Graphene Oxide in the Vaccines 〈石墨烯懶人包資料〉 🌒🌒🌒🌑🌑🌑🌑🌒🌒🌒 新冠疫苗裡的石墨烯納米粒子 Graphene Nanoparticles in Covid Vaccines - A Report from Spain 1. 基本上,所有的疫苗都是同一種納米科技所製造的。在西班牙,疫苗甚至被稱為"神秘納米粒子",它們在處於人體體溫的水平時,會產生磁性,而在零下溫度的環境中不具有磁性。(為何疫苗需要冷凍?) All the vaccines are manufactured using the same nano-technology. In Spain it was even described as "secret nanoparticles." These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under zero degrees environment, they remain un-magnetic. [Why they freeze the vaccines?] ttps:// 2. 這些粒子是叫做"石墨烯"的納米科技材料,它對大腦神經元細胞具有超傳導和高度結合性的功能。 These particles must be a nano-tech material called GRAPHENE which is a superconductive and highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain: 3. 歐盟投資了十億歐元開發了一個"石墨烯旗艦項目"。 The European Union invested one billion euros in a project called The Graphene Flagship: 4. 透過無線電射頻(5G),石墨烯分子微粒能夠和神經元互相作用,它們可以像掃描儀一樣探測整個大腦,然後遠程操作的傳輸和接收信號指令。 The molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radio-frequencies (5G could be one of these) , they can map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely: 5. 與其説這些是抗病毒的"疫苗",不如直接揭穿它根本就是一項納米科技秘密計畫,為了控制人類大腦而發展的計畫。 These were never "vaccines" against a virus, instead all the time it was a 'secret nanotech project' developed to reach and control the brains of the human population (until now we don't know if they can modify DNA via 5G) 第五縱隊表示他們發現人們已經通過口罩、PCR測試、化學凝尾、流感和新冠疫苗獲得了磁化。 In La Quinta Columna, they discovered that people have been already magnetized via graphene present in masks, PCR tests, chemtrails and influenza and covid vaccines. 6. 石墨烯的圖標竟然是三個六角星形! The icon of GRAPHENE is, guess what: THREE HEXAGRAMS: 7. 人體會自動將體內的石墨烯代謝出體外,因為绿过氧物酶能夠將石墨烯的分子微粒分解。奇妙的是,酒精和煙草能幫助提高绿过氧物酶的水平。這也是為什麼他們要求人們每半年至一年間重新注射一次。 GRAPHENE could be flushed naturally out of the body, because there is an enzyme called myeloperoxidase that apparently disintegrates graphene molecules. Surprisingly alcohol consumption or even tobacco can help to increase this enzyme. That's why they want the population to be vaccinated each 6-12 months and sober. 8. 當2021年7月5G全面啟用時,注射到人體內的石墨烯和5G的互動會造成致命性事故,我們或許祇有極短的時間能夠徹底的中止這項疫苗接種計畫。 The interaction between GRAPHENE in inoculated humans and 5G could result in a fatal event when 5G will be fully enabled in July 2021, so we would be in a short period of time to stop this madness and abort vaccination programs for once and all. —傳播疫時代真相— @PandemicTRUTH 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️ 此篇相同回報者之文章列表

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