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3oo cc 的妙用
Drink more water


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  • 3oo cc 的妙用 water Drink more 没事多喝水多喝水没事
    9 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 請轉發: “劉義平醫生強調,如每個收到這份簡訊的人,能夠轉發十份給其他人,肯定至少有一條生命將會被挽救回來... 我已經做了我的部分了,希望你也能幫忙做了你的部分。感謝! 溫馨提示:所有番薯含有骨膠原,以黃心番薯最多,而抗癌成份最多是紫心番薯及熱檸檬水不加糖也是抗癌。 Drink hot lemon water can prevent cancer. Don't add sugar. Hot lemon water is more beneficial than cold lemon water. Both yellow n purple sweet potato have good cancer prevention properties. 01. 常吃宵夜會得胃癌,因為胃得不到休息often taking supper late night can increase the chance of stomach cancer 02. 一個星期只能吃四顆蛋,吃太多,對身體不好never take more than 4 eggs per week 03. 雞屁股,含有致癌物,不要吃比較好eating pope's nose (chicken backside) can cause stomach cancer 04. 飯後吃水果是錯誤的觀念,應是飯前吃水果never eat fruit after meal. Shd be before meal 05. 月經來時,不要喝綠茶,反正茶類的不要喝就對了,多吃可以補血的東西don't take tea during menstruation period 06. 喝豆漿時不要加雞蛋及糖,也不要喝太多take less soy milk, no adding sugar or egg to soy milk 07. 空腹時不要吃蕃茄,最好飯後吃don't eat tomato with empty stomach 08. 早上醒來先喝一杯水,預防結石drink a glass of plain water every morning before food to prevent gall bladder stones 09. 睡前三小時不要吃東西,會胖no food 3 hrs before bed time 10. 少喝奶茶,因為高熱量高油脂,沒有營養價值可言,長期飲用易罹患高血壓,糖尿病drink less Teh Tarik, no nutritional properties but can cause diabetes n hypertension 11. 剛出爐的麵包,不宜馬上食用do not eat toast bread when it is hot from oven or toaster 12. 遠離充電座,人體應遠離30 公分以上,切忌放在床邊do not charge your handphone or any device next to u when ur sleeping 13. 每天十杯水,膀胱癌不會來drink 10 glasses of water a day to prevent bladder cancer 14. 白天多喝水,晚上少喝水drink more water in the day time, less at night 15. 一天不要喝兩杯以上的咖啡,喝太多易導致失眠,胃痛don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, may cause insomnia n gastric 16. 多油脂的食物少吃! 因為得花5-7 小時去消化,並使腦中血液集中到腸胃,易昏昏欲睡eat less oily food. It takes 5-7 hrs to digest them, makes u feel tired 17. 下午五點後,大餐少吃。因為五點後,身體不需那麼多能量after 5pm, eat less 18. 六種吃了會快樂的食物: 香蕉,葡萄柚,全麥麵包,菠菜,南瓜,櫻桃。 food that makes u happy:banana, grapefruit, whole meal bread, spinach, pumpkin,peach. 19. 睡眠不足會變笨; 一天須八​​小時睡眠,有午睡習慣,較不易老。 sleep less than 8 hrs a day may deteriorate our brain function. Taking Afternoon naps may keep our youthful look. 熱的檸檬水可以救你一輩子~ hot lemon water can sustain your health n make u live longer 再忙也要看,然後告訴別人,把愛傳出去! 熱檸檬~只殺癌細胞! hot lemon water kills cancer cells 切2~3薄片檸檬放在杯子裡,加入熱水,它會變成「鹼性水」,每天飲用,對任何人都有益。 add hot water to 2-3 slices of lemon. Make it a daily drink 熱 檸檬水能釋放一種苦澀抗癌物質,這是在醫藥領域有效治療癌症的最新進展,冰涷檸檬水只有維他命C,就如番茄要煮熟才有茄紅素。 the bitterness in hot lemon water is the best substance to kill cancer cells. Cold lemon water only has vitamin C, no cancer prevention. Cooked tomato has healing properties than the raw tomato. 熱檸檬汁對囊腫及腫瘤產生影響。 hot lemon water can control cancer tumor growth. 被證明能夠補救所有類型的癌症clinical tests hv proven hot lemon water works. 用檸檬萃取物這種類型的治療,只會破壞惡性腫瘤細胞,它不影響健康的細胞。 另… 檸檬汁內的檸檬酸和檸檬多酚, 能調整高血壓,有效預防深靜脈栓塞,調整血液迴圈,減低血液凝塊。 hot lemon water can prevent blood clots. 看完,告訴別人,把愛傳出去!要照顧好自已的健康噢。 溫馨提示 劉義平醫生強調,如每個收到這份簡訊的人,能夠轉發十份給其他人,肯定至少有一條生命將會被挽救回來... 我已經做了我的部分了,希望你也能幫忙做了你的部分。感謝! ”
    31 人回報1 則回應8 年前
  • 從今天起十天~~ Ten days from today~ 台灣正式進入Omicron関鍵期🇹🇼 Taiwan officially entered the critical period of Omicron🇹🇼 1.減少進入公共場所 Reduced access to public places 2.用餐儘量將食物外帶 Take food out as much as possible 3.正確方式洗手特別重要 It is especially important to wash your hands the right way 4.避免戴隱形眼鏡 Avoid wearing contact lenses 5.吃熱食避開生凉食物多吃蔬菜 Eat hot food, avoid raw and cold food and eat more vegetables 6.多喝溫水 Drink more warm water 7.暫停戴首飾 Stop wearing jewelry 8.不要使用別人的手機 Don't use someone else's phone 9.避開巔峰時間坐車 Avoid peak hour rides 10.有接觸錢幣一定要洗手 Always wash your hands when touching coins 11.適當的運動 Proper exercise 12.暫停進入健身房 Pause access to the gym
    2 人回報1 則回應2 年前
  • 卫生局发出的通知:这次的EB流感很严重,有预防的方式,就是要保持喉咙黏膜的湿润,不能让喉咙干燥,因此一定不要忍耐不喝水,喉咙的黏膜干燥,在10分钟内病毒就能入侵体内。每次喝50-80cc的温水,孩子30-50cc,依年龄大小,觉得喉咙有点干就喝,不要考虑,也不要忍一下,手边要保持有水可以提供喝才行,水不用一次喝很多,那样是没用的,很快排出体外,而是要一直保持喉咙湿润不干燥才是正确。在3月底前,人多的地方暂时不要去,坐地铁或公车,有需要便请带口罩。炸物辣食先暂停,维他命c要补充够。(大家把这条信息发到家长群里) 疾控中心提醒:近期流感特点:1,快速高烧,不易退,退烧后再次发热。2烧后转入咳嗽期,持续时间长。3儿童居多。4成人以咽部症状为重,伴头痛和周身不适。5传染性强。温馨提示,家长们,家里老人孩子注意谨防全中! ※室温一定不要高,25度 最近病毒严重,大家照顾好自己的身体,同时提醒孩子注意卫生 Notification from the Department of Health: The EB Flu is very serious this time, The way that has precaution, want to keep throat mucous membrane wet, cannot let throat dry, therefore must not endure not to drink water, the mucous membrane of the throat is dry, in 10 minutes the virus can invade the body. Drink 50-80cc of lukewarm water each time, the child 30-50cc, depending on age, feel the throat a little dry to drink, Dont think about it, dont hold back. Keep water on hand to provide water. Water doesnt have to be drunk at a time. Its useless to get it out of the body quickly. Its right to keep your throat moist and dry all the time. Before the end of March, places with a large number of people should not go. If you need to take the MTR or bus, please wear a mask. Dont make it hot. Dont take too much vitamin c. (Everyone sends this message to the parent group) The CDC reminds: the recent flu characteristics: 1, fast high fever, not easy to reduce, fever after the re-fever. After fever, turn into cough period, the duration is long. Children predominate. Pharyngeal symptoms were the most common symptoms in adults, accompanied by headache and general malaise. 5 Highly contagious. Warm reminder, parents, the old people and children of the family to beware of the whole middle! ※Room temperature must not be high, 25 degrees The virus is serious recently, everybody takes care of oneself body, at the same time reminds the child to pay attention to hygiene to clean, drink water more. 🎉🎉🎉🙏🙏🙏
    1 人回報2 則回應6 年前
  • About prevention: 關於預防: 1. The most common way of getting infected is by touching things in public, so you must wash your hands frequently. The virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 mins, but a lot can happen in those 5-10 mins (you can rub your eyes or pick your nose unwittingly). 1. 通常最有可能感染的方式是在公共場合觸摸了帶有病毒的物體,所以記得勤洗手。病毒在你手上只會存活5-10分鐘,不過即使是短短的5-10分鐘,也要十分警惕(不要用手揉眼睛或者不自覺地摳鼻子😄) 2. Aside from washing your hands frequently, you can gargle with Betadine Sore Throat Gargle to eliminate or minimize the germs while they are still in your throat (before dripping down to your lungs). 3. 除了勤洗手之外,還可以用漱口水漱口,這樣可以殺死或者減少存留在喉嚨裏的病菌,防止起落入肺部引起肺炎。 Take extra care and drink plenty of water. 請一定多加小心,記得多喝水。 Please copy, paste and repost. 請複製,粘貼,並轉發。
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 上海电视台周瑾主持的36.7℃的节目,邀请上海市中山医院营养科主任高键医生做了一次讲座,摘录了几个要点,供大家参考……         1、蕨菜:有毒蔬菜,别吃了;         2、鱼腥草:有毒蔬菜,别吃了;         3、牛奶:含钙量高,每天喝上200~300毫升最佳;             4、豆浆:不会引起乳腺癌,也是很有营养的饮料;         5、燕窝:即燕子的口水没什么营养,不吃为宜、血燕根本就不存在的100%的假的,要吃就吃点白木耳;         6、痛风病人可以吃豆腐和豆制品,不必担心;         7、土鸡或者称走地鸡的生态环境难以控制,所谓的土鸡蛋不一定比洋鸡蛋更安全;         8、喝酒脸红是中毒表现的说法是正确的;         9、酸性体质容易得癌是误区,癌症与人体酸碱度无关;         10、一头海参的营养不如一个鸡蛋是真的;         11、鱼翅:市场上95%的鱼翅都是假的,粉丝做的,5%真正的鲨鱼鱼翅含很高的重金属,不必炫富。         12、饮食不当会诱发癌症是真的,控制食量有益健康是对的。      13.多喝水、多喝干净水 是最好的药。          感悟:学一 点常用的医学知识不仅是可行的还是必要的。
    1 人回報1 則回應7 年前
  • 值得細看 Worth reading. 這是留美醫學教授黃建中先生發到同學群的微信。講的很好。 This is a message from Professor Wong Kin-Chung, a medical professor in USA, to his students in a chat group. Very well said. (Translator Alice’s note: the original message was in Chinese, I am translating this for the benefit of my non-Chinese reading family and friends residing overseas. With apolgies to Professor Wong, I have made some editorial changes while not affecting the meaning of the original message.) 現在.... 有很多的疑似或確診但病情輕微的病人住不進醫院。這個可以理解,因為任何城市都不可能在平時建設這麼多的傳染病醫院和傳染病床,還要有這麼多的傳染科醫護人員待命。 Now ......there are lots of suspected and confirmed cases (of coronavirus) where the patients cannot be admitted into hospital. This is understandable. It is simply not possible for any city in normal times to build and maintain so many infectious disease hospitals and hospital beds, and to have so many qualified infectious disease control medical staff to be on stand by. 其實去醫院也沒有針對性的特殊治療,主要還是支持療法。住不進醫院急也沒用。按照我下面說的,應該可以先延緩病情發展,等待進院。 In reality, even if you go into hospital, they do not have any special treatment that target (the coronavirus), they only offer supportive therapy. It won’t help to get frustrated if you can’t get into hospital. Do as I say below. It would help delay the progress of your condition, while waiting for admission. 我是醫生多年,又是營養師多年,我的方法是有科學依據的,可以把我的這個微信發到有需要的群里,以便如果有人遇到這樣的情況時可以參考自救。 I have been a doctor as well as a nutritionist for decades. My method is scientifically based. Please feel free to circulate my message to your other chat groups, my advice may help people who find themselves in the situations I describe. 這不是鼓吹靠自己來治療,而是用這些生活中的方法給自己贏得時間等待 .... 整體條件改善時住進醫院治療。 我寫的這些方法都是有依據的。 I am not recommending self healing, only to use everyday actions to buy time.... to improve one’s general health condition while waiting for hospital admission. 1. 患者家人全部進出門用鹽水漱口,要涼水,不要用熱水,涼水可以讓口咽部黏膜下血管收縮,減少病毒進入血液的機會。鹽水可以固定病毒表面的S-蛋白,使其不易附著到黏膜上。冠狀病毒只有先與黏膜上的特定蛋白 結合,才能進入到我們人體細胞,再大量複製。要經常漱口 ,用含酒精的漱口液更好。 1. Patients’ family members, on entering and leaving home, should rinse their mouths with salted water, using cold water, not hot. Cold water will contract blood vessels in one’s mouth and throat, thereby reducing chances of viruses entering one’s blood stream. Salted water can stabilise the s-protein on the virus’ surface, making it less easy to attach to the mucous membranes. To enter human bodies, the coronavirus first has to bind itself to certain specific proteins in the membrane and then self multiply massively. So rinse your mouth frequently, it will be even better if you use mouth rinse that contains alcohol. 2. 如果已經確診,但住不進醫院,只能在家自我隔離(單房間),時刻帶上口罩。家人也時刻帶口罩,只要沒有直接的飛沫傳播,就很難傳染。用75%酒精噴灑家裡,盡可能不留死角。傢具用酒精搽拭。這個病毒對酒精不耐受,用酒精可以滅活。家裡的衣服能用開水燙的就用開水燙,這個病毒能耐受的溫度是60度以下,高溫可以滅活。不能開水燙的衣服鞋子噴灑酒精消毒。 2. If you have been tested positive but cannot be hospitalised, your only option is to self-isolate at home (in a room by yourself), wearing a mask all the time. Family members must also wear masks at all times. So long as there is no transmission via droplets, transmission of the virus is unlikely. Clean your house using 75% alcohol, clean every corner and even the furniture. Alcohol kills this virus. As does high heat, so use hot water of over 60 degrees to wash your clothes. This virus cannot survive heat above 60 degrees. For shoes or clothes that can’t be washed in hot water above 60 degrees, clean them with disinfectant. 3. 如果有症狀但不重,首先注意多喝水,每次喝水量不要大,幾口就行,頻繁的喝,保持水份平衡。大蒜生薑洋蔥都有抗病毒作用,生吃或煮水喝。尤其生薑可以煮濃姜湯,喝了加快血液循環,如果能出汗更好。可以喝一些白酒,加快血液。循環。血液循環對自身免疫功能非常重要。這個病即使住院,也是要靠自身免疫力來控制的。 4. Those tested positive but not too unwell, drink lots of water. It doesn’t have to be lots of water each time, a few sips are sufficient. Drink frequently, keep the body hydrated. Garlic, ginger and onions also have properties that help one’s fight against this virus, eat raw or make into drinks to consume. Ginger is best. Make drinks by boiling fresh ginger in water, it will help one’s blood circulation which in turn boosts the immune system. Good immune system is of overriding importance whether or not one gets hospitalised. 4. 熱雞湯是美國傳統上抗感冒的,醫生也提倡,可以多喝。到藥房去買維生素C,大劑量服,每天4000毫克,維生素C既可以影響病毒複製,又可以穩定血管璧,減少肺部炎性滲出。紅酒里含紅酒多酚,有一定的類似激素作用,可以喝。因為中國國家衛健委的治療指南也是用短期的激素,紅酒多酚消炎是很有效的(紅葡萄酒,不是白葡萄酒)。 4. Hot chicken soup is a common American remedy for colds and flus, which even doctors recommend. Drink more. Go to the pharmacy to buy high dosage Vitamin C, 4000mg daily. Vitamin C affects virus’ self duplication, and can also stabilise the blood vessels’ outer surface, helping to reduce seepage of infection from the lungs. Drink red wine (not white). Red wine contains polyphenol which acts like hormones to protect tissues against inflammation. This is in line with the treatment recommendations issued by the health authorities in China. 5. 好的蘑菇如花菇含有豐富的多糖類物質,可以刺激免疫系統,日本對花菇的研究很多,要多吃。烹飪之前,在水里多泡泡,去除蘑菇可能吸附的農藥殘留。如果家裡有靈芝等,那就更好,沒有就多吃花菇(不是平菇)。人參西洋參都可以煮水喝,對提高免疫機能有好處。可以和雞湯一起煮。 5. Eat more mushrooms. Good mushrooms, like shiitake, contain properties that stimulate the immunity system. The Japanese have done much research in mushrooms. Must soak well before cooking, in order to get rid of any remnants of agricultural insecticides. If you have Lingzhi, that’s even better. Eat good shiitake mushrooms (not the cheap produce). Ginseng and american ginseng are also good for boosting the immune system. Cook with chicken to make soup. 6. 西藥里的阿斯匹林可以服用小劑量(5-20毫克),既有消炎的作用,也有降低血液粘稠度的作用。資料顯示病毒感染者有的血漿二聚體增高,意味著血液粘度升高,血流流速減慢,這種情況不利於免疫細胞的運動,而有利於病毒複製。中藥里的黃芪黨參西洋參含類黃酮,可以保護各器官的細胞,避免出現器官嚴重損傷。實在沒有這些煮黃豆吃也有作用。 6. Small amount of aspirin (5-20 mg) also helps. Other than being anti inflammatory, it reduces the viscosity of the blood. Available information suggests that confirmed patients’ blood contains elevated Plasma D-dimer Count, suggesting a higher viscosity and reduced circulation rate. Such is not conducive to healthy regenerative activities of one’s immunity system, but rather favours the virus’ replication. In Chinese medicine, astragalus, codonopsis and American ginseng contain flavonoids, protecting cells from severe damage. Without these, eating soy beans would help. 7. 能進食是關鍵,胃口不好可以煮水喝,一切能開胃的方法都可以,只要能吃就問題不大。注意尿量。每天至少要上廁所幾次,排正常尿量。 7. The key is to keep eating (= nourishment). If you have no appetite for solids, liquidise your food. Just eat anything that you fancy. So long as you eat, the problem is manageable. Monitor your urination (translator’s note: = body hydration). You have to pee numerous times a day, in normal quantity. 謝謝!可轉發!照顧好自己和家人 Thank you! Can circulate! Take good care of yourselves and your families
    10 人回報5 則回應5 年前
  • #以下是新型冠状病毒肺炎的症状: 1. It will first infect the throat, so the throat will have the dry sore throat feeling which will last for 3 to 4 days 1. 一开始病毒会感染喉咙,喉咙会觉得很干,这种感觉大约持续3-4天。 2. Then the virus will blend into the nasal fluid and drips into the trachea and enter the lungs, causing pneumonia. This process will take 5 to 6 days. 2. 然后病毒会侵入鼻液,再流入气管,最后进入肺部导致肺炎。这个过程大约持续5-6天。 3. With pneumonia, comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You will feel like you are drowning in water. It's important to go seek immediate medical attention if you feel like this. 3. 这个肺炎的表现是高烧和呼吸困难。鼻腔堵塞的感觉跟普通感冒不太一样,你会觉得有一种溺水无法呼吸的感觉。如果发生这种状况的话请及时就医。 About prevention: 关于预防: 1. The most common way of getting infected is by touching things in public, so you must wash your hands frequently. The virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 mins, but a lot can happen in those 5-10 mins (you can rub your eyes or pick your nose unwittingly). 1. 通常最有可能感染的方式是在公共场合触摸了带有病毒的物体,所以记得勤洗手。病毒在你手上只会存活5-10分钟,不过即使是短短的5-10分钟,也要十分警惕(不要用手揉眼睛或者不自觉地抠鼻子😄) 2. Aside from washing your hands frequently, you can gargle with Betadine Sore Throat Gargle to eliminate or minimize the germs while they are still in your throat (before dripping down to your lungs). 3. 除了勤洗手之外,还可以用漱口水漱口,这样可以杀死或者减少存留在喉咙里的病菌,防止起落入肺部引起肺炎。 Take extra care and drink plenty of water. 请一定多加小心,记得多喝水。 Please copy, paste and repost. 请复制,粘贴,并转发。
    3 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 《重點問題》這種新型病毒被發現,如果你的喉嚨很乾,或者喉嚨黏膜很乾,就會較容易進入體內,而且只要你的喉嚨乾涸超過10分鐘,這個病毒就會找到入口,入侵身體,保持喉嚨濕潤,是預防的一種方法,所以千萬記得要喝水;每當口渴,不要猶豫,馬上喝水,大人每口喝50-80cc,小孩每口喝30-50cc。也不需要喝過量的水,目的只是要保持喉嚨濕潤)!!! Dr. Yuen Kwok Yung, a highly respected doctor during the previous SARS period gave the following advice in a speech yesterday. 袁國勇醫生,當年香港沙士的抗疫英雄,昨日對於最近的武漢肺炎,作出以下建議: 1. He suggests we should try to avoid going to China during this period of time. 他建議不要去高危地區。 2. If going on a flight, make sure you wear a mask. 如果坐飛機(火車)一定要帶口罩. 3. Always have antiseptic cleanser or towel readily available. (隨身攜帶消毒噴霧,消毒濕纸巾) 4. The virus “Coronavirus” is similar type of virus like the previous SARS or MERS. This time it is OC43. There is still no known method of tackling this virus. (這種新冠狀病毒,類似沙士,現階段没有治療及對付方法。) 5. If you have to go to the market, make sure you wear a mask. Be very vigilant. (去菜市場必須帶口罩,必須要非常非常警惕!) 6. Health Authority announced that this virus is very serious. (香港衛生署發佈,這個新病毒非常強) However, as the virus is found to be able to enter your body if your throat or throat mucous is dry, (而且這種病毒被發現如果你的喉嚨很乾,或者喉嚨黏膜很乾,就會較容易進入體內) the one precaution they suggest which can be taken is to ensure your throat or throat mucous is always in a moist condition. (所以保持喉嚨濕潤,是預防的一個方法)In fact, they suggest not to allow your throat to become dry, as in 10 minutes of being dry, the virus will find ways to enter into your body. (只要你的喉嚨乾涸超過10分鐘,這個病毒就會找到入口,入侵身體)So do not refrain from drinking water, always have a bottle handy. (所以千萬記得要喝水) For adults, they suggest drinking 50-80cc of warm water; for children 30-50cc. Just drink if you feel your throat is dry. Do not hesitate.(每當口渴,不要猶豫,馬上喝水,大人每口喝50-80cc,小孩每口喝30-50cc) However drinking more than the amount recommended is not necessary, as it will just want to pass through your system. The idea is to “Keep your Throat Constantly Moist” (也不需要喝過量的水,目的只是要保持喉嚨濕潤。) 7. Before end of March, try not to enter crowded places, MTR or public Transport, and wear a mask if necessary. (在3月底之前,避免去人多擠逼的地方,例如地鐵,公共交通。如果要去,必須帶口罩。) 8. Avoid eating too much deep fried food and take plenty of Vitamen C. (不要吃油炸的食物,吃大量的維他命C) 9. Control Centre advice on symptoms of this virus: (病徵) - fast and high fever, hard to lower, but if successful, the fever will return very soon. (持續高燒不退,就算退了,很快又再燒。) - next stage is coughing, in long duration, people affected are mainly children. (下一步是長期咳嗽,小孩是高危感染人群。) - Adults has mainly throat symptoms, together with headaches and physical discomforts. (大人主要是喉嚨痛,頭疼,和渾身不舒服。) - the virus is “highly” contagious. (這個病毒具高度傳染性。) - elderly and young children are most susceptible, so take super precaution. (老人小孩是高危受害群,需要特别注意。) I am afraid this is the best I know how in translating for my dear friends and family’s benefits. Good health to everyone. (這是我對家人朋友可以做到最好的方式,以確保各人健康平安!)
    1 人回報1 則回應5 年前
  • 感謝有心人士为大家整理。這不知得花去多少时間和心血, 真的很精彩! 我们能得以分享是一种福气! 1. 洋蔥浸紅酒 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/RWO.htm> Red wine & onion 2. 自己CPR的方法 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HAS.htm> The beat goes on 3. 心臟病發、中風前兆 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HSS.htm> Heart attack, stroke warning signs 4. 中風辨認常識 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/STR.htm> Stroke identification 5. 聖心減肥良方 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SHM.htm> S.H.M. Diet program 6. 十大營養食品 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/10N.htm> Top 10 Nutritious Food 7. 治口臭食療方 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/BBS.htm> Bad Breath Remedy 8. 豬腳薑醋製法 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GV.htm> Pig's feet with ginger, vinegar 9. 清心養血之良食 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HBDD.htm> Healthy Food for Heart & Blood 10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/SHSL.htm> Salted Lemon Tea 11. 鼻敏感效湯 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/hayfever.htm> Hay fever remedial soup 12. 果菜療能一覽表 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/h.htm> What's Good For You 13. 療能食物對照表 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WGFX.htm> Cross-reference List 14. 肉桂之天然食療 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CINN1.htm> Cinnamon's Health Benefits 15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CRAN.htm> Cranberry's Health Benefits 16. 吹風機的妙用 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HDRY.htm> The Amazing Blow Dryer 17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CINH.htm> Honey plus Cinnamon 18. 沒事多喝檸檬水 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/LMNA.htm> Ice Lemonade 19. 人過中年不悲哀 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/AMAH.htm> Life after Middle Age 20. 醫生之食療介紹 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/Food_files/frame.htm> Food values from doctors 21. 心肌梗塞急救法 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/HAET.htm> Myocardial infarction first aid 22. 枸杞消除疲勞 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WOLF.htm> Chinese wolfberries for relaxation 23. 紅棗保肝補氣 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUJU.htm> Jujubes-Chinese red dates 24. 遠離糖尿病不難 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/DIAB.htm> Diabetes Mellitus Discussion 25. 健康身心之最佳時間 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/TIME.htm> Right Timing 26. 世衛評選的最佳食品 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUNF.htm> The Healthy Food 27. 十大垃圾食物 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/JUNK.htm> The Top 10 Junk Food 28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/GARC.htm> Garlic, ginger, honey on rice 29. 沒有阿茲海默的世界 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ALZH.htm> Alzheimer Prevention 30. 練太極可抗疫 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/MOVM.htm> Tai Chi stops shingles 31. 飯後熱飲 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/WWAM.htm> Drink warm after meals 32. 食物防春季過敏 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/ALGY.htm> Ready for the allergy season 33. 香蕉的神奇 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/banana.htm> (a) 熟香蕉抗癌 <http://wwwphilcheung.com/Health/BANATNF.htm> The Amazing Bananas 34 慢性腸炎克隆氏病 <http://www.philcheung.com/Health/CDDS.htm> New What is Crohn's Disease? 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