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美國保台的能力究竟如何? —看美國人怎麼說
台灣安全與台海和平直接影響台灣所有民眾的生命財產,是極其嚴肅 的課題,務需廣挖深掘、實事求是,才能接近真相。本檔案全部取自 英文資料,依公開時序排列,共 56 條,絕大部分來自美國國防部、 國會、前任高階官員、及重要智庫。小部分才是個別專家學者的研究。
對美國「力不足保台」的質疑是由長年接受美國政府委託、從事 安全研究的蘭德公司於 2015 年率先提出。當即引起筆者的高度重視, 並開始不時撰寫讀書心得,以略盡知識分子的言責。2019 年起,美 國政府、智庫、及學者的警訊越來越頻密,內容越來越直白,今似已 為美國政學媒界共識。國人不可不警惕。本中英文檔案均載於台北論 壇網站〈http://www.taipeiforum.org.tw〉,敬請查閱。

Is The United States Capable of Protecting Taiwan? —See What the Americans Have Said
Peace across the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan’s security are deadly serious issues impacting directly on the lives and properties of all the people on Taiwan. Hence it requires extensive, deep, and pragmatic studies to get to the true picture. All of the following 56 items are drawn from open sources in English language, the overwhelming majority being the reports made by the Pentagon, Congress, former senior officials, and major think tanks. Only a small minority are books and articles by individual scholars. They are arranged by the order they appeared in public.
The first warning shot about the U.S. “less than fully capable of protecting Taiwan” appeared to have been fired by the RAND corporation, an esteemed think tank long devoted to security studies and mostly supported by U.S. Defense Department, in 2015. This study caught my attention immediately. To fulfill my role as a concerned intellectual, I have since written op-eds in Chinese from time to time -- and translated them into English for those who cared to read -- to elucidate the views and findings of those American officials and experts on this vital issue for the consumption of Taiwan’s public who have not been made aware of the harsh truth on this existential issue by the mass media. As seen from the list below, the frequency and sense of urgency evoked by their remarks have heightened unmistakably since 2019. It is probably no exaggeration to say that the alarmist view has become the main stream among the U.S. elites today. It therefore behooves the Taiwan public to sit up and pay attention. Both the Chinese and English versions are available at the website of Taipei Forum: 〈http://www.taipeiforum.org.tw〉

2015 Eric Heginbotham et al,
The U.S.-China Military Scorecard: Forces, Geography, and the Evolving Balance of Power: 1996-2017
RAND Corporation
“(The) Chinese submarine fleet has made major gains relative to U.S. defensive capabilities. Under any set of assumptions assessed within this model, the number of expected potential engagements by
Chinese submarine against U.S. carriers increase by more than an order of magnitude (and in some cases, by more than 20 times) between 1997 and 2017 ... Given the cost, the number of personnel, and symbolic importance of U.S. aircraft carriers, this level of risk could prompt U.S. commanders to hold carriers back until areas close to China could be sanitized by U.S. anti-submarine assets.” (p. 197) “By 2017, further improvements across all areas of Chinese anti- surface warfare, especially submarine capabilities, led to China’s advantage in the Taiwan case ... the Chinese advantage refers only to the situation at the first few weeks of conflict ... critically important to, for example, a ground campaign in Taiwan...” (p. 200)
“The analysis presented in this chapter indicates that while the U.S. maintains unparalleled military forces overall, it faces a progressively receding frontier of military dominance in Asia ... As a result, the balance of power between the U.S. and China may be approaching a series of tipping points, first, in contingencies close to the Chinese coast (e.g., Taiwan) and possibly later in more distant locations (e.g., the Spratly Islands) ... It is difficult to state with precision when these points might be reached, but a tipping point in a Taiwan conflict might come as early as 2020.” (p. 342)

2015 年 Eric Heginbotham(MIT 研 究員,時任蘭德公司研究員)等 14 人 美中軍事計分卡:軍力、地理與變遷中的 實力對比:1996-2017
蘭德公司 發表 中共潛艦相對於美國戰力已有長足進 步。根據本研究所用模型的任何假設,中
共潛艦能與美國航母接戰的次數在 1997 到 2017 年間都成長了 好多倍,在某些情況下甚至達到 20 倍之多...由於航母成本高、 兵員多、象徵意義大,這種風險就使航母指揮官不願進入接近中 國大陸的海域,除非先由反潛能量清掃一遍。(頁 197)
到 2017 年時,中國反艦作戰能力的全面提升,尤其是潛艦戰力, 導致中共對台作戰的優勢...存在於戰事初始幾星期。這對攻台地 面作戰極度重要。(頁 200) 本章以上分析顯示,美國軍力雖仍全球無敵,但在亞洲地區美國 優勢的邊界線卻逐漸後縮...以致美中軍力對比正逼近一個又一 個轉折點,先是離大陸最近的地方(像台灣),其次是較遠的地方 (如南沙群島)...何時轉折點會出現,很難預測,但台海衝突的 轉折點可能在 2020 就會到。(頁 342)

January 2016 Michael Green, Kathleen Hicks, Mark Garcia Asia-Pacific Rebalance 2025: Capabilities, Presence, and Partnership: An Independent Review of U.S. Defense Strategy in the Asia-Pacific,
Center for Strategic and International Studies
“The reach of China’s A2/AD system is
such that U.S. carrier-based assets will likely need to stay outside the most dangerous zones, at least during the initial phase of a conflict.” (p. 130)
2016 年 1 月
Michael Green(時任喬治城大學亞洲研究主任,曾任小布希政 府國安會亞洲部門資深主任)
Kathleen Hicks(曾任國防部副次長,時任戰略與國際研究中心 國際安全計畫主持人,2021 出任國防部副部長,現為國防部最 高女性官員)
Mark Cancian(曾任職白宮管理與預算辦公室與國防部長辦公 室)等 21 人
亞太再平衡 2025:能力,存在,夥伴關係 戰略與國際研究中心 發表 中共反介入/區域拒止能力已經達到美國航母必須停留在最危 險海域以外的地步,起碼衝突初期必須如此。(頁 130)

David Gompert,
Astrid Struth Cevallos
Cristina L. Gavafola
War with China: Thinking through the Unthinkable
RAND Corporation
“War between the two countries could begin with devastating strikes; be hard to control; last months, if not years; have no
winner; and inflict huge losses on both side military forces. The longer such a war would rage, the greater the importance of economic, political, and international effects. While such non-military effects could fall hardest on China, they could also greatly harm the U.S. economy and the U.S. ability to meet challenges worldwide.” (p. xvii)
2016 年 David Gomper(曾任國家情報副總監、代理總監) 等3人
蘭德公司 報告 美中戰爭可能以相互痛擊開始;一開始就難控制;就算不持續幾 年,也有好幾個月;並對雙方軍事力量造成嚴重損失。戰爭持續 越久,經濟、政治、及國際效應越重大。這些非軍事效應雖對中 國傷害較大,但也會重創美國經濟及其因應全球其他挑戰的能 力。(頁 xvii)

June 2017
Thomas Shugart and Javier Gonzalez
First Strike: China’s military Threat to U.S. Bases in East Asia
Center for New American Security
“For a preemptive strike on U.S. forces in Japan, the PLA demonstrated the precision strike capability and missile inventory it would need to strike every U.S. ship in port, more than 200 grounded U.S. aircraft; and
all major fixed headquarters, logistics facilities, and runways in U.S. airbases.” (p. 13)
2017 年 6 月
Thomas Shugart(長期任職美國海軍,包括擔任核潛艦長及國 防部淨評估辦公室成員)
Javier Gonzalez(長期任職海軍,曾任驅逐艦長) 第一擊:中共對美國東亞基地的軍事威脅
新美國安全中心 發表 如對美軍駐日基地實施先發打擊,解放軍已證明它的精準打擊 能力與飛彈儲量足夠打擊美國駐日所有軍艦,200 架以上地面戰 機,和所有主要的固定指揮所、後勤設施、以及基地上的跑道。 (頁 13)

December 2017
David Ochmanek et al. U.S.
Military Capabilities and Forces for a Dangerous World: Rethinking the U.S. Approach to Force Planning
RAND Corporation
“...the U.S. now fields forces that are, at once, larger than needed to fight a single major war, failing to keep pace
with the modernizing forces of great-power adversaries, poorly postured to meet key challenges in Europe and East Asia, and insufficiently trained and ready to get the most operational utility for many of its active component units. Put more starkly, assessments in this report will show that the U.S. forces could, under plausible assumptions, lose the next war they are called upon to fight, despite the U.S outspending China on military forces by a ratio of 2.7:1 and Russia by 6:1.” (p. xii)
“In conclusion, our assessment of a future clash of arms with China suggests that ... in the 2020 timeframe and beyond, U.S. and allied forces would have to fight for advantages that, until now, they have been taken for granted ... The U.S. and allied decision-makers could lose confidence in the ability of U.S. forces to defeat aggression. Potential adversaries could be correspondingly emboldened to resort to coercion or aggression to up-end the status-quo in East Asia and South-East Asia.” (pp. 18-19)

2017 年 12 月
David Ochmanek(曾任國防部副助理部 長)、Peter A. Wilson(曾任英國外交部 亞太司長、駐巴西、荷蘭大使)等 5 人 因應危險世界的美國軍力:反思美國的 軍力計畫
蘭德公司 報告
美國當前軍力超過打一場大戰的需要,卻不能與現代化大國對 手的軍力同步,軍力配置也難同時應付歐洲及東亞的挑戰,訓練 與戰備不足也讓許多常備單位不能發揮最佳戰力。講得更直白 點,本報告的評估顯示,在某些特定假設下,美國可能會輸掉下 一場戰爭,儘管美國國防預算是中國的 2.7 倍,俄國的 6 倍。(頁 xii)
綜上以觀,我們對未來美中軍事衝突的評估是...在 2020 年及未 來,美國與其盟邦過去視為理所當然的優勢,現在都要費力才能 取得...美國與盟邦的決策者可能對美國擊退侵略者的能力失去 信心。潛在對手將更大膽訴諸施壓或侵略來改變東亞與東南亞的 現狀。

November 2018
Eric Edelman and Gary Roughead, et al. Providing for Common Defense: the Assessment and Recommendation of the National Defense Strategy Commission United States Institute of Peace
“The United States confronts a grave crisis of national security and national defense... (Because) of foreign and domestic factors, America’s longstanding military advantages have diminished. The country’s strategic
margin for error has become distressingly small. Doubts about America’s ability to deter and, if necessary, defeat opponents and honor its global commitments have proliferated. Previous congressionally mandated reports, such as the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Independent Panel and the 2014 National Defense Panel, warned that this crisis was coming. The crisis has now arrived, with potential dire effects not just for U.S. global influence, but also for the security and welfare of America itself.” (p. 1)
“If the U.S. had to fight Russia in a Baltic contingency or China in a war over Taiwan, Americans could face a decisive military defeat.” (p. 14)
(If )“In2024,ChinaundertakesasurpriseattacktopreventTaiwan from declaring independence. As Chinese forces launch air and missile attacks, cripple the Taiwanese Navy, and conduct amphibious landings, it becomes clear that decisive U.S. intervention will be required. Unfortunately, America can no longer mount such an intervention at acceptable cost. China’s missile, air, surface, and undersea capabilities have continued to grow as U.S. defense spending has stagnated. Large parts of the Western Pacific have become “no-go” zones for U.S. forces. The Pentagon informs the President that American could probably defeat China in a long war, if the full might of the nation was mobilized. Yet it would lose huge numb




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  • Exclusive! America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told the Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So, for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Laozi. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • Exclusive, America does want a war, but it needs China to be blamed for it. Here's the story. Many people around the world are wondering why there's been so many negative news stories about China in recent years. We're told that Chinese have killed Hong Kong, a genocide in Xinjiang, and are about to invade Australia. But none of that is remotely fair as a portrayal of what's really happening. So what's the deal? My colleague Phil Hines and I have found answers to that question. By putting the media aside, we've been talking to and studying the views of diplomats, strategists and other people in the know. We've just published a pair of reports giving the real story. US military strategists have realised that it's now inevitable that Asia will be the economic centre of the world. Given the speed of growth here, China's primacy can no longer be prevented. The West is desperate to win the 21st century. So America has been working to unite the world against China using disinformation, NGOs and the media. So for example, the US is endlessly provoking China over Taiwan, and the media is writing it up as China being aggressive. In 2019, America tried everything it could to make the PLA take control of Hong Kong, but China refused to take the bait. This year, the US is using Taiwan to do the exact same trick. We have quotes in our reports from several sources, including from the US. For now, China appears to be following the advice of Lao Tzu. To make muddy water settle into clear water, the only tool you need is patience. Peace.
    1 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • America's dangerous friends America's enemies are becoming more dangerous, but even its friends could drag it into expanded conflicts this year. Volodymyr Zelensky. President Joe Biden has been Ukraine's staunchest supporter since Russia's invasion in February 2022. Having pledged to stay by Kyiv's side "as long as it takes," he has shepherded $113 billion in military and other aid that has proven vital to Ukrainians' ability to defend themselves. Biden has done this even though he neither likes nor trusts President Zelensky. However, political support for Ukraine within the US has wavered as the war has dragged on, seriously undermining Biden's ability to keep the aid coming past this year. And if Donald Trump-who considers Zelensky a personal adversary-wins in November, Ukrainians can wave goodbye to their biggest backer (please see Top Risk #1). Cracks have also emerged within Ukraine, where infighting between Zelensky and Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny (over military strategy) as well as Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko (over Zelensky's allegedly authoritarian leadership) has spilled into the open, threatening Ukrainian political unity and fueling more skepticism among Kyiv's friends. Under pressure domestically and frustrated with both diminishing US support and increasing difficulties on the battlefield, a desperate Zelensky will be willing to take bigger risks to turn the war around and maintain his political standing before Trump potentially takes office (please see Top Risk #3). This includes more aggressive attacks against targets in Russia, Crimea, and the Black Sea, threatening a response from Russia and potentially forcing the United States to become more directly involved in the war. Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel is America's closest ally in the Middle East, the only democracy in the region, and the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid. It is no surprise that Biden-a self-described Zionist and longtime Israel supporter-strongly backed Israel's initial response to Hamas's 7 October attacks, despite his complicated relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Since then, however, a public rift has opened between the two over the conduct and endgame of the war in Gaza. They are also at odds about the role the Palestinian Authority should play in Gaza's postwar governance as well as the viability of a two-state solution. Fundamentally, Biden wants to see the war end, while Netanyahu has political and personal reasons to keep it going or even escalate it. eurasia group TOP RISKS 2024 Determined to stay in power and out of jail and emboldened by the possibility that his friend Trump returns to power in January 2025, Netanyahu will push back against pressure from Biden to end the war. He will ignore calls for restraint in Gaza while eyeing more conflict with Hezbollah in the north (please see Top Risk #2). He will also continue to inflame tensions in the West Bank and thwart any efforts to create a Palestinian state in the future. As a result, the United States will be inextricably tied to an intensifying conflict over which it has limited influence-one that will further strain US relations with the Arab world, the Global South, and even some allies, as well as create political challenges for Biden at home. Should Netanyahu decide to preemptively strike Hezbollah or even Iran itself, the US would find itself drawn into a much broader Middle East war. William Lai. Washington's long-standing "one China" policy and its security cooperation with Taiwan have been critical to deterring both a Chinese invasion and a declaration of independence from Taipei. Although Biden has repeatedly said the US would defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack, "strategic ambiguity" remains the official stance, and the president has no desire to risk a crisis with Beijing over the island. But the uneasy status quo in the Taiwan Strait will soon be tested if Taiwan elects Vice President William Lai, the ruling party candidate whom China views as the most pro independence Taiwanese leader in a generation, as president (and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan's former representative to the US, as vice president). While Biden will oppose any de jure independence moves from Lai, the domestic politics of the Taiwan issue will prevent the US president from objecting to the smaller, symbolic steps toward de facto autonomy Lai is likely to take. Yet even these will be enough to provoke a beyond-precedent military response from Beijing, such as violating Taiwan's airspace or waters or conducting ship inspections. Biden will be forced to respond to Chinese aggression with a show of resolve in support for Taipei that could jeopardize the US-China thaw and risk a dangerous cycle of escalation. Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan will all continue to be major US allies. But their leaders' pursuit of their national-and, occasionally, personal-interests will further entangle Washington in growing conflicts. 20
    2 人回報2 則回應8 個月前
  • MENU Nikkei Asian Review Sort by Region Nikkei Asian Review Log in Subscribe Home Spotlight Politics & Economy Business Markets Tech & Science Viewpoints Life & Arts Features Regions Log in Subscribe About Nikkei Asian Review August 17, 2017 7:48 pm JST Taiwan to discuss lithium ion battery energy storage with Tesla following blackout President Tsai Ing-wen wants to boost use of green energy DEBBY WU, Nikkei staff writer A Tesla Model S electric car is charged by a supercharger at its showroom in Taipei on August 11. © Reuters TAIPEI -- The Taiwanese government is planning to approach Tesla to discuss the feasibility of setting up lithium ion battery facilities for storing renewable energy on the island, in line with a project the U.S. technology company recently launched in Australia, a top official said on Thursday following a mass power blackout earlier in the week. The move would also chime with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's ongoing efforts to replace nuclear power with green energy. Tsai has pledged to make Taiwan nuclear energy free by 2025. Taiwan’s Minister of Science and Technology Chen Liang-gee said the government would seek to discuss lithium ion battery energy storage with Tesla. (Photo by Debby Wu) "Tesla is using its lithium ion battery technology to help Australia and California to implement smart grid and grid storage, and we can learn from them in the future," Taiwan's Minister of Science and Technology Chen Liang-gee told reporters at his office in Taipei. "We will try to check out whether there is a suitable solution...we will get in touch with them," Chen said. Chen added that the government would send a team of officials to the U.S. to talk with Tesla soon, although he would not be heading the delegation. He said that the government had not prepared a budget for such a project, although he suggested that a Taiwanese company could potentially form a joint venture with the U.S. tech company for the project. Tesla, which is also known for its electric cars, declined to comment. Taiwan was hit by a mass power outage on Tuesday, the largest by number of households affected since a massive earthquake struck in 1999. The blackout came after government-run petroleum company CPC Corporation ran into difficulties while replacing the power supply for a control system responsible for sending natural gas to a power plant. A number of tech companies in Taiwan have suffered some minor disruption to production following the outage. 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  • 西方為何緊咬中國不放? 美國一位著名學者暨政治分析家艾特勒博士(Dennis Etler), 他不僅致力於教學,並獻身於社會正義。這兩個原因,使他聚焦於中國; 他看到了中國在人類進步上的飛躍發展。 他退休後創立了一個討論平台網頁 "習近平--中國的傑出主席 (Xi Jinping--China's Exceptional President)。他對歷史細節的掌握,和異常的分析能力,彰顯出他的文章的特色。他的平台也吸引了許多有價值的回饋。 以下是他評析西方對中國態度的一篇文章 "就我所見" (As I See It)之摘要: *就我所見* (1) 西方為何對中國緊咬不放?一般的回答是中國的經濟成長挑戰了西方至少250年來的全球霸權。中國的軍力也要趕上西方,因此不再受西方這方面的威脅。這些都是西方要針對中國,並抹黑中國的根本原因。 (2) 但另有一個因素也要考慮,就是中國的成功凸顯了西方的失敗。 (3) 此外,中國塑造了一個種族和諧的社會,和西方社會根深蒂固的種族分歧,形成了強烈對比。 (4) 西方政治菁英和其媒體喉舌,不願承認中國已消除赤貧而西方人民卻漸陷入貧窮之事實。他們不願承認中國已具有21世紀的基礎建設,而西方卻遠遠落後。他們不願面對中國人民壓倒性地支持中國政府,而西方人民卻對西方政府失去信心。他們不願接受中國戰勝了新冠疫情,而西方卻失敗。最後,他們哀歎一個非白人民族的表現,超越了他們,而且在可見的未來也一直會如此。 (5) 為了轉移注意,西方製造出一連串的謊言和誣衊。他們避談中國的脫貧,卻想像出中國的 "種族滅絕"。避談中國高鐵、電動車、替代能源、電子商務...卻誣稱中國 "偷竊智財權"。不談中國的社會經濟制度,卻誣指中國 "強迫勞動"、"強迫絕育"。不說中國對南海、香港和台灣的主權,卻稱 "侵略"。 (6) 這些 "對中國的暴打"(China bashing),目的只有一個: 確使西方人民無法看到真正的中國。因為如果民眾知道真相,他們或許會產生和西方菁英不同的想法,也就是社會主義在求99%之人的福祉,而資本主義只在求1%之人的財富。 原文: Professor Dennis Etler American political analyst who holds a doctorate in anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley As I See It: Why is it that the West is so preoccupied with China? The usual answer is that China's economic growth is challenging Western global hegemony which has held sway for at least 250 years. The Chinese military has also reached parity with that of the West, so it is no longer subject to Western intimidation and bullying. All that is true and reason for the West to want to savage China and portray it as the root of all evil. But there is one other consideration that must be taken into account. It's not only China's economic prowess and military might that frightens the West, it is also China's success as a nation versus the West's failure. Moreover, China has forged a society in which there is harmony between its different ethnicities in contrast to the systemic racism that characterizes Western society. Western ruling elites and their media mouthpieces do not want to acknowledge the fact that China has eliminated extreme poverty while more and more of their own people descend into poverty. They do not want to admit that China has constructed a 21st century infrastructure while they lag far behind. They do not want to confront the fact that the Chinese people ⁹overwhelmingly support their government while people in the West have lost confidence in their own, they do not want to accept that China beat COVIDC-19 while they haven't, and finally they are loathe to accept the fact that a non-white nation has out performed them and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. In order to deflect attention away from these truths the West has concocted a series of lies and slanders that allow them to deny reality. Instead of poverty alleviation the West imagines "genocide." Instead of the advances in HSR, EVs, alt-energy and e-commerce they focus on "IP theft," instead of a socioeconomic system that serves the people, they accuse China of forced labor and forced sterilizations. Instead of seeing China as defending its national sovereignty in the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, it's called an aggressor. All the China-bashing serves multiple purposes but ONE of the main reasons is to make sure that people in the West do not get to hear nor see what the real China is all about because if they did they may get ideas that the Western elites don't want then to have, such as socialism works for the betterment of the 99% while capitalism works primarily to enrich the 1%.
    19 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • CNN 對台積電董事長劉德音的專訪翻譯逐字稿 On GPS: Can China afford to attack Taiwan? Fareed Zakaria, GPS In a rare interview with Mark Liu, chairman of Taiwan's TSMC — Asia's most valuable company — Fareed asks about the ongoing tension between the self-governing island and Beijing. Source: CNN Fareed Zakaria: 如果中國攻打台灣,那會如何影響台灣,以及台灣的經濟? What would happen to Taiwan, and to the Taiwanese economy, if China were to invade? 劉德音: 噢,當然,戰場上沒有贏家;所有人都是輸家。台灣人已在台灣建立起自己的民主系統,然後他們想過自己的生活。雖然半導體產業對台灣整體經濟來說十分重要,但如果真的發生戰爭的話,那或許半導體業不是最需要我們擔心的事。我們真正需要擔心的是這場戰爭將會摧毀以具有穩定秩序的世界經貿活動(the destruction of the world rule-based order);整個地理政治將會有劇烈的變化。 Oh, of course, the war brings no winners. Everybody is losers. And people in Taiwan has earned their democratic system in Taiwan, and they want to choose their way of life. And we think that indeed the chip supply is a critical business and economy in Taiwan, but had it -- had it been a War in Taiwan, probably the chip is not the most important thing we should worry about because this invasion, if it comes after, is the destruction of the world rule-based order. There is no -- the geopolitical landscape would totally change. Fareed Zakaria: 你會擔心台灣目前在中國半導體供應鏈上所扮演的核心角色嗎? 這會對台灣造成甚麼危險嗎? 還是說其實有戰略上的嚇阻效果? 畢竟有時大家會說台積電是台灣的護國神山。不過即便如此,我們還是知道中國一直都強調「我們對台灣有絕對的主權,而且這是我們不可退讓的中國資產」。 Do you worry that Taiwan is now so integral to the Chinese supply chain at the high end?.. Does that create a danger for Taiwan? Or is it a deterrent? People sometimes talk about the TSMC shield, but you could equally see Beijing saying we need to have total control of this. This is the most valuable asset and it's outside our borders. 劉德音: 嗯,沒有國家能夠用武力控制台積電的,因為如果中國解放軍真的入侵台積電,台積電就完全不能運作了,因為這是一個十分複雜的龐大組織。台積電從原料、化學物質、設備零件、工程軟體與檢測等各面向都隨時都需要跟外面的世界,歐洲、日本、美國相互溝通合作。是在世界上的所有人的努力才能讓這間公司,台積電,能夠正常運作。所以假如你用武力侵占了台積電,那台積電就不可能正常運作了,也就沒有所謂的台積電了。至於我們與中國的生意,目前中國大概占了我們 10% 的生意吧,但我們只會跟一般企業與消費者做生意,我們不會將晶片賣給軍事組織。我們覺得說,消費市場是很重要的,而且是生生不息的。如果消費者有需求,那我想,跟他們做生意並不是甚麼壞事。 Ok. Nobody can control TSMC by force. If you take a military force or invasion, you will render TSMC factory not operable because this is such a sophisticated manufacturing facility. It depends on the real-time connection with the outside world, with Europe, with Japan, with the US, from materials, to chemicals, to spare parts, to engineering software, diagnosis. It's everybody's effort to make this factory operable. So if you take it over by force, you can no longer make it operable. In terms of the China business, its today composed about 10% of our business. We only work with consumer. We don't work with militaries entity. We think that is, the consumer pool, is important, and it is vibrant. And if they need us, it's not a bad thing. Fareed Zakaria: 解釋一下,為什麼這(台積電跟中國做生意)不是壞事? Expand on that. Why is it not a bad thing? 劉德音: 噢,這是因為我們停止運作後將會為中國帶來巨大的經濟損失,因為他們最先進的半導體晶片突然就這樣消失了,所以他們在做這種"武力犯台"之前,我想必定會三思而後行的。 你看烏克蘭戰爭,我想我們都得從中好好反省與汲取些經驗。人們認為烏克蘭跟台灣非常像,但我得說台灣跟烏克蘭非常不一樣。想想烏俄戰爭對各國帶來的種種負面影響,對任何國家來說都不是好事。從西方世界、俄羅斯與烏克蘭的角度來看,都是輸家,沒有人從中獲得好處。我真的認為大家都應該要好好反省這場戰爭究竟為我們人類帶來了甚麼,想想我們應該要如何避免戰爭,想想我們該如何確保全球經濟的穩定,如何讓全球經濟能持續生生不息,而且也讓我們以公平的方式相互競爭,這是我的想法。 Oh, because our interruption will create great economic turmoil in either side in China because suddenly their most advanced components supply disappeared. And -- and it is an interruption, I must say. So people will think twice on this. I think the Ukraine war, I think we should draw lessons from it. People think Ukraine will make connected with the Taiwan Strait. They are very different. But in case you think about imperil, Ukraine war is not good for any of the sides. From the Western world, from Russia, from Ukraine, it's lose, lose, lose scenarios. All three sides ought to draw lessons. I think they do. And we should use that lessons to look at the lens on Taiwan. How can we avoid a war? How can we ensure no -- the world economy -- the engine of the world economy continue humming and let's have a fair competition. That's what I think. Fareed Zakaria: 就你看來,你會怎麼解釋台灣的經濟奇蹟? 在過去五十年裡,台灣經濟成功達到每年有 5% 的經濟成長。世上很少能夠有著像台灣經濟成長幅度這樣的國家,你怎麼看呢? From your perspective, what explains the Taiwan miracle? This is now a place that has grown at 5% a year for five decades. There are very few places in the world that have managed that. What explains the Taiwan miracle? 劉德音: 從外人的角度來看,會覺得這是一個奇蹟。但對認真工作的台灣人來說,這只是奮鬥的過程。老實說我覺得,相較於其他國家,尤其是在亞洲,我覺得台灣其中一個特點在於它那和平的社會。從 1949 年到現在,台灣一直都是相當和平的。這是個和平的地方。而在這期間,台灣從威權主義社會轉型成民主國家,變成一個民主社會。而如果你從整個世界的角度來看這點,如此這般和平的社會轉型是相當神奇的事情,我們是非常幸運的。而如果真要說奇蹟,我想台灣的確還有一點是相當與眾不同的,那就是我們的教育制度。 在我還小的時候,只有 10% 的人上大學。如今有 80% 的年輕人擁有大學文憑。我們政府設立了非常多間大學,所以對於所有年輕人來說,如果你想讀大學,那一定可以讀,只要你願意花時間,所以這建立了一個相對高品質的社會環境,以面對未來可能的種種挑戰,這是我覺得非常非常特別的一點。 Looking from outside, it appears to be a miracle. For the people working hard on the island, it is just a history of fighting. I think, to be honest, compared with other nations, particularly in Asia, I think one of the key components in Taiwan is a peaceful society. It maintained peace since 1949 till today, 70 years. It's a peaceful island. And during that period of time, Taiwan has transformed from authoritarian state into a democratic state, became a democratic society. This is marvelous because if you look at the nations around the world, having such a smooth transition, peaceful transition, we are fortunate, to be honest. But if you talk about the miracles, I also think there's one thing that is very distinctly different, is the education system. When I was young, only 10% of the young people entered college or universities. Today, 80% of the young people have college or university degrees. The government set up many colleges, universities. And every kid, if you want to go to university, you can go, and just so long as you spend time. So that has created a relatively good quality of population in Taiwan, posing for any change ahead. That's why I think that's very, very special. Fareed Zakaria: 為什麼其他人都很難做出你做的晶片呢? 我現在在想的是你們的七奈米,美國有非常多擁有輝煌歷史的偉大公司,像是 Intel。而中國則是撒了數十億的資金去開設晶圓廠,但都沒有人能做出你們的晶片。 Why is it so difficult for anyone to make the chips that you make? And I'm thinking now about the 7 nanometer. The Americans have these great companies that have huge history, like Intel. The Chinese pour tens of billions of dollars into new companies. But no one can make the chips you make. 劉德音: 嗯,可以啊,只是晚幾年而已,就...哈哈哈哈... Well, they can, just a few years later. It's ... hahaha ... Fareed Zakaria: 但這就是重點啊... But that's all the difference in this business. 劉德音: 沒錯,這是唯一的關鍵。我想我們是把半導體技術本身看做是一門科學,但也是一門生意。這不是組裝零件那樣而已。當然,這一切都得歸功於我們與其他夥伴的合作。我們的工程師甚至因為 COVID 而戴上 AR (擴充虛擬實境) 跟遠在荷蘭以及加州的工程師合作,我們就是這麼密切的合作,共同推進最先進的半導體技術。我只能說這麼多了,沒辦法跟你透漏與解釋所有細節。 You're right. That's all the difference. I think we treat the semiconductor technology itself as a business, as a science. It's not assembly workers. And, of course, I credit this to be working with our partners. Even the COVID time, our engineer used the AR, augmented reality, lenses to work with engineer in Netherland, work with engineer in California. And that's how close we work together. And together, we push the frontier of the semiconductor technologies. I cannot tell you everything why. Fareed Zakaria: 哦當然你不可能跟我說可口可樂的配方的...哈哈...。好,最後一個問題,在技術與經濟層面上,你會怎麼看待未來? 你的願景是甚麼? You're not going to tell me the secret formula of coca cola. Finally, tell me what you think will look like in the future, technologically, economically. What are your hopes? 劉德音: 我希望我們不會因為很接近中國而被歧視(discriminated)。不論我們跟中國的關係是甚麼,台灣就是台灣。你得把台灣視為一個整體,視為一個充滿活力與衝勁的社會。我們希望能為世界帶來創新,並持續不斷地推進未來,而不會因為我們跟中國有些紛爭而害怕我們。這實在是不值得。 I hope that we don't get discriminated because we are close to China. No matter your relationship with China, Taiwan is Taiwan. You have to look at Taiwan as, by itself, a vibrant society. We want to unleash the innovation for the world, into the future, continuously, and not to be scared because we have some dispute with our neighbors. And that is not worth it. Fareed Zakaria: 這你這樣好像是在跟世界說 ── 如果我理解錯誤請糾正我 ── 不要害怕中國說的那些話。因為中國永遠不可能接手台灣。台灣經濟是建立於全球合作,建立於信任與公開透明之上。如果他們侵入台灣,他們會發現實際上他們甚麼也沒拿到。 But it seems to me you're saying to the world -- correct me if I'm wrong -- you're saying to the world, don't be scared by what China is saying because the Chinese will never be able to take. The Taiwanese economy is built on this global collaboration, -- on trust, on openness, on -- they'll find they've taken over nothing, if they come in. 劉德音: 正確,沒錯,我的確是這麼想的,所以我們大家只會為彼此帶來災難,每一方都是如此。雖然我們得做最壞打壞,但還是盡量往最好的方向看齊。 Correct, yes, I do believe so. So the world can only create problem on three sides, all three sides. And that is -- we need to prepare the worst, but we should hope for the best. Fareed Zakaria: 你剛有提到烏克蘭戰爭是 lose-lose-lose,所以你希望可以 win-win-win。 So you said about the Ukraine war, it's lose-lose-lose. Your hope is for a win-win-win. 劉德音: 對,如果真的開戰了,那就會變成這樣。如果一切和平,那麼就只跟我們三方的競爭策略有關,我想在商場上沒有人會想要發生戰爭,所以我們又為什麼要再跳進這個陷阱(戰爭)裡呢? Yes, if you have a war, then it will be that. If this is peaceful, well, it's upon the competition strategies on all three sides. And I think that nobody in the business world want to see a war happen. And why do we jump again into another trap? Fareed Zakaria: 感謝你寶貴的時間。 Thank you for taking so much time 劉德音: 很高興能參與訪談。 We enjoy talking to you. (zero game 2)(sun over mountain)(praying)
    7 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 代理人戰爭--美國準備把臺灣變成亞洲的烏克蘭 一個探討地緣政治及國際關係問題、擁有十多萬訂閱者的自媒體視頻節目 "新地圖" (New Atlas),5/13上掛了討論烏克蘭與臺灣的視頻,或可參考。 要點略以: (1) 俄、烏衝突如火如荼之際,要小心美國在其他地方挑事。 美國現在要利用臺灣對中國大陸進行代理人戰爭(proxy war),就像利用烏克蘭對付俄國一樣。 (2) 美國官員和媒體都已招認。 紐約時報一篇題為 "美國施壓臺灣購買更適合打贏中國的武器"(US presses Taiwan to buy weapons more suited to win against China)的報導,指出拜登政府敦促臺灣購買更多用於不對稱作戰(asymeyric warfare)的飛彈和小型武器,而自烏克蘭戰事開打已來,更為急迫。 紐時報導稱,俄、烏戰爭使美方和台北相信未來幾年兩岸戰爭風險會升高,而弱勢一方應把力量集中在機動性和精確打擊上。 但這完全不符實際。台灣的面積是烏克蘭的6%右,烏有人口4千3百90萬,台灣人口為2千3百萬。以烏人口、幅員(遠大於台)都無擊退俄國之可能,而人口集中在狹窄西岸的臺灣,更完全没有可能擊退大陸。 但這不是美國的重點,美國要的是向這兩個地方出售軍火。 (3) 拜登否認代理人戰爭之說,但只要戰場上相互撕殺的不是美國人,本質上就是代理人戰爭。 國會議員Dan Prenshaw 比較誠實。有人對他投票贊成撥款400億美元用於對俄戰爭,不以為然,他回稱削弱美國敵手的軍力而不必犧牲任何一名美軍性命,是值得的投資,是好主意。 不能奢望美國國會議員能分辨好主意、餿主意,但美國確在準備用臺灣進行代理人戰爭。 (4) 臺灣和烏克蘭不同不同,臺灣是中國的一部份,無可爭議,而烏克蘭和俄國同樣是主權國家。但美國利用臺灣打代理人戰爭,不會理會國際法。 紐約時報的文章並說,美國訓練烏克蘭的軍隊,並提供武器,期打退俄國。 但俄國並無意圖拿下基輔,他們準備的是持久戰,拿下基輔的代價太高、風險大、後果難料。 美國在過去8年訓練了2萬3千烏軍,協助設置了一些軍事設施,並且提供了大量軍火,但並没有像他們所宣稱的擊退了俄軍。 俄軍拿下了Hassan市到整個頓巴斯地區,連結了俄國邊界,並拿下馬利烏波港,連結了克里米亞。 美國防部已承認俄國正主導(shaping)頓巴斯地區的戰場,逐步對烏軍進行包圍、殲滅、俘擄,烏軍正全面潰敗。 但西方政府和媒體仍繼續宣傳烏軍正在獲勝。這些謊言的目的是要讓戰事儘可能拖延,越久越好。 任何為烏克蘭利益著想的人都希望儘快和談,但美國故意拖過最佳的和談時機,要烏軍戰至最後一人。 為臺灣設計的也是這樣。 (5) 美國政府和媒體鼓吹臺灣不對稱作戰,進一步落實北京所指摘的干涉中國內政。 比較美國務院網站2021年5月和今年5月的版本,後者删除了 "(美國)認知臺灣是中國的一部份"及 "不支持臺灣獨立"。 另,美軍幾乎已半公開進駐臺灣,數目不多,但訓練台軍,就像先前在烏克蘭一樣。 這是對中國大陸的強烈訊號: 美國已不理會過去與中國大陸的協議,不理會在中國領土進行軍事活動的禁忌。除出售武器、訓練軍隊外,並不時派遣軍艦通過台灣海峽。 這是明顯的挑釁,不僅跨過了紅線,而且是在紅線內跳舞。(期挑起代理人戰爭.) (6) 多年來美國 "民主基金會" (National Endowment for Democracy; NED)在臺灣投下大筆經費從事分離主義宣傳和活動。臺灣現已有附屬的NED。 但這並不符合臺灣的利益。根據哈佛大學的經濟分析資料(economic complexity),臺灣經濟早已是整個中國經濟的一部份。臺灣現有一半的出口是輸往大陸和香港,而大陸也是臺灣最大的進口來源。 臺北現政府上臺之前,臺灣在各方面與大陸緩慢、逐步整合,符合臺灣的最大利益。 但現在推動臺獨,非理性破壞與大陸的關係,使經濟受害、內部不安,就像2014年時的烏克蘭。 這正是美國曾在烏克蘭所策動的事,直到戰爭爆發。 (7) 若與中國直接交戰,美國也有所評估。 美國軍方2015年曾委託智庫蘭德公司做了一份分析報告 "與中國之戰: 以不會想像的思維設想" (War with China: Thinking thro the Unthinkable)。該報告可上網查閱,其想定(postulate)是這場戰爭是區域性與傳統性,換言之,不是整個印太地區或核武的戰爭。 戰事涉及海、空軍力,各種飛彈及衛星、網路與電腦體系運作。 這份2015年的報告認為,美國要打這場區域戰的機會之窗(window of opportunity) 是在2015年到2025年之間,2025以後美國没有獲勝可能,中國的經濟和在這個區域的軍事力量進展會超越美國,無可逆轉。 報告說,即使是現在,中國在這個區域的軍力仍能和美國戰成僵局。最終結果將取決一些非軍事因素。 戰事如果拖得過長,超過一年,雙方經濟皆會有所損傷,但中國較重,GDP損失可達25%到35%,而美國則在5%到10%。 即使是短暫的衝突,也會使中國得來不易的經濟發展停滯,造成極大的困難與動亂,新疆、西藏、香港等地的分離主義活動會乘機而起。 (8) 報告說,中國也許會認為失去臺灣是不可承受之重,不惜進行持久的戰事。 但雙方應對戰事持續所要付出的代價和後果,各自評估,烏克蘭是個活生生實驗場(living laboratory),正可借鏡。 美國應思考對中國的經濟制裁效果是否會和對俄國一樣?東南亞國家會比較可能偏向中國。 西方想全力削弱俄國,但現在僅能期望在烏西建立緩衝區。烏克蘭這個戰爭代理人雖未被完全消除,但俄國已佔領了大片烏克蘭領土。 另外,臺灣的軍隊是否能和戰前的烏軍相比? 大陸是否會因此比較有動武之念? 又,一個衰落中的強權特別可怕,為保住第一強權的地位,往往會訴諸非理性行為。 美國這個衰落中的帝國,會比全盛時期更危險,為保住眼前甚至拾回已失去的利益,會不顧一切做出非常危險的事。 (9) 美國一向標榜在全球各地追求和平與穩定,但事實剛好相反,是世界動亂的主要根源。美國背棄一中政策,就像背棄許多條約與協議一樣,伊朗核武管制協議、美蘇核武管制條約、北約不東擴...劣跡斑斑。 (10) 美國在烏克蘭的所做所為,正是已經或正在臺灣所做。發生在烏克蘭的,也可能發生在臺灣,或美國想要拉進己方陣營的中國大陸週邊國家。 對於美國想對中國開戰的任何地點和時機,世人不能不有所警惕。
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 杭特拜登與中國華信集團CEFC合資的Sinohawk的執行長,Tony Bobulinski,今天(10/20)發表聲明,證明Joe Biden與Hunter Biden在中國的事業,#有關聯。 Tony Bobulinski過去曾在海軍服役,家族成員也有不少軍人。根據聲明,可能是作為軍人的榮譽感讓他決定踢爆拜登家族的醜事。(當然也可能是趁機自保的不自殺聲明) 以下是Tony Bobulinski的聲明全文及翻譯: My name is Tony Bobulinski. The facts set forth below are true and accurate; they are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and offensive. I am the recipient of the email published seven days ago by the New York Post which showed a copy to Hunter Biden and Rob Walker. That email is genuine. 我的名字是Tony Bobulinski,大家反覆討論的事實是真的,且準確的(杭特拜登在信中提及,部分的股份將保留給Big guy,也就是Joe Biden),這些事實並不是國內或國外的假訊息。任何與前述事實相牴觸的暗示或明示,都是錯誤且冒犯的。我就是NY Post在7天前所公佈的信件的收件人,而信件副本是由杭特拜登及Rob walker所持有。 該封E-mail是真的。 This afternoon I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs and the Senate Committee on Finance requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family as well as various foreign entities and individuals. I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both Committees in the immediate future. 今天中午,我收到參議院國土安全及政府事務委員會,以及,參議員經濟委員會的請求。要求我交出,所有我與拜登家族在事業上有關的文件,以及,其它與多個不同的外國企業或個人的任何資料。我有非常多相關的紀錄,且我將整理這些資料,儘快地交給參議院的兩個委員會。 I am the grandson of a 37 year Army Intelligence officer, the son of a 20+ year career Naval Officer and the brother of a 28 year career Naval Flight Officer. I myself served our country for 4 years and left the Navy as LT Bobulinski. I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and then CTO for Naval Nuclear Power Training Command. I take great pride in the time my family and I served this country. I am also not a political person. What few campaign contributions I have made in my life were to Democrats. 我的祖父是37年的軍隊情報部軍官,我的父親是20年以上的海軍軍官,我的兄弟是28年的海軍飛行官。我自己在海軍服役了4年,並以中尉的身份離開。我曾被施以非常高層級的安全檢查,且是海軍核子動力訓練課程的指導員。我對於我及我的家庭,對這個國家的貢獻,感到驕傲。同時,我並不是一個政治人,我人生中少數參加且貢獻的幾場競選,都是民主黨。 If the media and big tech companies had done their jobs over the past several weeks I would be irrelevant in this story. Given my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family’s name to be associated or tied to Russian disinformation or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media right now. 如果媒體及那些科技大公司(臉書跟推特表示:),在過去幾週做好他們的工作,我根本不會被牽扯進來。基於我對這個偉大國家長期的服務與貢獻,我不能忍受我的名字,與俄羅斯假資訊戰,或媒體上其它暗示這一切都是謊言或造假的報導,連結在一起。 After leaving the military I became an institutional investor investing extensively around the world and on every continent. I have traveled to over 50 countries. I believe, hands down, we live in the greatest country in the world. 離開軍隊以後,我成為機構投資者,廣泛地在全世界每個洲進行投資。我旅行過50幾個國家。我相信,我們住在這世界上最偉大的國家。 What I am outlining is fact. I know it is fact because I lived it. I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden. The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. 我所說的每一句話都是事實,我知道是如此,因為我就生活在其中。我是Sinohawk Holding的執行長,Sinohawk是華信集團CEFC的總裁葉簡明與拜登家族合作的企業。我是由James Gillar以及杭特拜登找來當執行長的。由NY Post所揭露,在2017年5月13日所寄出的信件中,所指稱的"The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden。 "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden "The Big Guy大人物",指的就是Joe Biden 信中所提的另一個JB,指的是Joe Biden的兄弟,Jim Biden。 Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing. I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line. 杭特拜登稱他的父親"the Big Guy大人物",或是“my Chairman董事長”,且常常針對我們所討論的潛在交易,請教Joe Biden要做或不做,或是建議。當我見到前副總統Joe Biden告訴大眾,「他從未與兒子杭特討論他的事業」。我要就我的第一手觀察告訴大家,那不是真的。因為那不只是杭特拜登的事業,他們總是說他們要將拜登家族的名字以及遺產,放在這裡。 I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps to prevent that from happening. 我瞭解中國並不在乎健康財務的投資報酬率,中國只是將Sinohawk視為政治影響力的投資。當我認知到杭特拜登只是將Sinohawk當作他個人的小金庫,方便杭特拜登從中國提款,且越快越好,我採取了一些手段阻止這件事。 The Johnson Report connected some dots in a way that shocked me — it made me realize the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they hadn’t and wouldn’t do that to their partners. 當我讀到參議員強生(Ron Johnson)針對拜登家族在烏克蘭貪污的調查報告,連結了幾個證據,我感到驚訝!我認知到拜登在我背後偷偷拿錢,且中國付了幾百萬美金給拜登。即使拜登家族告訴我,他們並沒有這樣做,且也不會這樣對合作夥伴。 I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant — and so I am not put in a position to have to answer those questions for them. 我希望要求拜登家族對美國大眾開誠佈公,且將事實攤在陽光底下。這樣我才可以回到與這件事無關的位置上,如此我才不會被迫被放在一個要幫拜登家族回答,本來應該是他們要回答問題的位置(指的是參議院委員會的調查)。 I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China. 我並沒有特定的政治傾向,我只是在拜登家族私下的運籌帷幄的幕後,看到一些會讓我憂慮的事。拜登家族非常積極地,用拜登家的名義去跟外國企業要錢,甚至,其中有部分的錢是來自於共產黨控制的中國。 God Bless America!!!! 天祐美國!!! 聲明出處: https://nypost.com/2020/10/22/hunter-biz-partner-confirms-e-mail-details-joe-bidens-push-to-make-millions-from-china/
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 轉載: 朱敬一將波頓的回憶錄感想,寫得很好,要簡單了解川普,這個摘要不錯。要了解過去三年台美中關係,、11月大選後川普、拜登當選的可能方向,這是一個好的參考資料 朱敬一的書評 汩羅江畔寫心得 — 評論 Bolton 新書 “The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir" ************************ 美國前國家安全顧問 John Bolton 的新書 "The Room Where It Happened" 幾天前上市,實體與網路銷售皆大賣,據報導他的版稅收入大概至少有幾千萬元。該書還沒有中譯版,所以不知道中文書譯名為何。此書撰寫是「敍事序時體」,每一章按國安事件的主題切分,例如土耳其、委內瑞拉、中國等,然後就各個主題,再依事件時序記述其發展。這樣做實為不得不然;因為美國面對的平行事件太多,若同時處理,讀起來會昏倒。 寫書痛批川普,報復性居多 Bolton 在 2018-2019 年在白宮的職稱是 National Security Advisor (NSA),相當於我們政府體制中的「國家安全會議秘書長」。他 2018 年 4 月上任,2019 年 9 月辭職,在職僅一年五個月。NSA 是白宮一級閣員,份量大概與美國國務卿不相上下。NSA 與國務卿都是負責涉外、國安事務,但是由於美國是世界強權,涉外及國安事務的份量幾乎是國內事務的一倍,故 NSA 的重要性幾乎是「左丞相」。 一年五個月任期看起來不長,但是以川普閣員更動速度觀之,Bolton 已經算是任期長的了 (讀者可以與柯文哲小內閣 PK 一下)。Bolton 應該是有做日記或是筆記的習慣,所以他的記載超級詳細。每一次重要會議的開始時間,可以細到「四點十五分」這種刻度,會議的重要出席人員也絕不遺漏。每一次對話誰說了什麼,也幾乎是「可以加引號」那麼精準。所以,我對於書中「記述」的真實性與正確性,幾乎不予置疑。至於偶爾有作者自己的評價,則讀者當然可以自行斟酌。 如果你問,Bolton 寫這本書的目的是什麼呢?我想一方面是賺錢 (幾千幾萬收入吔!),但是也許更重要的,則是吐一口怨氣,紮實地狠搥川普一拳。你看完這本書就能了解,這一年五個月時間「君臣」之間累積了多少怨氣。最重要的是:老闆川普完全沒有令他尊敬之處,也不尊重閣員。孟子兩千年前的描述是「君視臣如土芥,則臣視君如寇讎」。此書讀起來,波頓已經是「必欲揭川普瘡疤而後快」,幾乎是指著鼻子駡。 閣員眾生相,一覽無遺 Bolton 在書裡記載了不少閣員同事,有褒有貶。被他貶抑的包括前國防部長瘋狗 Mattis、現任財政部長 Mnuchin、前駐聯合國大使 Nikki Haley,當然 B 氏駡最多的是川普本人。Bolton 在對話中認同的閣員則包括前白宮幕僚長 John Kelly、現任國務卿 Pompeo。其中,有許多次與川普開會之前之後的「會前交心」或「會後善後」或「如何應付老闆」的對話,都是 Bolton 與 Pompeo 的對談,所以這本書出版之後,我感覺 Pompeo 恐怕會被川普嫌,處境頗為艱難。 多說無益,且讓我將書裡精彩幾句話一一標出,讓沒有時間讀全文的朋友,了解 Bolton 的怨氣。 Bolton 在 50 頁明言,Mattis is our biggest problem。Bolton 說,Mattis 與幕僚在前置討論時從不表示意見,這樣才能在最後階段提出一個「別人沒有辦法仔細評估」的不同意見。如果真是如此,Mattis 這咖其實段數很差,而且玩不久。但是另外一種解讀是:如果國防部長 Mattis 的意見都是在Bolton 主持的會議中講了,Mattis 在川普面前就沒有表現了,而國防部則像是國家安全會議的下轄部會,我想 Mattis 不願意如此。所以,這裡的矛盾,是權力面的,未必是 Bolton 所述人格面的。 在 337 頁,Mnuchin 被 Bolton 形容為擁中 (熊貓) 派。川普說,此人 seemed more protective of US firms that were sleeping with our enemy than of accomplishing the mission we have." Mnuchin 的立場若此,Bolton 不說外界恐怕也不清楚。但是 Bolton 有一點批評我完全同意:美/中之間的衝突,是制度面的,包括中國政府的大量 (黨國不分) 補貼、強迫智慧財產移轉、偷竊營業秘密等。這些因素加起來,形諸於外,才是「貿易順差」等問題。所以,制度是關鍵,貿易只是表相。Mnuchin 老想達成「貿易談判」,拼命阻擋制度問題的討論,擔心那些討論妨礙了貿易談判,這根本是捨本逐末,混淆問題本質。 人權,值幾文錢? 幕僚建議川普對天安門 30週年講話,川普拒絕 (286 頁)。他說:that was 15 years ago (他年代都搞錯,一表相差 15 年,不過不足為奇),who cares about that? 所以天安門死多少人,沒有重要性?Bolton 在288 頁又記載,川普在電話上對習近平說,他可以在新疆建集中營。香港的動亂,川普也主動說,那是中國內政。這些,大概是全書最恐怖的內容。我們從媒體報導以為美國支持香港、譴責新疆隔離,但是 Bolton 說,那不是川普本意。台灣媒體報導了與台灣有關的內容,Bolton 在 286 頁說,川普已經放棄了敍利亞的庫德族,台灣會是下一個嗎? 我想,事情的關鍵,不在於台灣是不是只有「筆尖」大小,不是庫德/敍利亞/台灣/香港/維吾爾之間權衡輕重的問題,而是川普本人的「價值觀」。B 氏批評 (120 頁),川普沒有整體國際戰略,看問題只看零零散散的點 (archipelago of dots)。就川普而言,國際事務像是「一筆筆的不動產交易」。有些人用「生意人」描述川普,我覺得有點羞辱千千萬萬做生意的人。生意人其實也是有血有肉、有感情有關懷。我認為比較正確的描述是:川普錯誤地把國際政治與世界運作,視為一筆筆「買賣」。所謂「美國優先」,其實就只是看「美國年度損益表」。這,才是真正的麻煩。 正因為一切都只看「損益表」,所以 NATO 川普就只盯著 NATO 預算吵,一直要逼德國多出錢。德國是應該多承擔責任,但是不能把事情搞成「你們敢不出錢,我美國就退出 NATO。」難道 NATO 是個買賣?Bolton 在134-135 頁記載,川普要求歐洲諸國增加 NATO 經費,但是不順利,於是打算在 G7 會議時宣布美國退出 NATO。這麼天大的事,事前完全沒有與國安顧問及任何閣員討論,好像只是一件房地產交易的 counter offer,Bolton 失望也害怕,已經打算辭職了;那時他才上任三個月。幸好,G7 會議發言前幾分鐘,川普問 Bolton:Are we going to do it? Bolton 回答:Go up to the line, but don't cross it。川普後來沒有越線,但 Bolton 此事應該已經嚇出一身冷汗。 美國與盟邦關係極差 川普不喜歡多邊組織如 WTO、NATO、WHO,這大家都知道。但是,不喜歡多邊組織,並不表示凡事都要「單邊硬幹」。然而川普就是喜歡單邊硬幹,像是「蝙幅俠」,而不是「豪勇七狡龍」。過去三年,美國得罪了許多盟邦,部分原因是川普的單邊硬幹,部分是因為他的嘴巴。 川普批評歐盟:EU is worse than China, only smaller (98頁)。他這句台詞在不同地方講過多次,我也聽說過,我相信歐洲國家一定聽過,外交上傷害很大。132 頁,川普說 EU 輪值主席 Junker "as a vicious man who hated the U.S. desperately" (132頁)。這話應該也漏到歐盟耳中。EU 對美國這樣駡盟友,極為反感。 不只對盟邦,他對閣員也是極為粗暴。在全書中,不斷有閣員離職,川普從來不讓閣員自己宣布請辭,而永遠是他搶先在 Twitter 上宣布別人「被請辭」。有些閣員情緒激動,川普完全不在乎。 幕僚長 John Kelly 被川普羞辱,氣壞了 (216頁)。他會後對 Bolton 說:I've commanded men in combats, and I've never had to put up with this shit like that." Kelly 是陸戰隊上將,兒子作戰陣亡。會後,K 赴兒子墓地平復心情,然後辭職。什麼叫「視如土芥」?斯之謂也。 川普在週末急著趕走 Mattis (186 頁)。幕僚提醒:快到聖誕節了吔!川普說:下週一才聖誕節,執意在這個週末攆走人。這不是刻意給自己找敵人嗎?也因為如此,Bolton 精心設計離職,比川普 Twitter 早幾個小時宣布辭職,也是用 Tweet。內閣大臣賭氣若斯,恐怕史上少見。 對川普人格,極為不滿 Bolton 全書一再敍述川普的人格瑕疵。第 6 頁,Bolton 說川普 always bizarre。扣除書首標題之類,第 6 頁其實只是正文第 1 頁,就開火了。在 12 頁,Bolton 引述 Charles Krauthammer 曾經對川普的批評,說他的行為 behavior as that of an eleven-year-old boy。但是後來Krauthammer 又修正,說 "I was off by 10 years"。所以,只有 1 歳的水準?我們都知道,1 歲小孩最需要的協助,就是「擦屁股」。這大概是 Bolton 的意思吧。 在 38 頁,川普提到,對外,白宮經常要演 good cop/bad cop 的戲碼。Bolton 說,當然是總統扮 good cop 囉。川普回:the trouble is: we've got two bad cops。所以,川普完全攔不住自己的嘴巴,這樣就根本就沒辦法演戲了。川普說他是個說話的人,「我喜歡說話」。Bolton 描述 (86頁) 例行情報簡報,川普根本沒有用心聽,後來變成他自己講的時間更多。再後來,川普把 security briefing 改為 2 週一次 (209 頁)。但是每次還是他在講,而且內容與 security 無關。 這頗像李登輝會客。某年諾貝爾經濟獎得主 Gerald Debreu 來訪,拜會李總統,計 61 分鐘,D 氏只講了 2 分鐘,李講了 59 分鐘,對諾貝爾獎得主大談經濟發展論。D 氏後來說,If I knew this, I really had other better things to do. 總統,經常打臉閣員 美國商務部宣布對 ZTE 的制裁 (170),川普很怒,然後就宣布暫緩,並且打電話給習近平示好,因為他想與習大大維持好關係。Bolton 認為,這是閣員依法辦事,總統怎麼可以對依法行政的官員開駡。這一點,台灣原先恐怕不知原委,以為是習近平打電話給川普。如果如 Bolton 所描述,是川普主動打電話去,這值得我們警惕。Bolton 批評川普:he has "difficulty in separating personal from official relations". 川普要關閉美墨邊界 (213頁),幕僚指出此事株連廣大,有種種困難。川普大怒,說 It's like a movie theater when it is filled。邊界每天早上晚上都有通勤進出、物流貨流等問題,怎麼會與電影院太擠相提並論?國土安全部長事後就走人了。 川普也想對華為放水 (282),國安人員都非常火。最後美國沒有放水,不是因為大家說服了川普,而是因為川普發現中國想拖延談判,期待 2020 變天。所以,川普對華為的強硬,是因為老共希望混過 2020。他修理華為,似乎是冲冠一怒為自己。這一點,台灣事前也不知道,也要警惕。 如果打臉閣員是基於判斷,也就罷了。經常,川普顯示出他的常識匱乏。川普說 (210頁):it would be cool to invade Venezuela。閣員一大堆人都是身經百戰的將軍,都知道兵凶戰危,入侵委內瑞拉這叫做 cool?川普問 (121頁),"Is Finland a part of Russia?" 這呼應前述 11 歲還是 1 歲?Bolton 說,川普每天中午才上班 (208頁)。咦?與台灣的誰很像? 官場鬥爭,哪裡都一樣 Bolton 赴日本安排川普訪問的前置 (120頁),川普問:你為什麼要先去?B 氏對這個問題頗感困擾,後來問 Kelly,為什麼老闆這樣問?K 說,他擔心 you upstage him。總統出國訪問,怎麼可能沒有前置作業?擔心幕僚影武,明白說就好啦?但是老闆問這個問題,Bolton 應該知道川普不好伺候了。我在 2003 年卸任中央研究院副院長之後,就立志「此生絕對不再做副手」。伺候難伺候的老闆,真的比什麼都難。川普年紀與 Bolton 差不多,川普外面聲望也不好,其難伺候尚且如此。如果川普比 Bolton 大上 20 歲,又是諾貝爾獎得主,那 Bolton 才會真的痛苦。 川普阻礙華為、ZTE 制裁,影響烏克蘭調查方向,對付 Biden 之子,要邀請神學士代表到大衛營,應該都是 Bolton 辭職的導火線 (381-427頁)。Bolton 的說詞很委婉,但是他對川普所為不以為然,已經呼之欲出。 但是真正把 Bolton 與 川普之間關係弄緊張的,還是有人咬耳朵。這,就是權力鬥爭。紐約時報等媒體經常刋出一些內幕,有人向川普說:「好像是 Bolton 漏的喔。」Bolton 出差依慣例坐空軍的專機,也有人去唸:「波頓不跟閣員一起行動,因為他有自己的飛機喔」。這一類的咬耳朵,據 Bolton 說是 Mulvaney 所為,但是誰知道呢?古今中外一樣,宮廷鬥爭永遠是精彩戲碼。Mulvaney 也厲害,現在外放愛爾蘭做特使,遠離權鬥核子武器範圍。 國安顧問該扮演什麼角色? 整體而言,我對於美國的國家安全體制,是高度肯定的。有兩個案例:1)Bolton 草擬的 cyberspace 攻防作業要點,由川普簽署。對於網路攻擊美國的行動,不但偵測,而且回擊。我認為這非常值得台灣參考。我不很了解,網攻如果來自臨時的設備,回撃要怎麼做?2)Bolton 的角色扮演相當稱職,國際經驗與視野豐富,專業判斷頗為到位。整本書中,他沒有任何議題分析我持不同判斷。我認為台灣的國家安全會議,遜色多了。 Bolton 知道如何抓緊組織、如何善用常任文官幕僚。Bolton 也有精闢的戰略視野,不會陷在傳統官僚體系的框架裏。美/中對峙能夠打成今天的局面,Bolton 絕對居首功。他離開之後到 2020 年 11 月大選前,希望 1 歲或 11 歲的男孩,不要鬧事才好。
    1 人回報1 則回應4 年前
  • 可怕的報告~瑞士第一例5G的损伤报告 https://russ999.pixnet.net/blog/post/301462937 天線一安裝,日内瓦市中心的幾個居民和整個家庭都報告了類似的不同尋常的症狀:耳鳴、劇烈頭痛、難以忍受的耳痛、失眠、胸痛、疲勞以及在房子裏感覺不舒服。 The first reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland,where 5G has been launched in 102 locations. The weekly French-language Swiss magazine L'Illustré interviewed people living in Geneva after the 5G rollout with alarming details of illness.In their article,With 5G,We Feel Like Guinea Pigs,posted July 18,2019,they report neighbors met to discuss their many common symptoms and many unanswered questions. 瑞士的一份新聞報道首次報道了5G網絡的受傷情況,瑞士的法語周刊《l'illustr》在5G網絡推出後采訪了居住在日内瓦的人們,詳細介紹了他們患病的情況。在他們發表于2019年7月18日的文章中,他們報告說,鄰居們聚在一起讨論他們的許多常見症狀和許多懸而未決的問題。 相關:美國國土安全部内幕-我經曆了5G,必須警告世界 5G:Its Legal but Not Safe 5G:合法但不安全 As soon as the antennas were installed,several residents and entire families in the heart of Geneva reported similar unusual symptoms of loud ringing in the ear,intense headaches,unbearable earaches,insomnia,chest pain,fatigue and not feeling well in the house.29-year-old Geneva resident,Johan Perruchoud,called up Swisscom and was told that indeed the 5G cell towers were activated on the same day he began to feel the symptoms.When others called Swisscom they were told everything is legal and within guidelines. 天線一安裝,日内瓦市中心的幾個居民和整個家庭都報告了類似的不同尋常的症狀:耳鳴、劇烈頭痛、難以忍受的耳痛、失眠、胸痛、疲勞以及在房子裏感覺不舒服。29歲的日内瓦居民Johan Perruchoud給瑞士斯科姆公司打了電話,被告知5G手機發射塔确實在他開始感覺到這些症狀的同一天被激活。當其他人打電話給瑞士石油公司時,他們被告知一切都是合法的,都在指導方針的範圍内。 Swiss Physician Denounces 5G and Calls for a 5G Moratorium 瑞士醫生譴責5G網絡,呼籲暫停5G網絡 Dr.Bertrand Buchs,who has also called for a 5G moratorium,states he has seen more and more patients with similar symptoms.He notes,"In this case,our authorities are going against common sense…we risk experiencing a catastrophe in a few years…no serious study exists yet,which is not surprising when we know that this technology was developed in China,then to the United States.In Switzerland,we could open a line for people who feel bad,listen to these complaints and examine them.Our country has the means and the skills.The debate must be launched because the story is not about to end." 伯特蘭·布克斯博士也呼籲暫停使用5G,他說他已經看到越來越多的病人出現類似的症狀。他指出,"在這種情況下,我們的當局違背了常識......我們冒着在幾年内經曆一場災難的風險......目前還沒有嚴肅的研究存在,這并不奇怪,因爲我們知道這項技術是在中國開發的,然後是在美國。在瑞士,我們可以爲那些心情不好的人開設專線,傾聽他們的抱怨,并對他們進行調查。我們的國家有手段和技能。這場辯論必須啓動,因爲這個故事還沒有結束。" Swisscom:Millions of Fast Connections 數以百萬計的快速連接 Swisscom states,"5G will create new opportunities for residential customers and businesses across Switzerland.5G is the new mobile communication standard for digitisation,enabling the extremely fast connection of millions of devices,things and people."Will those millions of fast connection enable communication,or instead disable people from communicating due to illness? "5G将爲瑞士各地的居民客戶和企業創造新的機會。5G是數字化的新移動通信标準,使數以百萬計的設備、物品和人能夠極快地連接起來。"那些數以百萬計的快速連接能夠使通信成爲可能,還是因爲疾病而使人們無法進行通信? Dear Diary:Loud Humming,Lots of Pain,Nausea,No Sleep 親愛的日記:嘈雜的嗡嗡聲,劇痛,惡心,無法入睡 These stories parallel that of Anne Mills,author of"All EMF'd Up",who suffered wireless radiation poisoning in Germany when her husband was stationed there for work.She wrote a diary with identical symptoms of those in Geneva.As noted in the Swiss magazine L'Illustré article,her concerns,like those in Geneva,were dismissed.She consulted with German physician,Dr Horst Eger,to confirm her symptoms were that of microwave illness seen in military radar personnel and those working on microwave towers.All EMFd Up(Electromagnetic Fields):My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning and How You Can Protect Yourself.(2019)Anne Mills"Mystery Illness"In Cuban and Chinese Diplomats is Microwave Poisoning 這些故事與《AllEMF'dUp》的作者安妮•米爾斯(AnneMills)的故事類似。米爾斯的丈夫在德國工作時,她遭受了無線輻射中毒。她寫了一本日記,裏面的症狀和日内瓦的一模一樣。正如瑞士雜志《l'illustr》的文章所指出的那樣,她的擔憂和日内瓦的擔憂一樣,都被駁回了。她咨詢了德國内科醫生霍斯特·伊格爾醫生,以确認她的症狀是軍用雷達人員和微波塔工作人員出現的微波疾病。電磁場:我的無線輻射中毒之旅以及如何保護自己。(2019)安妮米爾斯"神秘疾病"古巴和中國外交官微波中毒 The New York Times and CBS reported unexplained symptoms in diplomats living in China and Cuba in 2017 and 2018.The source was found to be microwave radiation.UC San Diego Professor of Medicine,Dr.Beatrice Golomb,published an article in Neural Computation in September 2018,discussing the symptoms of the diplomats living abroad.The symptoms that diplomats and their families experienced,i.e.sleep problems,headaches,strange auditory sounds,anxiety and dizziness were similar to those with microwave illness reported in military studies from pulsed microwave radiation.See Cuban Diplomats Likely Hit by Microwave Weapons. 《紐約時報》和哥倫比亞廣播公司報道了2017年和2018年居住在中國和古巴的外交官出現的原因不明的症狀。發現來源是微波輻射。2018年9月,加州大學聖叠戈分校醫學教授BeatriceGolomb博士在《神經計算》雜志上發表了一篇文章,讨論了居住在國外的外交官的症狀。外交官及其家屬所經曆的症狀,如睡眠問題、頭痛、奇怪的聽覺聲音、焦慮和眩暈,與脈沖微波輻射報告的微波疾病類似。可能被微波武器擊中。 Many Others Suffer Microwave Illness/Electrosensitivity 許多其他人患有微波疾病/電敏感 It is reported that 3%to 30%of the population have symptoms similar to Microwave illness or electrosensitivity,depending on the country and if mild to severe symptoms are reported. 據報告,3%至30%的人口有類似微波疾病或電敏感症狀,這取決于國家和是否報告輕微至嚴重的症狀。 Dr.Scott Eberle describes how a physician learned about his own electrosensitivity published originally in 2014 in the Sonoma Medicine and later reprinted in the Santa Clara County/Monterey County Medical Association Bulletin.You can read Dr.Scott Eberle's What's the Diagnosis,Doctor?He has also written"An Underworld Journey:Learning to Cope with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity."Dr.Scott Eberle.Ecopyschology.9(2):106-111,June 2017.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317923126_An_Underworld_Journey_Learning_to_Cope_with_Electromagnetic_Hypersensitivity 斯科特·埃伯利博士描述了一位醫生是如何了解自己的電敏感性的,該研究最初于2014年在SonomaMedicine發表,後來在聖克拉拉縣/蒙特雷縣醫學協會公報上轉載。你可以閱讀ScottEberle博士的《他也寫了《地下之旅:學習如何應對電磁波過敏症》斯科特·埃伯利博士。生态學.9(2):106-111,2017年6月。 Writer Alison Main has documented her experience in developing electrosensitivity and her frustration at being more isolated from other people and wireless technology she would like to use.Electro-Sensitivity:When the Modern World Hurts 作家艾莉森·梅因記錄了她發展電敏感性的經曆,以及她因與其他人隔絕和她想使用的無線技術而感到的沮喪。
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