
6 人回報1 則回應1 年前
信件全文如下: To: Terry Gou
From: Franz Haniel

Dear Terry,
Terry 您好

Thank you very much for your email. It is good to hear from you again after all that time. Many things have happened since we last talked and I admire how are you continuously and very successfully built Foxconn and how you manage all your other activities.

I talked today to Andreas Strüngmann and Helmut Jäckle, the chairman of BioNTech.
今天我和Andreas Strüngmann和BioNTech的總裁Helmut Jäckle有過交談。​

Helmut was very aware about the situation in Taiwan. He explained, that there has been an agreement negotiated between BioNTech and Taiwanese government. The only reason why this agreement has not been implemented, according to Helmut, was because the Taiwanese government insisted that in the public announcement about this agreement it is stated, that this agreement is between BioNTech and the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan.
Helmut表示他非常了解台灣現在【疫情】的處境。據他所述,BioNTech和台灣政府之間曾談過一份協議。但該份協議沒有繼續執行的唯一原因在於,台灣政府針對該協議的公開聲明,堅持須宣稱是BioNTech與「獨立」的台灣政府(INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan)所簽署。

Since this is unacceptable to Fosun, the deal was cancelled.

Since BioNTech and Fosun are not allowed to sell to anybody else other than a government body, there does not seem to be a workable solution.

However, Helmut told me that he will took into this issue again.
Terry, I am sorry for this unsatisfactory reply. Maybe you can use your political influence to convince the Taiwanese governance that with a different wording there could be a deal.


I will follow up with Helmut and as soon as I get any new information I’ll let you know.
All the best and Warm regards,


https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202305100057.aspx?utm_medium=app&utm_source=cna.app&utm_campaign=inapp_share (衛福部澄清訊息)

可疑訊息來源”宣稱”是BioNTech與「獨立」的台灣政府簽約購買疫苗,內容不實。5月10上午衛福部已澄清相關訊息,及完整詳述當初採購疫苗相關經過(詳網址 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/202305100057.aspx ),最近政治議題假訊息有逐漸增加趨勢,也發現蓄意連結採購疫苗等不實陰謀論,帶有特定政治目的。民眾發現可疑訊息,先查證,勿信、勿散佈及勿轉傳假訊息。

上述信件全文應是來自於ETtoday新聞雲的記者陶本和的獨家報導: https://www.ettoday.net/news/20230509/2495755.htm 。記者陶本和並未交代翻攝出處,但依後續郭台銘辦公室的回應,應是證實內容的真實性。


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    此英文信件的撰寫者擅自將衛福部中文版新聞稿裡使用的“我國”一詞,以 “the INDEPENDENT Government of Taiwan” 來描述。



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    1 年前


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  • Dear Terry, Since BioNTech and Fosun are not allowed to sell to anybody else other than a government body, there does not seem to be a workable solution. "Since BioNTech and Fosun are not allowed to sell to anybody else other than a government body, there does not seem to be a workable solution." 2021/06/16 +5:12 BNT 與 復星國際無法允許售予疫苗給政府以外的單位, 而目前無法有其他可行方案。 BNT廠商信件證實 譯文 台灣政府沒有阻擋疫苗 中國害台灣損失500萬劑BNT ◇台灣基進 藍士博 taoyuan_niceball TAIWAN STATEBUILDING PARTY
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 原來政府在意的只是‘ 面子 ‘ 嗎?! 真沒想到幾個外媒, 包含Times用了一致的標題: Taiwan Recruits TSMC, Foxconn to Secure BioNTech Vaccines 台灣政府‘ 徵用 ‘了台積電與富士康購買輝瑞疫苗! 真的難以置信!如此外宣的意義為何! 民間低下的請求你恩準捐贈急迫需要的疫苗 沒有真心的感謝 也沒聽見民間感激的聲音 卻在國際發布這是:兩家企業‘ 蒙你徵召 ‘ 完成購買疫苗的使命 這是讓人失望 難以尊重的政府 你的每個用字充滿心機 算計 政治操作到讓人作噁的地步! What do you want to prove to the world ! I’m sorry I have to say it is not true: TSMC and Foxconn were not ‘ recruited ’ by the government to purchase the vaccines, but on the contrary, each of these two companies ‘ purchased and donated to the government 5 millions BNT vaccines out of their own pocket and out of their compassion to the people of Taiwan who are suffering from serious insufficient supplies of vaccines. However the process wasn’t smooth and easy at all that they almost gave it up at one time ⋯! The government was not happy to buy from BNT its Asian sole agent in Shanghai so not only they said it is impossible to buy but also make it very difficult for whoever want to help and want to donate vaccines here in Taiwan. For almost two months, as everyone here knows it, that Foxconn has gone through many procedures and submitted numerous documents requested by the government in getting their permission to buy and to donated the vaccines that are desperately in need here ! After much effort and their final request to see the president Tsai in person, plus the pressure from general public here, the government finally agreed to give authorisation to these two companies to buy the BNT vaccines however insisting the vaccines has to send from Germany directly to Taiwan. My point is the government should not take credit for it but they should apologise to the people that they have not done enough to purchase the vaccines and could have saved more lives of the victims of Covid 19 here in Taiwan!
    1 人回報1 則回應3 年前
  • 轉貼請大家廣傳 : 《致聯合國國際人權辦公室的控訴文》--(全文中英對照) Regarding: “Human Right of Taiwan Retired Civil Servants” 主題:「台灣廣義退休公務員的人權」 Dear Mr. xxx (.OHCHR ): On the day of June xx, 2017, by an overwhelming majority, the congress of Taiwan passed “Organic Act of Public Service Pension”. This action caused a suffering to torture rest lifes of 460 thousands of Taiwan retired civil servants including career military/soldier, government employees, teachers, police and firefighters. Never happened in else countries in the world so far, Taiwan government distinctively violated principles of legality of “Non-retroactivity” based on “Legitimate expectation” as adopted by countries all over the world. A review group under Taiwan Presidential Office, illegally taking the place of Ministry of Civil Service, i.e. the competent authority, handled the whole process of so-called unconstitutional pension reform. The fact that Taiwan retired civil servants will start facing their dilemma of half-cut pension, indicates a deprivation of their foreseen property by Taiwan government. 在2017年6月xx日,台灣國會以壓倒性多數通過了「公務員退撫條例」,這種作為對為數46萬的台灣廣義退休公務員(軍公教警消)的餘生是ㄧ種劇痛與折磨;世界空前!台灣政府丌自違反世界各國公認的「不溯及既往」的法律原則,此種原則植基於「信賴保護原則」;總統府轄下的年金審議小組非法取代了主管機關的銓敘部,隻手遮天進行違憲的退休金改革,使這批台灣廣義退休公務員即將面臨退休金幾近砍半的困境,這種事實顯示台灣政府已剝奪了他們預見的財產。 Prior to 1995, all Taiwan retired civil servants were subject to the legal binding of the law “Full Payment of Responsibility”. It has been lasting for 22 years until 2017 that sufficiently intensifies “Legitimate expectation” to protect their pension in future. But right now Taiwan government behaving as an authoritarian leads a renewable pension reform due to going financial bankruptcy as excused. Almost cut to half as their will as if a bargaining in vegetable market. This event behind conceals a politics struggle that Taiwan government tries to rectify political foes by infringement and persecution of their property, a kind of human right. Actually the ratio of “Total national liabilities” to GDP is 40% in Taiwan much lower than 90% in UK, 104% in US and 243% in Jansen. Such a case of unconstitutional pension reform never happened even when Greece encounters financial difficulties. Moreover, the new France president Macron emphasized “Pension reform is non-retroactive, since it represents a promise given by the government before.” and also “There will be no change to retired persons. Their pension and spending power won’t be hurt.” As to the United States, from 1920 to 1987, retired civil servants owned their pension payment based on the law of “Civil Service Retirement System” (CSRS). In 1987, The law was updated to “Federal Employees Retirement System” (FERS) that applied to new employees since then. Employees between 1984 and 1987 might select either CSRS or FERS according to their will. 在1995年以前,所有台灣廣義退休公務員都信從政府「全額給付責任」的法律約束,迄今已持續了22年,這足以強化「信賴保護原則」,以保障他們未來的退休給付;但在目前,台灣政府以未來的財政破產為藉口,專權引導退休金改革案的更新,退休金如同菜市場ㄧ般可以討價還價,隨意地幾近砍半,本案的背後隱藏著政治鬥爭,台灣政府藉侵犯他們財產,迫害他們人權來整肅異己;事實上,台灣的「國家負債總額」與「國內生產總值」之比為40% ,遠低於英國的90% 、美國的104% 及日本的243% 。希臘既使在遭遇財政困難時,也沒有出此下策,違憲竄改退休金;更何況,法國新任總統馬克龍還強調「退休金改革不溯及既往,因為那代表以前政府給予的承諾」及「退休人員將無所改變,其退休金與消費能力絕不受損」;至於美國於1920 到1987年間,廣義退休公務員依「公務員退休系統」(CSRS)的法律,取得退休給付,1987年的新制法律「聯邦雇員退休系統」(FERS)則僅適用於當年以後的新進員工,1984-1987年的緩衝時段內,員工可以自由選擇舊制或新制。 The 22-year-lasting Taiwan pension system was regarded as a contract between Taiwan government and civil servants that was not allowed to contravene unless Taiwan government deals with “declared bankruptcy”. To deem the pension reform unconstitutional that retroactively stripped of their rights via the introduction of new laws, mass protesters of 250 thousands congregated in front of Presidential Office as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Special participants were wheelchair-bound veterans as shown in Fig. 3 who need medical care and nursing worker. They felt furious after being ignored their appealing. Furthermore facing trespasses of their foreseen property by Taiwan government, they feel helpless and pissed off. We hereby appeal to OHCHR for protecting the "Human Right of Taiwan Retired Civil Servants”. 新舊制切割的退休金體制已遂行了22年,可視為政府與公僕間的「契約」,不容違背,除非台灣政府處理「宣告破產」;由於認為退休金改革違憲而且溯及既往,新法剝奪彼等財產,為數高達25萬人的群眾聚集在總統府前示威,如圖1及圖2;需要醫療照顧及看護工的老兵們乘坐輪椅也参與盛況,如圖3;他們因為控訴被輕忽而感到憤怒,更因爲得面對可預見的財產被台灣政府侵犯而感到無助與腦火,我們在此特向「聯合國國際人權辦公室」提出控訴,藉以保護這群台灣廣義退休公務員的人權。 Best regards Ping-Ho Chen A Taiwan retired civil servant ㄧ位台灣退休公僕 Taiwan listee in “2016 Who’s Who in the World, 33rd.” 2016 33屆 世界名人錄台灣列名者 太好了,台灣年金改革已受到聯合國國際人權辦公室的關切和指控。
    3 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • CNN 對台積電董事長劉德音的專訪翻譯逐字稿 On GPS: Can China afford to attack Taiwan? Fareed Zakaria, GPS In a rare interview with Mark Liu, chairman of Taiwan's TSMC — Asia's most valuable company — Fareed asks about the ongoing tension between the self-governing island and Beijing. Source: CNN Fareed Zakaria: 如果中國攻打台灣,那會如何影響台灣,以及台灣的經濟? What would happen to Taiwan, and to the Taiwanese economy, if China were to invade? 劉德音: 噢,當然,戰場上沒有贏家;所有人都是輸家。台灣人已在台灣建立起自己的民主系統,然後他們想過自己的生活。雖然半導體產業對台灣整體經濟來說十分重要,但如果真的發生戰爭的話,那或許半導體業不是最需要我們擔心的事。我們真正需要擔心的是這場戰爭將會摧毀以具有穩定秩序的世界經貿活動(the destruction of the world rule-based order);整個地理政治將會有劇烈的變化。 Oh, of course, the war brings no winners. Everybody is losers. And people in Taiwan has earned their democratic system in Taiwan, and they want to choose their way of life. And we think that indeed the chip supply is a critical business and economy in Taiwan, but had it -- had it been a War in Taiwan, probably the chip is not the most important thing we should worry about because this invasion, if it comes after, is the destruction of the world rule-based order. There is no -- the geopolitical landscape would totally change. Fareed Zakaria: 你會擔心台灣目前在中國半導體供應鏈上所扮演的核心角色嗎? 這會對台灣造成甚麼危險嗎? 還是說其實有戰略上的嚇阻效果? 畢竟有時大家會說台積電是台灣的護國神山。不過即便如此,我們還是知道中國一直都強調「我們對台灣有絕對的主權,而且這是我們不可退讓的中國資產」。 Do you worry that Taiwan is now so integral to the Chinese supply chain at the high end?.. Does that create a danger for Taiwan? Or is it a deterrent? People sometimes talk about the TSMC shield, but you could equally see Beijing saying we need to have total control of this. This is the most valuable asset and it's outside our borders. 劉德音: 嗯,沒有國家能夠用武力控制台積電的,因為如果中國解放軍真的入侵台積電,台積電就完全不能運作了,因為這是一個十分複雜的龐大組織。台積電從原料、化學物質、設備零件、工程軟體與檢測等各面向都隨時都需要跟外面的世界,歐洲、日本、美國相互溝通合作。是在世界上的所有人的努力才能讓這間公司,台積電,能夠正常運作。所以假如你用武力侵占了台積電,那台積電就不可能正常運作了,也就沒有所謂的台積電了。至於我們與中國的生意,目前中國大概占了我們 10% 的生意吧,但我們只會跟一般企業與消費者做生意,我們不會將晶片賣給軍事組織。我們覺得說,消費市場是很重要的,而且是生生不息的。如果消費者有需求,那我想,跟他們做生意並不是甚麼壞事。 Ok. Nobody can control TSMC by force. If you take a military force or invasion, you will render TSMC factory not operable because this is such a sophisticated manufacturing facility. It depends on the real-time connection with the outside world, with Europe, with Japan, with the US, from materials, to chemicals, to spare parts, to engineering software, diagnosis. It's everybody's effort to make this factory operable. So if you take it over by force, you can no longer make it operable. In terms of the China business, its today composed about 10% of our business. We only work with consumer. We don't work with militaries entity. We think that is, the consumer pool, is important, and it is vibrant. And if they need us, it's not a bad thing. Fareed Zakaria: 解釋一下,為什麼這(台積電跟中國做生意)不是壞事? Expand on that. Why is it not a bad thing? 劉德音: 噢,這是因為我們停止運作後將會為中國帶來巨大的經濟損失,因為他們最先進的半導體晶片突然就這樣消失了,所以他們在做這種"武力犯台"之前,我想必定會三思而後行的。 你看烏克蘭戰爭,我想我們都得從中好好反省與汲取些經驗。人們認為烏克蘭跟台灣非常像,但我得說台灣跟烏克蘭非常不一樣。想想烏俄戰爭對各國帶來的種種負面影響,對任何國家來說都不是好事。從西方世界、俄羅斯與烏克蘭的角度來看,都是輸家,沒有人從中獲得好處。我真的認為大家都應該要好好反省這場戰爭究竟為我們人類帶來了甚麼,想想我們應該要如何避免戰爭,想想我們該如何確保全球經濟的穩定,如何讓全球經濟能持續生生不息,而且也讓我們以公平的方式相互競爭,這是我的想法。 Oh, because our interruption will create great economic turmoil in either side in China because suddenly their most advanced components supply disappeared. And -- and it is an interruption, I must say. So people will think twice on this. I think the Ukraine war, I think we should draw lessons from it. People think Ukraine will make connected with the Taiwan Strait. They are very different. But in case you think about imperil, Ukraine war is not good for any of the sides. From the Western world, from Russia, from Ukraine, it's lose, lose, lose scenarios. All three sides ought to draw lessons. I think they do. And we should use that lessons to look at the lens on Taiwan. How can we avoid a war? How can we ensure no -- the world economy -- the engine of the world economy continue humming and let's have a fair competition. That's what I think. Fareed Zakaria: 就你看來,你會怎麼解釋台灣的經濟奇蹟? 在過去五十年裡,台灣經濟成功達到每年有 5% 的經濟成長。世上很少能夠有著像台灣經濟成長幅度這樣的國家,你怎麼看呢? From your perspective, what explains the Taiwan miracle? This is now a place that has grown at 5% a year for five decades. There are very few places in the world that have managed that. What explains the Taiwan miracle? 劉德音: 從外人的角度來看,會覺得這是一個奇蹟。但對認真工作的台灣人來說,這只是奮鬥的過程。老實說我覺得,相較於其他國家,尤其是在亞洲,我覺得台灣其中一個特點在於它那和平的社會。從 1949 年到現在,台灣一直都是相當和平的。這是個和平的地方。而在這期間,台灣從威權主義社會轉型成民主國家,變成一個民主社會。而如果你從整個世界的角度來看這點,如此這般和平的社會轉型是相當神奇的事情,我們是非常幸運的。而如果真要說奇蹟,我想台灣的確還有一點是相當與眾不同的,那就是我們的教育制度。 在我還小的時候,只有 10% 的人上大學。如今有 80% 的年輕人擁有大學文憑。我們政府設立了非常多間大學,所以對於所有年輕人來說,如果你想讀大學,那一定可以讀,只要你願意花時間,所以這建立了一個相對高品質的社會環境,以面對未來可能的種種挑戰,這是我覺得非常非常特別的一點。 Looking from outside, it appears to be a miracle. For the people working hard on the island, it is just a history of fighting. I think, to be honest, compared with other nations, particularly in Asia, I think one of the key components in Taiwan is a peaceful society. It maintained peace since 1949 till today, 70 years. It's a peaceful island. And during that period of time, Taiwan has transformed from authoritarian state into a democratic state, became a democratic society. This is marvelous because if you look at the nations around the world, having such a smooth transition, peaceful transition, we are fortunate, to be honest. But if you talk about the miracles, I also think there's one thing that is very distinctly different, is the education system. When I was young, only 10% of the young people entered college or universities. Today, 80% of the young people have college or university degrees. The government set up many colleges, universities. And every kid, if you want to go to university, you can go, and just so long as you spend time. So that has created a relatively good quality of population in Taiwan, posing for any change ahead. That's why I think that's very, very special. Fareed Zakaria: 為什麼其他人都很難做出你做的晶片呢? 我現在在想的是你們的七奈米,美國有非常多擁有輝煌歷史的偉大公司,像是 Intel。而中國則是撒了數十億的資金去開設晶圓廠,但都沒有人能做出你們的晶片。 Why is it so difficult for anyone to make the chips that you make? And I'm thinking now about the 7 nanometer. The Americans have these great companies that have huge history, like Intel. The Chinese pour tens of billions of dollars into new companies. But no one can make the chips you make. 劉德音: 嗯,可以啊,只是晚幾年而已,就...哈哈哈哈... Well, they can, just a few years later. It's ... hahaha ... Fareed Zakaria: 但這就是重點啊... But that's all the difference in this business. 劉德音: 沒錯,這是唯一的關鍵。我想我們是把半導體技術本身看做是一門科學,但也是一門生意。這不是組裝零件那樣而已。當然,這一切都得歸功於我們與其他夥伴的合作。我們的工程師甚至因為 COVID 而戴上 AR (擴充虛擬實境) 跟遠在荷蘭以及加州的工程師合作,我們就是這麼密切的合作,共同推進最先進的半導體技術。我只能說這麼多了,沒辦法跟你透漏與解釋所有細節。 You're right. That's all the difference. I think we treat the semiconductor technology itself as a business, as a science. It's not assembly workers. And, of course, I credit this to be working with our partners. Even the COVID time, our engineer used the AR, augmented reality, lenses to work with engineer in Netherland, work with engineer in California. And that's how close we work together. And together, we push the frontier of the semiconductor technologies. I cannot tell you everything why. Fareed Zakaria: 哦當然你不可能跟我說可口可樂的配方的...哈哈...。好,最後一個問題,在技術與經濟層面上,你會怎麼看待未來? 你的願景是甚麼? You're not going to tell me the secret formula of coca cola. Finally, tell me what you think will look like in the future, technologically, economically. What are your hopes? 劉德音: 我希望我們不會因為很接近中國而被歧視(discriminated)。不論我們跟中國的關係是甚麼,台灣就是台灣。你得把台灣視為一個整體,視為一個充滿活力與衝勁的社會。我們希望能為世界帶來創新,並持續不斷地推進未來,而不會因為我們跟中國有些紛爭而害怕我們。這實在是不值得。 I hope that we don't get discriminated because we are close to China. No matter your relationship with China, Taiwan is Taiwan. You have to look at Taiwan as, by itself, a vibrant society. We want to unleash the innovation for the world, into the future, continuously, and not to be scared because we have some dispute with our neighbors. And that is not worth it. Fareed Zakaria: 這你這樣好像是在跟世界說 ── 如果我理解錯誤請糾正我 ── 不要害怕中國說的那些話。因為中國永遠不可能接手台灣。台灣經濟是建立於全球合作,建立於信任與公開透明之上。如果他們侵入台灣,他們會發現實際上他們甚麼也沒拿到。 But it seems to me you're saying to the world -- correct me if I'm wrong -- you're saying to the world, don't be scared by what China is saying because the Chinese will never be able to take. The Taiwanese economy is built on this global collaboration, -- on trust, on openness, on -- they'll find they've taken over nothing, if they come in. 劉德音: 正確,沒錯,我的確是這麼想的,所以我們大家只會為彼此帶來災難,每一方都是如此。雖然我們得做最壞打壞,但還是盡量往最好的方向看齊。 Correct, yes, I do believe so. So the world can only create problem on three sides, all three sides. And that is -- we need to prepare the worst, but we should hope for the best. Fareed Zakaria: 你剛有提到烏克蘭戰爭是 lose-lose-lose,所以你希望可以 win-win-win。 So you said about the Ukraine war, it's lose-lose-lose. Your hope is for a win-win-win. 劉德音: 對,如果真的開戰了,那就會變成這樣。如果一切和平,那麼就只跟我們三方的競爭策略有關,我想在商場上沒有人會想要發生戰爭,所以我們又為什麼要再跳進這個陷阱(戰爭)裡呢? Yes, if you have a war, then it will be that. If this is peaceful, well, it's upon the competition strategies on all three sides. And I think that nobody in the business world want to see a war happen. And why do we jump again into another trap? Fareed Zakaria: 感謝你寶貴的時間。 Thank you for taking so much time 劉德音: 很高興能參與訪談。 We enjoy talking to you. (zero game 2)(sun over mountain)(praying)
    7 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • MENU Nikkei Asian Review Sort by Region Nikkei Asian Review Log in Subscribe Home Spotlight Politics & Economy Business Markets Tech & Science Viewpoints Life & Arts Features Regions Log in Subscribe About Nikkei Asian Review August 17, 2017 7:48 pm JST Taiwan to discuss lithium ion battery energy storage with Tesla following blackout President Tsai Ing-wen wants to boost use of green energy DEBBY WU, Nikkei staff writer A Tesla Model S electric car is charged by a supercharger at its showroom in Taipei on August 11. © Reuters TAIPEI -- The Taiwanese government is planning to approach Tesla to discuss the feasibility of setting up lithium ion battery facilities for storing renewable energy on the island, in line with a project the U.S. technology company recently launched in Australia, a top official said on Thursday following a mass power blackout earlier in the week. The move would also chime with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen's ongoing efforts to replace nuclear power with green energy. Tsai has pledged to make Taiwan nuclear energy free by 2025. Taiwan’s Minister of Science and Technology Chen Liang-gee said the government would seek to discuss lithium ion battery energy storage with Tesla. (Photo by Debby Wu) "Tesla is using its lithium ion battery technology to help Australia and California to implement smart grid and grid storage, and we can learn from them in the future," Taiwan's Minister of Science and Technology Chen Liang-gee told reporters at his office in Taipei. "We will try to check out whether there is a suitable solution...we will get in touch with them," Chen said. Chen added that the government would send a team of officials to the U.S. to talk with Tesla soon, although he would not be heading the delegation. He said that the government had not prepared a budget for such a project, although he suggested that a Taiwanese company could potentially form a joint venture with the U.S. tech company for the project. Tesla, which is also known for its electric cars, declined to comment. Taiwan was hit by a mass power outage on Tuesday, the largest by number of households affected since a massive earthquake struck in 1999. The blackout came after government-run petroleum company CPC Corporation ran into difficulties while replacing the power supply for a control system responsible for sending natural gas to a power plant. A number of tech companies in Taiwan have suffered some minor disruption to production following the outage. 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  • 今天我為什麼會到台北地檢署來 就是要暗靈告發蔡英文、蘇貞昌、吳釗燮跟陳時中 在昨天晚上我看到了郭董 當時收到了來自於BNT的這封正式的信函的全文 讓我驚駭莫名 所以今天早上決定來告發 告發蔡英文他們四人幫什麼東西呢 第一個就是直接涉及了叛國 也就是刑法的內亂罪 第二個就是他們直接導致了當時超過八百條人命的亡死 所以也構成了殺人罪 那麼第三 因為他們廢持職務 這個瀆職罪就是因為廢持職務釀成災害 三個刑法的罪名 為什麼呢 因為在郭董說 當時他之所以不能夠買成BNT 當他跟BNT聯繫的時候 BNT的說法非常的清楚 透過這一封信裡面 就已經告訴大家 這是信的原文 我把它印出來了 我把它拿出來 因為在這份協議 沒有繼續執行 信裡面很清楚的寫到 這份協議沒有繼續執行的唯一的原因 唯一沒有第二個原因 就是因為臺灣政府對於協議的公開聲明裡頭 堅持必須稱他們是獨立的臺灣政府所簽署的 也就是Independent Government of Taiwan 請問什麼叫做獨立的臺灣政府 哪裡來的Independent Government of Taiwan 它代表的是誰 全世界有這樣的一個政府嗎 有這樣的一個國家嗎 這是為什麼BNT拒絕的唯一原因 因為它並不是一個合法存在的政府 而底下就是 我們昨天也看到 王必勝出來證實這封信是真的 因為BNT不能夠賣給私人第三人 他只能夠把疫苗賣給合法的政府 所以這是為什麼當時買不到的原因 那我們看到BNT的信函寫得非常清楚 他們並沒有要為難 也並沒有要拒絕我們 而是因為我們的政府自稱是Independent Government of Taiwan 是一個根本不存在的政府 而事實上根據昨天郭台銘的聲明裡頭 他在臉書發的正式聲明裡頭 他也有講 後來鴻海台積電跟慈濟 的確買成了疫苗 大家都知道 而當時簽約的名稱就是 Republic of China ROC中華民國 所以證實了一開始 只要蔡英文政府用中華民國Republic of China Taiwan 就可以買到BNT疫苗 他們為什麼選擇不這麼做呢 第一個 當你篡改國號 變更國體 破壞中華民國憲法 它已經構成了我說的今天講的第一條罪 就是內亂罪 根據憲法第52條 雖然總統不受刑事的追訴 但是內亂罪除外 所以我也希望 我們的檢察官腰桿挺直 作為中華民國憲法的捍衛者 應該勇敢的起訴蔡英文總統 因為他已經直接判國犯了內亂罪 而跟他的共犯 就是當時的行政院長蘇貞昌 當時的衛福部長陳時中 跟當時也是現在的外交部長吳釗燮 他們完全了解這個整個的過程 為什麼篡改國號 難道只是為了要護航高端 居然用這麼卑劣 冷血沒有人性的方法 罔顧國內 面對嚴重的疫情 人命一條一條的走 八百多條人命 完全沒有辦法換回 蔡英文這個統治集團的良心嗎 你們還是人嗎 看到台灣人民這樣子的 面對每一天生死交關的掙扎 看到第一線的醫護人員 每一天都在搏命 他們卻忍心用這樣的方式 來阻擋全國人民拿到疫苗 因為沒有辦法即時取得疫苗 在當時郭董的疫苗來的時候 已經走了八百多位 是直接因為疫情而喪失生命 難道他們的命不是命嗎
    1 人回報2 則回應1 年前
  • 今天我為什麼會到台北地檢署來 就是要暗靈告發蔡英文、蘇貞昌、吳釗燮跟陳時中 在昨天晚上我看到了郭董 當時收到了來自於BNT的這封正式的信函的全文 讓我驚駭莫名 所以今天早上決定來告發 告發蔡英文他們四人幫什麼東西呢 第一個就是直接涉及了叛國 也就是刑法的內亂罪 第二個就是他們直接導致了當時超過八百條人命的亡死 所以也構成了殺人罪 那麼第三 因為他們廢持職務 這個瀆職罪就是因為廢持職務釀成災害 三個刑法的罪名 為什麼呢 因為在郭董說 當時他之所以不能夠買成BNT 當他跟BNT聯繫的時候 BNT的說法非常的清楚 透過這一封信裡面 就已經告訴大家 這是信的原文 我把它印出來了 我把它拿出來 因為在這份協議 沒有繼續執行 信裡面很清楚的寫道 這份協議沒有繼續執行的唯一的原因 唯一沒有第二個原因 就是因為臺灣政府對於協議的公開聲明裡頭 堅持必須稱他們是獨立的臺灣政府所簽署的 也就是Independent Government of Taiwan 請問什麼叫做獨立的臺灣政府 哪裡來的Independent Government of Taiwan 它代表的是誰 全世界有這樣的一個政府嗎 有這樣的一個國家嗎 這是為什麼BNT拒絕的唯一原因 因為它並不是一個合法存在的政府 而底下就是 我們昨天也看到 王必勝出來證實這封信是真的 因為BNT不能夠賣給私人第三人 他只能夠把疫苗賣給合法的政府 所以這是為什麼當時買不到的原因 那我們看到BNT的信函寫得非常清楚 他們並沒有要為難 也並沒有要拒絕我們 而是因為我們的政府自稱是Independent Government of Taiwan 是一個根本不存在的政府 而事實上根據昨天郭台銘的聲明裡頭 他在臉書發的正式聲明裡頭 他也有講 後來鴻海台積電跟慈濟 的確買成了疫苗 大家都知道 而當時簽約的名稱就是 Republic of China ROC中華民國 所以證實了一開始 只要蔡英文政府用中華民國Republic of China Taiwan 就可以買到BNT疫苗 他們為什麼選擇不這麼做呢 第一個 當你篡改國號 變更國體 破壞中華民國憲法 它已經構成了我說的今天講的第一條罪 就是內亂罪 根據憲法第52條 雖然總統不受刑事的追訴 但是內亂罪除外 所以我也希望 我們的檢察官腰桿挺直 作為中華民國憲法的捍衛者 應該勇敢的起訴蔡英文總統 因為他已經直接判國犯了內亂罪 而跟他的共犯 就是當時的行政院長蘇貞昌 當時的衛福部長陳時中 跟當時也是現在的外交部長吳釗燮 他們完全了解這個整個的過程 為什麼篡改國號 難道只是為了要護航高端 居然用這麼卑劣 冷血沒有人性的方法 罔顧國內 面對嚴重的疫情 人命一條一條的走 八百多條人命 完全沒有辦法換回 蔡英文這個統治集團的良心嗎 你們還是人嗎 看到台灣人民這樣子的 面對每一天生死交關的掙扎 看到第一線的醫護人員 每一天都在搏命 他們卻忍心用這樣的方式 來阻擋全國人民拿到疫苗 因為沒有辦法即時取得疫苗 在當時郭董的疫苗來的時候 已經走了八百多位 是直接因為疫情而喪失生命 難道他們的命不是命嗎
    2 人回報1 則回應1 年前
  • 今天我為什麼會到台北地檢署來 就是要暗靈告發蔡英文、蘇貞昌、吳釗燮跟陳時中 在昨天晚上我看到了郭董 當時收到了來自於BNT的這封正式的信函的全文 讓我驚駭莫名 所以今天早上決定來告發 告發蔡英文他們四人幫什麼東西呢 第一個就是直接涉及了叛國 也就是刑法的內亂罪 第二個就是他們直接導致了當時超過八百條人命的亡死 所以也構成了殺人罪 那麼第三 因為他們廢持職務 這個瀆職罪就是因為廢持職務釀成災害 三個刑法的罪名 為什麼呢 因為在郭董說 當時他之所以不能夠買成BNT 當他跟BNT聯繫的時候 BNT的說法非常的清楚 透過這一封信裡面 就已經告訴大家 這是信的原文 我把它印出來了 我把它拿出來 因為在這份協議 沒有繼續執行 信裡面很清楚的寫到 這份協議沒有繼續執行的唯一的原因 唯一沒有第二個原因 就是因為臺灣政府對於協議的公開聲明裡頭 堅持必須稱他們是獨立的臺灣政府所簽署的 也就是Independent Government of Taiwan 請問什麼叫做獨立的臺灣政府 哪裡來的Independent Government of Taiwan 它代表的是誰 全世界有這樣的一個政府嗎 有這樣的一個國家嗎 這是為什麼BNT拒絕的唯一原因 因為它並不是一個合法存在的政府 而底下就是 我們昨天也看到 王必勝出來證實這封信是真的 因為BNT不能夠賣給私人第三人 他只能夠把疫苗賣給合法的政府 所以這是為什麼當時買不到的原因 那我們看到BNT的信函寫得非常清楚 他們並沒有要為難 也並沒有要拒絕我們 而是因為我們的政府自稱是Independent Government of Taiwan 是一個根本不存在的政府 而事實上根據昨天郭台銘的聲明裡頭 他在臉書發的正式聲明裡頭 他也有講 後來鴻海台積電跟慈濟 的確買成了疫苗 大家都知道 而當時簽約的名稱就是 Republic of China ROC中華民國 所以證實了一開始 只要蔡英文政府用中華民國Republic of China Taiwan 就可以買到BNT疫苗 他們為什麼選擇不這麼做呢 第一個 當你篡改國號 變更國體 破壞中華民國憲法 它已經構成了我說的今天講的第一條罪 就是內亂罪 根據憲法第52條 雖然總統不受刑事的追訴 但是內亂罪除外 所以我也希望 我們的檢察官腰桿挺直 作為中華民國憲法的捍衛者 應該勇敢的起訴蔡英文總統 因為他已經直接判國犯了內亂罪 而跟他的共犯 就是當時的行政院長蘇貞昌 當時的衛福部長陳時中 跟當時也是現在的外交部長吳釗燮 他們完全了解這個整個的過程 為什麼篡改國號 難道只是為了要護航高端 居然用這麼卑劣 冷血沒有人性的方法 罔顧國內 面對嚴重的疫情 人命一條一條的走 八百多條人命 完全沒有辦法換回 蔡英文這個統治集團的良心嗎 你們還是人嗎 看到台灣人民這樣子的 面對每一天生死交關的掙扎 看到第一線的醫護人員 每一天都在搏命 他們卻忍心用這樣的方式 來阻擋全國人民拿到疫苗 因為沒有辦法即時取得疫苗 在當時郭董的疫苗來的時候 已經走了八百多位 是直接因為疫情而喪失生命 難道他們的命不是命嗎
    3 人回報2 則回應1 年前
  • 勞里·加勒特(Laurie Garrett)是美國著名女記者,是獲得皮博迪獎(The Peabody Award)、喬治 · 伯克獎(George Polk Award)和普利茲獎(Pulitzer Award)三大著名新聞獎的第一人。現為美國對外關係委員會全球衛生高級研究員。 她曾對艾博拉、SARS 等大型傳染病和公共健康危機都做過實地考察與深度研究,出版了《失信:全球公共衛生事業之癱瘓》《流行天下!傳染病的世界》《逼近的瘟疫》等多部關於傳染病與公共衛生的著作。 對於這一次的2019-nCoV病毒帶來的恐慌,她撰文講述了自己面對傳染病的經驗與知識,以及10個在疫情期間保護自己的預防措施,大家應該看一看。 ======================== 01. When you leave your home, wear gloves—winter mittens or outdoor gloves—and keep them on in subways, buses, and public spaces. 出門離家時,戴上手套——冬天的手套或是戶外手套都可以——任何公共場合包括地鐵,公車或公共場所都不要脫下來。 02. If you are in a social situation where you should remove your gloves, perhaps to shake hands or dine, do not touch your face or eyes, no matter how much something itches. Keep your hands away from contact with your face. And before you put your gloves back on, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, scrubbing the fingers. Put your gloves on. 在某些需要脫下手套的社交場合,比如握手和吃飯時,不要用手接觸你的臉或眼睛,不管有多癢都不要讓你的手接觸你的臉。在戴回手套前,用溫水和肥皂仔細洗手,好好搓洗手指,再戴上手套。 03. Change gloves daily, washing them thoroughly, and avoid wearing damp gloves. 每天更換手套,仔細清洗。不要戴潮濕的手套。 04. Masks are useless when worn outdoors and may not be very helpful even indoors. Most masks deteriorate after one or two wearings. Using the same mask day after day is worse than useless—it’s disgusting, as the contents of your mouth and nose eventually coat the inside of the mask with a smelly veneer that is attractive to bacteria. I rarely wear a face mask in an epidemic, and I have been in more than 30 outbreaks. 口罩在戶外佩戴時毫無用處,即使在室內用處也不大。大多口罩在被使用一兩次後就被污染了,重覆使用同一口罩比不戴口罩更糟糕。因為從你嘴和鼻子的呼出的物質最終會在口罩內部形成一層十分滋養細菌的,發臭的膜。在傳染病流行期間我很少戴口罩,我曾經經歷過這種狀況超過30次。 Instead, I stay away from crowds, and I keep my distance from individual people—a half meter, about 1.5 feet, is a good standard. If someone is coughing or sneezing, I ask them to put on a mask—to protect me from their potentially contaminated fluids. If they decline, I step a meter (about 3 feet) away from them, or I leave. Don’t shake hands or hug people—politely beg off, saying it’s better for both of you not to come in close contact during an epidemic. 相反,我會遠離人群,並且與個人保持距離——差不多半公尺左右是比較好的標準。要是有人咳嗽或是打噴嚏,我會請他們戴上口罩,來保護我免受潛在的有污染的液體傷害。如果他們拒絕,我會走到一公尺外的距離,或者乾脆離開。不要與人握手或擁抱,告訴對方在傳染病流行期間不要靠太近,這對彼此都好。 05. Inside your household, remove all of the towels from your bathrooms and kitchen immediately, and replace them with clean towels that have the names of each family member on them. Instruct everybody in your home to only use their own towels and never touch another family member’s. Wash all towels twice a week. Damp towels provide terrific homes for viruses, like common colds, flus, and, yes, coronaviruses. 在家裡要馬上給浴室和廚房都換上乾淨的毛巾,讓家裡每個人都用自己的專屬毛巾,不去觸碰別人的。每週洗兩次毛巾。濕毛巾會為病毒滋生提供溫床,例如普通感冒,流感,以及冠狀病毒。 06. Be careful with doorknobs. If it’s possible to open and close doors using your elbows or shoulders, do so. Wear gloves to turn a doorknob—or wash your hands after touching it. If anybody in your home takes sick, wash your doorknobs regularly. Similarly, be cautious with stairway banisters, desktops, cell phones, toys, laptops—any objects that are hand-held. 小心門把手,最好用肘部或肩膀去開關門。戴手套去擰門把手,或者在觸摸了門把手後去洗手。如果家裡有病人,定期清潔門把手。同樣,對待樓梯扶手,桌面,手機,玩具,筆記本電腦等任何手持物體都要小心謹慎。 As long as you handle only your own personal objects, you will be ok—but if you need to pick up someone else’s cell phone or cooking tools or use someone else’s computer keyboard, be mindful of not touching your face and wash your hands immediately after touching the object. 只要你只接觸自己的私人物品,就沒什麼問題。但是,如果你需要使用別人的手機,廚具或電腦鍵盤,請注意不要觸摸臉部,並在觸摸物體後立即去洗手。 07. If you share meals, do not use your personal chopsticks and utensils to remove food from a serving bowl or plate and, of course, tell your children to never drink out of anybody else’s cups or from a container of shared fluid. Place serving spoons in each dish and instruct everybody at the table to scoop what they want from the serving dishes onto their personal plates or bowls, return the serving spoon to the main dish, and then use their personal chopsticks only to pick food from their personal plate or bowl into their mouth. 吃飯時,不要用你自己的筷子和餐具去公碗和盤子裡夾菜。也要告訴你的孩子不要喝別人杯子或者容器里的水。在席上讓每個人使用公勺將盤子里的菜夾到自己的盤子或者碗里,然後將公勺放回公盤,然後用自己的筷子將自己盤子或者碗里的食物送進嘴裡。 Wash all food and kitchenware thoroughly between meals and avoid restaurants that have poor hygiene practices. 飯前仔細清洗食物,飯後仔細清洗餐具,不要去衛生條件不好的餐館用餐。 08. Absolutely do not buy, slaughter, or consume any live animal or fish until it is known what species was the source of the virus. 在病毒傳播源被發現之前,絕對不要購買,屠宰,或是食用任何生鮮動物和魚類。 09. When the weather allows, open your windows at home or work, letting your space air out. The virus cannot linger in a well-ventilated space. But of course, if it is cold or the weather is inclement, keep warm and close those windows. 天氣條件允許的情況下,打開家裡或辦公室的窗戶,讓室內空氣流通,病毒無法在通風條件良好的空間裡停留。當然,如果天氣嚴寒,就關窗保暖。 10. Finally, if you are caring for a friend or family member who is running a fever, always wear a tight-fitting mask when you are near them, and place one on the ailing person (unless they are nauseated). 最後,如果你在照顧得病的朋友或家人,在靠近他們時,一定要時刻佩戴與面部緊貼的口罩,並給他們也戴上(除非他們感到噁心)。 When you replace an old, dirty mask from the face of your friend or loved one be very, very careful—assume, for the sake of your protection, that it is covered in viruses, and handle it while wearing latex gloves, place it inside of a disposable container, seal it, and then put it in the trash. While wearing those latex gloves, gently wash the patient’s face with warm soap and water, using a disposable paper towel or cotton swab, and seal it after use in a container or plastic bag before placing it in your household trash. 當你幫忙從朋友或親人的臉上摘除使用過的臟口罩時,請務必要非常小心——為了保護自己,你必須假設該口罩已被病毒覆蓋,戴上乳膠手套去進行處理,將其放進可丟棄的包裝袋內,密封好,然後再丟進垃圾桶。戴上乳膠手套為患者用紙巾和棉球輕輕地用肥皂和溫水清洗患者的面部,並在使用後將其密封好裝入包裝袋或塑料袋中,然後再丟進家裡的垃圾箱。 Wear long-sleeved shirts and clothing that covers your body when you are caring for your ailing friend or relative. Clean everything your patient wears or touches very thoroughly in hot soapy water, including sheets, towels, and utensils. 在照顧生病的朋友或家人時,要穿上能包裹全身的長袖衣物。用熱肥皂水徹底清洗患者所穿過的衣物和接觸的所有物品,包括床單,毛巾和器皿。 If you have space, isolate the sick person in your household in a room, or a corner of a room, where they are comfortable, but separated from the rest of the household. If the weather is tolerable, open a window that is on the opposite side of the room, so that air gently blows past the patient’s face and then outdoors. Of course, don’t do this if it is very cold, as your friend or loved one will be made sicker if uncomfortably cold. 如果你家裡有足夠的空間,為病人隔離出一個房間或房間的一角,讓他們感到舒適的同時又與家庭中的其他人分開。如果天氣適宜,打開房間另一側的窗戶,這樣空氣能輕輕吹過患者的面部後,流動吹到室外。當然,如果天氣很冷就不要這樣做,因為你的朋友和家人可能會因寒冷而病情加重。 The Chinese government will take very drastic actions over the next few weeks, and this will be a time of hardship for the Chinese people. But with these simple precautions, if taken by everybody in your household, building, office, and school, you will dramatically reduce the spread of the virus and bring the outbreak to its knees. Be safe. Do not panic. 中國政府將在接下來的幾週內採取更嚴厲的措施,這對中國人民來說將是一個艱難的時期。但是,有了這些簡單的預防措施,只要大家在家裡,建築物裡,辦公室和學校裡都採取這些簡單的預防措施。就能大大減少該病毒的傳播風險,並遏制疫情爆發。 Take commonsense precautions. As frightening as this time is, you will get through it. 注意安全。不要驚慌。採取一些常識性的預防措施。眼下的狀況雖然可怕,但你一定會渡過難關。
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 轉分享: 這是中研院生醫所所長郭沛恩院士 (他也是UCSF 教授)寫給前副總統陳健仁及時中部長,関於目前COVID-19 的一些建議,希望政府能夠接納。 Dear VP Chen, Hope that things are going well. I just completed my 9th quarantine after my 9th trip to Taipei during the pandemic and see that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is now firmly established in Taiwan. While the CECC is moving quickly to address the widening spread of COVID-Omicron and is heading in the right direction, I find that the current policy is unsustainable and the messaging can be much improved. Since I was told that the CECC would welcome my suggestions, I have decided to do so. Please forward this message to the CECC for their consideration. 1. It is now very clear that COVID-Omicron is a very different disease than COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA. Current vaccines are developed from COVID-ALPHA and cannot prevent INFECTION by COVID-Omicron even though they lower significantly the risk of SEVERE DISEASE and DEATH for those who are fully vaccinated and received booster shots recently. In addition, COVID-Omicron is highly contagious and has a very short incubation time; but it causes a milder disease, including shortened disease course and contagious period. 2. Because of the above, contact tracing does not work and avoiding infection is futile except one is in strict isolation or wears a PROPERLY FITTED N95 mask around others (see a very nice article about this in the NYT attached). This means that COVID testing in asymptomatic people is a waste of resources and is justified only in a limited set of situations (such as someone who works closely with vulnerable populations - e.g., nursing home and hospital workers - who has been in close contact with a positive case and needs to test negative to return to work). 3. Although the rate of hospitalization and death due to COVID-Omicron is low, when large populations are infected, the number of severe cases and severe disease is still significant (0.4% of 23 million people hospitalized = 92,000 in the hospital; 0.04% of 23 million people can die = 9,200 deaths) so the key is to keep the vulnerable people from developing severe disease. Medications used for COVID-ALPHA/BETA/DELTA variants such as antibody treatments and Remdesivir, etc., do not work for COVID-Omicron but the oral antivirals from Pfizer and Merck work amazingly well for preventing death (>85% reduction) and hospitalization. Paxlovid has done better in clinical trials to prevent hospitalization but it has many drug-drug interactions so many elderly people cannot use it. Molnupiravir has the theoretical risk of mutagenesis in pregnant women but for the elderly who are past reproductive age, it is a very safe and effective drug to use. I encourage the CECC to contact their counterparts in Japan, Singapore, Israel and the UK to get their experience in using these two oral anti-virals in the recent COVID-Omicron surge. [Full Disclosure: Dr. Dean Li, President of Merck Research Laboratories, is my brother-in-law so I am not pushing the Merck pill for obvious conflict of interest reasons.] Based on the above, my suggestions on messaging are: 1. Tell the country that COVID-Omicron is an entirely different disease than the previous COVID variants so the whole country IS NOT IMMUNE to getting the infection. However, through the sacrifice and cooperation of everyone in Taiwan, the country succeeded in preventing disease and death during the previous waves of infection that caused a lot of problems around the world. This is shared success that the CECC and everyone in Taiwan should take credit, be proud of, and very relieved by. 2. Despite the fact that no one is protected from infection, but because COVID-Omicron is mild, public health policy needs to be adjusted to focus on treating the vulnerable rather than preventing infection of all. 3. Acknowledge that some segments of society have been severely affected by COVID policies so the recovery of these sectors is taken in consideration in updating the public health policy. 4. Acknowledge that some COVID policies were confusing to the public in the past so the new policies will be more consistent and logical. For example, the policy of requiring masking outdoors while people eating at restaurants indoors are not required to mask makes no sense. My suggestions for the new policy are geared towards lowering hospitalization and death rates while avoiding unnecessary disruptions in people's lives: 1. Push vaccination for vulnerable groups (the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions that make them more prone to severe disease). Send vaccination nurses to the nursing homes and neighborhoods with elderly people to get everyone fully vaccinated (including booster shots). Getting the 30% of those 65-75 and 44% of elderly >75 who have not been fully vaccinated and boosted should be a high priority 2. Use the "test positive and treat" strategy for those in vulnerable groups. As I mentioned before, Paxlovid for all but Molnupiravir for those who cannot take Paxlovid. Treat them before their symptoms get worse because it is cheaper to give them the medicine than risk their need for hospitalization. 3. No more putting those with mild disease in special facilities or hospitals so that there are plenty of capacity for those who need hospitalization. 4. Recommend (not mandate with threat of punishment) those who have close contact with COVID-Omicron patients to mask around others for 5 days (no need to do so with household members because they are already given it to them) if they are asymptomatic. 5. No testing of asymptomatic people unless their job requires it (nursing home, hospital, etc.). 6. No more closing schools, factories, or offices because of positive COVID-Omicron cases. 7. No more mandatory masking except for those described in #4 above. People here are so used to masking that many will still do so with the threat of punishment. 8. No more mandatory quarantine, even for those who test positive. Highly recommend those who test positive to wear a mask when around people and not eat with others but not make it a punishable offense. [Treat them like people who have a bad flu, not like criminals.] 9. No more testing or quarantine requirements for visitors from abroad. As the local infection rate is now higher than that many other countries, there is no reason to require new arrivals to do anything different when they are asymptomatic. It's confusing to many that I can go anywhere in the world without quarantine but have to do quarantine plus multiple tests when arriving in Taiwan (and a handful of Asian countries). The benefit of the policies listed above is that the resources of the country are directed toward saving lives rather than collecting lots of infection data. It will reclaim the international travel hub status of Taoyuan International Airport (and not let Singapore and Seoul dominate the air travel sector) and revive the tourism, convention, airline, hotel businesses. It will simplify everyone's life and reduce anxiety. It may be counter intuitive but if you look at the data from the US university campuses and European countries, it is better to get as many young people infected as quickly as possible to shorten the surge while building up herd immunity for COVID-Omicron without a lot of severe cases. The old policy for flattening the curve is to prevent overwhelming the hospitals but with oral antivirals and milder disease, there is no need to flatten the curve. It is better to get the whole surge completed in 2 months like in most countries that pursue a more open policy. I am convinced that when the messaging is clear and based on current understanding of the situation, the people will embrace it and praise the CECC's leadership. Best, Pui -- Pui-Yan Kwok, MD, PhD Director, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Academia Sinica
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