
1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明:Covid-19 已經有一部份的病毒🦠,突變生爲“D614G”病毒,會使🦠更容易入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上,美國病毒權威William Haseltine認爲這是重大發現、這也是科學家最近懷疑,為什麼美國及南美洲國家的確診感染人數暴增原因⋯⋯

Be sure to wear a mask!
A very bad news. A study by the top American "Scripps Research Center" proves that Covid-19 has a part of the virus 🦠, and the mutation becomes the "D614G" virus, which will make 🦠 more likely to invade the human body. The increase in the number of "keys" and the more stable form has caused the virus's infectivity to surge more than 10 times. American virus authority William Haseltine believes this is a major discovery. This is why scientists have recently suspected that the number of confirmed infections in the United States and South American countries has soared. ...

In the future, regardless of whether there is a vaccine, please do not let your family members go out without wearing a mask, and please do not let your family members go to crowded places, and do not touch your eyes, nose and food without washing your hands! 🤷‍♂️
Please stay alert and don't slacken off because of the long time...


  • uienwt標記此篇為:❌ 含有不實訊息


    假的。美國科學家William Haseltine並非研究作者。傳言指出的「導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上」並非出自於研究內容,而是《CNN》報導中採訪了美國科學家William Haseltine對於研究的口頭評論。此謠言將其他科學家對於研究的口頭評論,誤導成研究內容的結論。


    4 年前


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  • 一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明: Covid-19 已產生為名爲“D614G”的突變,會使病毒→入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加→且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增→10倍以上。 (*)美國病毒權威 William Haseltine 認爲這是重大發現(!) 未來不管如何,沒有疫苗,請不要讓家人不戴著口罩出門,也請不要讓家人去人多的地方! 太多太多我們不知道的真相🤷‍♂️有關於此病毒! https://newsabeta.blogspot.com/2020/06/blog-post_886.html
    2 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明:Covid-19 已產生為名爲“D614G”的突變,會使病毒入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上,美病毒權威William Haseltine認爲這是重大發現。 未來不管如何,沒有疫苗,請不要讓家人不戴著口罩出門,也請不要讓家人去人多的地方! 太多太多我們不知道的真相有關於此病毒!
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明:Covid-19 已產生為名爲“D614G”的突變,會使病毒入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上,美病毒權威William Haseltine認爲這是重大發現。 未來不管如何,沒有疫苗,請不要讓家人不戴著口罩出門,也請不要讓家人去人多的地方! 太多太多我們不知道的真相🤷‍♂️有關於此病毒! https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/12/health/coronavirus-mutations-scripps-gene/index.html
    33 人回報2 則回應4 年前
  • 8:30 PM 務必戴口罩! 一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「 斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證 明:Covid-19 已經有一部份的病 毒 突變生爲“D614G”病毒, 會使更容易入侵人體的“鑰匙” 數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒 傳染力暴增10倍以上,美國病毒 權威 William Haseltine認為這是重 大發現、這也是科學家最近懷疑, 為什麼美國及南美洲國家的確診感 染人數暴增原因 未來不管如何,有沒有疫苗,請不 要讓家人不戴著口罩出門,也請不 要讓家人去人多的地方,未洗手别 碰眼口鼻及食物!Wo 請保持警覺,別因時間拉得長而懈 怠… +
    12 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 今天 Richard shen(沈宗桂) 務必戴口罩! 一個非常不妙的消息,美 國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究 中心」一項研究證明: Covid-19已經有一部份的 病毒 ,突變生為 "D614G"病毒,會使更 容易入侵人體的“鑰匙”數 量增加且形態更穩定,導 致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以 上,美國病毒權威William Haseltine認為這是重大發 現、這也是科學家最近懷 疑,為什麽美國及南美洲 國家的確診感染人數暴增 原因⋯⋯ 未來不管如何,有沒有疫 苗,請不要讓家人不戴著 口罩出門,也請不要讓家 人去人多的地方,未洗手 别碰眼口鼻及食物! 請保持警覺,別因時間拉 得長而懈怠⋯
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • AS RECEIVED: The new NCP coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days, how can one know if he/she is infected. By the time they have fever and/or cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs is usually 50 % Fibrosis and it's too late! Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning: Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness etc it proves there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating no infection. In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air! SERIOUS EXCELLENT ADVICE by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases. Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat is moist, never DRY. Take a few sips of water every 15 mins at least. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your oesophagus and into the stomach. Once there in tummy...your stomach ACID will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly...the virus can enter your windpipes and into the LUNGS. That's very dangerous. Pls send and share with family, friends and everyone about this ! Take care everyone n may the world recovers from corona virus soon. May all be well n happy 🙏
    2 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • Below is medical advice from Albert’s doctor friend regarding Wuhan pneumonia. Please read through as this disease is spreading quickly in Asia. Dr. Yuen Kwok Yung, a highly respected doctor during the previous SARS period gave the following advice in a speech yesterday. 1. He suggests Hong Kong people should try to avoid going to China during this period of time. 2. If going on a flight, make sure you wear a mask. 3. Always have antiseptic cleanser or towel readily available. 4. The virus “Coronavirus” is similar type of virus like the previous SARS or MERS. This time it is OC43. There is still no known method of tackling this virus. 5. If you have to go to the market, make sure you wear a mask. Be very vigilant. 6. Health Authority announced that this virus is very serious. However, as the virus is found to be able to enter your body if your throat or throat mucous is dry, the one precaution they suggest which can be taken is to ensure your throat or throat mucous is always in a moist condition. In fact, they suggest not to allow your throat to become dry, as in 10 minutes of being dry, the virus will find ways to enter into your body. So do not refrain from drinking water, always have a bottle handy. For adults, they suggest drinking 50-80cc of warm water; for children 30-50cc. Just drink if you feel your throat is dry. Do not hesitate. However drinking more than the amount recommended is not necessary, as it will just want to pass through your system. The idea is to “Keep your Throat Constantly Moist” 7. Before end of March, try not to enter crowded places, MTR or public Transport, and wear a mask if necessary. 8. Avoid eating too much deep fried food and take plenty of Vitamen C. 9. Control Centre advice on symptoms of this virus: - fast and high fever, hard to lower, but if successful, the fever will return very soon. - next stage is coughing, in long duration, people affected are mainly children. - Adults has mainly throat symptoms, together with headaches and physical discomforts. - the virus is “highly” contagious. - elderly and young children are most susceptible, so take super precaution. I am afraid this is best I know how in translating for my dear friends and family’s benefits. Good health to everyone.
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明:Covid-19 已經有一部份的病毒🦠,突變生爲“D614G”病毒,會使🦠更容易入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上,美國病毒權威William Haseltine認爲這是重大發現、這也是科學家最近懷疑,為什麼美國及南美洲國家的確診感染人數暴增原因⋯⋯ 未來不管如何,有沒有疫苗,請不要讓家人不戴著口罩出門,也請不要讓家人去人多的地方,未洗手别碰眼口鼻及食物!🤷‍♂️ 有關於此病毒太多太多我們不知道的! 請保持警覺,別因時間拉得長而懈怠⋯ 口罩看到就要買,先囤一些,兩週九片的不要停,繼續買 中研院專家直言 差點以為台灣防疫很成功!本土疫情 冬天一定捲土重來!
    18 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • From Toronto The virus is back, this time with more energy, tactics and camouflage. We don't cough No fever, it's joint pain, weakness, Loss of appetite and Covid pneumonia! Of course, the death rate is higher, it takes less time to get to the extreme. Sometimes no symptoms ... let's be careful ... The strain is not domiciled in our nasopharyngeal region! It directly affects the lungs, which means window periods are shortened. I have seen a number of patients without fever, but an x-ray report shows moderate chest pneumonia! The nasal swab is often negative for COVID19! There are more and more false pharyngeal nasal tests COVID19) ... which means that the virus spreads directly to the lungs causing acute respiratory distress due to viral pneumonia! This explains why it has become acute and more fatal !!!Covid21 Be careful, avoid crowded places, wear a face mask, wash our hands often. *WAVE* more deadly than the first. So we have to be very careful and *take every precaution.* Please become an alert communicator among friends and family ... __________ DO NOT keep this information to yourself, share it with your family and friends. Please take care and stay safe ! 🙏❤ 由多倫多傳來的訊息 病毒变形又回來了,這次的"新新冠"病毒更活耀,有技巧和偽裝。 我們不咳嗽, 沒有發燒,只是關節疼痛,渾身無力, 食慾不振和新冠肺炎! 當然,死亡率更高,達到重症所需的時間更少。 有時沒有症狀...要小心... 該病毒不在我們的鼻咽區域停留! 它直接影響肺部,這意味著能救命的窗口時間縮短了。 我見過許多不發燒的患者,但是X光檢查顯示中度胸肺炎! 鼻拭子測試通常是新冠病毒陰性! 越來越多的錯誤的鼻拭子測試檢查 ...這意味著該病毒直接傳播到肺部, 由於病毒性肺炎而引起急性呼吸窘迫! 這解釋了為什麼它變得急性和致命得多! 注意,避免人擠的地方,戴上口罩,經常洗手。 "新新冠病毒" 比第一個新冠病毒更致命。 因此,我們必須非常小心並*採取一切預防措施*。 請成為朋友和家人之間的警惕溝通者... __________ 不要將這些信息只留給自己,要與家人和朋友分享。 請保重並確保安全! 🙏❤(Google翻譯再加修訂)
    61 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 務必戴口罩! 一個非常不妙的消息,美國頂尖「斯克里普斯研究中心」一項研究證明:Covid-19 已經有一部份的病毒🦠,突變生爲“D614G”病毒,會使🦠更容易入侵人體的“鑰匙”數量增加且形態更穩定,導致病毒傳染力暴增10倍以上,美國病毒權威William Haseltine認爲這是重大發現、這也是科學家最近懷疑,為什麼美國及南美洲國家的確診感染人數暴增原因⋯⋯ 未來不管如何,有沒有疫苗,請不要讓家人不戴著口罩出門,也請不要讓家人去人多的地方,未洗手别碰眼口鼻及食物!🤷‍♂️ 有關於此病毒太多太多我們不知道的! 請保持警覺,別因時間拉得長而懈怠⋯ https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/12/health/coronavirus-mutations-scripps-gene/index.html 口罩看到就要買,先囤一些,兩週九片的不要停,繼續買 中研院專家直言 差點以為台灣防疫很成功!本土疫情 冬天一定捲土重來 https://yns.page.link/kEjjD?soc_src=unv-sh&soc_trk=li
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前