
1 人回報1 年前
When the stars glow bright the summer's old
In the misty bright moonlight I were told
When the storm is raging in your head
When you feel there's nothing more ahead
The hills they seem all green but they hide all the monsters
You kept holding my hand as you reached for water
The hills by the lake you were chasing your dreams
And I gave you a rose that you kept on sea
Kept on sea
It was worth it
When the stars glow bright the summer's old
In the misty bright moonlight I were told
When the storm is raging in your head
When you feel there's nothing more ahead
The hills they seem all green but they hide all the monsters
You kept holding my hand as you reached for water
The hills by the lake you were chasing your dreams
And I gave you a rose that you kept on sea
Kept on sea




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  • Oh, we like war. We like war. We're a war-like people. We like war because we're good at it. You know why we're good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country's only 200 years old and already we've had 10 major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country, so we're good at it. And it's a good thing we are. We're not very good at anything else anymore. Can't build a decent car. Can't make a TV set or a VCR. What the fuck? Got no steel industry left. Can't educate our young people. Can't get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? We can bomb the shit out of your country, all right? Especially if your country is full of brown people. Oh, we like that, don't we? That's our hobby. That's our new job in the world, bombing brown people. Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Libya. You've got some brown people in your country. Tell them to watch the fuck out. Or we'll goddamn bomb them. But when's the last white people you can remember that we bombed? Can you remember the last white? Can you remember any white people we've ever bombed? The Germans. Those are the only ones. And that's only because they were trying to cut in on our action. They wanted to dominate the world. Bullshit. That's our fucking job. Think of how we started. Think of that. This country was founded by a group of slave owners who told us all men are created equal. Oh yeah. All men. Except for Indians and niggers and women, right? Always like to use that authentic American language. This was a small group of unelected white male land-holding slave owners who also suggested their class be the only one allowed to vote. Now that is what's known as being stunningly and embarrassingly full of shit. I think Americans really show their ignorance when they say they want their politicians to be honest. What are these fucking cretins talking about? If honesty were suddenly introduced into American life, the whole system would collapse. No one would know what to do. Honesty would fuck this country up. And I think deep down Americans know that. That's why they elected and re-elected Bill Clinton. That's why. Because the American people like their bullshit right out front where they can get a good strong whiff of it. Clinton might be full of shit, but at least he lets you know it. Dole tried to hide it, didn't he? Dole kept saying, I'm a plain and honest man. Bullshit. People don't believe that. What did Clinton say? He said, hi folks, I'm completely full of shit, and how do you like that? And the people said, you know something, at least he's honest.
    1 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • 永遠不要在飛行中這樣做!!! (以下是谷歌翻譯的,英文原文如下為朋友臉書分享的) ————- 如果您經常乘飛機旅行,請注意過於友好的健談座位鄰居。 年長的女士過來坐在我旁邊的飛機上。 她讓我幫她把包放在頭頂行李箱裡。 但是坐在對面的一位紳士很快就走了進來。 (我個子不高,頭頂行李箱是我不惜一切代價盡量避免的。 她立即​​坐下,開始了談話。 她很愉快,說得很好。 所以,我們在飛往迪拜的航班上一直在聊天。 突然,當飛行員宣布我們現在開始下降到 DXB 時,我的好朋友“出現”了胃痛。 我懷著一顆善良的心,按下了空姐的按鈕,空姐過來查明問題所在。 我告訴她我的同桌感覺不舒服。 而這位女士,她突然開始稱呼我為“我的女兒”。 空姐告訴我,除了給她一些止痛藥,等我們降落,他們什麼都做不了。 飛行員宣布我們在船上有醫療緊急情況,並建議我們所有人保持冷靜。 我的新朋友哭得像瘋了似的流著汗。 她拒絕放開我的手……每個人都以為我們認識對方。 因此,我們降落在 DXB,幫助將行李放在頭頂行李艙的同一位紳士取出了她的行李。 但當他拿走行李時,他建議我與這位女士保持距離,並向機組人員明確表示我們不是一起旅行。 他是天賜之物! 所以確實,機組人員來問我是否有親戚關係,我斷然告訴他們我們是在飛機上認識的。 我根本不認識她。 所以,我們開始下飛機,當我說再見時,她一直求我提她的手提包。 我好傷心……但這位先生看著我的眼睛,用力地搖了搖頭。 他遞給我一張紙條,告訴我讓機組人員處理她。 所以,我下了飛機,讓我的“新朋友”等待輪椅,被機組人員處理,感到非常內疚。 當我們等待行李通過時,我聽到了這種騷動。 我的“新朋友”正在奔跑,試圖逃離機組人員,從輪椅上下來! 她帶著手提包離開了空姐,帶著剩下的手提行李就往出口跑了! 幸好機場警察比她快。 他們抓住了她,把她戴上手銬帶了回來。 這位女士開始呼喚我。 我的女兒……我的女兒! 你怎麼能這樣對我......那是我趕上的時候。 她攜帶毒品,並試圖牽連我! 幸運的是,幫她拿行李的那位先生上前告訴機場警察,我和她剛剛在飛機上相遇。 警察拿走了我的護照,並要求她透露我的全名,如果我們真的一起旅行的話。 靠著上帝的恩典,我什至沒有告訴她我的名字! 我仍然被要求跟隨警察到一個小房間,在那裡我受到了廣泛的訊問。 我在哪裡遇到她?...我在哪裡登機...她在哪裡登機。 等等......我的行李被廣泛搜查並除塵以尋找指紋。 他們把她所有的行李都撣掉了,在她的行李或手提包上都沒有找到我的指紋! 我被告知永遠不要在飛行中或在機場觸摸任何人的行李。 所以,從那天起,我不管你有多少行李,你自己來處理。 我什至不會給你推車來放你的行李! 你的行李……你的問題……是我的政策。 如果你無法到達頭頂艙,而我是最近的人,請打電話給機組人員,因為我只會給你一個白眼,然後把目光移開! ——— NEVER DO THIS IN A FLIGHT!!! If you travel by air a lot, beware of over friendly chatty seat Neighbour's. The older lady comes and sits next to me inside the plane. She asked me to help her put her bag in the overhead luggage compartment. But a gentleman sitting across quickly came through. (I am not very tall, and the overhead luggage compartment is something I try to avoid at all costs. Immediately she sits down she strikes up a conversation. She was very pleasant and well spoken. So, we chatted all through the flight to Dubai. Suddenly, when the pilot announced that we were now proceeding to begin our descent into DXB, my good friend 'developed' stomach pains. Me with my good heart, I pressed the steward's button, and the stewardess came to find out what the problem was. I told her my seat mate was not feeling well. And this lady, she suddenly began to address me as 'my daughter'. The stewardess told me that there was nothing they could do except give her some painkillers and wait until we landed. The pilot announced that we had a medical emergency on board and advised us all to stay calm. My new friend was crying and sweating like crazy. And she refused to let go of my hand... everyone assumed we knew each other. So, we landed at DXB and the same gentleman who helped put up her luggage in the overhead compartment removed her luggage. But as he removed the luggage, he advised me to distance myself from this lady and make it clear to the cabin crew that we were NOT travelling together. He was a godsend! So indeed, the cabin crew came and asked me if we were related, I categorically told them we had met on the plane. I didn't know her at all. So, we began to deplane and as I said goodbye, she kept begging me to carry her handbag. I was so torn... but the gentleman looked me in the eye and emphatically shook his head. He passed me a note telling me to let the cabin crew handle her. So, I exit the aircraft and leave my 'new friend' to wait for the wheelchair and be handled by the cabin crew feeling very guilty. As we waited for our luggage to come through, I hear this commotion. My 'new friend' was running, trying to escape the cabin crew, having gotten out of the wheelchair! She left the stewardess with her handbag and just ran towards the exit with the rest of her hand luggage! Luckily the airport police were faster than her. They got hold of her and brought her back in handcuffs. This lady starts calling out to me. my daughter... my daughter! how could you do this to me..... that's when I caught on. She was carrying drugs and she was trying to implicate me! Luckily for me, the gentleman who had helped her with her luggage came forward and told the airport police that me and her had just met on the plane. The police took my passport and asked her to reveal my full names if it was true we were travelling together. By God's grace, I had not even told her my first name! I was still asked to follow the police to a little room where I was questioned extensively. Where did I meet her?... where did I board... where did she board. Etc... And my luggage was extensively searched and dusted for fingerprints. They dusted all her luggage, and my fingerprints were not found anywhere on her luggage or on her handbag! I was let go with advice never ever to touch anyone's luggage either in flight or at the airport. So, from that day, I don't care how much luggage you have, you will deal with it yourself. I will not even offer you a trolley to put your luggage on! Your luggage... your problem.... is my policy. And if you can't reach the overhead compartment, and I am the nearest person, please call the cabin crew because all I will do is give you a blank stare and then look away!
    28 人回報2 則回應2 年前
  • 轉~ 翻譯一篇在西雅圖感染新冠肺炎病毒的美國人所寫的個人經歷。 I had COVID-19 and here is my story. I made this post public out of several requests from my friends who asked me to share. I hope it gives you some good information and peace of mind! 我感染了新冠病毒(武漢肺炎),由於不少我身邊朋友的請托,希望我可以跟大家分享我的情況,所以我決定把我的染病的經驗公開,讓大家可以有更多的了解。 First how easily you can get it. I believe I caught it when attending a small house party at which no one was coughing, sneezing or otherwise displaying any symptoms of illness. It appears that 40% of the attendees of this party ended up sick. The media tells you to wash your hands and avoid anyone with symptoms. I did. There is no way to avoid catching this except avoiding all other humans. 40% of folks were all sick within 3 days of attending the party all with the same/similar symptoms including fever. 首先對於新冠病毒,它比你想像的更容易被感染. 我確信我是在參加一個小型家庭聚會時被感染的。當時參加的客人沒有人咳嗽、打噴嚏,或者顯現出任何生病的症狀。結果呢?約40%參加聚會的人都被感染了!媒體上所說的要勤洗手避免跟有症狀的人接觸,我都照做了. 我覺得沒有任何方式可以避免被感染,除非你完全避免跟人群接觸。40% 被感染者都是在參加聚會後三天之內就發病,他們都有著相同的症狀,包含發燒. Second, the symptoms appear to be different depending on your constitution and/or age. Most of my friends who got it were in their late 40s to early 50s. I’m in my mid 30s. For us it was headache, fever (for first 3 days consistently and then on and off after 3 days), severe body aches and joint pain, and severe fatigue. I had a fever that spiked the first night to 103 degrees and eventually came down to 100 and then low grade 99.5. Some folks had diarrhea. 其次,這些症狀因人而異,因每個人的身體狀況及年齡而有所不同。大部分受感染的朋友年齡層約在40到50歲左右,而我是30幾歲。對我們來說染病的初始症狀是頭痛,發燒(最初三天是持續高燒而後三天是間歇性高燒),身體的劇烈疼痛以及關節疼痛,而且有強烈的四肢無力與倦怠感。在我感染的第一個晚上高燒到103度,隨後下降到100度、99.5度.有些朋友則有腹瀉的症狀。 I felt nauseous one day. Once the fever is gone some were left with nasal congestion, sore throat. Only a very few of us had a mild itchy cough. Very few had chest tightness or other respiratory symptoms. Total duration of illness was 10-16 days. 有一天我覺得想嘔吐。當發燒症狀消退後,鼻塞、喉嚨痛的症狀則持續,僅僅極少數的人感到輕微的喉頭搔癢的乾咳。只有幾個人感到胸口鬱悶感及其他的呼吸道感染徵狀。整個發病期約持續10-16天。 The main issue is that without reporting a cough or trouble breathing many of us were refused testing. I got tested through the Seattle Flu Study. This is a RESEARCH study here in Seattle and they have been testing volunteers for strains of the flu to study transmission within the community. A few weeks ago, they started to test a random subset of samples for COVID-19 infection. They sent my sample to the King County Public Health Department for confirmation; however, I was told that all of the samples that have tested positive in the research study have been confirmed by Public Health. 問題的癥結點在於很多人在沒有咳嗽或呼吸困難的症狀時,都傾向於不需要(或不認為必須)接受武漢肺炎測試。我是透過一個叫做西雅圖流感研究的機構所做的測試。這是一個位於西雅圖的研究機構,它們透過對志願者的檢測,來研究流感病毒類型與社區傳播。幾週前這個機構開始對志願者提供新冠肺炎病毒做隨機抽樣檢測。它們把我的初測到的陽性樣本送到國王郡的公共衛生部門去做感染病毒的確認。隨後我被通知連同我在內所有陽性反應的檢測人,都被確認是感染了新冠肺炎的病毒。 As of Monday March 9th, it has been 13 days since my symptoms started and more than 72 hours since my fever subsided. The King County Public Health Department is recommending you stay isolated for 7 days after the start of symptoms or 72 hours after your fever subsides. I have surpassed both deadlines so I am no longer isolating myself however I am avoiding strenuous activity and large crowds and I obviously will not come near you if I see you in public. I was not hospitalized. Not every country is hospitalizing everyone with a COVID-19 infection and in my case, and in many other cases, I didn’t even go to the doctor because I was recovering on my own and felt it was just a nasty flu strain different from the ones I have been protected from with this season’s flu vaccine. 從最初感到症狀到昨天3/9為止,已經過了13天,發燒症狀消退已經過了72小時(3天)。國王郡的公衛部門建議感染者在有感染的症狀出現後,做至少7天的自我的居家隔離。在發燒症狀消退後的72小時內,也應居家隔離,避免接觸公眾。目前我已經度過了這兩個期限,所以我不再自我居家隔離,於此同時,我還是避免過度參與公眾活動與接觸大批人群。我並沒有住院,也不是所有感染新冠肺炎病毒的人都住進郡立醫院。很多跟我一樣的感染者,並沒有去看醫生,就自我痊癒了。對我們來說,這感覺就像一個比以往流行型感冒稍微嚴重一點的新型流感,與我所接種而受到保護的流感疫苗,略為不同。 I also truly believe the lack of testing is leading to folks believing that they just have a cold or something else going out into public and spreading it. And worse folks with no symptoms are also spreading it as in the case of a person attending a party or social gathering who has no symptoms. 我確信缺乏對新冠病毒檢測的機制是造成多數人相信他們只是感染風寒或一般正在傳播的季節性流感而已。最糟的情況是,很多人在沒有顯現任何症狀的情況下,仍舊正常參加集會活動或正常社交聚會,而將病毒傳播出去。 I know some folks are thinking that this can’t/won’t impact them. I hope it doesn’t but I believe that the overall lack of early and pervasive testing damaged the public’s ability to avoid the illness here in Seattle. All I know is that Seattle has been severely impacted and although I’m better now I would not wish this very uncomfortable illness on anyone. 我知道很多人認為這款病毒不會傳染給他們。我真心希望真的是如此,但是我仍舊相信整體上缺乏早期的發現與預防性檢測,將會嚴重影響到西雅圖地區公眾對新冠肺炎的抵抗能力。 目前已知的情況是西雅圖地區已經有嚴重的疫情,雖然我已經痊癒,但是我真的不希望這樣的病情發生在其他更多人身上。 One thing that I believe may have saved me from getting worse respiratory symptoms is the fact that I consistently took Sudafed, used Afrin nasal spray (3 sprays in each nostril, 3 days at a time and then 3 days off), and used a Neti pot (with purified water). This could have kept my sinuses clear and prevented the symptoms from spreading to my lungs. This is not medical advice: I’m simply sharing what I did and correlating it with the fact that I had no respiratory symptoms. The two could be entirely unrelated based on the viral strain and viral load that I received. 我想我做了一件正確的選擇,讓我呼吸系統感染的症狀不致於變得更嚴重,就是我按時服用 Sudafed (一種藥方販售,不需處方的感冒退燒藥),Afrin 鼻腔噴劑 以及使用清鼻腔咽喉分泌物的Neti Pot 。這些措施保持我的鼻腔咽喉乾淨,從而防堵病毒向下蔓延到我的肺部。我不是在這裡提供醫療建議,只是單純的分享我個人的經驗,因為我並沒有肺部的感染。也許我所做的跟肺部感染並無相關性。而是跟我所感染的病毒特性與病毒感染量有關。 I hope this information helps someone avoid getting sick and/or push to get tested sooner rather than later so you know to isolate before it gets worse or to get medical care if you have respiratory distress. Hand washing doesn’t guarantee you won’t get sick, especially when folks without symptoms are contagious and could be standing right next to you in any given social situation. You more likely than not will not die, but do you want to risk spreading it to a loved one over 60 or someone with an immunity issue? Stay healthy folks! 我希望我所分享的資訊,能幫助大家避免受到感染,或者推動整個公眾檢測系統能更快啟動讓感染者能早期自我隔離,而有呼吸道症候群感染疑慮者,能早期接受治療。洗手並無法完全避免受到感染。尤其那些沒有任何徵兆的帶原傳播者,可能正是你身邊普通社交場合出現的人們。感染病毒後不一定會致死。但是你也不會想不小心傳播病毒給你身邊所關心的年長者,或者有免疫系統功能失調的親友們。大家保重。
    10 人回報2 則回應5 年前