinks that will make him feel better. You know, what do you say to these people because they just won't? I'll try to explain. This is what is killing you. This is killing you. It's damaging your immune system. All you've got is a common cold. And I said to him, look, I will come over, I'll bring you whatever you need. I will kiss you on the lips because I'm in no danger of falling sick because I have an immune system that's protecting me as a guy who hasn't been jabbed. These people, you know, it was well documented on the Georgia guide stones and other places what would happen. These people are going to willingly walk over the cliff begging for more. This is why, it's because these jabs are decimating your immune system. The other type are the blood clots that are quick killers and we've seen plenty of those as well. So please, please, please, don't take any more of these jabs. It's killing you. It's killing you. And lining up for more jabs when you're desperately ill already isn't the answer. It really isn't the answer. Take a step back. Just look a little bit deeper than the BBC and Google are telling you. The jabs are what are making you ill. The Omicron is vaccine injury. They're nothing more than that. Will you believe it? I really don't know. I really don't know. Time will tell, I guess. Time will tell. But that's where we are in December of 2021. We're exactly where the scientists told me we would be. Sadly. I just hope that people listen. I hope that people listen because if they don't, they're going to get sick and they're going to die. That's the reality. You will die if you keep taking these jabs. And you know, bless you, bless you. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Never a true word spoken.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • About the symptoms of the pneumonia caused by Coronavirus: 以下是新型冠狀病毒肺炎的癥狀: 1. It will first infect the throat, so the throat will have the dry sore throat feeling which will last for 3 to 4 days 1. 一開始病毒會感染喉嚨,喉嚨會覺得很乾,這種感覺大約持續3-4天。 2. Then the virus will blend into the nasal fluid and drips into the trachea and enter the lungs, causing pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days. 2. 然後病毒會侵入鼻液,再流入氣管,最後進入肺部導致肺炎。這個過程大約持續5-6天。 3. With pneumonia, comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You will feel like you are drowning in water. It's important to go seek immediate medical attention if you feel like this. 3. 這個肺炎的表現是高燒和呼吸困難。鼻腔堵塞的感覺跟普通感冒不太一樣,你會覺得有一種溺水無法呼吸的感覺。如果發生這種狀況的話請及時就醫。
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 作者陳敏芳女士是台大醫學院院長董大成教授的長媳,定居美國西雅圖。 ———————— 我感染了新冠病毒,由於不少我身邊朋友的請託,希望我可以跟大家分享我的情況,所以我決定把我的染病的經驗公開,讓大家可以有更多的了解。 首先對於新冠病毒,它比你想像的更容易被感染. 我確信我是在參加一個小型家庭聚會時被感染的。當時參加的客人沒有人咳嗽、打噴嚏,或者顯現出任何生病的 症狀。結果呢?約40%參加聚會的人都被感染了!媒體上所說的要勤洗手避免跟有症狀的人接觸,我都照做了. 我覺得沒有任何方式可以避免被感染,除非你完全避免跟人群接觸。 40% 被感染者都是在參加聚會後三天之內就發病,他們都有著相同的症狀,包含發燒. 其次,這些症狀因人而異,因每個人的身體狀況及年齡而有所不同。大部分受感染的朋友年齡層約在40到50歲左右,而我是30幾歲。對我們來說染病的初始症狀是頭痛,發燒(最初三天是持續高燒而後三天是間歇性高燒),身體的劇烈疼痛以及關節疼痛,而且有強烈的四肢無力與倦怠感。在我感染的第一個晚上高燒到103度,隨後下降到100度、99.5度.有些朋友則有腹瀉的症狀。 有一天我覺得想嘔吐。當發燒症狀消退後,鼻塞、喉嚨痛的症狀則持續,僅僅極少數的人感到輕微的喉頭搔癢的干咳。只有幾個人感到胸口鬱悶感及其他的呼吸道感染徵狀。整個發病期約持續10-16天。 問題的癥結點在於很多人在沒有咳嗽或呼吸困難的症狀時,都傾向於不需要(或不認為必須)接受新冠肺炎測試。我是透過一個叫做西雅圖流感研究的機構所做的測試。這是一個位於西雅圖的研究機構,它們透過對志願者的檢測,來研究流感病毒類型與社區傳播。幾週前這個機構開始對志願者提供新冠肺炎病毒做隨機抽樣檢測。它們把我的初測到的陽性樣本送到國王郡的公共衛生部門去做感染病毒的確認。隨後我被通知連同我在內所有陽性反應的檢測人,都被確認是感染了新冠肺炎的病毒。 從最初感到症狀到昨天3/9為止,已經過了13天,發燒症狀消退已經過了72小時(3天)。國王郡的公衛部門建議感染者在有感染的症狀出現後,做至少7天的自我的居家隔離。在發燒症狀消退後的72小時內,也應居家隔離,避免接觸公眾。目前我已經度過了這兩個期限,所以我不再自我居家隔離,於此同時,我還是避免過度參與公眾活動與接觸大批人群。我並沒有住院,也不是所有感染新冠肺炎病毒的人都住進郡立醫院。很多跟我一樣的感染者,並沒有去看醫生,就自我痊癒了。對我們來說,這感覺就像一個比以往流行型感冒稍微嚴重一點的新型流感,與我所接種而受到保護的流感疫苗,略為不同。 我確信缺乏對新冠病毒檢測的機制是造成多數人相信他們只是感染風寒或一般正在傳播的季節性流感而已。最糟的情況是,很多人在沒有顯現任何症狀的情況下,仍舊正常參加集會活動或正常社交聚會,而將病毒傳播出去。 我知道很多人認為這款病毒不會傳染給他們。我真心希望真的是如此,但是我仍舊相信整體上缺乏早期的發現與預防性檢測,將會嚴重影響到西雅圖地區公眾對新冠肺炎的抵抗能力。目前已知的情況是西雅圖地區已經有嚴重的疫情,雖然我已經痊癒,但是我真的不希望這樣的病情發生在其他更多人身上。 我想我做了一件正確的選擇,讓我呼吸系統感染的症狀不致於變得更嚴重,就是我按時服用Sudafed (一種藥房販售,不需處方的感冒退燒藥),Afrin 鼻腔噴劑以及使用清鼻腔咽喉分泌物的Neti Pot。這些措施保持我的鼻腔咽喉乾淨,從而防堵病毒向下蔓延到我的肺部。我不是在這裡提供醫療建議,只是單純的分享我個人的經驗,因為我並沒有肺部的感染。也許我所做的跟肺部感染並無相關性。而是跟我所感染的病毒特性與病毒感染量有關。 我希望我所分享的資訊,能幫助大家避免受到感染,或者推動整個公眾檢測系統能更快啟動讓感染者能早期自我隔離,而有呼吸道症候群感染疑慮者,能早期接受治療。洗手並無法完全避免受到感染。尤其那些沒有任何徵兆的帶原傳播者,可能正是你身邊普通社交場合出現的人們。感染病毒後不一定會致死。但是你也不會想不小心傳播病毒給你身邊所關心的年長者,或者有免疫系統功能失調的親友們。大家保重。 (陳敏芳 美國,西雅圖)
    1 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • 今大家注意😱😱😱 ❗ ❗ ❗ ⭕ ⭕ ⭕ 坐馬桶前 先掀座墊看清楚!!!!! 3個女人不約而同 的到醫院診療。全部都出現同樣的病症:發燒,發冷,嘔吐,然後肌肉萎縮,癱瘓, 到最後死去,他們沒有特別的創傷。 研究報考顯示,他們的血液裏有毒性。這3個女人各不相識,也沒有共? P點. 過後才發現,他們都有到過Jalan Kuchai Lama(in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)的一家餐廳用餐。那家餐廳現在已被衛生局全面封鎖了。食物,食水,冷氣,統統都檢驗過,沒有任何的發現. 直到有一天,那個餐廳的女服務員也得到同樣的症狀。他告訴醫生,她之前在放假,回來拿支票,她沒有在哪里吃喝,只是有用洗手間. 過後,他們在洗手間的坐廁盤! 下,找到一個小種的蜘蛛。那蜘蛛身上有帶雙紋。這蜘蛛具有很毒的毒性,要幾天才出現中毒的症狀。這蜘蛛喜歡隱藏在,暗,潮濕,廁所坐盤底下剛好就是它們作息的地方。 過後幾天,一名JB的律師也遭遇到同樣的症狀。臨死前,他告訴醫生說:他因做生意要在印尼起飛,在新加坡轉機。在沒有回到自己的家前,他沒曾到過那家餐廳, 只不過,他有像那3個女人的症狀,他的右屁股有被東西刺傷的痕跡。調查顯示,這飛機是從原本的印度起飛。CAB命令全印度航空搜索全部飛機的廁所,才發現到有其中4架來至不同飛機的廁所裏頭有著這蜘蛛的巢。現在相信,這蜘蛛已經蔓延到世界各地。 所以,要上公共廁所的人士要小心,打開坐廁的蓋,檢查有沒有這類型的蜘蛛。請分享這文章,可以救救別人,也可以救救自己的安全。😥😥😥 This attention to 😱😱😱 ❗ ❗ ❗, ⭕ ⭕ ⭕ sitting before lifting the toilet seat to see!!!!! 3 women bowed to hospital treatment. All the same symptoms: fever, chills, vomiting, and muscle atrophy, paralysis, and finally die, they have no specific trauma. Research candidates registered for the show, their blood is toxic. These 3 women did not know, nor a total? Point p. Later found that they had been to Jalan Kuchai Lama (in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia) of a restaurant. The restaurant has now been Board of health of a total blockade. Food, fresh water, air-conditioners, everything checked, no discovery. Until one day, the waitress got the same symptoms. He told the doctor, before her leave, returned checks, where she is not eating and drinking, just useful bathroom. After their toilet seat in the bathroom! To find a small species of spiders. The spider body with double lines. This spider has a toxicity of HIV, a few days before symptoms of poisoning. This spider like to hide in dark, wet, toilet sits just below where they rest. A few days later, a JBs lawyer also suffered from the same symptoms. Before he died, he told the doctor said his business took off in Indonesia, in Singapore. In the absence before returning to their home, hed been to that restaurant, its just that he has 3 womens symptoms, his right buttock showed signs of being stabbed. Investigations revealed that the aircraft took off from India. CAB command all Air India to search for all the aircrafts toilets, was found to have 4 of them from different aircraft toilet with this spider nest. Now believes that this spider has spread around the world. So, on to public toilets to be careful, open the toilet door, check for this type of spider. Please share this article, you can help others, can also save your own safety. 😥 😥} 😥}
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • #以下是新型冠状病毒肺炎的症状: 1. It will first infect the throat, so the throat will have the dry sore throat feeling which will last for 3 to 4 days 1. 一开始病毒会感染喉咙,喉咙会觉得很干,这种感觉大约持续3-4天。 2. Then the virus will blend into the nasal fluid and drips into the trachea and enter the lungs, causing pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days. 2. 然后病毒会侵入鼻液,再流入气管,最后进入肺部导致肺炎。这个过程大约持续5-6天。 3. With pneumonia, comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You will feel like you are drowning in water. It's important to go seek immediate medical attention if you feel like this. 3. 这个肺炎的表现是高烧和呼吸困难。鼻腔堵塞的感觉跟普通感冒不太一样,你会觉得有一种溺水无法呼吸的感觉。如果发生这种状况的话请及时就医。 About prevention: 关于预防: 1. The most common way of getting infected is by touching things in public, so you must wash your hands frequently. The virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 mins, but a lot can happen in those 5-10 mins (you can rub your eyes or pick your nose unwittingly). 1. 通常最有可能感染的方式是在公共场合触摸了带有病毒的物体,所以记得勤洗手。病毒在你手上只会存活5-10分钟,不过即使是短短的5-10分钟,也要十分警惕(不要用手揉眼睛或者不自觉地抠鼻子😄) 2. Aside from washing your hands frequently, you can gargle with Betadine Sore Throat Gargle to eliminate or minimize the germs while they are still in your throat (before dripping down to your lungs). 3. 除了勤洗手之外,还可以用漱口水漱口,这样可以杀死或者减少存留在喉咙里的病菌,防止起落入肺部引起肺炎。 Take extra care and drink plenty of water. 请一定多加小心,记得多喝水。 Please copy, paste and repost. 请复制,粘贴,并转发。
    3 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • This was copied and pasted: I got this from a friend—good advice—- My sister’s husband sits on various boards. This is what he just sent me: I came across this from Stanford hospital board. This is their feedback for now on Corona virus: The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it's too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air. Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That's very dangerous. 1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold 2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose. 3 This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun. 4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne. 5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap. 6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it. 7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice. 8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on. 9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice. 10. Can't emphasis enough - drink plenty of water! THE SYMPTOMS 1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days 2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further. 3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. 4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 關心你, 我關心你, 我很關心你! 轉傳 (這是一個英國護士給大家的忠告,請仔細閱讀。不用謝。) BE PREPARED 準備妥善 Everyone is telling you how to NOT catch #coronavirus, but NO ONE is saying what to do if you get it. 每個人都在討論如何避免新冠病毒,但是沒有人告訴你:萬一不幸染上新冠病毒,應該如何自處。 Thanks to this nurse in the UK for putting this guide together: 感謝這位英國護士整理下列指引: Finally, some sensible advice. From a GP Nurse in the UK. 終於有一些明確的建議了。來自一個英國執業護士。 What I have seen a lot of are recommendations for how to try to avoid getting coronavirus in the first place: 我已經看過很多關於如何免感染新冠病毒的建議: • good hand washing 勤洗手 • personal hygiene 個人衛生 • social distancing 社交距離 but what I have NOT seen a lot of is advice for what happens if you actually get it, which many of us will. 但是我沒看到太多關於感染新冠病毒後要如何自處的建議,而我們很多人會染疫的。 So as your friendly neighborhood Nurse let me make some suggestions: 所以作爲你家隔壁友善的護士,讓我給些建議: If you get Covid-19 如果你感染了新冠肺炎 You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug, like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it might come your way! 基本上,只要做好心理準備,就好像知道自己將會患上令人討厭的呼吸道疾病一樣,例如支氣管炎或肺炎。只要想像你有可能會感染新冠肺炎。 Things to start doing now: 從現在開始要做的事情: 1. Get 20 minutes sun on your entire body (or as much as possible) every day. This will dramatically increase your Vitamin D levels, which improves your immune system. 每天花 20 分鐘曬太陽(或盡可能多曬曬身體各個部位)。這將會大大提高體内維他命 D 的含量, 藉以增強免疫系統。 2. If affordable take a good general supplement, plus 2000mg Vit C a day. Include ZINC, SELENIUM & GLUTATHIONE. 如果負擔得起,要多吃營養均衡的食物,外加每天攝取2000mg 維他命C,再配合鋅、硒和谷胱甘肽(註:一種強效的抗氧化劑)。 3. Scott’s Emulsion is a great general tonic (cod liver oi) 司考特乳白是一種很好的補品(魚肝油) Things you should actually buy ahead of time: 一些應該事先準備好的物品: 4. Kleenex 面紙(或衛生紙) Paracetamol 撲熱息痛藥片(德國市面稱為Paracetamol 500) 5. Cough medicine of choice (check the label and make sure you're not doubling up on Paracetamol) 止咳藥(檢查標籤確保沒有撲熱息痛的成份,以免重複) Zinc lozenges 鋅錠 6. Throat spray like Andolex or TCP 喉嚨噴劑,如Andolex或TCP( Trichlorophenylmethyliodosalicyl) 7. Honey and lemon can work just as well! 蜂蜜和檸檬也有相同效果! 8. Vicks vaporub for your chest is also a great suggestion. Vicks vaporub 維克斯薄荷藥膏對舒緩胸部不適,是一種很好的藥物。 9. A humidifier would be a good thing to buy and use in your room when you go to bed overnight. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam) 夜裡睡覺時,在房間裡使用加濕器,是一個不錯的法子。 (也可以打開淋浴的蓮蓬頭,然後坐在浴室裡呼吸熱蒸汽) 10. If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if necessary. 如患哮喘毛病,而有哮喘噴劑,請確保所用的哮喘噴劑尚未過期,並重新加滿/如有必要,買個新的。 11. Meals This is also a good time to meal prep: make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. 餐點部份 這也是準備餐點的好時機:將一大鍋你喜歡的湯冷凍起來備用。 12. Hydrate Hydrate, hydrate! Stock up on whatever your favorite clear fluids are to drink, though tap water is fine you may appreciate some variety! 水份 水份,水份!多準備一些你喜歡的清澈食用水,儘管自來水也可以,但多樣化的食用水或許是個不錯的主意! 13. For symptom management and a fever over 38°c take Paracetamol rather than Ibuprofen. 如有病徵同時發燒超過 38°c,那就服用撲熱息痛藥片(Paracetamol),而不是布洛芬(Ibuprofen)。 14. Rest lots You should not be leaving your house! Even if you are feeling better you may will still be infectious for fourteen days and older people and those with existing health conditions should be avoided! 多休息 不應外出!即使病情好轉,14 天內仍具有傳染性;也要避免與老人家和健康狀況欠佳的人接觸! 15. Wear gloves and a mask to avoid contaminating others in your house. 戴手套和戴口罩,以免傳染給家中的其他成員。 16. Isolate in your bedroom if not living alone, ask friends and family to leave supplies outside to avoid contact. 若非獨居,請在臥室中自我隔離,讓親朋好友將物品留在外面,避免和他們接觸。 17. Sanitize your bed linen and clothes frequently by washing and clean your bathroom with recommended sanitizers. 經常以優良的消毒劑清洗床單和衣物。 18. You DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL unless you are having trouble breathing or your fever is very high (over 39°C) and unmanaged with meds. 除非呼吸困難或發高燒(超過 39°C)並且沒有其他醫療藥物,否則,不要去醫院! 19. 90% of healthy adult cases thus far have been managed at home with basic rest/hydration/over-the-counter meds. 迄今為止,已有 90%的成人病例成功地在家中接受基本的療養/補充水份/非處方藥物治療。 20. If you are worried or in distress or feel your symptoms are getting worse: 假如你擔心、緊張、或感覺自己的症狀越來越嚴重: 21. Pre-existing risks If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your Doctor or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick. 預存風險 如果已經患有肺部疾病(慢性阻塞性肺病,肺氣腫,肺癌)或正在接受免疫抑製劑的治療,現在正是與家庭醫生或專科醫生討論的絕佳時機,要預先了解染病時的可能治療方案。 22. Children One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus, they usually bounce back in a few days (but they will still be infectious). Just use pediatric dosing. 兒童 對父母而言,最大的安慰是:治療新冠病毒的方法對於兒童非常有效,他們通常會在幾天內復原(但仍具有感染風險)。同時只需使用兒童劑量即可。 23. Be calm and prepare rationally and everything will be fine. This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5. 保持鎮靜,合理應對,一切都會好轉。要告訴所有人,新冠病毒的pH值在 5.5 到 8.5 之間。 24. All we need to do, to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus. 為了戰勝新冠病毒,我們一切所需要做的,就是大量攝取高於上述pH值的鹼性食品。 Some of which are: 其中包括: 25. Lime萊姆 - 8.2pH Tangerine柑橘 - 8.5pH Mango芒果 - 8.7pH Orange 柳橙 - 9.2pH Lemon檸檬 - 9.9pH Pineapple 鳳梨 - 12.7pH Garlic 蒜頭 - 13.2pH Avocado 牛油果 - 15.6pH Dandelion 蒲公英 - 22.7pH 26. How do you know you have coronavirus? 如何知道染上新冠病毒? 1. Itching in the throat 喉嚨很癢 2. Dry throat 喉嚨乾渴 3. Dry couch 乾咳 4. High temperature 發高燒 5. Shortness of breath 呼吸急促 6. Loss of sense of taste & smell 失去味覺和嗅覺 7. Covid toes - toes turning blue/black 有新冠病毒腳趾 - 腳趾變成藍色或黑色 27. So where you notice these things quickly take warm water with lemon and drink. 因此,如果自己有這些症狀,就要立刻飲用溫熱的檸檬水。 28. Do not keep this information to yourself only. Pass it to all your family and friends. 不要保留這個信息。轉傳給所有家人和朋友。 諸君健康
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