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  • China court gave permission to kill 20,000 patients affected with coronavirus.
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • ※※※ 因為蔡英文為了要利用美國鞏固權力抱美國大腿,不管美國把台灣人當畜牲賣病死雞戕害台灣人騙錢的重大國安事件,所以我要告訴喜歡雞肉的消費者,在台灣的家樂福、大潤發、大買家、全聯、....賣的美國雞棒棒腿全都是美國病死雞棒棒腿,但是他們並不知道賣的美國雞棒棒腿是病死雞的腿。在台灣的美國COSTCO可能很清楚美國泰森食品賣到台灣的雞棒棒腿是病死雞腿,因為COSTCO不敢賣100公克只要9.5元左右非常便宜的美國泰森雞腿,而賣100公克都要19.5元左右的台灣雞腿(卜蜂雞肉)價差1倍以上。在美國本土的COSTCO有賣泰森雞腿,在台灣的美國COSTCO賣美國泰森牛肉不敢賣泰森雞腿很顯然是有問題。你想想看,美國雞肉在美國養殖,人工貴加稅金加運費怎麼可能比台灣雞便宜許多。美國養雞怕禽流感全死是用封閉式養殖,雞與大便從小到大在一起不清除環境惡劣死亡率很高,泰森不願承受損失就賄賂墨西哥獸醫把病死雞賣到台灣騙錢。美國司法部在民國86年(1997)就已經調查到美國泰森食品公司(tyson foods, inc.),賄賂在墨西哥分公司的墨西哥獸醫可以在墨西哥分公司處理病死雞外銷,罰款400萬美元以免除刑事處分。美國司法部為了美國泰森的利益沒有說出病死雞是外銷到哪個國家,更惡劣的是美國司法部繼續讓泰森賣病死雞腿到台灣騙錢,現在台灣賣的泰森雞腿全都還是病死雞腿。 (本文可以轉發我負全責) Justice News Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 10, 2011Tyson Foods Inc. Agrees to Pay $4 Million Criminal Penalty to Resolve Foreign Bribery Allegations WASHINGTON – Tyson Foods Inc. has agreed to pay a $4 million criminal penalty to resolve an investigation into improper payments by company representatives to government-employed inspection veterinarians in Mexico, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Criminal Division and James W. McJunkin, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office. “Tyson Foods used false books and sham jobs to hide bribe payments made to publicly-employed meat processing plant inspectors in Mexico,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer. “The penalty and resolution announced today reflect the company’s disclosure of this conduct, its cooperation with the government’s investigation and its commitment to implementing enhanced controls.” A criminal information filed in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia in connection with a deferred prosecution agreement charges Tyson with conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and with violating the FCPA. Tyson, which is headquartered in Springdale, Ark., produces prepared food products. As part of a deferred prosecution agreement with the department, Tyson acknowledged responsibility for the actions of its subsidiaries, employees and agents who made improper payments to government-employed veterinarians who inspected two of its chicken processing plants in Gomez Palacio, Mexico. Any company that exports meat products from Mexico must participate in an inspection program, supervised by the Mexican Department of Agriculture. According to court documents, the inspection program at each facility is supervised by an on-site veterinarian employed by the government of Mexico to ensure that all exports conform to Mexican health and safety laws. According to documents filed in court, Tyson’s Mexican subsidiary, Tyson de Mexico, paid approximately $90,000 between 2004 and 2006, to two publicly-employed veterinarians who inspected its Mexican plants, resulting in profits of approximately $880,000. The payments were made both directly to the veterinarians and indirectly through their wives, who Tyson de Mexico listed on its payroll, although neither performed any services for Tyson. According to court documents, the bribe payments were made to keep the veterinarians from disrupting the operations of the meat-production facilities. When payments to the spouses were terminated in 2004, Tyson representatives agreed to increase the amount paid to the veterinarians to match the amount previously paid to their spouses. The agreement requires that Tyson pay a $4 million penalty, implement rigorous internal controls, and cooperate fully with the department. The agreement recognizes Tyson’s voluntary disclosure and thorough self-investigation of the underlying conduct. If Tyson abides by the terms of the agreement for the two-year term, the department will dismiss the criminal information. In a related matter, Tyson reached a settlement today with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, under which it agreed to pay more than $1.2 million in disgorgement of profits, including pre-judgment interest. This case is being prosecuted by Trial Attorney Kathleen M Hamann of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office. Component(s): Criminal Division Press Release Number: 11-171 (本文可以轉發我負全責)
    1 人回報1 則回應6 年前
  • 這是美國紐約律師資格審查會給蔡英文的信函 通知她被取消律師資格 其中有一點很重要的 資訊 有指出 蔡英文是1987年7月28日申請律師資 格 登記學歷 是康乃爾大學 不是英國倫敦政經 學院 可以証明她只有康乃爾的學歷 她不敢騙 美國人 怕會揭穿 她只敢騙台灣人!請幫忙轉傳 謝謝! COURTS Attorney Detail Registration Number: E-mall Address: Date Admitted in NY: Appellate Division Department of Admission: Law School: Registration Status: Next Registration: Disciplinary History: Suspended ds of 10/14/2019 2121911 ING WEN TSAI TAIWAN COMMERCIAL LAW OFFICES 2F 131 M3N SHENG E RD SECTION 3 TAIPEI 105 TAIWAN 07/28 1987 CORNELL UNTV LAW SCHOOL Aug 2021 Effective Date: 03/03/2014 Ordered bby Apppellate Divaton 3rd Department View Possible Court Decisions Imposing Discipline Search Again The Detail Report above contains information that has been provided by the attorney CAR
    18 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 這是美國紐約律師資格審查會給蔡英文的信函 通知她被取消律師資格 其中有一點很重要的 資訊 有指出 蔡英文是1987年7月28日申請律師資 格登記學歷 是康乃爾大學 不是英國倫敦政經 學院 可以証明她只有康乃爾的學歷 她不敢騙 美國人 怕會揭穿 她只敢騙台灣人!請幫忙轉傳 謝謝! COURTS Attorney Detail Registration Number: E-mall Addressg Date Admitted in NY: Appellate Division Department of Admission: Law School: Registration Status: Next Registration: Disciplinary History. Suspended as of 10/14/2019 2121911 ING WEN TSAL TAIWAN COMMERCIAL LAW OFFICES 2F 131 M3N SHENG E RD SECTION 3 TAIPEI 105 TAIWAN 07/28 1987 3 CORNELL UNIV LAW SCHOOL Suspended Aug 2021 Effective Date: 03/03/2014 Ordered by Appellate Division 3rd Department View Possible Court Decisions Imposing Discipline 不僅如此 連也 連國外 也對她開槍 Search Again The Detail Report above contatos information that has been provided by the attorney CAB
    10 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • (4/7)陳時中說「FDA敗訴、輝瑞被迫公開疫苗數據」是假消息 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfI9PKzqDPI&t=1354s 1. 德州法院文件與輝瑞文件公佈皆是事實 根據美國德州北區地方法院文件(2021/11/15) https://fingfx.thomsonreuters.com/gfx/legaldocs/egvbkaeggpq/vaccine%20foia%20status%20report.pdf 第一頁提到: 由非營利組織 PUBLIC HEALTH AND MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS FOR TRANSPARENCY (底下稱PHMPT) 控訴 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (底下稱FDA) 最後一頁提到: Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court enter an order requiring the FDA to produce all documents and data submitted by Pfizer on a rolling basis such that all of it shall be produced on or before March 3, 2022, which is 108 days from today. ^ FDA必須分批完整公佈Pfizer疫苗的所有文件與數據 於是PHMPT在三月份已經公布兩批輝瑞文件(如下) https://phmpt.org/ ^ 有1295項不良反應,致死率2.9% 2.「假消息」的根據 根據「台灣事實不查核中心」說法... https://tfc-taiwan.org.tw/articles/7071 說法一、稱FDA敗訴似乎隱含FDA不願公開文件的意含,這與事實不符 ^ 不重要 說法二、不良事件並未確認與疫苗接種有因果相關性 ^ 無因果關係、沒有證據顯示...這就是你們的查核方法 ^ 數據是真的,但你們的解讀就是蒙蔽事實,叫別人不要再傳 說法三、傳言提及的「42000人導致1200人致死」,並非輝瑞疫苗臨床實驗的參與者 ^ 這點就證明輝瑞文件屬實,不然你怎知是不是參與者 ^ 然後打了輝瑞疫苗亡故,你的重點卻是「是不是實驗參與者」,對人數也無法辯駁 #指揮中心只剩下報數據跟安撫人心功能 #從來不提不良事件 #每日確診案件明細也不再提供 #這麼多人拿出證據那你們呢
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • We are here today in painful recognition that our government does not have the capacity to heal the divisions in this nation or the willingness to use sincere diplomacy to avoid violent conflict and is, in fact, unwilling to end conflict peacefully. Its greatest talent is to craft misinformation and disinformation to subvert the media and misuse it as an instrument to incite fear and hatred among our people, exciting partisan divisions at home through crass politics, and stirring ancient hatreds abroad through lies, deceit. In blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, this government has deliberately circumvented Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution, the authority of Congress to make war. It has violated international criminal law by conspiring to commit acts of sabotage and violence on the high seas. It has used illegal and unconstitutional means to destroy the energy resources needed to protect millions of people in Europe during the winter and then to profit from its illegal actions by selling energy to Europe at a four to six times markup. It has done so blatantly, cynically, simultaneously, taking credit for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline and then denying any role in it. I speak directly to those responsible, thanks to a courageous journalist, Seymour Hersh. We know what each of you did at the Nord Stream pipeline, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State, Mr. National Security Advisor, and Madam Undersecretary of State. And we will not rest until you are held accountable by Congress, by the International Criminal Court, and by the American people at the next election for your reprehensible conduct, which has debased our Constitution, undermined the rule of law, in our name, committed an act of war which threatened the peace of the world and the stability of our own nation. No amount of balloon militarism will distract us from your profoundly lawless, reckless conduct and have lost trust in your ability to defend America, to affirm that we are a nation of laws, not of men or women, to hold those in high office to the highest of standards of national and international law. If we fail to do this, we have only ourselves to blame, while our government descends into depravity and tries to frogmarch us directly into nuclear war. Under the pretense of the pursuit of national security, our government's aggressive nature has alienated nations of the world and caused them to withdraw from commerce. It has ceded our national sovereignty in matters of peace to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which prefers military escalation to peace and is content, together with this administration, to use the good, courageous people of Ukraine as pawns in a vicious and deadly geopolitical chess game, which began well before the illegal Russian invasion. And it is now planning to do for the people of Taiwan what it has done for the people of Ukraine, portraying China the aggressor while surrounding China with about 200 military bases. At home, our government has supported devastating gain of function research, which loosed the pandemic across our land. It has perverted social media to suppress legitimate debate over COVID policy to the detriment of the health, welfare, and the will of Americans. And it has enabled the federal government law enforcement to be weaponized against political opponents and has injected itself into social media organizations to impose political and ideological censorship in attacking the patriotism of those Americans who dare ask questions. Such a government is neither deserving of the trust of the American people nor worthy of our tacit consent to make decisions in our own interests. We must change this government before it destroys our nation. We must change the way we are governed, insisting upon a government dedicated to peace. As a congressman, I warned America about going to war after 9-11. I led the effort against the Iraq war, together with Ron Paul, and saw the lies that took the lives of our people.
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 一、美最高法院終於有了判決,「打針防疫無效」! 美國聯邦最高法院的文件: 【美國聯邦最高法院】(案號21A15) 2021/8/10 巴雷特聯邦大法官 【案由】 一群學者專家向最高法院緊急申請強制令狀,論證現況下【打針防疫無效】,而必須在行使打針的醫療手段前,必須讓受試者擁有充分的知情同意權。 【本案論據摘要】 沒有證據表明,目前任何緊急授權使用(EUA)的新冠針劑可以防止新冠病毒(COVID-19)的傳播,相反地有證據表明,新冠病毒的傳播會發生在打過針的人。因此,科學上無法區別一個人有沒有打過針。 【論點】 A. 打針前的知情同意/拒絕是一項必須嚴格審查的基本權利一番論證。 B. 【沒有證據表明新冠針劑可以預防新冠病毒的傳播】,事實上有證據顯示相反的效果。資料:1.政府報告(打不打針一樣傳播病毒,無症狀者無法預防);2.巴恩斯特布爾郡(打過針者仍將Delta病毒傳播給他人);3.冰島跟美國出現同樣的情況。 C. 以前感染過新冠病毒者的免疫通行證應該跟打過針的人相同:數據表明感染康復者有99.9% 的機會免受重複感染 【結論】 在嚴格的審查標準下,法院應認定被告(製藥公司)的針劑授權,無法達到政府為了保護公眾健康而制定的嚴格標準。(原文Applying strict scrutiny, the Court should find Respondent’s vaccine mandate fails to advance a compelling government interest that is narrowly tailored to protect public health.) 日期:2021 年 8 月 10 日判決 美國最高法院文件連結: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/21/21A15/187103/20210810123328658_PIC%2520Amicus%2520Brief%2520for%2520SCOTUS%2520in%2520Klaassen%2520case%2520--%2520FINAL.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwinobK1s_PyAhWCyIsBHVupAsgQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1zoH5O13FdiG7FJVM94a3M 更新補充: 起訴者這一方要求法院判決「知情同意權」的要項:打針無效。但高法的結論未完全迎合他們的訴求,僅論定緊急授權針劑無法達到維護健康的高標準。 雖然起訴一方並未勝訴,也就是無法要求在意願書明列該訴求,但高法仍在證據審視上對「打針防疫無效」給予證據確認。 這場官司整體的效果,對打針措施無更動,但技巧性讓高法確認「打針無效」的確證。 也許這才是起訴者的主要訴求。 二、FDA 專案委員會 經過8小時的會議,投票以16:2 正式停止敗登C-19 加強針的計劃! 週五,#美國食品和藥物管理局 (#FDA) 疫苗聽證會上的幾位醫生在爆炸性證詞中聲稱,COVID-19 疫苗殺死的人比拯救的人多,並且正在推動CCP病毒突變,如所謂的「#delta」變種。 FDA 的疫苗和相關生物製品咨詢委員會在經過 8 小時的證詞後,以 16票 對 2票反對喬拜登提出的 COVID-19 加強注射計劃。
    8 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1×0+1=?
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 38鄭捷元 內安1 失誤 高2 失誤 犧牲1 06王川銘 安2 安1 安1 37鄭有宏 安2失誤 全壘打 安2 32黃柏維 安2 全壘打 安2 14邱品逸 高1 失誤 高 X 內安 失誤 10吳竺諺 高1失誤 安1 高 X 34劉育呈 高 X 安1 13林禹呈 安2 安2 25陳政凱 安1 安2 24陳泊渝 高1 失誤 內安1 36鄭安雄 內安 失誤 安1 11呂浚佑 高1 失誤 高1 失誤 23陳沛宇 安1 高1失誤 15俞冠廷 安1 失誤 高1 12官子浩 高2 失誤 高1 失誤
    2 人回報1 則回應8 年前
  • 大里軟體科學園區~ 演唱會行程表 統一晚上7:00開始 1/14管樂團-張千庭 1/15 詹雅雯演唱會 1/16蔡佳麟+甲子慧 1/17向娃+傅振輝 1/18高向鵬+郭婷筠 1/19王牌樂團 1/20台灣青年管樂團 1/21伍佰 1/22翁立友 1/23Gradient Band 1/25四分衛 1/28玖壹壹演唱會 1/29管樂團 1/30羅時豐 1/31管樂團 2/4陳昇 2/5管樂團
    2 人回報1 則回應8 年前