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  • QvFlat vFlat Scan - PDF... Al Scanner Flatten curved book Today Cam... CS 智慧掃描,文字辨識翻... 手機秒變掃描儀 高效快捷辦公,智能優化效果 Easily create PDF files 遊戲 PDF 智能文字提取 拍圖識字、文字導出 App Convert image to text 取得 App 內購買 Aa less charming than its model. That, howew not my fault. The grown-ups discouraged me my painter's career when I was six years old, and never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and boas from the inside. Now! stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in astonishment. Remember, I had crashed in the desert a And yet thousand miles from any inhabited region Ar my little man seemed neither to be straying Nothing about him gave any suggestion of a child lost in the middle of the desert, a thousand miles from any human habitation. When at last was able to speak, I said to him "But-what are you doing here?" And in answer he repeated, very consequence "y please-draw me a sheep. When a mystery is too overpowering ne dare not disobey Absurd as it might seem to me a thousand miles from any human habitation and in danger of death, I took out of my pocket a sheet of paper and my fountain-pen. But then remembered how my studies had been PDF編輯 手寫批註、編輯水印、文檔加密、 格式轉換 3 更新項目 更新 搜尋
    1 人回報1 則回應9 個月前
  • ❗️請主意❗️ *美國衛生部負責人J. Anthony表示,美國有50%的死亡發生在理髮窒中。 *最大的危險來自理髮店本身*。 理髮師用同一條毛巾擦至少4至5人的鼻子 *理髮毛巾,理髮剃刀,理髮刷,椅子等被很多人使用。 *理髮師將與許多人接觸,*如果我們與受感染的病人接觸,票肯定會被傳染。* *在病毒還完全消失之前,我們甚至都不會想到去沙龍理髮。 *即使情況恢復正常,威脅仍然存在。 這種危險將持續很長時間。 Translation: * Please take note* * The head of the US Department of Health, J. Anthony, said that 50% of deaths in the United States occur in haircuts. * The greatest danger comes from the barber shop itself *. * Barber wipes the nose of at least 4 to 5 people with the same towel * * Barber towels, barber razors, barber brushes, chairs, etc. are used by many people. * The hairdresser will be in contact with many people. * If we are in contact with infected patients, the ticket will definitely be infected. * * We will not even think of going to the salon to get a haircut before the virus has completely disappeared. * Even if the situation returns to normal, the threat still exists. * This danger will last for a long time. *
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • For Immediate Release March 30, 2023 DEPARTMENT OF STATE NITED STATES OF AMERIC U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesperson STATEMENT BY SECRETARY ANTONY J. BLINKEN Russia's Arrest of a U.S. Citizen We are deeply concerned over Russia's widely-reported detention of a U.S. citizen journalist. We are in contact with the Wall Street Journal on this situation. Whenever a U.S. citizen is detained abroad, we immediately seek consular access, and seek to provide all appropriate support. In the strongest possible terms, we condemn the Kremlin's continued attempts to intimidate, repress, and punish journalists and civil society voices. The Department of State's highest priority is the safety and security of U.S. citizens abroad. We reiterate our strong warnings about the danger posed to U.S. citizens inside the Russian Federation. U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Russia should depart immediately, as stated in our Travel Advisory for Russia. ###
    1 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • Do not use the phone when it is plugged in, let alone drink water at the same time to avoid danger. 手機在插電的時候,不要使用,更不要同時喝水,以免發生危險。
    5 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 20:25 聯合報 訂閱 2024起跑 政治 國際財經 教育 軍武 軍武 討論數: 7 LINE |系列文章 台灣地雷島/台灣觀光恐先 埋下地雷 旅遊業憂:以後誰 敢來台灣玩? 2023-01-16 18:00 讚 30 分享 台灣地雷島/從決戰境外變 灘頭殲敵 台灣會不會成烏克 蘭第二? 2023-01-16 10:00 2023-01-16 08:10 台灣地雷島/美售台爭議戰 防雷 人權團體質疑恐誤炸無 辜 A 台灣地雷島/金門雷傷者的 痛…「地雷沒炸到敵人,先 傷害自己人」 2023-01-15 18:00 品 ·伊甸 76% DANGER MINES 地雷 :Q 分享
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Sushi anyone? ------- Environment 22:03, 06-Jun-2023 Content of radioactive element in fish at Fukushima's Nuclear Power Plant 180 times of safe limit CGTN The radioactive elements in the marine fish caught in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan far exceed safety levels for human consumption, according to a report issued by the plant's operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) on Monday. In particular, the data released show that the content of Cs-137, a radioactive element that is a common byproduct in nuclear reactors, is 180 times that of the standard maximum stipulated in Japan's food safety law. Screenshot of Tokyo Electric Power Company's report on the radioactive content in fish in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. /CGTN Screenshot of Tokyo Electric Power Company's report on the radioactive content in fish in the harbor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. /CGTN CGTN downloaded the English version of the report available on TEPCO's official website. According to the data, the sampled black rockfish contains the radioactive element Cs-137 with a content of 18,000 becquerels per kilogram. Data available on the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government shows that Japan's current limit of radioactive cesium in general food which contains fish is set at 100 becquerels per kilogram. Screenshot of Standard limits of radioactive substances for food in Japan, obtained from the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government. /CGTN Screenshot of Standard limits of radioactive substances for food in Japan, obtained from the website of Fukushima Revitalization Station run by Japan's Fukushima prefectural government. /CGTN According to the report, the location where the sampled fish was caught is at the port area of Units 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, where a breakwater is built and nuclear wastewater with a high concentration of radioactive substances flows in. TEPCO said it will set up multiple protective nets to prevent fish from swimming out of the harbor. A Chinese news website sina.com.cn quoted experts noting that the radioactive elements in the nuclear wastewater could penetrate into fish, shrimp and other seafood, and later accumulate in the human body after consumption. A magnitude 9.0 quake on March 11, 2011, triggered a massive tsunami that destroyed the plant's power supply and cooling systems, causing reactors No. 1, 2 and 3 to melt and spew large amounts of radiation. Water used to cool the reactors' cores leaked into the basements of the reactor buildings and mixed with rainwater and groundwater. Now, 12 years after the triple reactor meltdowns, Japan is preparing to release the massive amount of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea later this summer. TEPCO on Monday started sending seawater into an underwater tunnel to be diluted before releasing the nuclear wastewater into the ocean. The company said that all facilities for the water release system are expected to be completed by the end of this month. Local fishing communities say their businesses and livelihoods will suffer still more damage. Neighboring countries such as China and South Korea and Pacific Island nations have raised safety concerns. Environmental groups including Friends of the Earth oppose the release. (With input from AP; cover image via VCG) (If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at [email protected].)
    1 人回報2 則回應1 年前
  • 今晚8.30pm 不分種族 不分宗教 不分國度 不分語言 沒有時間限制 一分鐘或一小時 一句話或一段稿 只有所有地球人 給予這個美麗但生病了的地球 以及所有善良的眾生 一個大大的祈福和正能量 麻煩大家用力轉發 非常感恩🙏🙏🙏 如果疫情這樣持續下去 很多生命會消失 染病但康復後的人健康會退化 工作的人會失業 業者會倒閉 所以 每晚8.30pm 無論您有沒有或是信仰哪個宗教 我們都一起來繼續祈福 集合大家的力量 祈求化解這場危機 如果那個時候 您正好在車上或是在忙著 就只是在心中默念自己的祈福文即可 就那個時間點 讓祈福的能量集中輸送到宇宙去 給予整個地球和眾生最強的祝福 相信的朋友歡迎做這個簡單但是非常有意義的動作 不相信的朋友可以忽略這帖文 謝謝大家🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤ 🙏🙏🙏今晚8.30pm全球眾生共同祈福🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏祈求世界平安度過這次的新冠肺炎疫情🙏🙏🙏 時間:每晚8.30pm 地點:沒有限制 時間長短:沒有限制 宗教:沒有限制 祈求內容:主要祈求疫情盡快離開,讓所有眾生平安健康幸福吉祥 讓我們每天晚上8.30pm一起祈求。 集合全球眾生的正能量,讓新冠病毒不再讓眾生受苦。 麻煩大家現在馬上轉發。 這個祈福是不分宗教的, 主要是集合所有眾生的能量化解這次的危機。 謝謝大家的幫忙。 今晚開始, 我們每天晚上8.30pm, 以自己的方式來一同祈福。 萬眾一心、眾志成城, 我們在不同的時空為全球眾生祈福🙏🙏🙏 備註: 👉科學家曾經做過多次試驗 包括一群人對著一面湖水祈禱 以及全世界不同國度的人在同一個時間向著某國一面湖水的方向祈禱 然後發現湖水的水分子結晶體由不規則變成了美麗的雪花結構 👉也有科學家Dr Joe Dispenza證實了在某個國度一起對另一個國度的危急中風病人發送正能量,病人在一個小時後開始清醒和脫離危險。 🙏🙏🙏 tonight at 8.30 pm all over the world to pray together 🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏 pray for the world to survive this new crown pneumonia epidemic 🙏🙏🙏 Time: Every night at 8.30 pm Venue: no limits Duration: no limit Religion: no limits Praying for content: main praying for the epidemic to leave as soon as possible, so that all living beings are safe, healthy, happiness If you can, Pray together at 8.30 pm every night. Gather the positive energy of all around the world so that the new crown virus will stop suffering. Please share it now. This prayer is regardless of religion, It's mainly to gather energy from all beings to resolve this crisis. Thank you all for your help. Starting tonight, We are at 8.30 pm every night, Pray together in your own way. We all have a heart, and all will come together, We pray for all around the world in different time 🙏🙏🙏 Note: 👉 scientists have done multiple tests Including a group of people praying to a lake And people from different countries around the world pray at the same time in the direction of a country's side of lake Then found that molecular crystals of lake water went from irregular to beautiful snowflake structure 👉 also scientist Dr. Joe disenza confirmed that together in one country is sending positive energy to critical stroke patients in another country, who began to wake up and out of danger after an hour.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 《轉載自成大華府校友會》 不知道是否過於樂觀? Notes from a call with Edward Ryan MD, Director of International Infectious Disease at Massachusetts General Hospital: 1 Close to 100% of the positive cases in MA are Omicron. Delta is almost completely gone from New England. 2 This surge will peak sometime between 1/10 and 1/21 and then begin a quick downhill journey of two to four weeks. 3 We will end up with a 20-50% positivity rate. 4 February will be clean up mode, March will begin to return to "normal" 5 Omicron lives in your nose and upper respiratory area which is what makes it so contagious. It isn't able to bond with your lungs like the other variants. 6 The increased hospitalizations should be taken with a grain of salt as most of them are secondary admissions (i.e. people coming in for surgery, broken bones, etc. who are tested for COVID) 7 We won't need a booster for omicron because they wouldn't be able to develop one before it's completely gone and we're all going to get it which will give us the immunity we need to get through it. 8 COVID will join the 4 other coronaviruses we deal with that cause the common cold, upper respiratory infections, RSV, etc. It will become a pediatric disease mainly affecting young children with no immunity. 9 40% of those infected will be asymptomatic 10 Rapid tests are 50-80% sensitive to those with symptoms, only 30-60% sensitive to those without symptoms 11 Contact tracing is worthless because we're all going to get it and there's no way we could keep up with it. 12 We are fighting the last war with COVID and should be pivoting back to normal life, but society isn't quite ready for it yet. 13 There is no need to stay home from work or to be a hermit unless you're immunocompromised or 85 or older, but he does recommend staying away from large gatherings for the next six weeks. 14 Spring/Summer will be really nice! Overall a great presentation. Lot of good news.
    12 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • From 台大EMBA學長 陳志惟(思科Cisco 大中華區副總裁暨台灣總經理):台灣思科跟總部申請[全民免費雲端會議方案],台灣每個人皆可申請使用,與台灣一起渡過防疫時間。可邀請最多50人線上開會,最長40分鐘。 http://cs.co/61831mcm9 ->軟體和整合 會是未來30年的重點
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • Adam Rogas – CEO and Co-Founder of NS8 by IdeaMensch · Nov 30, 2016 287Share Tweet 66Share Adam-e1480959343307 Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. Adam Rogas is the CEO and Co-Founder of NS8. With over 14 years of senior development and management expertise, as well as extensive knowledge in the fields of online fraud and spam filtering, Adam brings a tremendous amount to NS8. He was a founder of LoadMail and has worked as a trusted advisor to Postini, London Board of Tourism, Vivendi Universal, and Napster. In each case, Adam has helped implement big data, email, spam and virus filtering, and data security solutions. Mr. Rogas has architected extremely large-scale spam and virus filtering platforms, dealing with well over 100,000 messages per hour. He has also played a central role in the architecture of numerous large scale analysts solutions. Adam brings his love for safe, effective communication and startup ventures to NS8. He is married and also calls Las Vegas, Nevada home. Where did the idea for NS8 come from? My partners and I have run some significant and highly transactional websites and services prior to NS8. We understood that the common threads of fraud, abuse and poor user experience affected each of them in some way, shape, or form. Knowing this, we felt there had to be a better way to protect these types of sites and services, from being abused, regardless of their size. We also knew that any solution we created had to be easy to deploy, manage, and understand. What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive? In an early stage company you are wearing lots of hats. I work a ton of hours. So, the key for me, is to keep my thoughts organized. I usually divide my day up into 3 or 4 segments and then identify what I think I can accomplish in each one of them. Once I do this, I make a list for each segment. This gives me a semblance of structure to my day that helps me get my mind right for the tasks I have to tackle. It also helps me walk away and not overthink the ones I have already completed. How do you bring ideas to life? I usually start with an idea or something that would really matter to a specifc group of people and then I start asking questions. I will then usually build some simple example, or take steps to create what I’m trying to do, and show it to people get feedback and repeat until I reach my goal. What’s one trend that really excites you? It has gotten easier and easier to bring big ideas to life, and to compete, due to the growth of cloud services. To me, it really levels the playing field for a lot of ideas, that just 5 years ago, would have been impossible for all but the largest companies to bring to life. What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur? I try to be fairly aware of my own ADD and so I will make lists to hold myself accountable for the items on them. I also try to solve this problem in our hiring practices by surrounding myself with people that are very detail and process focused. What advice would you give your younger self? Find a problem you think you can solve and really focus on it. Resist the urge to move from that problem until you have demonstrated by positive user feedback and growth that you have actually solved it. If you do that, and continue to do it over and over again, you will be successful. Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on? That I am a good singer ? I don’t know that I am very persuasive here …. but I do know I can’t sing. As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do? I am constantly talking to our customers. I try to involve them early on, and very often in our process. This is one area I struggle with as we evolve and scale our product development processes, but it is critical to maintaining that connection as to why your customers want your product in the first place. What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how. Surrounding myself with supremely talented people and partners. It has been instrumental to my own growth and the growth of my businesses. What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it? That would probably be my first company, Load Ltd. Load was a hosted application service provider before there was a term for Software As A Service (SaaS). We had a popular email product called LoadMail, that was used by a number of major companies. About 1 year into the business we chose to offer additional services above and beyond just mail and it was this decision that would prove to be our failure. As a team, we didn’t fully understand how diversifying our focus would negatively impact our effectiveness. I tell everyone who asks for advice to pick a problem you can solve and focus on solving it well. Successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common — they never give up. What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? I like ideas that take subject knowledge and find a way to productize it. One idea I had was to do this for athletic departments in D1 schools, so they could crowdsource from their athletes, managers, and students the creation of social marketing content. They could then manage it from a centrally controllable compliance system. Or Plastics !! Invest in Plastics (god I’m old) What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? Money spent on experiences, dinner with my wife or friends, or money that helps someone. Recently, since we are living across the country from each other, it would be dinner with my wife the last time I was at home in Las Vegas. What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive? How do you use it? Slack. It helps our entire team communicate. What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why? “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. It helps you think about what you are building in a way that really focuses on how it will be consumed by those whom you are selling it to. What is your favorite quote? “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill Tell us about one friend or acquaintance of yours who we should interview on IdeaMensch. Who are they, what are they doing and what’s their email address? I actually have two Nick Jones, Nick and I started what was our first real company together Load Ltd along with my current business partner Paul Korol. Nick’s is currently working on a great project focused on personal and affinity based content creation called JRNL.com, they have recently been through boom Startup a SaaS focused startup accelerator in Salt Lake City and have just completed a seed round of funding. John Njoku, John is working on a great project RentHub.com, which is at the intersection of Multifamily Residential Realestate and Big Data Analytics. RentHub has some huge clients such as StarWood capital and The Lefrak Organization and has recently completed the Elmspring accelerator based in Chicago. Contact : https://www.ns8.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ns8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ns8inc Twitter: @ns8inc 287Share Tweet 66Share Filed Under: Interviews, Software, Technology Tagged With: Herndon, Virginia https://ideamensch.com/adam-rogas/
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前