Hi everyone, I'm Wenny Wu, KMT Legislative Candidate. This is a series of videos that I will be creating introducing KMT Presidential Candidate Mayor Hou You-Yi's policies. Today, we will start with Taiwan's diplomatic relations. Today, I'll be pointing out three problems. Problem 1. We keep losing our diplomatic allies. Problem 2. We lack international participation. Problem 3. The relations across the Taiwan Strait keep getting worse. Problem 1. After Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016, we have lost 9 diplomatic allies, including Panama, Honduras, and El Salvador. We only have 13 diplomatic allies left. Problem 2. We've also been excluded from many international organizations, including ICAO, WHO, Interpol, and more. This prevents the ROC from sharing experience and gaining data from others. Problem 3. The relations across the Taiwan Strait are at an impasse. Mainland China is slowly banning Taiwanese produce. ECFA is falling apart, and official contacts between the two sides have stopped completely. We will do what the DPP couldn't do. We'll implement a good neighbor policy to strengthen ties between Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific. We will deepen ties with democratic countries and become a protector of global democratic values. We will manage diplomatic aid and display our diplomatic strength. And finally, we will restart talks across the Taiwan Strait on the basis of equal status and mutual respect, including official contacts. With good KMT policy, Taiwan will return to the international stage, and the world will see the ROC. 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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